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It is possible and necessary to fight dandruff with folk remedies at home. But in order for the treatment to be truly effective, and not to aggravate the situation, it is important to understand what kind of dandruff is on the head and determine the range of reasons that provoked it. This is not an easy task. But the effectiveness of all further activities depends on it.
What are the types of seborrhea and how to cure it
Normally, dead skin cells exfoliate constantly. But they are so small that it is impossible to see them with the naked eye. We wash them off when washing our heads, brush them off when combing them, but we don’t see it - it is believed that there is no dandruff. If there are visible scales, then not everything is in order with the health of the scalp.
The main cause of dandruff is a fungus. Normally, it is present on the skin, but immunity can inhibit its excessive growth. In addition to a fungal infection, there are a number of factors that cause peeling and irritation of the scalp. Below we will analyze in detail the main causes, and what kind of dandruff they cause.
Dry dandruff looks like white flakes of various sizes: from very small, similar to semolina, to large, resembling snowflakes - how to remove it once and for all? It easily crumbles when shaking and combing. It is localized most often along the front line of hair growth and on the crown of the head. This kind seborrhea characteristic for owners of dry and sensitive scalp. The main causes of dry dandruff.
- Fungus. Its active growth provokes accelerated skin renewal. And since dry skin produces little sebum, the flakes easily separate from the skin.
- Aggressive Cleansers. The bulk of store shampoos incorporate aggressive surfactants. They dry dry skin and cause irritation. As a result, strong peeling occurs, which is noticeable on the shoulders.
- Silicone. They are manufacturers generously flavored conditioners and hair masks. They cover the hairs with a thin film. Thus, softness of the strands and a beautiful shine are achieved. The same film is formed on the skin. Under it, the cells do not “breathe”, the skin sweats, the pores clog. As a result, irritation and peeling.
- Hot styling. Favorite styling devices - hair dryers, curling irons, irons - dry out strands and skin. If hair can be protected by special means, then the skin is defenseless against high temperatures.
- Refusal of caps. Unwillingness to spoil with a hat the lovingly created beauty on the head leads to dire consequences. Cold air is no less harmful to the skin than hot.
- Hormonal adjustment. They can be associated with pregnancy, puberty, thyroid disease, and a number of other conditions that affect our hormonal background. In pregnant women, the skin often becomes drier; in children in puberty, on the contrary, it becomes oily.
- Circulatory disorders. Tight hats, tightly gathered hair, hairpins and rims tighten the head and hair, interfere with normal blood flow. The skin and roots do not receive proper nutrition.Dryness and peeling appear, the hair dims and falls out.
- Malnutrition. Insufficient intake of vitamins, fats, proteins and minerals leads to a violation of the protective functions of cells, the skin becomes more sensitive and dry. Therefore, dandruff often accompanies dieters.
- Decreased immunity. Reception of antibiotics, inflammatory processes, chronic diseases and many other factors weaken the immune system. As a result, the development of a fungal infection on the scalp.
Oily seborrhea is slightly less common than dry seborrhea. It is associated with increased production of sebum. In such people, the skin on the face is usually oily. Even after morning wash, the hair looks dirty and untidy by the evening. In case of fat dandruff, dead particles of the epidermis adhere to the layer of sebum and form an unsightly crust. If you scratch your head, then under the nails will remain oily "porridge." Peels off the crust in large pieces of grayish or yellowish color. In advanced cases, oily seborrhea leads to hair loss. Here is a list of the main causes of oily seborrhea.
- Fungus. With its excessive growth, the affected skin in an attempt to recover faster begins to update rapidly. All dead cells remain on the surface, “stuck” in the sebum. And it is a breeding ground for the fungus. Vicious circle.
- Hormones. Basically, the skin becomes excessively oily during puberty and with fluctuations in the level of sex hormones in men and women.
