Niacin: what foods contain, how to drink in tablets and why injections are prescribed

PP, B3, nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, "nicotine" - these are all the names of the same element, on which human health largely depends. Vitamin can be obtained from food. However, sometimes this is not enough, and you need to turn to pharmacological forms - tablets, injections. What problems does the nicotine help to fight? How to take it correctly? Instructions for the use of nicotinic acid are simple, however, care must be taken, especially for those who can not boast of one hundred percent health.
A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP has unique properties. This is the only vitamin that official medicine equates to medicine. The element takes part in metabolic processes. With its deficiency, all organs and systems suffer, the full functioning of the body becomes impossible. Nicotinamide deficiency leads to serious diseases, which are not easy to treat.

Many are confused by the name acid - nicotinic. There is nothing in common between acid and cigarette nicotine. Heavy smokers, on the contrary, are deficient in PP, but when quitting smoking, the vitamin begins to be actively synthesized.

Benefits of Vitamin B3

Is it possible to inject nicotinic acid when it is injected? The benefits of nicotinic acid for the body are enormous. With a sufficient number of elements, all organs and systems work like a clockwork. Vitamin A prevents the development of a number of diseases. Without it, the processes of oxidation and reduction are not complete. Niacin is capable of much:

  • accelerates metabolism;
  • improves bowel function;
  • promotes tissue oxygen saturation;
  • "Converts" sugar into energy;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • normalizes the nervous system;
  • helps the liver work;
  • improves memory;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • stabilizes the hormonal background;
  • has a detoxifying effect;
  • helps to cope with poisoning, including alcohol.

These are far from all the “talents” of the vitamin. It relieves migraines, relieves fatigue, helps fight stress, helps improve vision, and heals wounds. B3 is able to normalize weight, improve hair condition. It slows down the aging process, which is instantly displayed on the skin condition. In a word, an indispensable element, the benefits of which can be talked about for hours!

Nicotinamide reduces the risk of cholesterol plaque formation. This discovery was made by physicians in 1950. Since then, and talked about the benefits of PP. But the acid formula itself was discovered earlier - in the 19th century.

Daily rate

The body's need for vitamin B3 depends on various factors: gender, age, health status. To familiarize yourself with the daily rate will help the table.

Table - Consumption rate for children, women, men

For whomDaily rate, mg
Child from 1 to 3 years old6
Child from 4 to 8 years old8
Child from 9 years old - teenager12
The man20
Woman during pregnancy25
Woman during lactation28
The need for nicotinic acid in case of malfunctions of the body, various diseases is determined by the doctor individually. With an acute shortage of B vitamins in general and B3 in particular, the daily norm of nicotinamide can be 300 mg, however, such an increase in the norm is permissible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

PP disadvantage: danger and how to determine

With malnutrition, the body may not have enough vitamin PP, which leads to the development of various diseases, worsening of general well-being and affects the appearance. The most dangerous consequence of hypovitaminosis is a disease called pellagra. With the disease, signs of dermatitis appear: itchy red spots are visible on the skin, the dermis is peeling, cracking. The patient suffers from diarrhea, weakness, insomnia appears. The last stage in the development of the disease is dementia.

In order to prevent hypovitaminosis, you need to listen to the signals that the body gives. The deficiency of vitamin PP is indicated by such manifestations:

  • chronic fatigue for no reason;
  • frequent headaches;
  • Dizziness
  • decreased appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • regular colds (as an indicator of a decrease in immunity);
  • frequent constipation.

Found some symptoms? Do not rush to panic. Balance your diet and consult a doctor to determine the cause of alarming symptoms.

B3 deficiency is observed in older people, smokers, and those who abuse alcohol.

What products can I get

An important vitamin for the body can be obtained from food. And from those that are available to everyone. To figure out which foods should be included in your diet in order to prevent a deficiency of B3, the table will help.

Table - High Niacin Products

ProductThe amount of vitamin (mg / 100g)
Chicken fillet15
Sunflower seeds8,3
Brown rice5
Flax seeds 3
Most of all B3 is found in yellow tuna - 19 mg / 100 g. Salmon and halibut can compete with tuna for vitamin content. But even if you can eat these types of fish daily for food, you should not do this. For all their usefulness, they contain a lot of mercury, so you can’t often include these marine inhabitants in your diet. Create a varied menu!

