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Another factor in the popularity of folk remedies for the treatment of colds on the lips is their availability. Often, an antiviral ointment may not be at hand, and toothpaste or, for example, streptocide at home can be found. It is also believed that such therapy is safer, therefore pregnant women and children should resort to it. Let's consider each aspect in more detail.
Pros and cons of alternative treatment
These benefits are not to be taken in any way. So, when a cold sore occurs on the lips, treatment at home should be carried out taking into account the patient's condition. If the disease develops no more than 1-2 times a year, do not worry. And for its treatment, you can do only folk remedies. If you are characterized by more frequent relapses, this may indicate a violation of the immune system, which must be restored under the strict supervision of a doctor. After determining the cause of the violation and its elimination, unpleasant vesicles on the lips will not bother you for a long time.
Another factor that should be considered when treating cold sores on the lips: traditional medicine does not directly affect the virus itself. That is, they are not able to control the volume of rashes and the complexity of the course of the disease. But they really can alleviate the patient’s condition, and demonstrate high efficiency in eliminating itching and healing of ulcers after rupture.
Folk remedies for cold sores on the lips have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate tissue renewal. Therefore, modern medicine recommends combining them with pharmaceutical preparations, which in combination gives the most positive effect.
Natural remedies
When a cold develops on the lips, treatment at home should be safe and deliberate. We will not give such methods as lubricating sores with urine or saliva, since their inadequacy is clear to any sane person.
Toothpaste treatment is also ineffective for cold sores on the lips. It is believed that it is able to penetrate into cells and destroy the shell of the virus. This is not true. The maximum that toothpaste can do is provide a cooling effect, causing temporary relief of the condition, and create a feeling of tightness of the skin, which many perceive as “drying out” of the bubbles. No toothpaste has antiviral activity and does not stimulate recovery.
There are more productive methods that offer alternative treatment for herpes on the lips.
- Fir oil - the only natural drug with pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory activity. When applying oil to the mucous membranes at the very beginning of the disease reduces its intensity, reduces the visual manifestations of the disease. A negative factor is the increase in discomfort during its use. It does not relieve itching, but rather, can enhance it.
- Sea buckthorn oil. It makes no sense to use it for the first symptoms of a cold on the lips. Treatment with fir oil should begin after rupture of the vesicles, since it has a wound healing effect. Restoration of the skin will occur much faster.
- Garlic and honey. It is recommended to lubricate with garlic gruel mixed with honey and sour cream, the affected areas. Garlic has antiviral activity and reduces the risk of infection of others (it can occur, including by airborne droplets).
- Aloe juice or Kalanchoe. These medicinal plants stimulate the healing of ulcers, so they should be used on day 3 of the course of the disease.
Pharmacy "folk" drugs
Some medications are considered effective in the matter of how to treat herpes on the lips with folk remedies. They should be used with caution so as not to cause burns of the mucous membranes. It is also important to remember the very “dangers of chemistry”, not trying to replace the concepts of “dangerous drugs” and “safe”. If you prefer these funds, evaluate their effectiveness compared with the same ointments based on acyclovir. It will be significantly lower. But still they have some benefits:
- Streptocide - the tablets, crushed into powder, are mixed with valesin and applied to the affected areas. This prevents the complication of the disease by the addition of a bacterial infection. But the sores themselves have no effect;
- potassium permanganate - effectively dries bubbles, but there is a risk of a chemical burn when using a concentrated solution;
- Corvalol, Valocordin - also dry ulcers. However, no more effective than regular medical alcohol.
Do not underestimate herpes on the lips. How to treat this disease at home is effective, modern medicine has long answered. Folk remedies can and should be used, but their effectiveness will be especially noticeable only in combination with antiherpetic drugs.