Stop smoking with folk remedies: effective rinses and infusions

How to quit smoking using folk remedies? What plants will help give up a bad habit? What does traditional medicine say about cleansing the body after cigarettes? We will talk about this later.
Broken cigarette

Farewell to a cigarette will be easier if you use folk remedies to quit smoking. The psychological aspect is important here: you enlist support, which means that you are gaining strength to get rid of harmful addiction. The advantage of many recipes is also that beneficial substances stimulate metabolism, cleanse the body, and remove toxins. You just need to remember that for any health disorders, such as intense cough, pain in the heart, intense headache, folk remedies for smoking should be only auxiliary after the doctor’s recommendations.

Infusions from cravings for smoking

Taking some drinking infusions will help reduce your cravings for smoking. They should be taken on the first day of refusing a cigarette, the course of treatment should be continued for at least a month. So, the well-known folk way to quit smoking is the reception of oats infusion.

  1. Soak 7 tablespoons of crude oats in a liter of water, leave for 12 hours.
  2. Heat the composition on fire, almost bringing to a boil.
  3. Strain the mass. Use after meals at least 3 times a day. A single "dosage" is 3 sips.

Another easy way to quit smoking was suggested by the professor of medicine Filatov. His recommendations took into account the extremely painful and emotionally unstable state of a smoker experiencing "withdrawal" syndrome. It is known that breathing is disturbed during this period, often there is a feeling that there is not enough air, and only a cigarette is able to give a “breath of oxygen”. To cope with this neuropsychiatric addiction, you can use this infusion.

  1. Grind the leaves of eucalyptus, pour a tablespoon of 400 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave to insist for an hour.
  3. Strain, add a tablespoon of glycerin and honey to the cooled infusion.
  4. Daily take an infusion of 50 ml 4 times a day.

Herbal infusion in a glass cup

Eucalyptus-honey composition improves trophism of the respiratory system, glycerin softens the larynx, inflamed due to smoking.

Black tea is an effective tool that will help you quit smoking on your own. However, not ordinary, but including healing herbs: chicory, dioecious nettle, valerian and mint. These plants have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, relieve tension and spasm of blood vessels. Nettle works as an anti-inflammatory component, and chicory normalizes pressure.

  1. Mix a teaspoon of your favorite black tea with other ingredients (half a spoonful of dried herbs).
  2. Brew a teaspoon of this mixture with two glasses of hot water if you wish to smoke. Herbal tea should be infused 10 minutes before drinking.

Breathing exercises

Cleansing the lungs with folk remedies is best done in the fresh air. It is advisable to time your refusal of cigarettes with a trip out of town, to nature, but always without alcohol! Fresh air will help your lungs breathe deeper and easier. And to increase the effect, do the following exercises:

  1. Exhale deeply through your mouth, do it smoothly and slowly. Try to remove all air from the lungs.
  2. Inhale sharply with your nose, as deep as the lung volume allows.
  3. Exhale sharply through the mouth, you can help yourself with effort and even bend. At this moment, you are probably coughing, perhaps dizzy. However, such exercises help the lungs cleanse well. Perform them 10 times twice a day.

Girl does gymnastics in the fresh air

You can also train the lungs to breathe more calmly: inhale through the nose one by one, doing this not sharply, but exhale smoothly through the mouth. Repeat for 30 seconds and then breathe for a minute, as usual. Take 5 respiratory “approaches.”


Often, when refusing cigarettes, they recommend taking something by mouth. This makes sense, because smoking is often not physiological, but psychological addiction. And if you replace the cigarette with a safer “counterpart”, farewell will be easier. As an alternative, even a regular toothpick can be used, which can be held in the mouth and gnawed when you want to smoke. And you can use more delicious distractions.


  • Tar of fruit trees. Buy pieces of resin of apricot, apple or cherry from summer residents. Chew them in your mouth during periods of need to reduce cravings and, at the same time, fill saliva with disinfectants that heal the oral cavity.
  • Dried prunes, apricots, raisins or pineapple. Eat delicious candied fruits and dried fruits instead of bad cigarettes. The advantage of prunes, dried apricots and raisins is not only a natural sweetness that you like, but also a beneficial effect on the heart that needs your support. Pineapples are also tasty, but in the form of candied fruits they contain a lot of sugar, so they can lead to weight gain. Do not overdo it.
  • Branches of bird cherry. They need to be thoroughly chewed and spit out. It is known that such "chewing gum" causes the formation of aversion to smoking. It is associated with natural substances that are contained in the branches of this tree. And reacting with saliva, they form a specific perception of the taste of tobacco smoke.

These simple ways will help you get rid of a bad habit much easier. They are completely safe and can be used even in cases of severe addiction.

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