Menu for a low-carb diet for a week, pros and cons, recipes and reviews

Nutritionists, developing a weight loss program, recommend, first of all, to abandon sweets, pastries, sweets. No one doubts such restrictions. But only a specialist understands that we are talking about carbohydrates. They lead to the deposition of fat reserves, and their decline - to weight loss. On this principle, a low-carb diet is built.
Flexible meter and piece of meat

Carbohydrates entering the body are transformed into energy, which is necessary for life. Their reduction will lead to a number of problems, including fatigue, decreased activity, loss of strength, dizziness. How to be? Is it possible to ensure healthy weight loss and not harm the body? Nutritionists argue that you can, if you understand the intricacies of a low-carb diet.

Low Carb Diet: Pros and Cons

A diet based on a limited intake of carbohydrates and an increase in protein is called a low-carb diet. Special conditions are created in which the body begins to independently break down subcutaneous fats to provide itself with energy.

Not all carbohydrates are bad

Hypo-carbohydrate diet what is possible and what is not? In order to independently develop a low-carb diet menu for the week, it is necessary to understand that not all carbohydrates are harmful to the body. And their ruthless exclusion from food can lead to serious violations. Carbohydrates are of the following types.

  • Simple. They are also called “fast”, they are rapidly split in the digestive tract and instantly transformed into energy. Such a powerful surge of energy can come in handy before an intense workout. And in ordinary life, it will remain unclaimed and converted into fat. That is why they can not be eaten during a low-carb diet. Simple carbohydrates include sugar, sweet pastries, flour products, sweets, smoked meats, fatty foods.
  • Difficult. By analogy with the above, they are called "slow." These substances break down for a long time, gradually releasing the necessary energy. They constantly energize the body. The digestive system, which is busy processing complex carbohydrates, completely forgets about hunger. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to spend more energy (or calories) on digestion than was obtained during the meal. Complex category includes vegetables and cereals.
The principle of reducing carbohydrates formed the basis of such well-known diets as the Kremlin, Atkins, Protasov, protein diets.

The essence of the program

Having ceased to replenish the body with fast sources of energy, you force it to look for alternative ways to replenish vivacity. And he finds them. This is the basic principle of a low-carb diet. This diet triggers the following mechanisms in the body.

  • Glycogen consumption. Initially, the body will begin to replenish energy reserves due to glycogen taken from the liver. This substance is broken down to glucose. This process can take up to three days. That is why in the early days of a low-carb diet, weight loss does not occur.
  • Fat breakdown. Having exhausted glycogen reserves, the body will “pay attention” to abdominal (or internal) and subcutaneous fat. From this moment on, weight loss begins.
Do not expect rapid weight loss. Reviews and results from a low-carb diet show that weight loss is slow.Studies have revealed this pattern: the breakdown of 1 g of carbohydrate releases 4.1 kcal, and 1 g of fat - 9.3 kcal. Therefore, to make up for the lack of energy, you need very little fat.

6 advantages

Low carbohydrate nutrition and diet, based on a reduction in carbohydrates, has many advantages. That is why it is popular among losing weight. Doctors have appreciated such nutrition and for some pathologies they recommend a low-carb diet. The main benefits of diet and health benefits are in six points.

  1. Lack of hunger. This diet does not cause a feeling of severe hunger. Therefore, it is not difficult to withstand such nutrition. The protein food on which the menu is based completely nourishes the body. As losing weight testifies, it allows you to do without even snacks.
  2. Tasty menu. Diet involves a large selection of dishes and products, do not have to torment yourself with tasteless food. With a little effort and imagination, you can cook delicious masterpieces, hearty and healthy.
  3. Normalization of sugar. Low carb diets are often recommended for diabetics. The diet provides moderate insulin production. Thanks to this, long-term remission in type 2 diabetes can be achieved. Insulin is not only dangerous for diabetics. It harms losing weight. The hormone slows down the process of breaking down your own fats. Therefore, insulin reduction provides effective weight loss.
  4. Physical activity. During the diet you can, and even need to do sports, lead an active lifestyle, resort to physical labor. Such a load will provide enhanced fat burning and will allow you to get a nice bonus - a beautiful relief body.
  5. Pressure reduction. Very useful diet for hypertension. Doctors say that increased insulin levels provoke an increase in pressure. Accordingly, its reduction serves as an effective method of controlling and preventing hypertension.
  6. Lasting result. As shown by numerous studies, weight loss is not due to the withdrawal of water from the body, but as a result of the breakdown of accumulated fats. Therefore, subject to proper nutrition in the future, there will be no return to the previous figures.
A low-carb diet can be prescribed for type 1 diabetes. But the list of allowed and prohibited foods in the diet varies depending on the condition of a particular patient.

