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Alopecia areata is not a threat to health. But such a nesting bald spot can become a source of serious psychological trauma, which will lead to severe depression. No independent measures will return the old beautiful hair if it does not affect the cause of the problem. That is why you need to start the fight with alopecia with a visit to the trichologist.
Description of the pathology, its causes and types
Alopecia areata (sometimes called "nesting baldness") is a very rare disease. This is a pathology that can begin against the background of complete well-being. And just as suddenly stop. Hair loss can last a rather long period, provoking complete baldness of certain parts of the head. Suddenly, on completely bald areas, new, strong hair can appear that can literally completely close the bald spot in just a month.
Focal baldness in women begins with a small spot. Over time, it can grow. Although large foci or nests almost never reach. The affected area is no different from the rest of the skin. The epidermis looks healthy, there are no red spots or scars on it. But the hair limiting the bald head looks lifeless. They are thin, often colorless. They are very easy to pull out. According to the type of distribution, focal alopecia can occur in three forms.
- Scattered. A receding hairline forms in one place. Most often this is the crown. The affected focus has a small size, does not tend to increase.
- Subtotal. This form is characterized by significant areas of damage. Hair can fall out not only on the head. Sometimes the pathology affects the axillary areas, the intimate area, the eyebrows.
- Total. Alopecia covers all hairline. With this pathology, the skin becomes pale. The patient suffers from profuse sweating. The treatment of total baldness rarely provides a positive result.
Hair Loss Factors
To determine the tactics of combating focal alopecia, it is important to understand the causes that trigger the mechanism of hair loss. Until today, the exact sources of pathology remain unknown. But based on studies and observations, doctors were able to identify the causes of alopecia areata. Eight major factors are known.
- Autoimmune diseases. During certain disorders, the body begins to perceive the hair follicles with foreign antibodies. He seeks to destroy them, begins to ruthlessly attack cells with his own auto bodies.
- Nervous shocks. Depression, nervous breakdowns, prolonged stress, emotional upheaval can provoke metabolic disorders in the body. In such conditions, the hair follicles are not able to function properly. Therefore, loss occurs.
- Infectious pathology. Any pathogenic bacterium can trigger an inflammatory process in the body that impedes the proper functioning of all systems. An infection can leave unpleasant complications. Sometimes they affect the hair structure, as a result of which the strands begin to fall out.
- Genetic predisposition. This is one of the common reasons. Most often, focal alopecia is observed in women whose families observed similar bald patches on their heads in each generation.
- Endocrine disorders. Focal alopecia can develop against the background of an imbalance of hormones characteristic of diseases of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus or adrenal glands.
- Toxin and Chemistry Poisoning. Very often, women whose work is associated with chemical reagents complain of focal alopecia. The smallest particles of toxic substances adversely affect the condition of the hair, can disrupt the functioning of internal organs.
- Physical injury. A blow to the head can trigger an autoimmune response in the body. After injury, the synthesis of heat shock proteins (or HSPs) begins. It is this substance that takes part in autoimmune diseases.
- Cosmetic procedures. If the hair is constantly subjected to drying with a hairdryer, electric tongs, they gradually lose their strength and shine. Significantly weakens strands excessive use of mousses, gels, varnishes. Bulbs are simply not able to saturate dull, brittle hair with energy.
Symptoms of the disease
Determine focal alopecia can be visually. Pathology has a fairly characteristic external symptomatology. However, sometimes other dangerous diseases may be hidden under the guise of nesting baldness. For focal alopecia, four symptoms are characteristic.
- Hair loss. Depending on the form of the pathology, bald patches on the head, body, face, and limbs are noted.
- Tint bald spots. The foci that have appeared recently are red. The hair on the periphery is broken off and lifeless. Bald areas that exist for a long time, acquire a natural skin tone.
- Course of the disease. The course of the disease does not lend itself to any logical explanation. Focal alopecia may begin completely without reason. Such a bald head can grow suddenly and even without treatment. Pathology can periodically return, relapse, take a chronic course.
