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At what exact moment people learned to use sea buckthorn for medicinal purposes - it is not known exactly. But already in Ancient Egypt and Greece, soldiers healed wounds with the juice of this berry. And also - they watered horses with sea-buckthorn broth to give them strength and endurance. And it was noticed that the hair in animals became soft and radiant. Perhaps it was then that it occurred to someone to use sea buckthorn for the beauty of their own hair.
Beneficial features
Is sea buckthorn oil good for hair? There are so many useful elements in the composition of sea buckthorn that it is difficult to describe everything. Consider the main ones that matter to hair.
- Acids. There are amino acids, and fruit, and the irreplaceable omega. And this is the nutrition of the follicle, hair along the entire length and scalp. Fatty acids soften, relieve itching, strengthen the tips, give shine and elasticity. Fruit - exfoliate the upper layer of skin cells along with dirt, bacteria, fungi.
- Vitamins and Minerals. Normalize metabolic processes, nourish the bulbs, enhance tissue regeneration, stimulate hair growth. And vitamins of group A (carotenoids) are able to get rid of dandruff.
- Phytosterols. They are natural components of cell membranes, that is, they participate in the “filtration” of substances entering and excreted into the cell. They are powerful antioxidants, stop inflammatory processes, promote the penetration of vitamins into the hair follicles, stop baldness.
- Phospholipids. Another component of cell membranes involved in all intercellular metabolic processes. “Carry” beneficial substances into cells, heal the scalp, smooth the surface of the hair, give the strands shine and “obedience”.
Application Nuances
Masks with sea buckthorn oil are able to solve the problems of loss, cross-section of the tips, dull and lifeless look of curls, eliminate dandruff. But here it is important not to spoil the miraculous properties of mixtures with your own ignorance. Here are ten tips on how to apply the composition.
- Warm up. In a steam bath until approximately 30-40 ° C. A warm product will “open” the pores and raise the scales of the hair, so the beneficial properties of the berry will appear brighter. In addition, warm oil is washed off much easier than cold. Moreover, all the ingredients should be warm.
- Do not harvest for future use. Use the mask immediately after cooking. If the recipe includes food, then they should be as fresh as possible.
- Apply to dirty hair. Oil formulations are best used on dry unwashed hair. After all, then you will wash off the mask with shampoo and, possibly, more than once. You can slightly dampen the strands before the procedure, but no more, otherwise the mixture simply drains.
- Do not overdo it. The specific exposure time of the mask is indicated in each recipe. Do not exceed it. Hair will not get more benefit from this.But you can easily “earn” clogged pores, because the oil is very thick and the skin under it does not breathe.
- Do not be lazy to massage. Do this first before applying the mask - this will warm up your skin and open your pores. And then during - slowly, rub the composition in a circular motion, so you will increase blood flow and provide better transportation of "utilities" to the bulbs.
- Insulate. After applying, cover the hair with polyethylene and wrap it with a warm scarf or towel. Cellophane will save from spreading the liquid composition, and the insulation will allow you to maintain the desired temperature and provide better penetration of "utilities."
- Rinse hair with broths. After you wash off the mask with shampoo, rinse your head with a decoction (chamomile, lime, nettle) or just water acidified with lemon or apple cider vinegar.
- Do not blow dry. Let the hair dry on its own. Otherwise, you risk significantly reducing the benefits of the procedure.
- Apply courses. Masks are preferably applied in courses of eight to ten treatments in a row (an average of two months). Then - a mandatory break for a month.
- Consult a professional. If you are visiting a trichologist, ask him a question about the permissibility of using sea buckthorn extract. If this is not possible - contact him with your hairdresser.
Mask recipes
When choosing a recipe, focus on your hair type and problems. Well, the simplest method is to apply the oil in its purest form. Heat a couple of large spoons of the product to a comfortable temperature. Rub into skin. Take your time, you should feel a rush of heat to the bulbs. Spread the rest to the ends. Wrap with cellophane and insulate. Rinse off after two hours.
For dandruff
Features. Dandruff can occur due to many reasons, here there is a fungus, and allergies, and hormonal disorders, skin hypersensitivity, vitamin deficiency, temperature changes. But it is interesting that sea buckthorn oil can eliminate peeling, regardless of the provoking factor.
Instruction manual
- Mix sea buckthorn andolive oil (1:3).
- Warm up.
- Massaging, rub the mixture into the skin.
- Cover and warm.
- Wash off after an hour.
For growth
Sea buckthorn oil is not used undiluted for hair growth, here skin irritating components will come to the rescue. You can apply, for example, mustard, onions, peppers, cognac. The table describes just such compositions.
