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Nymphomania is a mental disorder that the people often have a name that doctors used in the Middle Ages: uterine rabies. What kind of "mad uterus" is this, what is characterized by, what are the complications, examples of symptoms, what is the definition of nymphomania - by the way, do not confuse it with a similar term: nymphatomania, this word on the Internet refers to the attraction of men to young girls - for a start, let's see what Wikipedia will tell us about this.
“Nymphomania (from other Greek: νύμφη - bride + μανία - passion, madness; Latin nymphomania), metromania (μήτρα - uterus) or andromania (ἀνήρ, genus ἀνδρός - man) - excessive sexual desire in women; kind of hypersexuality. Characterized by constant sexual dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies, the ongoing search for new partners and, due to the inhibition of sexual behavior, random sexual intercourse. Sometimes the term "nymphomania" is used in a figurative sense to refer to forms of sexual behavior in women that are not approved by society, or to express a negative attitude of Puritan morality to the sexual activity of women. Women suffering from nymphomania are called nymphomaniacs. ”
But the scientific term nymphomaniac you will not meet. But one does not need to think that increased sexual desire is characteristic only for women. It occurs in men, it is simply called in a different way - satyriasis.
The term comes from the Greek language, where the nymph in translation means "bride", and mania - "passion, madness." The problem is more typical for young girls, but not excluded at an older age. True nymphomania is extremely rare. It must be differentiated with organic diseases of the brain, which are also accompanied by increased sexual activity.
Nature of pathology
Previously, unhealthy sexual behavior was associated with rampant or uterine rabies. This is a form of hysteria, a mental disorder in which a woman showed increased sexual activity, gave very emotional reactions, accompanied by laughter, screams, and tears. She could defiantly lose consciousness, sometimes convulsions occurred, sensitivity disappeared, temporary blindness and deafness developed.
Ancient doctors and scientists associated such disorders with pathologies of the genital organ. It was believed that the uterus was "furious" from the inability to conceive a child. Or she "wanders" around the body, causing disturbances in well-being and behavior.
Since the symptoms of the disease manifest at any age, two main forms are distinguished:
- nymphomania in young women;
- climacteric nymphomania.
If you do not treat the condition that a young girl has, then it will accompany her throughout her life. Pathology is characterized by low self-esteem, a sense of inferiority, including sexual nature.Therefore, there is a need to constantly prove their worth.
The disease is combined with anorgasmia. This allows the body to maintain a high degree of sexual desire. The following forms of pathology are distinguished:
- with obsessions;
- hypomanic;
- congenital strong sex drive;
- false nymphomania.
Pathology is identified with sexual licentiousness and promiscuity. But these are completely different concepts and conditions. The signs of the disease are as follows.
- Search. A woman is in a state of constant search for a sexual partner. After contact with one, she immediately switches to a new one, not maintaining a long relationship.
- Selfishness. The problem of the nymphomaniac is the lack of orgasm. Therefore, she exclusively satisfies her sexual desires; she does not care about the psychological or physical state of her partner. If a man starts a relationship with such a girl, then after a while he begins to suffer from the inability to satisfy his partner, which can result in erectile dysfunction.
- Loss of control. A woman ceases to adequately assess what is happening. She does not give an account of her behavior.
- Hysteria. In some cases, attempts arise to achieve the desired through manipulation, screaming, hysteria, and demonstrative emotionality.
- Indifference. For a nympho, there is no difference with whom to have sex. She is not particularly interested in the personality, appearance, age of the man. Therefore casual communications are habitual. There is no fear of being raped, contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Symptoms are often associated with hypothalamic syndrome. The course of the disease is paroxysmal in nature. The provoking factors are conversations on erotic topics, watching relevant films, being in the same room with men, as well as any items that remind of sex. May be observed:
- sleep disturbances;
- changes in appetite;
- fever.
Normally, during sexual arousal, there is an increase in blood flow in the genitals. For women, such a thing as a clitoris erection is characteristic. In the excitation involved the vagina, the Bartholin glands. The release of special grease is enhanced. Orgasm is achieved through stimulation of the clitoris or during coition.
In nymphomaniacs, sexual arousal remains only a reaction of the brain, while no physiological manifestations from the genitals are observed. There is no increased blood flow - the clitoris remains in an un-erect state. This means that orgasm can not be achieved either by direct stimulation, or during the introduction of the penis.
Nymphomania, which arose at a young age, is often taken by women for granted. They are not able to assess their mental state adequately, consider increased sexual desire an individual feature. It is also impossible to cope with the problem on your own in cases where the cause is a violation of the balance of sex hormones.
Diagnosis and treatment
Nymphomania is more of a mental problem, therefore, for diagnosis it is important to visit not only a gynecologist, endocrinologist, but also a psychiatrist, sex therapist. A large number of sexual relations is accompanied by sexual infections. In this regard, in addition to tests for hormones, studies for STIs are prescribed. To exclude neoplasms in the brain, an MRI is performed.
The complex of therapeutic measures necessarily include sessions of psychotherapy.If the pathology is associated with a lack of female hormones, then drugs are prescribed that block the effects of androgens - Androkur and Androkur Depot.
A course of sedative medication is also needed. Antipsychotics, antidepressants can be prescribed. Homeopathy and herbs are used only as adjuvants. If a wife has nymphomania for a family, this can lead to serious problems.
Pathology is treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is necessary only in cases when hypersuxual behavior was the result of exacerbation of diseases such as manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, psychopathy.