Nicotinic acid: instructions and indications for the use of a pharmacy drug

B3 can not always be obtained in sufficient quantities from food. Then vitamin preparations from the pharmacy come to the rescue. Nicotinic acid is part of vitamin complexes, sold in the form of tablets and injection. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. PP will help solve the problems that arise in the process of carrying a baby and breastfeeding.

For diseases

B3 is the only vitamin that can be considered a medicine. It is prescribed for such diseases and conditions:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemic strokes;
  • diabetes;
  • arthrosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • circulatory disturbance;
  • psoriasis;
  • chronic colitis;
  • obesity;
  • hernia;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • intoxication: alcoholic, medical, professional.

Treatment will be effective only if it is prescribed by a doctor. Nicotinic acid intake is only part of the therapeutic course.

Nicotinamide is used for electrophoresis. This method can defeat osteochondrosis.

For prophylaxis

B3 in the form of tablets is also taken for the prevention of various diseases. It is advisable to coordinate your actions with your doctor. Or at least stick to the instructions that are in the package with the drug.

Many people know the benefits of nicotinic acid for blood vessels. Therefore, tablets are usually bought to strengthen the vascular system. This avoids heart problems, eliminates the appearance of varicose veins.B3 is taken so that the metabolism is always normal, there are no malfunctions in the intestines, do not disturb dermatitis, vision did not lose sharpness.

Scientists have proved that with a sufficient level of PP in the body, the risks of developing oncology are reduced. Once a year it is worth drinking a course of the drug - and the tumors will not be scary.

For expectant mothers and with GV

Being in an “interesting” position, it is important to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and elements. Expectant mothers should get B3 from food. The instructions for the pharmacy “nicotine” say that when carrying a baby, the drug should be treated with caution. However, this applies only to those cases when everything proceeds without complications. When difficulties are present, then vitamin can help solve them. In any case, you can not engage in amateur activity and you need to trust your doctor. Typically, niacin can be prescribed in three cases.

  1. In violation of the functions of the placenta. Vitamin tablets are prescribed for expectant mothers if a violation of the functions of the placenta is diagnosed.
  2. Waiting for twins or triplets. B3 is indicated for multiple pregnancy: a vitamin will help the body of a future mother to cope with stress, if "happiness is double."
  3. With nicotine addiction. If a pregnant woman cannot cope with nicotine addiction, then she is prescribed PP in tablets to make up for the vitamin deficiency, which is prevented by the absorption of tar.
Reviews of doctors say that the drug will help nursing mothers if there is a problem with the production of milk (too little or too much). The only thing physicians focus on: treatment with nicotinic acid during breastfeeding should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist.

How to take for treatment ...

The use of nicotinic acid in tablets for the treatment of a specific disease should be agreed with the doctor. Dosage depends on the weight of the patient, the severity of the disease. Usually adhere to this regimen: 0.1 g at a time, taken three times a day. But everything is individual, therefore, a doctor’s consultation is required. Remember the three rules.

  1. After meal. It is recommended to take pills after meals. You should not drink the drug on an empty stomach - it is fraught with the appearance of nausea.
  2. To wash down with water. Normal, no gas. If the acidity in the stomach is increased, then the "pill" is washed down with warm milk or mineral water.
  3. Take a course. The effect of treatment will be only if you take B3 course. It usually lasts a month. The course is repeated six months later.

If you want to drink the drug for preventive purposes, then the dosage should be less than with treatment. About 0.02 g for one dose (three times a day). It is better to find out all the intricacies of preventive methods from a doctor, especially if you have not been in the examination for a long time and judge your state of health solely by feelings.

When taking niacin, include cottage cheese in your daily diet. It is rich in methionine, which protects the liver.

... and for weight loss

Niacin removes toxins and toxins, improves metabolism, promotes the breakdown of fats. These unique properties of the vitamin have attracted the attention of those who want to lose weight. You can take nicotinic acid for weight loss (it is even used to treat obesity), but you need to understand that this is an auxiliary method. Pills only set the body in the right way, weight will not go away without changing eating habits and without physical exertion.

