Hawthorn tincture: benefits and harms, how to drink, recipes from different parts of the plant

Hawthorn is a traditional medicinal plant used to treat cardiovascular diseases. The pharmaceutical industry offers three dosage forms: tablets, extract, tincture. Despite the established practice of prescribing phytochemicals, there is still no unambiguous opinion of medicine about the correct composition of alcohol extracts. Culture continues to be studied.
Tincture of hawthorn

The main question is the feasibility of choosing raw materials. Until recently, the basis of alcohol tinctures were well-ripened fruits of the plant. But in 2011, several Russian scientists, on the basis of research works, announced a higher efficiency of hawthorn leaves for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases. To date, this type of medicinal raw material is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia.

Raw material selection

The question of what to make hawthorn preparations from is not the first to be raised. For example, in the famous collection “Medicinal plants and methods of their application in the people”, the Soviet herbalist M. Nosal recommends using freshly squeezed juice of flowers for the preparation of alcoholic extracts.

His phytotherapist mixed with 90% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2, defended 15 days in a dark place. He prescribed for dizziness, suffocation caused by heart disease, menopause 40 drops three times a day. The same drug M. Nosal recommended for children in lower dosages in order to normalize sleep, eliminate over-excitability.


However, obtaining fresh juice from the flowers of the plant is an incredibly complex and costly process. The output of raw materials is extremely small, therefore, this technique is not used by the pharmaceutical industry. Until 2010, the infusion was made only from fruits.
They contain a group of flavonoids, triterpenic acids, tannins, catechins. Flavonoids and triterpenes have a direct effect on the cardiovascular system. The following therapeutic effects are manifested:

  • increase coronary blood flow;
  • improve blood supply to the myocardium;
  • increase the contractility of the heart muscle;
  • possess antiarrhythmic action;
  • increase myocardial immunity to a lack of oxygen;
  • increase heart volume, endurance of the heart.

The most active agent in relation to cardiac pathologies, accompanied by high blood pressure. The drug has a hypotensive effect, so it quickly improves the condition. Soothes, relaxes, normalizes sleep. However, it is not always so effective.

“Phytopreparations are powerful therapeutic agents that require a serious scientific approach,” noted T. Nurakhova, Sh. Imashova, specialists of the Kazakh Medical National University (KMNU) in the publication “On the issue of herbal medicine for cardiovascular pathology”. “They have characteristic features: the gradual development of the effect, its softness, moderation.” Such exposure features are optimal for pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, but are not always sufficient.

The use of tincture of hawthorn from fruits is recommended by specialists of KMNU with the following violations:

  • decreased heart strength;
  • circulatory failure of the first and second degrees;
  • tightness, pressure in the area of ​​the heart muscle;
  • "Senile heart" without the need for correction of the state of glycosides;
  • mild forms of rhythm disturbance, combined with bradycardia;
  • "Pulmonary heart", immune to glycosides.

The use of fruits for the preparation of dosage forms of hawthorn is standard pharmacological practice. Their value lies in the additional positive effect on the body, weakened by the disease. Providing cardiotonic effect, they do not lead to additional wear of the heart. On the contrary, they relax the heart muscle, increase the strength of strokes, activate blood circulation.

Phytopreparations, unlike synthetic medicines, can be used to prevent the development of pathological conditions. Drinking tincture of hawthorn is recommended in order to prevent arrhythmia, angina pectoris, increase pressure.


The chemical composition of the leaves has been little studied due to the fact that even folk medicine used flowers and plant fruits as raw materials. Therefore, considerable interest was caused by the research work of specialists of the Bashkir State Medical University of Roszdrav "The study of the antiarrhythmic activity of blood-red hawthorn leaves."

A complex of triterpenic acids, flavonoids hyperoside, vitexin and quercetin, and essential oil are distinguished in the composition of the leaves. The content of biologically active substances is not as high as in fruits that additionally contain sugars, pectins, a group of minerals and vitamins. However, according to scientists, the comparison of biological value is important to take into account the goals pursued in the appointment of therapy.

In the research work, scientists conducted an experiment on mice that artificially provoked arrhythmia. To correct the condition, tincture of fruits was orally administered to one group of experimental subjects, and leaves to another group. The experiment lasted 14 days, the drug was administered 60 minutes before exposure to the heart muscle. The results were recorded using an electrocardiogram.