- Nail color changes. On the nail plates, spotted indentations or wave-like “patterns” can be observed. Such violations are rarely found in the disseminated form of alopecia, and in the case of total - almost always.
Depending on the course of the pathology, trichologists distinguish three stages of progression of focal alopecia. Symptoms are described in the table below.
Table - Classification by the degree of baldness activity
Stage | Symptomatology |
Active (progressive) | - The epidermis in certain places becomes red and swollen; - the appearance of the skin signals an inflammatory process; - itching, burning, sometimes tingling; - hair begins to break off on the affected area, leaving "stumps"; - the diameter of the lesion varies between 0.3-1 cm; - at the border of the bald head there are characteristic “shaky hair” that is easily pulled out, and this process does not cause pain |
Subacute (stationary) | - A bald hearth is formed; - swelling and hyperemia (redness) go away; - the affected area does not itch; - minor inflammation remains, but most often the skin acquires a smooth, natural color; - “rickety hair” is no longer observed |
Regressive | - The bald spot is gradually overgrown; - fluffy blond hair appears, over time they thicken; - gradually, such strands acquire pigmentation |
In order to correctly diagnose focal alopecia, and in the future to choose the appropriate treatment, you need to contact a trichologist. In parallel, you may need to consult an immunologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, psychologist. Doctors recommend taking tests, undergoing diagnostic measures to identify focal alopecia. The examination usually takes place in five stages.
- Complaint Analysis. The patient should explain in detail when and how hair thinning began. Be sure to remember all the events that occur on the eve.
- Trichoscopy. This is a computer hair diagnostic technique. It allows you to see the structural changes of the shaft, assess the condition of the skin, determine the percentage of affected strands and healthy.
- Phototrichogram. A study that diagnoses growth rates. It makes it possible to determine the density of hair, the number of follicles in the resting phase, evaluate actively growing strands. This is one of the most informative methods for diagnosing alopecia.
- Spectral analysis. Such a study is conducted to identify a deficiency or excess of minerals in the body.
- Lab tests. To identify concomitant diseases, the doctor will recommend taking the following tests: blood biochemistry, a study of sex hormones, a general blood test, and the diagnosis of thyroid hormones.
In addition, additional tests may be needed to differentiate focal alopecia from other pathologies. For example, with systemic candidiasis, provoked by the abuse of antibiotics, focal baldness may occur, which is symptomatic thrush.
Treatment of focal alopecia in women
Since there are no convincing facts about the sources of focal alopecia, no specific treatment has been developed. In other words, there is no single treatment regimen that would permanently eliminate nesting baldness. Therefore, the doctor selects how to treat focal alopecia in women, rather symptomatically, based on studies.
Preparations for internal use
The list of drugs intended for internal use may vary depending on the identified concomitant ailments. Periodically, the patient must take tests showing the dynamics of therapy. Based on these results, treatment may vary. Typically, the patient is recommended the drugs listed in the table below.
Table - Medicines for alopecia
Drug group | a brief description of | Name of drugs |
Anti-inflammatory drugs | - Eliminate inflammatory processes; - provide a reduction in swelling and hyperemia; - relieve discomfort, pain | - “Indomethacin”; - "Diclofenac"; - “Piroxicam”; - Ibuprofen |
Metabolic stimulants | - Activate metabolism; - accelerate the course of metabolic processes; - improve tissue nutrition; - provide oxygen saturation; - stimulate tissue regeneration | - “Actovegin”; - "Solcoseryl"; - “Cerebrolysin” (solution); - Curantil |
Thyroid hormone analogues | - Restore the thyroid gland; - normalize hormonal balance | - "Eutiroks"; - "L-thyroxine"; - "Levothyroxine sodium" |
Sedative drugs | - Reduce exposure to stress; - eliminate irritability; - normalize the psycho-emotional state | - motherwort; - "Persen"; - “Novo Passit”; - “Glycine” |
Immunomodulators (exclusively as directed by a doctor) | - Suppress the aggression of the body; - slow the progression of baldness | - Anthralin; - "Cyclophosphamide" |
Vasodilating, sedative drugs | - Activate microcirculation; - prevent gluing of blood elements | - "Cavinton"; - Trental; - “Sermion” |
Vitamin complexes (vitamins for focal alopecia are selected on the basis of analyzes) | - Restore the necessary level of vitamins, minerals; - activate hair growth; - improve the appearance of the strands; - normalize grease; - strengthen the core | - “Merz Beauty”; - “Alerana”; - "Perfect"; - "Pantovigar" |
Nootropic drugs | - Increase the body's resistance to aggressive influences (intoxication, trauma); - have a sedative effect; - eliminate vegetative disorders; - strengthen metabolic processes; - stimulate microcirculation | - “Nootropil”; - "Piracetam"; - “Lucetam”; - “Phenibut”; - “Noobut” |
Glucocorticoids (can not be taken without a doctor's prescription) | - Eliminate severe inflammation; - regulate immunity; - provide anti-allergic effects; - have anti-shock effect | - “Prednisone”; - "Cortisone"; - Dexamethasone |
Shampoos and ointments for local therapy
To stop focal alopecia in women, medication is combined with external treatment. To do this, use various ointments, creams, shampoos that contribute to the activation of growth of strands. The most effective are the following tools.
