The benefits of sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of female diseases, and other healing qualities of the product

Sea buckthorn is called the "queen of medicinal plants." It is not for nothing that nature painted its fruits in such a bright color, similar to gold. A valuable product is extracted from sea buckthorn berries - oil, which has an incredible amount of nutrients. The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil are known throughout the world and have been actively used for millennia. It can be used both externally and internally, depending on the ailment.
A bubble of orange oil next to the berries

Sea buckthorn oil is in demand not only in folk, but also in traditional methods of treatment. The ancient Greeks successfully used sea buckthorn to heal severe wounds in warriors. In Siberia, immunity was strengthened with its help. Cossacks used to increase their strength and recover from battles. Today, the range of application of this tool is much wider.

The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil

The oil obtained from sea buckthorn has a rich orange-red color, it is difficult to confuse it with something else. The smell is pleasant, characteristic. You can buy a valuable product in a pharmacy, which indicates the recognition of the drug by doctors. You can "get" it yourself, subject to sterile conditions. The “yield” of the product from the fruits of sea buckthorn is from 3 to 10% percent of the total weight, which makes it even more valuable.

What is special about

Sea buckthorn oil has become an officially recognized domestic medicine since the 70s of the last century. “Queen of healing plants” is generously endowed with useful substances. Only 100 g of berries is enough to get the daily requirement of a number of vitamins for an adult. Few fruits can boast the same composition.

  • Carotenoids and Carotenes. By the number of substances of this group, sea buckthorn has an undeniable championship among all vegetable oils. Thanks to carotenoids, it has anti-inflammatory as well as wound healing effects. Carotenes are also very important for the formation of immunity. Vitamin A, included in this group, helps to properly form bone and tooth enamel and regulate blood sugar.
  • Vitamin E. Helps regulate hormonal balance, positively affects the work of the heart, maintains a normal degree of skin hydration and inhibits the aging process. For these properties and is considered a "vitamin of youth."
  • Vitamin C. By the amount of this substance, sea buckthorn is second only rosehip oil. He has a decent track record: he participates in the production of collagen, enhances immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and improves vision. Due to the presence of vitamin C, sea buckthorn can have an anti-allergic effect and helps to cope with inflammations of various etymologies.
  • B vitamins. Indispensable for maintaining the beauty of the skin, regulating the circulatory, muscle and digestive systems. Active participants in the metabolic processes of the body, for example, lipid.
  • Vitamin K. Helps normalize kidney function. A great way to prevent osteoporosis. Positive effect on blood coagulation, reduces the risk of subcutaneous hemorrhage.
  • Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The composition of the oil extracted from the fruits of sea buckthorn contains a lot of fatty acids, for example, Omega-6 and stearic. They have an immunostimulating effect, and also help eliminate inflammation. They help cleanse the body of "garbage", for example, toxins.Their moderate use positively affects the condition of the skin and hormonal balance. Enemies of blood clots and cholesterol plaques. They help to normalize blood pressure.
Sea buckthorn oil, like other medicinal substances, has limitations on its use. The main one is an allergy to the composition and individual intolerance. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is worthwhile to exclude possible negative consequences by preliminary testing of the drug.

Fields of application

Sea buckthorn oil is used both internally and externally. On the packaging of the product there is usually an indication whether the product can be used in both ways or only one. The rule almost always applies: for diseases of the internal organs, the drug is used internally, with external inflammations - externally. In various fields of medicine, oil is applied in its own way.


It is common practice to use sea buckthorn oil in gynecology for women. Tampons dipped in it are placed to get rid of such female ailments as cervical erosioncolpitis, vaginitis, endometritis. It will help with thrush, and to get rid of such an unpleasant disease as cystitis.

The advantage of this type of treatment is that the procedures can be easily performed at home at a time convenient for the patient. Improvements become noticeable usually three days after the start of use. Within two weeks, the diseases go away even in severe form. Sea buckthorn oil swabs replace many expensive drugs.

Treatment of gynecological diseases with the help of sea buckthorn “treasure” is absolutely painless. Pre-need douching. Then you need to generously moisten a cotton swab in oil and insert into the vagina. Leave it in this position as long as possible - at least for the night, maximum for a day. The course lasts at least eight procedures, ideally 14.

Complete healing of the epithelium usually does not occur immediately, but three weeks after the end of treatment. Before applying this method of treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

It is possible and even necessary to use sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy, for example, externally from stretch marks. Ingestion is also not prohibited (unless otherwise indicated), on the contrary, it will help the gastrointestinal tract to work properly, relieve constipation, fill the body with vitamins and help to cope with a cold more quickly if it occurs.


Sea buckthorn oil is also indispensable for various diseases of the oral cavity. Stomatitis can be cured quite quickly if you lubricate the damaged area with sea buckthorn oil and apply bandages moistened in it (wipes or whatever) to the sores for 10-15 minutes. After this procedure, you need to refrain from eating at least an hour.

Sea buckthorn oil is also useful for gums, it can relieve them of bleeding. It is necessary to make compresses on the affected areas of the oral cavity. However, you should be aware that this type of treatment can relieve pain, but does not exclude the need for a visit to the dentist.

Sea buckthorn oil can also be used to treat young children. However, it is first necessary to exclude the likelihood of an allergic reaction.


The treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil is a long-standing method. In gastroenterology, it is also used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, for colitis and even for tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. Intake of the oil helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach. Application in this area is due to the fact that sea buckthorn oil fights inflammation and promotes tissue renewal. Take a spoon three times a day: on an empty stomach in the morning and then 30-60 minutes before eating. A positive effect is guaranteed in combination with other drugs.