3 weak points

It is a great misconception to consider a low carbohydrate diet completely harmless to the body. Such a diet can cause serious harm. Especially if deadlines are not respected or recommendations are completely ignored. Doctors talk about the following three cons of a low-carb diet.

  1. Glucose deficiency. In order for the body to work "to the fullest", it needs glucose. A constant lack of this substance leads to a decrease in mental activity, memory impairment, and distracted attention. Perhaps even a slowdown in the reaction. Those changes are especially strongly felt by those who cannot imagine life without sweets.
  2. Overload. The diet consists mainly of protein foods. Proteins increase the burden on the kidneys. A low-carb diet does not provide for sufficient potassium intake. As a result, significant damage to the cardiovascular system can be caused.
  3. Lack of nutrients. Ketone bodies produced in the body due to excess protein affect not only fats. Sometimes they are able to provoke the withdrawal of beneficial substances. Therefore, the diet may be accompanied by the appearance of excessive weakness, insomnia, sudden dizziness.

For a long time it was believed that a low-carb diet favorably affects the state of blood vessels and helps lower cholesterol. It was recommended for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Recent studies at the University of Colorado in Denver by Dr. Teri L. Hernandez cast doubt on this ability. All subjects on a low-carb diet had an increase in cholesterol after six weeks.At the same time, with high-carb nutrition, scientists recorded a decrease in it. Therefore, doctors now do not advise using this diet for atherosclerosis.


A low-carb diet has a number of contraindications. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is not recommended to start the process of losing weight. Doctors advise to refrain from a diet in some conditions.

  • Chronic diseases. Diet increases the load on the body. It can provoke an exacerbation.
  • Pregnancy, lactation. Women are responsible for the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the baby from the negative consequences as much as possible and ensure a balanced intake of all useful substances.
  • Childhood. This also applies to adolescents. The restriction of carbohydrates during the formation of the body can lead to the development of pathologies.

Diet features

Having opted for a low-carb diet, you need to get acquainted with it a little closer and consider its detailed description. This will help to understand how suitable such a diet is for you. There are two diet options.

  1. Hard (fast). This type of nutrition is developed only for athletes. It implies strict restrictions and strict observance of the rules. The diet is used by bodybuilders, because it provides drying of the body and gives the muscles a relief. But it should not be used by an untrained person, since severe restrictions often lead to a breakdown, as a result, weight is gaining uncontrollably.
  2. Slow. This diet has less stringent requirements and provides no drying of the body and gradual weight loss. In the future, subject to a healthy diet, does not lead to repeated weight gain. Therefore, those who want to lose weight are practicing a slow, low-carb diet.

8 rules of effectiveness

A low-carb diet is built on limiting fast carbohydrates and dosing slow ones. It is this kind of nutrition, according to Julia Bastrigina, a dietitian, that ensures proper weight loss. A complete rejection of carbohydrates, according to doctors' reviews, is fraught with dehydration, the formation of calculi in the kidneys, and the destruction of muscle tissue. When compiling a diet, rely on eight rules.

