How to apply mummy from stretch marks: we prepare a cream and practice wraps

Nekstati appeared stretch marks make you think about how to solve the problem quickly and safely. Proponents of folk skin care methods advise using mumiyo (mumiyo) - a natural product known for its healing properties. The recipe for preparations with a mummy from stretch marks is quite simple, there are practically no contraindications to the remedy. It remains only to find out how effective it is in the fight against striae on the stomach and chest.
Slender woman with flawless skin on her stomach

Doctors of the Caucasus and Central Asian countries actively use the mummy for therapeutic purposes. The medicinal power of this product is time-tested: even Aristotle used the substance to save patients from various ailments. But will the remedy, which in the East is called the elixir of life, help combat stretch marks?

What are striae, and why do they appear

Stretch marks, or scientifically - striae, are formed as a result of rupture of skin fibers - collagen and elastin. When such damage occurs, the body, without thinking about the aesthetic feelings of its owner, “repairs” the injury by “stitching” the fibers with connective tissue. As a result, stripes with uneven edges appear on the body - atrophic scars. They do not cause pain, but they cause anxiety about the appearance of the skin, which has lost its former smoothness and elasticity.

Stretch marks result from:

  • long stretch of the epidermis - when the skin "does not have time" to adapt to the rapid changes in body volumes;
  • hormonal changes in the body - due to which there is a violation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Most often, striae are formed:

  • during pregnancy and lactation - on the chest, stomach;
  • when gaining weight or with sudden weight loss - on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, other areas of fat deposits;
  • in athletes with a rapid increase in muscle mass - on the chest, shoulder girdle, inner surface of the hands, hips;
  • during active teenage growth - in the lumbar region, as well as on the hips and chest of girls;
  • in diseases associated with metabolic disorders - Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia, Marfan syndrome.
Fresh stretch marks formed less than six months ago have a red or reddish-violet hue. Over time, it brightens, becomes almost white.

Description and useful properties of the substance

Proponents of alternative medicine, the mummy is positioned as a product unique in its healing properties. Mountain resin (or mountain balsam) - that’s what they often call a mummy, and it’s no coincidence: the substance is extracted exclusively in high mountain regions. The healing substance has the appearance of a thick, resinous mass, endowed with a rather sharp, unpleasant odor.

The formation of the mummy is still shrouded in mystery. It is only known that it takes several hundred years for a substance to appear during the interaction of soil, rocks, animals, plants and microorganisms.

Unique composition

Information on the composition of the product is also ambiguous: the components contained in the mummy may vary depending on the place of its extraction.It is officially believed that the substance contains more than 85 minerals valuable to the body (including magnesium, iron, manganese, gold, copper, silver), eight amino acids, as well as a certain substance endowed with penicillin properties.

Skin value

The unique composition of the product provides its beneficial effect on the skin. Regular use of mountain resin:

  • stimulates regeneration;
  • activates blood microcirculation;
  • saturates the epidermis with useful substances, increasing its firmness and elasticity;
  • moisturizes.

Does the mummy help with stretch marks? Thanks to the healing properties, the organo-mineral substance really allows you to make chronic striae less noticeable. Also, the substance can be used as a means of prevention to prevent their occurrence.

The healing power of the mummy is used in the treatment of fractures and wounds, diseases of the digestive system, sexual dysfunction in women and men. Many beauties have appreciated the effectiveness of the product for skin and hair care.

Choosing a quality product: how not to buy a fake

Thinking about how to use mummy from stretch marks, you should first take care of buying a quality product. During the reign of the Persian king Faridun, the quality of mountain resin was tested empirically. When treating fractures in small animals with a mixture of genuine mummy and rose water, the bones fused in about a day. These days, this method is not relevant, but there are three important points that should be considered.

  1. Release form. The easiest way to buy the product is in the form of tablets, capsules or powder, however, these preparations contain only mountain balsam extract. It is best to purchase the mummy in its purest form. True, it is more difficult to find such a resin, but you can use the services of trusted online stores.
  2. Appearance. A quality product is bitter in taste, has a smooth, shiny surface. If you crush a piece of rock resin with your fingers a little, it will become supple and soft.
  3. Solubility in water. A quality product is completely soluble in water.
Unscrupulous sellers may give a mummy a mixture of clay and sand, droppings of small rodents, sea ​​buckthorn oil, canned meat and more.

Recipes for mixtures with stretch marks mummy and methods of application

There are two ways to use the mummy from stretch marks at home: in the form of a self-made cream and a mask for wrapping.

Homemade cream

It is not difficult to make a cream, however, you can store it in a glass container on a refrigerator shelf for no longer than two weeks. Mummy tablets against stretch marks can be used, but it should be noted that 1 g of natural mountain resin can replace 50 tablets.


  1. Stir 4 g of mummy with one or two teaspoons of boiled water, cooled to room temperature.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with 70-100 g of any baby cream (body milk is also suitable).
  3. Let the mixture brew for a quarter of an hour, then mix thoroughly.