Oil, getting into the stomach, envelops its walls, preventing the incoming food from irritating the mucous membrane. In addition, it promotes tissue regeneration, which is especially important for ulcers and erosion of the gastric mucosa. With complex therapy, the healing process is faster.

With this method of treatment, side effects may first occur, for example, bitterness in the mouth. However, this is temporary. It is recommended to apply for at least one month.

If the patient has diseases of the liver, gall bladder or stomach, then a specialist consultation is required before using sea buckthorn oil. Especially when the disease is in the acute stage. It is also important to comply with all the recommendations of the attending physician, because the product will be useful only as part of systemic treatment.

Two vials of healing oil


Sea buckthorn oil will help out with many colds. With sore throat, as well as sore throat, rinses will help: add one teaspoon of oil to half a liter of warm water. From the same solution, you can make a compress for the throat, or rather for the outer part of it. With tonsillitis, a runny nose and a cough, inhalation will help perfectly: add three tablespoons of the drug per liter of water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, you need to make a course of ten inhalations.

Proper use of sea buckthorn oil will help to forget about such a nuisance as sinusitis. You won’t have to do anything complicated: just instill two or three drops of oil in each nasal passage three times a day. You can additionally lubricate the nasal passages during the day with the product.

Sea buckthorn oil will become an ally on the path to getting rid of snoring. It is necessary to instill it in two or three drops before bedtime in the nose of the one who snores. The effect is achieved by normalizing breathing and eliminating inflammation of the nasopharynx. It is necessary to apply this method for at least two weeks, but if after a month no changes have occurred, the problem is much deeper and a trip to the doctor cannot be avoided.

The oil may leak out, and due to the saturated color and dense texture leaves stains on the skin. Therefore, it is better to conduct treatment in the walls of the house. Or apply it a few hours before going public.


Apply sea buckthorn oil for burns was invented by Avicenna. The recipe is extremely simple: apply tissue generously dampened to the burn area. A similar method is suitable for the treatment of frostbite and pressure sores. Due to its regenerating effect, the oil helps the skin recover quickly and painlessly. Previously, the skin needs to be wiped with an antiseptic solution.

Psoriasis - an extremely unpleasant disease, which is very difficult to get rid of. The oil of the “queen of medicinal plants” will come to the rescue and here - at night and during the day you need to lubricate the affected areas (not abundantly, with a thin layer), and within a week there will be a noticeable improvement.


The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil are indispensable in proctology. Through a systematic approach (lotions and ingestion), hemorrhoids can be cured. Compresses with a cloth soaked in sea buckthorn oil should be done at least twice a day. The duration of one approach is at least an hour, during this period you need to lie still. If possible, leave a compress for up to five hours. The pharmacy also sells candles based on sea buckthorn oil. But they are allowed to be used only as directed by a specialist.

If you do not like the taste or smell of the product, but there is an urgent need for ingestion, buy capsules at the pharmacy. Their composition is similar, but easier to use.


The benefits of sea buckthorn oil have been evaluated not only in medicine. Cosmetology also actively uses the natural gift of sea buckthorn. This is an indispensable tool for hair damaged by paint and other negative effects. There are many masks with sea buckthorn oil to restore the strands.

You can also get rid of acne with this tool - lubricate them or areas of the skin with acne. Repeat the procedure until the desired effect is achieved. In general, you should not be afraid to use face oil, it can help in solving many skin problems.

When not to use

Sea buckthorn oil has contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use it for the following diseases:

  • hepatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • pancreatitis
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • liver disease
  • pancreatic disease;
  • with an allergic reaction to sea buckthorn.

During an exacerbation of chronic diseases, it is better not to use oil if there is no instruction from the attending physician. The benefits of sea buckthorn oil have been proven for centuries by humans. Reviews about this product are mostly positive. After all, oil helps even with chronic diseases. Moreover, the product is affordable and very easy to use.

Reviews: "Always in my medicine cabinet"

In fact, this is one of the main base oils without which I can not do. I used to be afraid to use it on my hair because it was bleached, but now I think that it could have been applied to bleached hair, nothing would have happened, if I hadn’t become bright red, but my hair would have been significantly nourished.

Purple fox,

Sea buckthorn oil is a very affordable and useful tool for maintaining our health and beauty, which is always present in my medicine cabinet! The scope of this product is very diverse, and its healing properties allow you to get rid of both some health problems and make our skin and hair beautiful and well-groomed. If you, like me, are not indifferent to oils and like to use them, then sea buckthorn oil will surprise you with its effect!


My friend cured uterine erosion with sea buckthorn oil. It is also used for other genetic diseases. This oil is treated for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Suppositories of sea buckthorn oil help with hemorrhoids. A friend encountered a problem while breastfeeding. She had cracks in her nipples and she lubricated them with this oil. Then she had everything healed safely.
I often use sea buckthorn oil for personal care. When I get brittle nails, I lubricate them with this oil and the nails gradually recover.
I also add it to my eyelash mask. I take the old mascara, wash it well. I add kostorovy, burdock, sunflower and sea-buckthorn oil there. I put such a mask on my eyelashes at night. At the moment, my cilia have grown.


This recipe for treating snoring with sea buckthorn oil caught my eye. For a couple of hours before bedtime, instill 2-3 drops of sea buckthorn oil in each nostril. Doubted, of course, in this recipe. But I think, let it drip, it will not be worse. And the result was manifested in a couple of weeks. The snoring, of course, did not disappear completely. Now he is kind of even, calm. Apnea is gone! Hooray! And this despite the fact that my husband did not regularly drip oil, I forgot.


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