Table - Recipes with sea buckthorn oil for hair growth
Mask | Composition | Holding time (minutes) |
With Dimexidum | - 15 ml of diluted Dimexidum (1: 6 with water); - 30 ml of olive oil; - 40 ml of sea buckthorn oil | 20 |
With cognac | - 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil; - 5-7 ml of cognac | 30 |
With onion | - 15 ml of chopped onion (on a grater, meat grinder or blender); - 45 ml of sea buckthorn oil | 50 |
With nicotinic acid | - 3 tablets of nicotinic acid (grind); - 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil | 50 |
With tincture of red pepper | - 5-7 ml of tincture; - 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil; - 15 ml of lemon juice | 60 |
And you can just mix sea buckthorn and burdock oil in equal proportions and wrap your head for an hour and a half. There are recommendations to leave the composition overnight. But in fact, you won’t achieve the best effect in this way, but only smear the entire bed in the “red” composition.
Against fragility
Features. For brittle and damaged hair, a mixture of oils and vitamins (A and E) is traditionally used. They are released in the form of injection solutions (in ampoules). And you can buy a combination drug "Aevit».
Instruction manual
- Mix 15 ml of sea buckthorn, burdock, castor oil and three drops of liquid vitamins (or three Aevita capsules).
- Cover and warm.
- Wash off after an hour.
Against dryness
Features. On dry hair, the recipe with egg and sour cream proved to be quite good. Their components soften, “stick together” hair flakes, nourish follicles with proteins. The hair "comes to life" after the first procedure.
Instruction manual
- Mix 30 ml of castor (or olive, or almond) and sea-buckthorn oils, 15 ml of sour cream, one egg (whole).
- Apply and wrap.
- Rinse off after two hours.
Against fat
Here, too, traditional ingredients for oily hair are used: mustard, kefir, clay. The table shows the most effective recipes to reduce excess grease.
Table - Sea buckthorn oil masks for oily hair
Mask | Composition | Holding time (minutes) |
With clay | - 20-30 g of blue clay; - 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil; - the whole egg; - 5-7 g of honey | 50 |
With yolk | - 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil; - 2-3 yolks (4 quail possible) | 40 |
With mustard | - mustard powder; - sea buckthorn oil (dilute mustard with it to the state of liquid sour cream) | 30 |
From falling out
Often there is information on the Internet, which in the case of alopecia (baldness) very effective treatment of hair with sea buckthorn oil in combination with the drug "Tritizanol". But! In fact, such a drug is not sold in pharmacies of the CIS countries and it is impossible to find instructions for a medicine with that name on the Internet. Therefore - do not trust articles with unverified information. Better use reliable folk recipes. They are presented in the table below.
Table - Masks for hair loss with sea buckthorn oil
Mask | Composition | Holding time (minutes) |
With argan oil | - 15 ml of sea buckthorn, castor, argan and burdock oils | 30 |
With vitamins | - 30 ml of boiling water; - 7 ml of sea buckthorn oil; - 1 yolk; - 2 peas "Aevita" | 30 |
With nettle | - 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil; - 15 ml of apple cider vinegar; - 30 ml of a strong decoction of nettle | 40 |
With colorless henna | - 15 g henna; - 15 g chopped garlic; - 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil; - 3 drops of orange oil; - 30 ml of whey | 30-40 |
Universal composition
Features. This recipe is suitable for all types of hair, it is especially good in the winter, when the hair "suffers" from hats, cold and lack of vitamins.
Instruction manual
- Mix in equal proportions sea buckthorn, castor, burdock and eucalyptus oils. Plus 30 ml of juice aloe.
- Apply, cover. Insulate.
- Rinse off after an hour, preferably two.
This tool is recommended even by hairdressers after a perm. Aloe in combination with oils restore hair "with a bang": curls regain strength and shine.
Reviews: “Reminds the effect of lamination”
For hair growth I mix - a spoonful of sea buckthorn and burdock oil, dilute 100 ml of a decoction of chamomile or nettle and apply for two hours. Rinse off anyone who loves. Do no more than 2 times a week.
From sea buckthorn, you can also make an excellent rinse. To do this, take a glass of fresh berries, knead them, and strain. The resulting juice is diluted in water, which needs to rinse hair after washing.Not only that, the roots are strengthened, but also the hair itself becomes smooth and obedient.
For a long time I was looking for a simple, but at the same time effective remedy for hair loss. I wanted something natural. As a result, I went to sea buckthorn oil, at the beginning I read it, then I decided and bought it. And I am very glad that I made such a decision. Literally after a month of using sea buckthorn oil, my hair has significantly strengthened. Now that I am combing, there is no longer such a catastrophically huge amount of hair on the comb. So, I recommend it. A simple and effective tool.
From my own experience using sea buckthorn oil for hair care, I can also add pluses and a small minus. To begin with, it’s a little worth increasing the dosage, the hair becomes oily and the hair does not wash out for a long time, but there are more pluses, it perfectly cares for the hair, moisturizes, the hair has become more obedient, and along the entire length it feels like a lamination effect, each the hair is protected.
I really love sea buckthorn oil, though it's best not to leave it at night) But when I accidentally smeared clothes, after 2 washes it was normally washed. But wash your bath better!
I also add a teaspoon to the paint when staining, stain chem. paint, in red color! It does not affect the color, and the hair does not break, especially at the ends.
Karoche I love this oil!Nastya Nelyuba,