  1. Fats. The human body needs all the nutrients (BJU). Therefore, excluding fats, as well as completely abandoning carbohydrates, is strictly prohibited. But instead of harmful animals, healthy, vegetable ones are recommended: olive, linseed oil.
  2. Water mode. Nutritionists advise not to forget about the fluid. The body should receive at least two liters of pure still water per day.
  3. “Right” Carbohydrates. It is advisable to completely exclude fast carbohydrates from your menu. You should not use sugar in any of its manifestations: syrups, jam, honey. Complex - subject to restriction.
  4. Vitamins. It is necessary to take care of the sufficient intake of nutrients in the body. Therefore, from the first days of the diet, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes.
  5. Mode. Develop an optimal diet and try to stick to it. It can include four to six meals. Make equal intervals between them. This will protect against hunger. And do not skip meals so as not to exceed the norm next time.
  6. Sport. Physical activity will allow you to lose weight more effectively and at the same time protect your muscles from sagging. If you can’t visit the fitness room, do morning exercises or take daily walks.
  7. Cellulose. You can draw this component from bran and vegetables. A protein-rich diet can trigger constipation. To restore the digestive system and clean it of toxins, doctors advise fiber.
  8. Food processing. For a diet, use recipes involving boiling, stewing, steaming. Useful roasting. And it is better to completely refuse fried food.

Stuffed Eggplant with Tomato

Products: what is useful and what is not

What can I eat on a low-carb diet? The list of acceptable products is very extensive and presented in the table.Therefore, it is not difficult to create a delicious and varied menu.

Table - Allowed and prohibited foods in a low-carb diet

Product groupRecommended for admissionCan not be consumed
Vegetables- Parsley;
- dill;
- pepper;
- spinach;
- color;
- Brussels;
- red cabbage;
- celery;
- eggplant;
- radish;
- cucumbers;
- asparagus;
- artichokes;
- sorrel;
- zucchini
- Corn;
- olives;
- squash;
- sugar beet;
- lentils;
- potatoes;
- beans
Meat- Quail;
- ducks;
- veal;
- hen;
- beef liver;
- venison;
- goose;
- rabbit
- Fatty pork;
- beef;
- red meat
- smoked meats;
- offal
Fish, seafood- Halibut;
- tuna;
- salmon;
- salmon;
- herring;
- mackerel;
- trout;
- pink salmon;
- flounder;
- catfish;
- all seafood
- Fatty grades
Milk products- Fat-free yogurt;
- skimmed milk;
- low fat kefir;
- low fat fermented baked milk
- Fatty foods;
- sour cream
Eggs- Chicken;
- quail
Vegetable oils- Olive;
- flaxseed
- Corn;
- sunflower;
- rapeseed;
- soy
Cereals- Brown wild rice;
- oatmeal;
- Shiitake rice;
- buckwheat;
- bran;
- low carb pasta
- White rice;
- corn porridge;
- wheat;
- pasta
Fruits- Green apples;
- grapefruits;
- kiwi;
- lemons;
- oranges
- Grapes;
- melon;
- bananas;
- all berries
Other products- Nuts;
- seeds;
- mushrooms;
- soy products;
- vegetable juices
- Sausages;
- confectionery;
- butter;
- sauces, including mayonnaise;
- semi-finished products;
- dried fruits;
- soda

Notebook with menu and vegetables for cooking.

We consider cu

Nutritionists have developed a special table of low-carb foods that show carbohydrate content. They are usually measured in arbitrary units (cu). One cu equal to 1 g of carbohydrates. When developing a sample menu, consider these recommendations:

  • for weight loss - the daily diet should contain 40 cu
  • to stabilize the mass - the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 60 cu

Table - Low Carb Products

Grocery listContent
cu in 100 g
Grocery listContent
cu in 100 g
Raw meatRaw fish, shrimp
Boiled sausage1,5Crabs2
Chicken egg0,5Squid4
Vegetable oilOatmeal49
Low fat cottage cheese1Buckwheat62
Kefir, yogurt3,2Millet66
Milk4,7Rye bread34
Yogurt without additives3,5Wheat bread50
A tomato4The apples9,5
Tea coffeeDry wine1
Tomato juice3,5Beer12
Apple juice7,5Walnut12
Compote cherry24Sunflower seeds18
When calculating the amount of servings, do not forget that for effective weight loss, with low physical activity, the daily diet should consist of 1200-1500 kcal.

Sample menu

In order to develop the correct diet of low-carb nutrition, it is worthwhile to turn to an experienced nutritionist. The doctor will take into account individual characteristics and help create an effective menu that ensures proper and healthy weight loss. Conveniently navigate the table.