  1. Take a warm shower, treating problem areas with a scrub, or massage areas with stretch marks with a hard washcloth.
  2. Apply cream to areas with striae. Rub the product in a circular motion.
  3. After two to three hours, take a warm shower to wash off the unabsorbed residues.
Apply cream with a mummy against stretch marks once a day (preferably in the evening, before going to bed), daily. For prevention, it is enough to use the drug two to three times a week. So that the smell of homemade cream with mummy was not so sharp, you can add two to three drops of peppermint essential oil or lavender.


Mixing mummy and baby cream from stretch marks is not difficult, therefore this method is most often used in the fight against striae. However, a valuable product is also used for an effective wrapping procedure.


  1. Make cream with mummy (see recipe above).
  2. In the presence of cellulite, add two to three drops of any citrus essential oil.


  1. Take a warm shower or bath to maximize pores.To work out problem areas of the body with a scrub.
  2. Apply composition with mummy to problem areas.
  3. Wrap treated areas with plastic wrap.
  4. Wear loose clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  5. Relax for 40-60 minutes. It is advisable to lie down at this time, hiding in a blanket. If a composition with essential oil is used for the procedure, its duration is reduced to 15 minutes.
  6. Take a warm shower.
  7. Apply cream for stretch marks.
The procedure needs to be done every other day, the full course consists of 12 sessions. For chronic stretch marks, it may take two to three months. After that, it is recommended to resort to wrapping once a week to consolidate the result. As evidenced by numerous reviews, wraps with mummy from old stretch marks are also effective.

Gold product from Altai

Contraindications and Precautions

Before using any product with mummy, it is recommended to pass an allergy test. A small amount of product must be applied to the bend of the elbow, wait a day. You can use the composition if no unwanted reactions (irritation, peeling, rash) are found on the skin. Wraps are contraindicated in:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • high temperature;
  • infections
  • oncology;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • open skin lesions;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • the presence of a large number of moles on the body;
  • varicose veins;
  • alcohol intoxication.
Mumiye sometimes leaves a brown mark on the skin, which can be removed with lemon juice or milk to remove makeup.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

External use of the product has practically no contraindications and side effects. You can use the mummy from stretch marks immediately after childbirth and during pregnancy. However, there are a few warnings:

  • first you need to consult a doctor;
  • Do not use essential oils;
  • you should refuse to use the mummy in the event of discomfort;
  • It is not recommended to do wraps during pregnancy and lactation.
During lactation, do not apply formulations with a mummy to the chest. When used in other parts of the body, you must ensure that the product does not get into the baby's mouth.

4 skin secrets without ugly stripes

It’s better to prevent stretch marks than to fight them later. The use of mummies is most effective for the prevention of stretch marks, so it is better to start using the product when they are likely to form (for example, in the first months of pregnancy or during weight loss). You can increase the effectiveness of home remedies with mummy by following four simple rules.

  1. Start the fight against stretch marks as early as possible. If the appearance of striae could not be avoided, it is better to start treating them immediately. You can get rid of fresh stretch marks quickly enough, but it’s almost impossible to remove old ones.
  2. Use additional methods. The process of getting rid of stretch marks will be accelerated if, in addition to means with mummy, other methods are used. So, contrast shower, oil massage will help the skin to recover well. With long-standing stretch marks you can not do without more powerful methods, such as laser resurfacing.
  3. Eat right. A balanced diet will provide the body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins to restore the skin.
  4. Apply mummy regularly. Home remedies to eliminate stretch marks should be used constantly, and not from time to time, only in this case you can count on a good result.

The effectiveness of the mummy with stretch marks is confirmed by numerous reviews of those to whom this product helped restore the skin. But do not wait for the result after two or three sessions - you will need at least ten procedures, complemented by self-massage, regular home wraps.

Feedback and Results

I've been using the mummy for 3 weeks now. And here are the results: the stretch marks on the chest became noticeably less, on the hips almost disappeared !!!!!!! This recipe helps! Only it is necessary to do so for more than one month, if the stretch marks are old.Girls, do not be lazy - this is a very simple and affordable way to get rid of stretch marks.


The mummy will not completely remove the stretch marks, but it will definitely make them less visible. I found a recipe for making a mummy and used a cream on my hips where stretch marks appeared after childbirth. I bought a mummy at the pharmacy, spread it at 1h. l water, waited until the mummy dissolves and added there 1 tbsp. l baby cream. Thoroughly mixed and applied to places with stretch marks and carefully massaged. I did the procedure every day. The effect was noticed after 5 treatments, and cellulite also decreased.

Ekaterina Kushnir,

... Many lazy people came up with inventions to make their life easier. Over time, I realized that it annoyingly annoys me to wash the dishes every time after soaking the tablets in the cream. The solution is simple - we spread the stretch marks with lotion, take the mummy tablet and drive it through the lotion to the desired concentrate, spread it, rub it. Everything!


The main thing after childbirth is to immediately begin to fight with stretch marks, girls, I smeared the mummy stretch marks, it certainly smells sharply and not very nice, but the effect is excellent! To partially neutralize the unpleasant odor, you can add a few drops of essential citrus oil.


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