- Hereditary factor. The skin type is genetically incorporated. If one of the parents had dense, oily, porous skin, and was inherited, it would not be possible to radically change the situation. You can only alleviate the condition by proper care.
- Malnutrition. The abundance of spicy, fatty foods, lack of vitamins, minerals and protein - a sure way to metabolic disorders. The skin is one of the first to respond to metabolic changes.
How to treat a “dry problem”
Folk remedies for dry dandruff should suppress the development of the fungus, moisturize and nourish the scalp. Overdrying and irritation of already suffering skin is unacceptable. The action of the recipes should be as soft and gentle as possible.
It is logical to include nourishing, calming and softening components in dry and sensitive skin formulations - oils, eggs, honey, various decoctions. The table describes the proven recipes for homemade masks against dry dandruff.
Table - Masks for dry dandruff
Mask | Composition | Hold time (in minutes) | Frequency (times per week) |
With yeast | - Yeast - 30 g; - fat cream - 60 ml; - honey - 10 g; - castor oil - 15 ml | 30 | 3 |
With essential oils | - Sesame oil - 30 ml; - lavender oil - 5 drops; - eucalyptus oil - 5 drops | 60-120 | 2 |
With Vitamin B3 | - Vitamin B3 - 1 ampoule; - burdock oil - 30 ml; - tea tree oil - 10 drops | 60 | 1-2 |
With sea buckthorn oil | - Sea buckthorn oil - 10 ml; - olive oil - 50 ml | 40 | 2 |
With almond oil | - Almond oil - 40 ml; - lemon juice - 20 ml; - tea tree oil - 10 drops; - bergamot oil - 5 drops | 60 | 2 |
With lemon juice | - Olive oil - 60 ml; - lemon juice - 20 ml | 120-150 | 2-3 |
With yolk | - Yolk - 2 pieces; - castor oil - 15 ml; - lemon juice - 20 ml | 40-60 | 2 |
With ginger | - Ginger - 2-3 cm of the root (grind); - sesame oil - 50 ml | 30 | 1-2 |
With honey | - Yolk - 1 pc; - honey - 30 g; - green onions - 30 g (chop) | 60 | 2 |
With aloe | - Aloe juice - 30 ml; - yolk - 1 pc; - garlic - 5 g (chop) | 60 | 3 |
With yogurt | - Yogurt (without additives) - 100 ml; - black pepper - 15 g | 40-60 | 2 |
Our grandmothers knew exactly how to get rid of dandruff with folk remedies quickly and without unnecessary "fuss". They used what is available and always at hand - oil. After all, they all perfectly nourish, soften and moisturize the skin. Here is a list of oils that can be used to combat dandruff:
- olive;
- burdock;
- castor;
- flaxseed;
- sea buckthorn;
- almond;
- Coconut
- jojoba.
Folk remedies against dandruff and itching of the head will be more effective if dead skin particles are removed on time. Here are three recipes for soft scrubs.
- Grind 20 g of Hercules with a coffee grinder.
- Add five drops of tea tree oil.
- Dilute the mixture with warm milk to a sour cream condition.
- Apply in small portions. Massage for five to ten minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly with water.
- In 50 ml of vegetable oil, gradually stir in the coffee grounds.
- Gently scrub your skin along the massage lines for about ten minutes.
- Rinse off with shampoo.
- In 30 g of white clay, mix one yolk.
- Add five drops of lavender ether or tea tree.
- Get the consistency of sour cream, if necessary - add a little warm water.
- Massage for no longer than five to seven minutes.
- Rinse with regular shampoo.
To consolidate the achieved effect and as a prophylaxis of dandruff, rinsing is well recommended. nettle broth, daisies, calendula or coltsfoot. There are two ways to brew grass.
- In a water bath. Add 15-20 g of dry raw materials to a glass of water and insist on a water bath for half an hour. Cool to an acceptable temperature and strain.
- Boiling water. Just pour dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and wrap for half an hour.