If you plan to drink “nicotine” in order to find the perfect figure, it is better to get a nutritionist consultation first. It is important not to overdo it with the dosage. You can take no more than two tablets per day. Overdo it in the pursuit of harmony - get the opposite result. Hypervitaminization can affect metabolic processes in the most unexpected way. As a result, instead of such a desired ideal figure, you can get a brutal appetite and as a result - even more excess at the waist.

Nicotinic acid ginger tablets

Injections instead of pills

The drug in the pharmacy is sold not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a solution for injection.Injections with nicotinic acid are prescribed in order to avoid the negative effects of the tablet vitamin on the gastric mucosa and when a quick action of the drug is necessary. Injections are not relevant for everyone. There are indications for the use of nicotinic acid in ampoules:

  • increased gastric acidity;
  • pain in the spine;
  • pinched trigeminal nerve;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • acute hemorrhoids.

The drug is administered in two ways: intramuscularly, intravenously. One ampule is drawn into the syringe. The number of injections per day is determined by the doctor (this depends on the problem), but usually more than two injections are not prescribed.

The nicotine injections are painful: a burning sensation is felt at the injection site. If the drug is administered intravenously, the skin turns red. This is a normal reaction. If there is no redness, then you should be wary: perhaps there is a problem with blood circulation.

Skin exposure ...

B3 is able to give youth - if not eternal, then long. When the body receives enough vitamin, it is immediately noticeable in appearance. The dermis looks radiant, moisturized and smooth. Ingestion is beneficial for the skin: it is cleansed at the cellular level, inflammation and acne disappear. You can do something else: add a vitamin ampoule to your lotion to increase the effectiveness of the care product.

The drug in ampoules has gained widespread use in home cosmetology. Based on the solution make face masks. The drug goes well with calendula, coconut oil, lemon juice, clay. With the help of home remedies in which the ampouled B3 acts as the “first violin”:

  • tighten the skin;
  • get rid of bumps;
  • improve complexion;
  • remove bruises under the eyes;
  • get rid of puffiness.

The drug will help to tidy the body: tighten the skin after losing weight, get rid of cellulite. To do this, wraps are done: they moisten the bandage in a preparation diluted with water (1: 3), wrap the problem areas, cover with a film and wait until “warmth” occurs. The result is impressive!

Cosmetics with nicotinic acid cannot be used if the blood vessels "shine through" the skin.

Beautiful blonde

... and hair

Ampouled B3 is a real salvation for hair. The drug should pay attention to those whose curls are weakened, look dull and lifeless. With the help of a pharmaceutical drug, you can accelerate the growth of hair, get rid of dandruff. Nicotinka is successfully used for treatment alopecia. The easiest way to improve the condition of your curls and overcome the ongoing process of baldness is to go through a month-long course of rubbing the drug into the roots. However, it is important to remember that rubbing more than one ampoule per day is strictly prohibited.

The drug acts in several ways. It nourishes and strengthens the hairs. The "thermal" effect that appears after the use of ampoules is a sign of blood flow stimulation. The drug “transports” useful substances to the bulbs: hair begins to grow rapidly, and a “fluff” appears in place of the receding hairline.

Before use, it is better to consult a trichologist, especially if the scalp is sensitive. The drug causes redness and burning, but these manifestations are normally short-lived. If the discomfort intensifies, most likely, an allergic reaction has gone.

Overdose and side effects

Prolonged, uncontrolled use of B3 in tablets or ampoules can cause harm to the body. Failure to follow instructions could result in:

  • impaired liver function;
  • kidney problems
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Do not overdose. With an excessive increase in dose, allergic manifestations, dizziness, vomiting, high fever can be observed. These same unpleasant symptoms appear when the drug is injected too quickly with a syringe.

When taking the drug, such side effects are often observed: temporary redness of the dermis, sensation of heat. They pass independently and fairly quickly.

White pills in hands

Do not forget about contraindications

B3, although it refers to vitamins, however, it is important not to forget that it is a drug.And that means - there are contraindications for taking it. A useful tool should be discarded with:

  • bleeding
  • acute liver disease;
  • exacerbation of an ulcer;
  • renal failure.
With individual intolerance, a pharmacy vitamin can not be used either internally or externally.

Nicotinic acid is a useful drug that will help get rid of a number of diseases, grow a "braid to the waist", delay youth and find an ideal figure. Moreover, it costs a penny - from 15 rubles a tablet and from 30 rubles - ampoules (the cost depends on the amount of the drug in the package). But it is important to remember that the dosage of nicotinic acid, methods of use, and the duration of the course should ideally be discussed with a doctor, especially if this relates to the treatment of diseases.