Table - An example menu for every day of a low-carb diet

DayBreakfastDinnerHigh teaDinner
Monday- Steam omelet;
- green apple;
- coffee
- Boiled beef;
- vegetable salad
- Yogurt unsweetened;
- orange
- Buckwheat porridge with chicken (small portion)
Tuesday- Cottage cheese with slices of unsweetened fruit;
- tea
- Vegetable stew;
- baked fish
- grapefruit- Mushroom soup
Wednesday- A slice of hard cheese (about 100 g);
- orange;
- tea
- Rabbit soup- Kefir- Braised cabbage with chicken
Thursday- buckwheat;
- coffee
- Baked meat;
- vegetable salad
- Qiwi
- an Apple
- Brown rice porridge;
- boiled fish
Friday- Fat-free cottage cheese;
- tea
- Chicken soup- Yogurt- Vegetable stew;
- boiled breast
Saturday- Boiled eggs (2 pcs.);
- hard cheese;
- coffee
- Baked pork (low-fat!);
- vegetable salad
- orange- Rice porrige;
- baked fish
Sunday- buckwheat;
- tea
- Mushroom soup- Kefir;
- orange
- Baked beef;
- vegetable salad
At the end of a low-carb diet, you need to gradually return to your normal diet. Nutritionists advise to replenish your diet daily at 5 cu


Food can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. The following recipes, recommended for a low-carb diet, confirm this.

Beef Stew


  • spinach - 200 g;
  • celery (root) - 100 g;
  • onions - one;
  • beef - 400-500 g;
  • tomato - one;
  • garlic - clove;
  • beef broth - a glass;
  • ginger (powder), cumin - to taste;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon.


  1. Spinach, celery are cut and fried in a saucepan.
  2. Tomatoes and onions are added to the cauldron.
  3. Pour the broth, put the garlic and add seasoning.
  4. Beef is cut into pieces and put in a stewpan.
  5. Stew stew for about 40 minutes with a closed lid.

Shrimp soup


  • shrimp - 500 g;
  • tomato - one;
  • lemon juice - a tablespoon;
  • bow - one;
  • celery - 50 g;
  • curry.


  1. All vegetables are cut and put into water.
  2. Shrimp is thrown into the boiling broth.
  3. Curry is added and lemon juice is poured.
  4. Cook until tender.

A low-carb diet for weight loss can not boast of a balanced diet. Therefore, you should not sit on it for too long. Usually nutritionists are advised to adhere to such a diet for no more than one month. In the future, to ensure the safety of the results achieved, you can practice low-carb days once a week.

Reviews: “She flew to the sea with a gorgeous figure”

Six years ago, got hooked on the Kremlin. Threw off 30 kg in a couple of years. Now everything is optimal, I still adhere to it, but without fanaticism. In my opinion, this is the main thing on any diet - to fit it as much as possible for yourself and not get into hysteria if something is broken.


I went through this diet according to all the rules. Of course, everyone goes through her own way, so I will write my own nuances. I combined diet with sports. Diet requires good endurance, discipline. You need to keep a food diary, calculate carbohydrates. It is impossible to break off (even by 1 cookie), otherwise there will not be a good effect. On this diet no harm can be! Carbohydrates are consumed only in the morning. Undesirable fruits, you can something like a green apple or grapefruit 1 time per day! Calorie content is maintained by increasing the amount of protein in the diet. On this diet, with a competent approach, fat and water go away, the body acquires a relief (provided that there are muscles under the fat). My whole diet lasted 2 months. I went out of it smoothly, adjusting the timing for my vacation at sea - flew away with a gorgeous figure.


Once, in a certain group, I came across an ad about recruiting a free group of collective weight loss. I decided to apply. They answered me, asked to fill out a questionnaire, accepted into the group. The initial weight was 75 kg. We were immediately informed that the diet would be low-carb, and if someone had health contraindications, we were asked to unsubscribe. As a result, I lost 9 kg in a month, the volumes went very well. To keep advised to use protein-carbohydrate alternation. Protein day / day carbohydrates / day mixed .. so 3 cycles, then proper nutrition. Frankly, I couldn’t keep it. As soon as she began to eat, without controlling the BZHU, 4 kg returned instantly.

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