Folk remedies for fatty dandruff
Effective home remedies for oily dandruff should contain skin-drying ingredients: vinegar, soda, mustard, salt, onions, garlic and lemon juice in slightly higher concentrations, acids and even alcohol.
Getting rid of oily dandruff with folk remedies is impossible without the use of masks. The emphasis is on components with a pronounced exfoliating, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. The table below describes just such compositions.
Table - Mask for oily dandruff
Mask | Composition | Hold time (in minutes) | Frequency (times per week) |
With lemon juice | - Lemon juice - 50 ml; - yolk - 2 pcs; - olive oil - 20 ml | 30 | 1 |
With eggs | - Whole egg - 2 pieces (beat and apply on the roots) | 20 | 1-2 |
With garlic | - Garlic - 25 g (chop); - burdock oil - 30 ml | 30 | 1 |
With apple cider vinegar | - Almond oil - 30 ml; - honey - 10 g; - apple cider vinegar - 15 ml | 60 | 2 |
With ginger | - Ginger - 10 g; - Vitamin B3 - 1 ampoule; - water - dilute the mixture to a sour cream | 60 | 1-2 |
With henna | - Colorless henna - 10 g; - lemon juice - 10 ml; - burdock oil - 15 ml; - water - until a creamy mass is obtained | 30 | 2 |
With mustard | - Yolk - 1 pc; - honey - 30 g; - mustard powder - 10 g; - tea tree oil - 5 drops | 40 | 2 |
With kefir | - Fatty kefir - 200 ml | 60 | 2-3 |
With citric acid | - Citric acid - 10 g; - coconut oil - 40 g | 40 | 1-2 |
With onion | - Onion juice - 15 ml; - castor oil - 15 ml; - cognac - 30 ml | 60 | 1 |
With herbs | - Vitamin B3 - 1 ampoule; - chamomile - 10 g; - nettle - 10 g; - oak bark - 10 g; - boiling water - 200 ml (insist dry herbs) | 60 | 2 |
You can use more aggressive components - for oily skin, intensive exfoliation and drying effect will only benefit. Here are two peeling recipes for oily scalp.
- Grind coarse salt in a coffee grinder.
- Add five drops of sage ester to sea salt.
- Massage your head for about five to ten minutes and rinse.
- Grate the zest with two lemons and dry: naturally or in the oven.
- Add 30 g of coffee grounds.
- Scrub your skin for five to ten minutes.
- Rinse off.
To enhance the therapeutic effect of masks and peels, you can make a mild shampoo with your own hands, which will also be healing. Homemade shampoo recipes are in the table below.
Table - Homemade dandruff shampoos
Shampoo | Composition | Instruction manual |
With cognac | - Cognac - 15 ml; - yolk - 2 pcs; - eucalyptus oil - 5 drops | - Whisk the yolks; - mix cognac and essential oil; - evenly distribute on the scalp; - massage; - smear the remains of the mixture to the ends; - massage for another 3-5 minutes; - rinse thoroughly with water |
With salt | - Salt (sea or food) - 5 g; - yolk - 2 pcs; - rye bread - 3 slices | - Soak the bread in water; - squeeze out the excess liquid; - add the yolks and salt; - mix thoroughly; - apply the composition to the skin; - massage for 5 minutes; - rinse thoroughly |
With oils | - Rose oil - 5 drops; - sage oil - 5 drops; - alcohol - 5 ml; - yolk - 2 pcs. | - Whisk the yolks; - mix in alcohol and oil; - distribute the mixture over your skin and hair; - massage; - rinse off |
Numerous reviews suggest just washing your hair with soap: household or tarry. Such a wash quite effectively copes with increased oily skin and eliminates dandruff in a short time. Do not forget that soap is an alkali. If you use it for too long or often, it is easy to "overdo" and dry the skin. Here the opposite problem arises - how to restore the protective functions of the skin. If you feel dry and tight, take a break for a couple of weeks, and at this time use a mild shampoo and make moisturizing masks.