- Shampoos. To combat alopecia, special care products are used. They accelerate the growth of strands, improve the structure of follicles. When choosing a shampoo pay attention to the composition. Preferred cosmetics containing poppy oil (normalizes the structure of the hair, accelerates tissue regeneration) and lecithin (activates metabolic processes). The following shampoos are popular: “Alerana”, “Fitoval”, “Vichy”, “Selencin».
- Ointments. Ointments are included in complex treatment. Most often, the choice is stopped on glucocorticoids. Ointments act on blood vessels, improve their permeability. They provide improved nutrition for follicles, due to which it is possible to normalize hair growth. The drugs have a large list of contraindications, often cause side effects. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use them without a doctor’s prescription. For the treatment of focal alopecia, Ultralan, Fluorocort, Lokacorten, Flucinar, Lokoid are usually prescribed.
- Solutions. Some topical preparations may be an alternative to corticosteroids. Such solutions provide a vasodilating effect, awaken the "sleeping" bulbs, stimulate the growth of new strands. Positive results can be achieved with the help of medicines “Minoxidil”, “Rogaine” (lotion or foam), “Dualgen”.
Demanded in the treatment of alopecia and homeopathy. Such preparations contain minute doses of aggressive substances. Therefore, homeopathy practically does not cause side effects. However, the use of these funds without the advice of a doctor is prohibited. The list of agents for treatment is indicated in the table.
Table - Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of alopecia
Name | a brief description of |
Likopodium | - Strengthens blood circulation; - provides anti-inflammatory effect; - helps in the early stages; - restores hair after childbirth |
Phosphorus | - Reduces the effects of toxic substances on the body; - restores hair lost as a result of stress |
"Selenium" | - Activates metabolic processes; - restores skin tone (if the epidermis is pale); - strengthens the rod; - saturates with a mineral |
Kali Sulfuricum | - It is used for alopecia areata; - restores potassium level |
Fluoricum Acidum | - Stimulates hair growth; - helps even in advanced cases of baldness; - if abused, it is harmful by aggressive effects |
Physiotherapeutic procedures
To get rid of alopecia areata, it is necessary to combine drug treatment with physiotherapy.Properly selected procedures, according to doctors' reviews, nourish the skin tissue with oxygen, activate blood circulation, and at the same time are relatively safe. Four events are popular.
- Galvanization. The affected areas are affected by small discharges. This improves the condition of the scalp. As a result, recovery processes are activated, blood circulation is accelerated.
- Darsonvalization. Using a high-frequency current, the skin is stimulated. The procedure normalizes microcirculation, improves follicular nutrition, and restores vascular patency.
- Cryotherapy. Affected areas are affected by low temperatures. The procedure activates the metabolism, enhances blood circulation. Cryotherapy allows in most cases to achieve full recovery.
- Electrophoresis. Specially selected medicines are injected into the skin. The procedure improves the condition of the follicles, eliminates itching, stops hair loss.
