Novigan Pills Against Pain: Are Risks Justified By Effectiveness

Novigan is a mixed preparation based on ibuprofen, pitophenone and fenpiverinium bromide. Combines the properties of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic. All three of these substances have been used by medicine for a long time. The direct consequence of acquaintance with their action is a long list of contraindications, which contains instructions for the use of Novigan.
Packing of Novigan tablets

"Novigan" was conceived as a tool that helps with pain of various origins (etiology). That is, so that the patient does not need to guess what he should take - “No-shpu” or aspirin. But the addition of different foundations led to the addition and their side effects. Another danger that was not taken into account by the developers is that a number of undesirable effects in the active ingredients included in the preparation coincide. This increases the risk of complications from Novigan compared with taking each of its components separately.

Composition and direct action

So far, Novigan is available only in tablet form. It, like any other tablet, is formed from microcrystalline cellulose, starch, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate. Talc and titanium dioxide bleach are also added to improve texture and color. All these are excipients, and their composition may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. The current basis of the drug is formed by three components.

  1. Ibuprofen. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) from the same series as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) or diclofenac ("Diclac", "Diclogen"). Some NSAIDs reduce the intensity of inflammatory reactions throughout the body, and therefore are valued more, and some are not. The advantage of ibuprofen is its ability to stimulate the production of interferons - immune proteins on the surface of cell membranes, which protect cells from the penetration of the virus. And its main drawback is the relatively weak anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity, which pushes it to the background compared to the same paracetamol and indomethacin.
  2. Pitophenone hydrochloride. An antispasmodic with direct myotropic action. Pitophenone, like papaverine, blocks the intracellular intake of calcium, due to which it has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs.
  3. Fenpiverinia bromide. An antispasmodic among anticholinergics. These substances replace the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which regulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, “adjusts” the activity of the cerebral cortex, digestion, secretion of the kidneys and endocrine glands, and increases muscle tone of the body. He is responsible for cramping. Fenpiverinia bromide replaces it and does not have all these effects on the body. But he does not give an anti-inflammatory effect.
Anticholinergic drugs are used to stop not only cramping, but also allergic reactions, hypertension. Young people use them as light hallucinogens, since an overdose causes hallucinations, disorientation, euphoria, but without the effect of addiction. In practice, it can end with cardiac arrest, intestinal obstruction, glaucoma. Ibuprofen is simply considered one of the well-tolerated by almost all patients with NSAIDs.


The answer to the question of why Novigan is appointed and how quickly it starts to help, with this composition, is obvious. It is drunk during menstruation in women, since pulling pains in the lower abdomen during this period are associated with contraction of the walls of the uterus, with exacerbation of osteochondrosis - due to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of ibuprofen. Indications for the use of Novigan also include:

  • Toothache
  • headache;
  • high pressure (hypotensive properties of anticholinergics);
  • high temperature (heat reduction due to ibuprofen);
  • migraine.
Taking Novigan is permissible in case of any acute and chronic inflammatory processes accompanied by pain (rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, consequences of injuries, headaches), as well as spasms of an understandable origin (critical days, neuralgia, lumbago). But this list does not include processes that provoke pain in the stomach and intestines, and caused by low blood pressure or a hangover.


"Novigan", due to its inhibitory effect on the peripheral and central nervous system, is incompatible with a hangover syndrome. In addition to the poor compatibility of Novigan with alcohol, the drug also has a strong negative effect on the digestive tract due to two effects.

  • Interventions in peristalsis. Antispasmodics in the composition of "Novigan" reduce the activity of peristalsis of all digestive organs, including the gall bladder and pancreas.
  • Decreased synthesis of prostaglandins. The interaction of the drug with the walls of the stomach and intestines is inevitable. At the same time, ibuprofen blocks the synthesis of prostaglandins that protect the gastric mucosa from the aggressive environment of gastric juice. Therefore, with gastritis, duodenitis, ulcer of the stomach or intestines, Novigan is contraindicated, and its most common, bright side effects are observed from the digestive tract.
Taking "Novigan" in the presence of erosion and ulcers in the stomach or any part of the intestine is also problematic because ibuprofen has anticoagulant properties, increasing the risk of bleeding.

