Constipation during pregnancy: Normoflorins come to the rescue
A safe and effective solution to the problem of constipation during pregnancy is the course of taking new-generation probiotics Normoflorins. These modern biocomplexes have no contraindications and side effects, which makes them the best choice for pregnant women, for whom the issue of safety is especially acute. We will deal with the causes of the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation during the expectation of a child, and also find out how taking Normoflorins can save a woman in an “interesting position” from this problem.
The effects of smoking on pregnancy: are the baby and cigarette compatible?
Is it worth it to quit smoking during pregnancy or is it not very dangerous? Find out how smoking affects pregnancy. What dangers does it pose for a future mother and for a child.
Why bleeding gums during pregnancy? And how to deal with it
Why does bleeding gums occur during pregnancy and how dangerous is it for a future mother. How to treat this condition, depending on the intensity and trimester.
How to treat a cold on the lips during pregnancy: effective and safe means
Herpes on the lips during pregnancy: how dangerous, what are the consequences? How to treat an unpleasant disease, read on
Pine uterus with infertility and female diseases
Can the hog uterus help with infertility and how to use it correctly? Find out the answers on our website!
How to get pregnant after a miscarriage: 5 components of success
How to get pregnant after a miscarriage, when will it be better to do this and how to prepare for pregnancy? Read on our website!
How to get pregnant with twins: the opinion of medicine and the best folk methods
Want to make your spouse happy with two kids at once? Learn how to get pregnant with twins and realize your dream!
Bending the uterus and pregnancy - is there a chance to become a mother?
Bending the uterus and pregnancy - are these concepts compatible? How to determine the presence of a bend, how to treat it and what to do for a successful conception - find out on our website!
How to get pregnant quickly - folk remedies, time-tested!
Are you all right, but pregnancy is not coming? We will tell you how to get pregnant quickly - folk remedies will certainly help!
How to do Kegel exercises: tips for future and real mothers
Learn how to do Kegel exercises to maintain healthy, fast and painless childbirth and new sensations in your sex life!
How to treat thrush during pregnancy and not become a hostage to the problem
Are you affected by an unpleasant disease - thrush? Learn how to treat thrush during pregnancy and prevent its occurrence in the future.
How to measure basal temperature and use its graph correctly
Learn how to measure basal temperature in order to plan a pregnancy and find out what is wrong with your body in time!
6 tips for restoring breasts after childbirth
Not sure how to recover breasts after childbirth and lactation? 6 simple recommendations of professional cosmetologists will help you!
Epidural anesthesia for cesarean section - effective and preferred
What is the danger of epidural anesthesia for cesarean section, and what are its consequences? Get expert opinion!
Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy - what you need to know for expectant mother
How dangerous is toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, how to avoid it and what to do if infection has occurred? We will tell you known and unknown facts about this disease.
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