In the case of oily dandruff, rinsing also effectively supports the result of previous procedures. Here are two proven recipes.
With apple cider vinegar.
- For a liter of warm water you will need 15 ml of vinegar.
- Enhances the effect of the composition of 15 ml of lemon juice or a decoction of chamomile.
- In the latter case, you need to brew 30 g of chamomile in a liter of boiling water, cool and only then add apple cider vinegar.
- Rinse hair after washing.
With herbs
- For a liter of boiling water, take 30 g of dry grass: nettle, calendula, burdock roots or thyme.
- Cool the broth and rinse your hair.
Do not forget that the use of a hairdryer significantly reduces the therapeutic effect of the procedures.
The treatment of dandruff with folk remedies is quite effective and does not require tangible time and material costs. There is only one requirement - a systematic approach. During the period of active treatment, make masks a couple of times a week, do not forget about peeling and rinsing, and after a month or two dandruff will leave you. Next, go into the preventive mode - rinsing and one mask per week.Then dandruff will not return anymore - verified.
Reviews: to whom and what helped
For a long time I struggled with dandruff and shampoos tried different masks and decoctions there, but dandruff came back. Somewhere I read about tea tree oil. I always thought that it only helps with acne. But, it turns out, and fights against dandruff. Already desperate, I decided to try, adding 3 drops to my shampoo (normal, not even against dandruff). What was my surprise when after 1 wash, dandruff became much less, and over time it completely disappeared. Now, for prevention, I add 1 drop each time I wash my hair. Try it, you won’t regret it.
For two years I could not get rid of dandruff, and I want to share my recipe with you) it is very simple, you will find everything at home. And so we take any apple or ordinary vinegar, per half liter of distilled water, 3 tablespoons of 9% percent vinegar and one teaspoon of pharmaceutical food. This composition is stored in a bottle, and every day in the morning or before bedtime apply to the head for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the head without shampoo and soap. In a week there will be no trace of dandruff.
Oh, this dandruff! One has only to wash the hair with the wrong shampoo, how it is right there! And getting rid of her is not so easy. Hair with dandruff looks very unaesthetic! What I just did not try to get rid of this scourge - from medicines to folk methods. Tar soap is one of the best ways to combat dandruff, after the first application results are visible.
Here is another folk recipe that helped me. I had oily seborrhea, after applying this recipe I noticed a noticeable difference. Cervix against oily seborrhea. After a course of treatment with bodyaga, fat loss is significantly reduced, dandruff and itching disappear. Bodyagi can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is a gray-green powder, which is obtained from a freshwater sponge. For hair care, a mixture of powder of body guns with 3% hydrogen peroxide or a solution of boric acid is prepared (dilute 0.5 tsp of boric acid in the form of a powder in 0.5 cups of water). Preparation: put 1 tsp in enameled dishes powder of giardia and slowly pour 3% hydrogen peroxide (or a solution of boric acid), stirring thoroughly. When the mixture reaches the consistency of liquid sour cream, put the dishes on a low fire (or water bath) and continue to stir. After 3-5 minutes remove from heat. Use the product in hot form. How the procedure occurs: before washing the hair, divide the hair into strands and in a hot state rub the mixture along the partings into the scalp. Rub your fingers in a rubber glove until intense burning appears. Next, tie your head with a cotton towel and leave for 30 minutes. At the end, wash your hair with your mild shampoo for oily hair every day. This procedure should be done every 4-5 days, there should be 8 in total. As a rule, after a specified period of time, a persistent healing effect is observed.
I got dandruff during pregnancy, it was fun ... I decided to try kefir, but not inside, but on my head). Before washing hair, applied kefir to the scalp with a cotton pad, left it for about fifteen minutes. Then she washed her hair. I did it every day for two weeks, then as the hair got dirty, once every two days for about a month, this is more for prevention. I forgot what dandruff is.