The study made three conclusions.

  1. Without support, the heart stops. Animals of the control group that did not receive the hawthorn drug died from cardiac arrest within three minutes after the initiation of ventricular extrasystole, a sharp bradycardia.
  2. Leaf tincture contributes to survival. Prophylactic administration of a leaf-based drug showed a decrease in the frequency and severity of rhythm disturbances. The number of temporary cardiac arrests decreased by 50%. Survived with a complete restoration of the parameters of the heart 40% of the subjects.
  3. Tincture of the fruit does not affect the course of arrhythmia. The third control group recorded interesting results. It was revealed that in 80% of mice, a preliminary course of taking the drug from the fetus did not cause a positive effect on the course of the attack. In comparison with the first control group, a decrease in the duration or intensity of the pathological condition was not recorded.
According to the researchers, the tincture of hawthorn from the leaves significantly shows the best therapeutic effect in comparison with the drug from the fruits, increases the resistance of the heart muscle to arrhythmia, normalizes the rhythm.

Cooking Technique

Alcohol is used to prepare the herbal medicine, which raises questions from consumers. At first glance, this makes the medicine potentially dangerous, for example, for the liver. Therefore, alcoholic products are often replaced at home with decoctions and water infusions. According to experts, this is not necessary. Harm tinctures can occur only in three cases:

  • exceeding the recommended dosage;
  • use of the "wrong" means;
  • individual intolerance.

Subject to dosage, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. It has been established that negative consequences provoke a single dose of too large a dose of 100 drops.But the reaction is not caused by alcohol, but by the bioactive components of the drug that can dramatically reduce cardiac activity.

In alcohol, the concentration of valuable flavonoids and triterpenes is many times higher than in broth. And they remain longer than in an aqueous solution. Therefore, aqueous forms of the drug can be consumed in large volumes. For example, brew leaves or fruits and drink tea up to three times a day like a glass. With alcohol tinctures, it is important to observe the dosage.

In 2016, a wave of poisoning swept across Russia with “tincture of hawthorn”, which turned out to be a cosmetic lotion during the test. Unscrupulous manufacturers used the reputation of a proven folk remedy in which ethyl alcohol was replaced with methyl alcohol, which caused the death of more than 50 people. Supplemented the “composition” with synthetic fragrances, lemon oil, glycerin.

Pharmacological method

A typical technology for preparing fruit-based products involves the use of 70% alcohol. They pour crushed berries in the ratio of one part of the fruit to ten parts of alcohol. Withstand 14 days in well-sealed containers.

Since 2011, Russia has begun production of the drug based on the leaves of a medicinal crop. Dried raw materials are poured with 70% alcohol and stored in a dark place for at least a week. For 100 ml of alcohol, 20 g of dried raw materials are used.

At home

The availability and prevalence of medicinal raw materials allows you to prepare the drug at home. Herbalists use all parts of the plant: fruits, leaves and flowers, which are filled with vodka or alcohol.

According to herbalist A. Varennikov, tincture of hawthorn in vodka is an indispensable remedy for heart disease. “The whole strength of a medicinal plant is precisely in the flowers,” the phytotherapist believes. “Can you imagine what would happen to the“ connoisseurs ”of such a pharmacy tincture, who like to drink two or three vials at a time, if the berries really contained a high concentration of biological components?” jar, pour vodka to the neck, cork with a lid and leave in a dark place for two weeks.

A. Varennikov considers the drug useful for improving the functioning of the heart muscle, normalizing pressure in hypertension, eliminating pain, stabilizing the rhythm in tachycardia, arrhythmia. “The useful properties of such a tool are confirmed by many years of practice. Take it from 30 drops to one teaspoon three times a day, ”the phytotherapist clarifies.

Hawthorn berries

Recommendations for use

Pharmaceutical formulations belong to the therapeutic group of other drugs for the treatment of heart diseases that improve blood circulation in the vessels of the heart and brain, increase the susceptibility of the myocardium to glycosides. Triterpenic acids and flavonoids demonstrate an antispasmodic effect, reduce high blood pressure, and improve vascular elasticity.

Instruction manual

When taking the drug, the effect develops within 30-60 minutes. Indications for use:

  • heart disorder;
  • angioneurosis;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia.

