Constipation during pregnancy: Normoflorins come to the rescue

The expectation of the birth of the long-awaited baby is accompanied not only by pleasant troubles and joys. Unfortunately, for a woman’s body this period is associated with significant overloads and changes in many physiological processes. One of the “unpleasant surprises” of pregnancy is persistent constipation, which plagues more than half of pregnant women.
Young woman lies in bed hugging her belly

The solution to this problem has its own subtleties, because uncontrolled intake of laxatives and experiments with the diet are unacceptable for a pregnant woman, since this can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. Nevertheless, to leave constipation during pregnancy is categorically impossible, since it can be dangerous both from the point of view of intoxication of the body, and in connection with the high probability of premature birth.

A safe and effective solution to the problem of constipation during pregnancy is the course of taking new-generation probiotics Normoflorins. These modern biocomplexes have no contraindications and side effects, which makes them the best choice for pregnant women, for whom the issue of safety is especially acute. We will deal with the reasons for the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation during the expectation of a child, and also find out how taking Normoflorins can save a woman in an “interesting position” from this problem.

Why constipation occurs during pregnancy

Lilac packagingThe causes of digestive disorders during pregnancy are many. The most significant of them are the following factors that provoke constipation.

  • Violation of the intestinal microflora - Under the influence of sharp hormonal changes, the intestinal microflora suffers, which loses lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are so useful for digestion. This disrupts the normal digestive chain and causes stagnation in the intestinal structures.
  • Hormone factor - during pregnancy in the body of the expectant mother, the concentration of the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to reduce the tone of the uterus and retain the growing fetus, increases significantly. However, such a beneficial effect also extends to the muscle structures of the intestine, reducing the activity of its peristalsis. This is one of the main causes of constipation.
  • Decreased motor activity - due to the fact that the threat of miscarriage is often diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy, doctors can recommend bed rest and a sedentary lifestyle, which also reduces intestinal motility.
  • Malnutrition - insufficient intake of fresh vegetables and dairy products, as well as a lack of water in the diet, due to the fear of developing edema, is another reason for constipation.
  • Improper Vitamin Complex - The increased content of iron and calcium in the vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant women also leads to stool disorders.
  • Fetal pressure on intestinal structures - In late pregnancy, a heavy fetus can have a compressive effect on the intestinal loops, causing stagnation.
  • Increased nervous tension - Fears and anxieties that inevitably accompany the baby's waiting period can lead to a state of vegetative instability. This often causes functional constipation.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - such pathologies of the digestive system as pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis, etc., diagnosed before pregnancy, are often exacerbated during gestation, provoking persistent constipation.

It is interesting to note that the occurrence of stagnation in the intestine during pregnancy develops according to the “vicious circle” pattern. The fact is that constipation is accompanied by fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestine. At the same time, a woman notes flatulence, an unpleasant belching, which is caused by active gas formation. At the same time, favorable conditions are created in the intestine for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora, which in large quantities produces dangerous toxins. Such a reaction reduces the number of beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which causes an even more pronounced constipation.

Normoflorins against constipation!

Blue box with medicineThe choice of Normoflorins in the complex treatment of constipation in pregnant women is made by leading medical specialists of our country. This is primarily due to the unique component composition of the biocomplexes of this group, which includes three main areas:

  1. live active (non-dried) lactobacilli and bifidobacteria;
  2. metabolites of beneficial microbial agents - vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic acids, etc .;
  3. Lactitol is a prebiotic that promotes the growth of its own microflora.
An important feature of Normoflorins is the complete absence of protein and lactose in their composition, which eliminates the risk of developing an allergic reaction. This is especially important for the body of a pregnant woman who cares about the health of her baby.

The use of Normoflorins in order to eliminate constipation in pregnant women is justified by their following effects.

  • Fast normalization of intestinal microflora. Due to the fact that the concentration of beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in Normoflorins is from 100 million to 10 billion in 1 ml of the drug, as well as due to the preservation of their activity, the effect of colonization of the intestine is achieved almost instantly. This provides a quick improvement of the patient's condition and the active inclusion of beneficial flora in the normalization of the digestion of a pregnant woman.
  • Detox effect. Competing with pathogens and toxic substances for sensitive receptors, Normoflorins reduce the toxic effects of constipation. In addition, the course administration of these drugs contributes to the formation of a biofilm on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. Through this film, toxins and pathogenic microorganisms are not absorbed into the body, which also contributes to active detoxification.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes. Due to the restoration of intestinal microflora, metabolic processes are activated in the body of a pregnant woman, protein and carbohydrate metabolism is normalized, and the absorption of nutrient components of food is accelerated. All this also helps to eliminate stagnation and bowel movements.
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals. Normoflorins are not just probiotics, but active biological complexes containing a large amount of minerals, vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for the body of a future mother and baby.

To eliminate constipation during pregnancy, in the first place, of course, you should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, lead an active lifestyle and stabilize the neuro-emotional background. Coursework Normoflorins will be an excellent choice in the treatment of stagnant processes and normalization of the digestion of a pregnant woman.

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