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The condition is also called hypomenstrual syndrome. This suggests that it is a symptom of various diseases. Nevertheless, a separate code is assigned to oligomenorrhea in ICD-10 N91.3-5. The headings reflect primary, secondary and unspecified cycle disturbances.
Causes of Cycle Failure
The menstrual cycle has complex hormonal regulation, and the menstrual period itself is the result of the work of the reproductive organs, which tuned in to conception. With the breakdown of any link in this chain, menstruation can go into the category of rare events. Two main forms of oligomenorrhea are distinguished.
- Primary. The girl has an unstable cycle from the very beginning. Even after a few years, it does not normalize: menstruation comes with delays, bleeding lasts only two to three days.
- Secondary. A large break between menstruation appeared after the establishment of a normal rhythm.
Risk group
Primary oligomenorrhea in a teenager can be a sign of the following conditions.
- Genital malformations. Congenital or acquired underdevelopment of the uterus. Acquired infantilism is a consequence of serious illnesses, nutritional deficiency and hypovitaminosis.
- Body mass deficiency. Adipose tissue is the site of the synthesis of sex hormones. With its lack, the process of estrogen formation can be disrupted. Low weight and thinness are often the result of a lack of protein and fat in food. The latter act as a building material for hormones.
- Ovarian dysfunction. Impaired hormone secretion is caused by pathological processes in the ovaries or pituitary gland.
There are more reasons for the development of a secondary form of pathology.
- Body mass. Negatively affects the cycle as a sharp decrease, and increase. Weight deficiency is associated with a lack of substances for the synthesis of hormones, and excess is associated with the additional conversion of androgens to estrogens in adipose tissue. Excess estrogen upsets the balance of other hormones, ovulation is suppressed, there is no menstruation.
- Brain pathology. This may be the consequences of a head injury, circulatory disorders, as well as volume formations, hormone-producing tumors of the pituitary gland or, conversely, its atrophy. Neuroinfections can have a negative effect on the cycle.
- Operations. Frequent abortions, curettage, surgical treatment of pathologies of the reproductive organs also lead to oligomenorrhea.
- Endocrine pathology. This includes ovarian disease (tumors, syndrome polycystic ovary), thyroid gland (hypo- and hyperthyroidism), adrenal glands and diabetes.
- Medications. Long-term use of certain oral contraceptives (OK) may result in a difficult restoration of the natural cycle. Treatment with other hormonal drugs, metoclopramide, opiates, and the use of narcotic substances also lead to violations.
- Loads. The hormonal background in a woman is associated with the level of stress hormones.Heavy physical and mental stress, stress, nervous exhaustion lead to cycle failures.
Associated symptoms
In addition to increasing the period between menstruation and shortening the time of bleeding itself, additional symptoms appear. According to them, the cause of the pathology can be assumed.
Distinctive features in the appearance of women suffering from oligomenorrhea:
- greasy skin;
- acne
- obesity or overweight;
- excessive hair growth on the face, chest.
Other signs of the disease will correspond to the underlying pathology. For example, with brain tumors, headaches, dizziness are observed. If a pituitary tumor developing prolactin has developed, breast milk is excreted.
Sometimes they worry:
- pressure fluctuations;
- numbness of the fingers;
- sleep disturbances;
- change in appetite;
- emotional disorders.
Diagnosis begins with a medical history. So you can find out the causes of cycle violations that are associated with:
- poor nutrition;
- strict diets;
- chronic stress;
- heavy physical exertion;
- using OKs.
The survey includes:
- swab from the vagina;
- blood and urine tests;
- biochemical analysis;
- hormonal profile;
- Pelvic ultrasound.
The doctor, based on the results of the tests performed, will prescribe more specific studies. For example:
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
- PCR diagnosis of genital infections;
- blood test for thyroid hormones;
- roentgenogram of the brain;
- Pelvic MRI;
- Ultrasound of internal organs;
- ECG.
No herbs and folk remedies can not restore the cycle if the cause of the failure is not eliminated. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable. If the problem is not only of a gynecological nature, other specialists are also involved in therapy:
- endocrinologist;
- neurologist;
- therapist;
- surgeon.
The choice of drug for conservative treatment depends on the cause of the pathology.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The medicine is prescribed depending on the hormonal background. It is possible to treat with progestogens, antiandrogen cyproterone acetate, Clomiphene, Metformin.
- Hyperprolactinemia. Used hormonal drugs that block the production of prolactin. This is Bromkriptin, Cabergoline.
- Hypo and hyperthyroidism. Medicines are used to maintain or replace thyroid function.
- Diabetes. Treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist. The goal is to maintain the proper level of glucose and prevent its sudden jumps. This is possible with the right dosage of insulin.
- Obesity. Requires diet, additional physical activity. Sometimes it is associated with endocrine pathologies. For example, with Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. Then the underlying disease is treated.
Surgical treatment is used for various volume formations that do not respond to conservative therapy. Sometimes surgery is also needed for polycystic ovary syndrome: cystically altered follicles are eliminated, they are opened or cauterized. This can stimulate ovulation and help get pregnant.
The pathology of the thyroid gland, accompanied by its increase, also requires surgical intervention. After removal of the gland, a restoration of the cycle is observed in most patients.
Oligomenorrhea is one of the factors of female infertility. In adolescence, some do not pay due attention to irregular periods.And in vain, because with age, the pathology is aggravated, and reproductive health is not always amenable to recovery.