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Suppositories are made by mixing sea buckthorn oil extracted from dried fruits and a solid fat base. Often, emulsifiers and stabilizers are included in the composition to ensure the stability of the dosage form and its long shelf life.
Composition and pharmacological activity
Sea buckthorn oil has long been considered the most valuable natural concentrate of nutrients. Its healing properties are unique. Its uniqueness lies in the perfect balance of proportions, providing a quick and pronounced therapeutic effect. Sea buckthorn oil is rich in:
- vitamin A and carotenoids;
- vitamin E;
- vitamin D;
- Vitamin C
- vitamin K;
- volatile;
- flavonoids;
- tannins;
- glycerides of valuable organic acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, etc.).
It was a large number of biologically active substances that made sea buckthorn oil a universal tool for pharmacists and cosmetologists. They give the hood the following properties.
- Antioxidant. It consists in the ability to neutralize free radicals inside cells, as well as in the extracellular space, reducing the degree of their exposure to adverse effects and reducing the risk of degeneration and cell division with the formation of atypical cell structures.
- Anti-inflammatory. Sea buckthorn oil inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators, thereby reducing vascular permeability, eliminates local edema, soreness, redness, and restores blood supply to damaged tissues.
- Cytostatic. Due to the content of fatty acids, which are an integral component of the membrane structures of cells, sea buckthorn oil stimulates cell regeneration, ensuring the preservation and proper thickness of the membranes, preventing the introduction of pathogenic agents into the cells.
- Antibacterial. It consists in the bacteriostatic effect of the oil, that is, its ability to limit the growth and reproduction of pathological microflora, including staphylococci, streptococci, as well as some types of fungi.
- Regenerating. It manifests itself as an acceleration of the process of epithelization of the mucous membranes and skin. The effect is due to the high concentration of carotenoids and vitamin A.
- Astringent. It is provided with tannins in the composition of sea buckthorn oil, which form a thin film of albuminates on the surface of the mucosa. This helps protect the damaged area from mechanical irritation, thereby accelerating its healing. Oil reduces the release of interstitial fluid during cracks and tears.
The sum of the pharmacological actions of the oil allows the use of suppositories with it with an impressive list of proctological and gynecological diseases.
Application in gynecology
The tool is popular in the treatment of mechanical damage to the vagina, cervical canal, as well as inflammation of extensive localization. Candles are prescribed:
- in complex therapy - inflammatory diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
- to accelerate epithelization - after operations;
- as a healing agent - in the postpartum period.
Apply sea buckthorn suppositories with cervical erosionas well as cervicitis. The greatest effectiveness of the drug is noted in the initial stages of the development of erosion or the inflammatory process in the neck. In advanced cases, complex therapy is used, in which sea buckthorn suppositories act as an anti-inflammatory drug to prepare for cauterization of erosion.
Moderate effectiveness of suppositories is noted in the treatment of colpitis of infectious origin. Suppositories with sea buckthorn are prescribed along with other means:
- systemic and local antibiotics;
- antiprotozoal drugs;
- cleansing douching.
The positive dynamics of the treatment of acute, first detected thrush. Suppositories are used after cleansing the vaginal mucosa using douching. Suppositories quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, and also inhibit the development of fungi. The cytostatic effect of sea buckthorn reduces the risk of candida entering the deep layers of the vaginal epithelium and the transition of the disease into a relapsing form.
Medical practice indicates a significant increase in the effectiveness of sea buckthorn suppositories against thrush in combination with systemic antifungal drugs. They include:
Treatment rules
For the treatment of gynecological problems, rectal suppositories are often used (due to the lack of a specialized dosage form). This does not affect the results of therapy. The fat base of suppositories made by an industrial method is suitable for both rectal and vaginal use. The procedure involves two steps.
- Training. Candles are stored in the refrigerator and removed immediately before use. Plastic packaging is torn in two by pulling on special places.
- Introduction Immediately after opening the contour packaging, the candle must be removed and inserted deep into the vagina. A sufficient depth of administration is provided by the supine position.
Under the influence of body temperature, the candle melts, and its contents spread. Some oil may leak out. Since it has coloring properties, it is worth using personal hygiene products and tight-fitting linen during therapy. To increase the exposure time, gynecologists recommend putting candles at night. As a rule, the course of treatment with sea buckthorn suppositories is 10-14 days.
Proctology Application
The instructions indicate that suppositories help with hemorrhoids, anal fissures. In fact, the drug is prescribed for any inflammation localized in the rectum and nearby tissues, among which:
- colitis;
- proctitis of the catarrhal and atrophic types;
- paraproctitis;
- erosive and ulcerative lesion of the sphincter;
- prostatitis.
The use of paraproctitis and prostatitis is associated with a high penetration of the active substances of sea buckthorn oil, due to which the inflammatory processes quickly stop, and the functioning of the tissues returns to normal.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids are also perfectly removed by sea buckthorn suppositories, inflammation, itching are eliminated, and a decrease in the size of hemorrhoids is noted. A moderate laxative effect helps to relieve the bowel movement, and astringent - to protect the inflamed areas of the rectum from mechanical damage.The bacteriostatic effect prevents the infectious component of the disease from attaching, and also improves the resistance of cells to the introduction of pathogens, which is the prevention of complicated forms of hemorrhoids.
Treatment rules
Children's suppositories are prescribed:
- children under six years old - once a day;
- children from six to 14 years old - on a candle up to two times a day;
- adults (after 14 years) - one candle twice a day.
Therapy for rectal diseases lasts 14 days. The drug is also used in two stages.
- Training. Suppositories removed from the refrigerator are free from contour packaging made of plastic.
- Introduction With a sharp end, the candle is inserted into the anus, pressing with a finger until the sphincter resistance disappears.
Contraindications and side effects
Treatment with sea buckthorn suppositories is usually well tolerated by patients, a herbal preparation has a low ability to provoke allergies. Contraindications to use include individual sensitivity, as well as diarrhea. You can use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, but after consultation with the doctor. The reviews are positive, they can be read on the website on the Internet.
Adverse reactions include discomfort at the injection site (manifested only with individual sensitivity to oil), as well as a laxative effect.