Reviews: “Back pain has gone, hair has grown, and skin condition has improved”

For several years now I have been suffering from cervical osteohodrosis (for about 4 years), and it’s not passing ... Yes, if you earned it “once”, then you have to live with it all your life (drink pills, give injections, etc. so as not to suffer). This is something from a series of incurable diseases. So, nicotinic acid SAVES ME FROM PAIN IN THE SPINE. "Not a back", and "not muscles" hurts and it is the SPINE that hurts. It feels like the bones inside hurt and ache. But besides pain, he also CRUNCHES. And this pain, it is unbearable !!! And if while still sitting and leaning back on a chair, it hurts even more! And as soon as I feel these symptoms in my spine, then I grab at the nicotine. I don’t know why, but I always get “quick arrival” from vitamins. After I drink nicotinic acid, the pain with a crunch goes away after 15-20 minutes, and then I can enjoy life again. I DO NOT DRINK IT EVERY DAY, BUT ONLY TO THE NEED (but, at work, my need for it for some reason grows, apparently due to the fact that I sit there a lot). And not even a whole pill, I have enough half.

Nastya is evil

... Recently, having read reviews, I decided to conduct a clean experiment for a month and a half. I decided not to use any external stimulants, only shampoo and balm (at the same time my hair will rest). But I bought 2 internal growth promoters - Nicotinic acid in tablets and Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). In both packages there are exactly 50 tablets, and this is 1 month and 20 days - enough to see the results. I started the course on October 1, finished on November 20.
I explain how I took the drugs. Nicotinic acid, 1 tablet daily in the morning, immediately after a hearty breakfast. At the same time, pyridoxine (also 1 tablet per day). Nicotinka did not give me any side effects. The only time I forgot to take the pill in the morning was in the evening on a half-empty stomach. After 20 minutes, I had red spots on my hands, began to itch, and prick :) But after half an hour everything came to naught. I would not risk taking more than 1 piece (although the results would probably be even more substantial, but health is more expensive). According to the results of the experiment, we see that vitamins really work perfectly, accelerating the growth of even slowly growing hair by 2 times! However, it is not recommended to take them constantly, only in a course. Now I will give the body a couple of months to rest


Studying the indications for use in the instructions, I learned that it is used for osteochondrosis and gastric ulcer. I have both of these ailments, so it was decided to take nicotinic acid in a course. The result was more than good.

1. Back pain. The beginning of my course of taking nicotinic acid fell at the time of exacerbation of osteochondrosis. When it is the spine that hurts, and painkillers help either not immediately, or there is no sense in them at all. After starting to take the nicotine, I noticed relief. At the same time, she temporarily abandoned her trips to the pool and massage. Niacin very well normalizes blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, due to this, the back felt fine.
2. The stomach.Having combined the course of treatment for a stomach ulcer (and it either closes, then opens again, and has to be treated again), I noticed a positive effect in the speed of treatment. Indeed, with nicotinic acid everything healed faster and the stomach less bothered me with irrepressible pain.
3. Hair growth. Choosing nicotinic acid specifically for hair growth, but then changing my mind, I still got growth. Yes, what! I took it for 3 months, with short breaks. Noticing how fast my hair began to grow, I was very surprised. Usually, I grow 1 cm per month. Whatever I do. Neither the head massage, nor the warming mustard and pepper masks, nor the vitamin complexes that so praise everyone, helped me speed it up. Tired of tinkering with this, I simply scored on growth and set about improving quality. What was my surprise when I began to notice from the overgrown roots that the hair began to grow very quickly. In a month, growth reached 2-2.5 cm. When I stopped taking nicotinic acid, the growth became the same - 1 cm per month. During the reception of the nicotine, I still managed to grow the length that I wanted. Growth was accelerated by improving blood circulation and vasodilation, so there are no miracles here;)
Also, an improvement in facial skin condition was noted. All inflammations disappeared, the color improved. Nails became stronger and grew very quickly, did not have time to file. Nicotinic acid also has an excellent wound healing property. My kitten lives at home, which can often scratch during the game. So these scratches healed one or two.


Other medications

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