When to be careful

Reviews about Novigan are mostly positive. They talk about it as a safe tool, a single dose of which even by children under ten years of age gives a good result without side effects. Adverse events from the digestive tract and other systems in adults are more likely to occur, as they are more likely to:

  • exceed the indicated dosages;
  • take Novigan for longer than three days in a row;
  • ignore its incompatibility with other drugs / pathologies.

There are also more concomitant diseases in adults, their therapy requires a wider range of other drugs, and the body's resource for compensating for the drug load is reduced.

But prescribing the medicine in childhood is still unjustified and creates risks for the child who is still undergoing training and debugging the central nervous system. Doctors' feedback on the results of the drug in such age groups is also closer to negative. The result of "Novigan" brings the same as paracetamol, and the risk of side effects with it is higher. And its effect on the central nervous system with colic or spasms is less predictable than that of the same papaverine.

The drugs of choice under the age of 16 are funds with a simple rather than mixed composition: “No-shpa"(Drotaverine)," Papaverine "or paracetamol.


Contraindications to taking the medicine relate to the following diseases.

  • Deficiencies of the excretory organs. Any pathologies of the kidneys and / or liver that caused inhibition of their functions or failure.
  • Intolerance to NSAIDs. Allergies to acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol in combination with attacks of urticaria, bronchial asthma, polyposis of the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • Intolerance to the components. Ibuprofen, pitophenone, fenpiverinium or excipients (talc, magnesium stearate, cellulose).
  • Hyperkalemia Exceeding the concentration of potassium in the blood over 5.5 mmol / l provokes arrhythmia - a chemical heart attack. The anticholinergic in “Novigan” also slows down the heart rhythm, with an overdose - up to cardiac arrest. Therefore, the use of the drug with existing rhythm failures is unacceptable.
  • Arrhythmias. Any origin, including congenital heart disease and the consequences of operations on it.
  • Decreased coagulation. And other blood diseases, including granulocyte, leukocytopenia, anemia. The negative effect of all NSAIDs on the composition of the blood is a proven fact. Ibuprofen in the composition of Novigan reduces coagulation, and therefore is prohibited for its violations, as well as during treatment with direct / indirect anticoagulants (heparin, acetylsalicylic acid). And pitophenone and fenpiverinium inhibit the synthesis of blood cells in the bone marrow, and can even affect the composition of plasma proteins. When taking them, control over the current level of platelets, leukocytes, granulocytes (phagocytes) is necessary.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma. As well as any pathologies of the optic nerve, especially those associated with high intraocular pressure. Acetylcholine increases the tone of the muscles that change the accommodation of the eye (focusing, changing the curvature of the lens). Their tension leads to a decrease in pressure inside the eye, which is useful for glaucoma. But anticholinergics in the drug provide the opposite effect, which can lead to disaster with already increased pressure inside the eye.
  • Adenomas. As well as prostatitis. Both diseases give complications to the urinary system due to the fact that the prostate gland pinches the urethra. Anticholinergics in the composition of Novigan themselves can cause urinary retention, which, if present, is inappropriate.
  • Porphyria. This disease is manifested by foci of hyperpigmentation due to increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight, periodic mass decay of red blood cells with subsequent relative restoration of their concentration, impaired digestive tract motility and psychosis. The essence of porphyria is that in the patient’s body heme - a glandular compound in the composition of hemoglobin (heme plus protein globin) ceases to be synthesized, which gives red blood cells a red color. Instead of heme, its intermediate forms are formed under the name porphyrinogenes, and ultraviolet turns them into porphyrins. An abnormality in the synthesis of hemoglobin in the bone marrow or liver may depend on a deficiency of enzymes, but most often the pathology is genetically determined. Given the negative impact on the blood composition from all three active components of Novigan, the patient’s condition may noticeably worsen when taken.