With insomnia, mild cardiac disorders, in stressful situations, it is allowed to take tincture as an independent therapeutic agent to prevent pathological disorders.

With tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, relying only on a herbal preparation and even more so treating without the advice of a doctor is a mistake. Herbal remedy complements complex therapy.


The standard dosage regimen is 20-30 drops per dose for an adult patient with a frequency of three to four times a day. Choose a dosage individually, observing the patient's condition. It is important to find a “golden mean,” in which the patient will feel better, and adhere to it. The course is continued until a stable positive result is obtained.

The instruction does not provide for the use of the drug in young children. The drug is valid no earlier than 12 years. The dosage is calculated in one drop for each year of a child's life.

Contraindications, side effects

The tool can cause individual allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and itching, which is not the norm. When taken in large doses, it provokes drowsiness, slowing down the reaction, lowering blood pressure, therefore it is not recommended for use in the treatment of patients with hypotension. Contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • bearing a child;
  • lactation.
Studies of plant materials confirm its safety for mothers and children when consumed in other non-alcoholic forms. For example, in the form of tea, decoction, fresh fruits. Therefore, herbal remedies from the plant are included in the list of drugs of choice in the management of expectant mothers suffering from hypertension, heart disease.

With menopause

The feasibility of taking hawthorn preparations for menopause was noted by a phytotherapist, herbalist M. Nosal. In his opinion, tincture serves as a good, gentle means to eliminate “hot flashes”, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, and sweating.

“When menopause begins, it will protect against dizziness,“ stroke ”, suffocation, heart neurosis,” the phytotherapist notes in the collection “Medicinal Plants and Methods of Their Use in the People”. It is recommended to regularly use the drug three times a day, 40 drops each.

For men

Tincture of hawthorn is not included in the list of herbal remedies designed to normalize potency in men. It is a mistake to believe that the ability of a medicinal plant to enhance blood circulation has a positive effect on male libido.

However, for men, the remedy will benefit with hypertension, which is the main cause of stroke. The drug will support the heart and lower blood pressure, which will allow you to have sex without the risk of sudden hemorrhage.

Hawthorn tincture in a bottle

For face, hair

An extract can be used for topical treatment of acne on the face. However, it is not practical to use a valuable biologically active preparation in this way. Its active components do not have a local anti-inflammatory effect, ordinary alcohol acts as a drying and antibacterial ingredient in the composition. It can be used for cauterization of pimples in its pure form, but it is better to choose specialized herbal remedies with a pronounced antibacterial effect. For example, tincture of calendula.

But for hair growth, the product is suitable if you combine it with another biologically active ingredient - aloe. The recipe is this: three tablespoons of chopped aloe leaves are mixed with 30 ml of alcohol extract of hawthorn.
The composition is immediately applied to the scalp, rubbed well, wrapped in a towel and left for an hour. After washing off with water, wash your hair with shampoo. Alcohol in the composition of the drug stimulates the circulation of the scalp, so that the active substances penetrate deep into the tissue.


This remedy was prescribed to me by a cardiologist. It turned out that this is a good tool for normalizing pressure and heart rate, and indeed it affects the nervous system very cool. You need to drink tincture of hawthorn 20 drops 3 times a day before meals for several weeks, but the dosage may vary depending on the doctor’s recommendations.

Already on the first day I felt the effect. She began to feel better, easier to fall asleep, and her heart stopped “fluttering" in her chest. Towards the end of the course, I often skipped the appointment, but I took it at night, as it allows you to sleep soundly and after it I got much better sleep. Although you cannot drink on an ongoing basis, you must adhere to the recommendations of your doctor.

Shooik, https://otzovik.com/review_4263773.html

I want to stand up for tincture of hawthorn. The taste, of course, is unpleasant, but I personally have the effect of using tincture of hawthorn. I take the course, strengthening aspartame (a drug containing potassium and magnesium). Both drugs cost mere pennies.
I’ve been taking it since I had a rapid pulse. Most often I woke up in the morning from the fact that my heart was beating furiously. Now there is no such problem.

I will take the course in three weeks and until the next time, as unpleasant symptoms appear. Of course, I am not a doctor, but I associate this with premenopausal age. By the way, it is written on the drug itself, which helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

Natusya2238, http://otzovik.com/review_2128461.html

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