Folk remedies
Doctors quite often recommend combining drug therapy of focal alopecia with treatment with folk remedies. But without consulting a doctor, you should not resort to the use of healer prescriptions, since some methods can provoke a deterioration in the condition instead of the desired relief. Three popular ways to combat baldness are effective.
- Sprouted wheat. Wheat sprouts can protect the body from the aggressive effects of external adverse factors. They promote tissue regeneration. The product helps with all types of alopecia. It is necessary to rub gruel made from germinated wheat into the affected areas of the hair daily at night.
- Healing oils. Mix the castor and burdock oil in equal proportions. Heat the mixture a little in a water bath. Apply warm product to bald areas. Hold for about an hour, then rinse.
- Onion mask. Squeeze the juice from the onions. Combine with a tablespoon of liquid honey. Add three drops of rosemary oil to the mixture. Stir the mask thoroughly, apply for half an hour.
Surgical intervention
If all the measures taken have been inconclusive, resort to a cardinal measure - a hair transplant. To do this, take material from a healthy side that the pathological process has not affected. This hair is transplanted to a bald area. The success of this procedure is individual.
Another method of surgical treatment is expander plastic surgery. In this case, a special latex balloon is sutured subcutaneously. It gradually increases, stretches the skin so that healthy strands completely mask the bald area. When the result is achieved, the cylinder is removed.
Preventive actions
Is it possible to prevent the development of focal alopecia? Special prevention does not exist. All recommendations are aimed at maintaining the body in a healthy and strong state. Simple preventive rules will help to avoid the danger of the rapid progression of baldness:
- avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (sun, solarium);
- undergo regular medical examinations;
- treat all pathologies in a timely manner;
- exclude stressful situations from life;
- provide yourself with a balanced diet;
- In case of hair loss, immediately contact a trichologist or dermatologist.
To cure alopecia areata in women, it takes a long period of time and a lot of patience. In addition, it is necessary to gain courage, because such a visual defect can provoke depression. “Black” thoughts need to be driven away, because your well-being does not change, nothing prevents you from going to work, traveling, meeting interesting people.A positive attitude helps to fight even more serious ailments than baldness.
Reviews: "Do not give up"
Very often focal alopecia is a sign of intoxication. I also had such a problem, I went to the clinic, they did a hemoscan and I found helminth larvae. After treatment, all foci are overgrown. Now every six months I do antiparasitic therapy.
I am 38 years old. First discovered foci a month ago. I ran to the police department and was diagnosed with focal alopecia. Analyzes are all normal, I checked the whole body. I am being treated in honey. center, do massage, darsonval, rub herbal preparation, next week will begin ozone therapy. The acute period of the disease does not stop, the hair is like "autumn leaf fall." She shaved her head, looking at hair loss was unbearable. For a month, it completely bald, hair does not grow not only on the head: legs, intimate places. During this time, she could not go to work, she took a sick leave. Depressnyak concrete.
I also had to face the search for the causes of hair loss in my daughter. After almost 2 years, I realized that this is a thankless and stupid thing. In fact, everything is not so bad, one aspect is important here !!! HA is basically a cosmetic defect. That is, your child is not sick with some terrible disease, he can live a full life, and dragging by doctors really spoils life. My friend and son had GA after an illness, but six months later everything was overgrown and pah-pah for almost 4 years there were no manifestations. So do not give up, it may well be that more spots will not appear, and these will safely overgrow.
Mom Zhenya,
I had such a problem - a tuft of hair fell on the back of my head and two lesions on my chin, I passed a bunch of tests - they didn’t find anything. The loss was from stress, the hair did not grow for about a year - only a little white fluff ... A familiar doctor advised Diprospan. I already didn’t believe anything - get used to it ... I bought two ampoules and set myself intramuscularly, you know where… I was very surprised when my hair began to grow in 2 weeks !!! Then I repeated the injection in a month. Three years have passed since then. TTT !!! Even imperceptibly, that I had this alopecia! Now I try not to be so nervous. Diprospan has a lot of side effects, but thank God everything worked out and he helped!