Due to the extensive list of contraindications, the drug is not a means of preventing fever or cramping. It should be prescribed with caution to elderly patients and diabetics, patients with ischemia and increased bilirubin (masked liver / blood diseases are likely), a stomach ulcer that occurs in the presence of infection with the carcinogenic bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. It is not recommended for alcoholism, somatic disorders, taking antidepressants, other NSAIDs. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink Novigan during pregnancy is also negative.

When carrying a child, ibuprofen should be excluded only in the third trimester. In the early stages, it can be taken on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision, short courses. And it is allowed during breastfeeding, as it is absorbed into breast milk in negligible doses. But pitophenone and fenpiverinium are strictly contraindicated for use at any stage of pregnancy and the entire period of lactation (at the time of their intake, children need to be weaned).

Girl takes a pill

Side effects

Gastrointestinal disturbances are the first most common side effects in all age groups when taking Novigan:

  • stomach ache;
  • constipation;
  • gases
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • lack of appetite.

Possible, although rarely observed, secondary disorders - caused by its use, ulceration of the walls of the stomach or the discovery of old erosion. As a reaction of the central nervous system, headaches, increased anxiety, sleep disturbance, irritability, and hyper excitability can occur.

With an overdose of the drug, heart rhythm disturbances or jumps in blood pressure are observed. There is also a threat of acute renal failure and stopping the production of urine for a day or longer. Only a significant overdose of Novigan leads to a “disconnection” of consciousness, auditory and visual hallucinations. On the part of the hematopoietic system in patients with prolonged (more than five days in a row) use of Novigan anemia and agranulocytosis are observed. Both diagnoses require immediate withdrawal of the drug.

Instructions for use "Novigan"

“Novigan” is valid for more than three hours, and the period of its complete withdrawal is equal to four hours. Acute intense pain in the midst of an ailment may require a more frequent intake, but it is not possible to increase its single dosage. The dosage of Novigan per day is not more than three tablets. It is better to take it immediately before or after a meal - to reduce its irritating effect on the digestive system. The use of Novigan for longer than five consecutive days, even at therapeutic doses, requires agreement with a doctor.


Among the analogues of the drug, you can name any analgesic antispasmodic or NSAIDs:

  • aspirin;
  • «Analgin»;
  • paracetamol;
  • "Ketanov";
  • «Indomethacin»;
  • Diclofenac
  • "Papaverine";
  • No-shpa;
  • Dibazole
  • "Spazmalgon";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Novitropan."

Most often, as a replacement, Novigan is offered a drug based on either ibuprofen (Arthrokam) or a combination of metamizole sodium (analgesic) with pitophenone and fenpiverinia. Tablets "Novigan" as a means of combining three of the four specified components are unique in their kind.

Reviews: "I put 4 points"

The time of Novigan’s action is not very different from the MIG and Nurofen forte that I have previously taken. About 20-30 minutes somewhere. In general, if I put these pills in their places, then I still give the first place to Nurofen. The second is Novigan, and the third is MIG. This arrangement in places, of course, applies to me only to ibuprofen preparations. At a price, Novigan costs about the same as Nurofen Forte, about 112 rubles per pack of 10 tablets. MIG, costs about 80-85 rubles.

The duration of the action is quite long. Drinking more than three tablets per day is not recommended. The maximum that I drank was two in one day.
I summarize. In general, good pills, but there are better ones, moreover, at the same price. I have not noticed any particular advantages of competitors in Novigan. Therefore, I will recommend it, mainly due to the fact that specific side effects have not been noticed. I put four points. Thank.

compas7771, https: // otzovik. com / review_5784665.html

Hello. I am 28 years old, the drug "Novigan" was recommended to me by a pharmacist for toothache. Now he is literally an ambulance for me. Renal colic is often disturbed at night, the condition is such that at least climb the wall and howl with a wolf. Having taken the Novigan tablet, the pain completely and irrevocably disappears in an hour. Now I carry them with me just in case. Very effective, recommend. Sincerely.

Anton, http: // medside. ru / novigan

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