Celandine tincture on vodka: recipes, and for which diseases the use of the drug is relevant

Celandine (warthog, brambleweed) is a perennial grass that grows almost throughout Russia. It is found along fences and near dwellings. In all parts of the plant, milky juice of yellow-orange color is concentrated. This is a storehouse of biologically active substances. Alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids are concentrated in it. The active composition of the culture is well soluble in alcohol. The use of alcohol tincture is practiced in folk medicine for cancer.
Celandine tincture in a bowl

In traditional medicine, a warthog is used very rarely. The reason for this is the presence in the grass of alkaloids with a nerve-paralytic effect. Long-term use of extracts from plants in high doses is fraught with poisoning. Consequences - disruption of the central nervous system up to respiratory depression.

The wave of popularity of the herb in the treatment of cancer has been replaced by an almost complete oblivion of the remedy. This is due to the fact that the effect of a herbal medicine is difficult to predict, and not all patients with severe ailments experience progress after its use.

Proven effects

The use of herbs and tinctures from it was investigated by Anatoly Potopalsky, Ph.D. The scientist's findings are recorded in a monograph on the plant "Celandine preparations in biology and medicine." The following plant properties are scientifically proven.

  • Antispasmodic. Tincture of a warthog eliminates spasms in the abdominal region of moderate and weak severity.
  • Hepatoprotective. Animal tests have confirmed the antihepatotoxic effect of the drug. An alcoholic extract reduces the number of necrotic liver cells, eliminates signs of acute hepatitis. Prevents liver fibrosis.
  • Bactericidal. Alcohol extraction from browberry has proven antibacterial activity. The tool eliminates flatulence, dysbiosis, reduces signs of intoxication with infectious hepatitis.
  • Choleretic. The combination of medication and a low-fat diet leads to a relief of patients with cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia.
  • Regenerating. Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of tincture of celandine against ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines. The drug normalizes the secretion of digestive juices, accelerates the healing of ulcers and erosion on the mucous membranes.
  • Antitumor. In the middle of the 20th century, doctors actively recommended herb preparations to patients with malignant diseases. Studies on rats by K. Balitsky proved the effectiveness of the drug against sarcomas and carcinomas of various localization, skin oncology, tumor lesions of the uterus, mammary glands, ovaries, stomach and intestines.

In modern medicine, herbal preparations have faded into the background. The reason is the presence of new pharmacological compounds with proven and continuous effectiveness. Doubts about celandine treatment arose precisely against the background of a lack of consistent results. During mass tests, scientists recorded various information - from the complete cure of the disease in the shortest possible time to the absence of any effect or even the toxic effect of the plant.

Doctors rarely recommend the herb and tincture of it for serious illnesses, preferring registered medications.However, an alcohol extract of a warthog can be an important adjuvant to enhance therapy.

Celandine tincture

Cooking options

Herbalists give very diverse recommendations regarding the preparation of warthog extract. There are even recipes for whey. But best of all, the alkaloids of the plant are dissolved precisely in alcohol. Their maximum concentrations are in the juice of the grass.

Fresh Herb Extract

Features The tool is prepared from flowering grass. Collect it in June, cutting off the aerial part at the level of 20 cm from the soil. Finely chopped greens with a knife or cut with scissors.


  1. Raw materials are placed in a glass container to the top, only slightly tamping.
  2. Pour grass with high-quality vodka, tightly seal the container.
  3. They put the jar in a cool dark place for ten days, regularly shake the vessel.
  4. The resulting extract is filtered through cheesecloth into a storage container.
  5. Keep in the refrigerator.

Dry extract

Features To prepare the product, you can use independently harvested grass or raw materials purchased at the pharmacy from herbalists.


  1. Dry crushed raw materials are tightly packed in a glass container for 2/3 of the volume.
  2. Pour quality vodka or diluted alcohol, filling the tank to the top.
  3. They are left in a warm place for a day, after which they are transferred to a dark, cool room.
  4. Insist for two weeks, regularly shaking the contents.
  5. After straining, store in the refrigerator.

Juice based product

Features For preparation, fresh celandine grass is used along with the underground part. Raw materials should be washed quickly under a stream of cold water.


  1. Washed roots and grass are passed several times through a meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the raw materials by hand or wrap it in gauze and put under oppression.
  3. The resulting liquid is defended in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  4. Pour juice into a storage container, trying not to agitate the sediment.
  5. In the resulting squeeze add half the volume of vodka.
The most concentrated is a drug made from juice. It is used inside with great care. In its pure form, juice is used only externally.

Instruction for use

An alcohol hood can be used as a prophylactic, as well as for the treatment of existing ailments. The drug is recommended for oncological diagnoses, disorders of the digestive tract, benign gynecological tumors. It is known about the practice of treating celandine intestinal polyps in adults. Outwardly used for psoriasis, eczema, weeping dermatitis, to soften and remove corns and warts.

The tool is not used in pediatrics, in pregnant women. The treatment of adenoids in children, eye diseases and damage to the mucous membranes with the help of a warthog is not carried out.

Schemes of admission: "Royal" methodology and "Hill"

The most popular in folk medicine is the "Royal" treatment method. On it, the drug begins to be taken with five drops three times a day. Daily a single dose is increased by one drop. Maximum - 30 drops. If the condition worsens, the achieved dose is reduced by five drops and is taken in such quantity over the course of a month. After a month, treatment can be repeated. It is recommended to take no more than two courses of therapy per year.

According to the "Gorka" technique, medication is started with five drops three times a day. Daily increase the dose in one drop - up to 20 at a time. Next, the dose is reduced dropwise, bringing to five drops per reception. Ten days later, the treatment is repeated. Perhaps the passage of three "slides" in a year.

When taking celandine preparations, the following rules should be followed:

  • make drops - before use, a dose of tincture is diluted in ¼ cup of water;
  • stick to a special menu - during therapy, it is necessary to use dairy products;
  • do not exceed dosage - the daily dose of the medicine should not exceed two teaspoons (the average dose of ordinary tinctures is 20 drops, the drug from juice - ten drops).

Preparation of celandine tincture

Negative consequences

The results of clinical trials of celandine tincture indicate the absence of undesirable effects on the body during its use. Scientist Anatoly Potopalsky believes that the toxic properties of the warthog alkaloids are exaggerated. However, folk experience indicates a number of unpleasant moments that may occur during therapy:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • skin rash;
  • disturbances in the liver.

To prevent side effects, phytotherapists recommend using celandine in short courses, lasting up to four weeks. During treatment, the recommended doses should not be exceeded - this will not bring significant relief, but it can provoke intoxication.

The condition of the patient should be carefully monitored, and in case of symptoms of poisoning, consult a doctor immediately.

With proper and regular use, the plant contributes to recovery. However, treatment should be justified. Before starting the course, you should consult your doctor. This is especially true for people with cancer, chronic pathologies, as well as in the presence of stones in the gall bladder. So far, herbalists have not come to a consensus that the warthog is effective against hormonal disorders and their consequences. Therefore, their treatment of fibroids, polycystic, breast tumors also requires consultation with a gynecologist.

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