Model diet reviews nutrition

An important event is to be held in a couple of days, a month ago the perfect dress was bought and suddenly it turns out that a couple of extra kilos were gained ... Do not rush to despair. A model diet will help you get back into shape quickly. You can solve the problem in two weeks, a week, and even in three days. But the less time available, the more severe the restrictions will be. Although the game is worth the candle: a couple of days of hardship - and enthusiastic looks are provided.
Model Girl

Models with their chiseled figures are the embodiment of the female dream of a beautiful body. They are admired, envied. But hard work is behind the ideal figure. There is no such method that would help to gain model parameters with a minimum of effort. Proper nutrition is always and everywhere, regular physical activity - this is how fashion models support their body. But models have some tricks. One of them is how to get in shape in just a few days. Models use the express method of losing weight before shows, because on the catwalk it is so important to look perfect.

With the help of model diets, they lose weight by 2-4 kg in three to seven days and lose up to 9 kg in two weeks. Blitz-weight loss is a lifesaver if you need to quickly get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, discovered after the New Year holidays or holidays.

Model diet: 5 principles

There are different diets and healthy eating top models for a quick return to form. However, all the express weight loss methods used by the model "work" on the same principles. There are only five of them.

  1. Decrease in calorie intake. To quickly lose weight, you need to sharply limit the number of calories. The body is accustomed to one calorie diet, and when it does not get the “right”, it starts to spend fat reserves. A couple of days before entering the catwalk, models reduce the number of calories consumed by half.
  2. The predominance of protein foods. Models focus on proteins. Fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. Fats - a minimum. Foods high in protein are absorbed for a long time, the body spends a lot of energy. This ensures fast weight loss, which is so necessary for the models before the shows, and all the rest of the fairer sex - before an important event. Another plus of proteins is the ability to lose weight without losing body shape. Everyone knows the benefits of high protein foods for nails and hair, so you don’t have to worry that “stressful nutrition” will negatively affect your beauty.
  3. Serving reduction. If the amount of food is less than usual, then calories will be less. The body will undergo a stress regime and begin to spend “deferred” reserves.
  4. Refusal of "harmful". During the diet, you can not drink alcohol, salt, sugar. They retain fluid, so in the end, the figure on the balance may be less than what you expected. Naturally, it is necessary to abandon the well-known "harmful" - sweets, smoked meats, fried foods, soda.
  5. A lot of fluid. In the weather for harmony, the correct drinking regimen is important. Non-carbonated mineral water, juices, herbal decoctions, unsweetened teas - all this will help maintain the water-salt balance during the express diet. As a result, the skin will not look loose after losing extra pounds. But be sure to give up spices so that the liquid does not linger in the body and does not "give" extra volumes.
Remember the secret of harmony of the supermodel Claudia Schiffer: you always need to eat food from small plates. So you can fool yourself. Soon you will need much less food to get enough.

Express Weight Loss: 3 Day Menu

Many girls are well aware of the "law of meanness": if you allow yourself a little extra - and your favorite dress is no longer so fit. A model diet for 3 days will help to solve the problem. She is very strict, so you need the right attitude and willpower. But the results are really impressive - for such a short period of time "leaves" up to 4 kg. The menu is presented in the table. It is repeated all three days.

Table - Three-day diet menu models

- 1 boiled egg- 200 g of cottage cheese (2%)- Repeat lunch, only 50 g less serving

Do not forget that any additives are prohibited - sugar, salt, spices. During meals, you can afford a cup of unsweetened tea (black / green). In between meals, drink plenty of fluids: better than plain water or herbal decoctions. An established drinking regime will overcome the feeling of hunger.

It is recommended to have dinner no later than 16:00, that is, in fact, lunch in this diet is lunch and dinner is lunch. But not everyone can withstand such a regime. If it is difficult to survive the evening hunger, then have dinner later than the recommended time, but exactly four hours before bedtime.

A strict diet should not be stretched beyond the recommended period. You can not turn to the express method of losing weight more often than once a month. This is fraught with health problems.

Super body in 7 days

If you need to quickly get back into shape, but feel that you can’t handle the three-day blitz, then try the weight loss system, designed for a week. A 7-day model diet is not as strict as a three-day diet, but the results are also impressive: you can get rid of 3-6 kg per week. The diet works well for the legs (removes excess volume on the hips) and the waist. Due to a properly selected diet, the muscles remain, leaving only fat reserves.

The essence of the diet is to limit calorie intake to 1000. The emphasis is on proteins. Although you have to give up a lot, but the menu attracts with variety. A table of products that can be consumed is presented below.

Table - Products that are allowed with a seven-day diet of models

Product CategoryWhat can
Meat- Low-fat beef / veal;
- chicken fillet;
- turkey
A fish- White sea fish
Bakery products- Diet breads;
- whole wheat bread
Eggs- Chicken;
- quail
Milk products- Granular curd mass;
- hard cheese (always fresh);
- feta;
- kefir 1%;
- nonfat yogurt without additives
Vegetables- Any non-starchy;
- any green color;
- pepper;
- tomatoes;
- carrot;
- bean
Fruits / Berries- Citrus fruits;
- green apples;
- sweet and sour berries
The drinks- Tea (preferably green or chamomile);
- still mineral water

Diet involves the rejection of any seasonings. You can add a little ginger to the dishes: it is considered a "fat burner." Meat and fish should be steamed, cooked, baked in the oven, but not fried. Vegetable salads can be seasoned with a small amount olive oil: It must be taken into account when counting calories.

The advantage of this diet option is the diversity of the diet. The daily menu can be different: you can change salad recipes (combine legumes with different non-starchy vegetables), take any non-nutritious fruits, choose between meat and fish. To find out how to make a diet, check out the sample menu in the table.

Table - Approximate daily menu for a seven-day diet of models

Breakfast2 breakfastDinnerDinner
- 2 boiled eggs or 50 g of boiled meat;
- 1 toast of whole grain bread;
- a teaspoon of curd cheese
- Cup of tea- 100 gram slice of lean meat / fish;
- 200 g of salad with the addition of legumes / 100 g of curd without additives;
- fruit to choose from
- 100 g of dietary meat;
- 200 g of vegetable salad (preferably from green vegetables)

Watch the serving size. To achieve the desired result, at one time you can not eat more than 300 g of food. Dinner should be held before 18:00, after - only unsweetened tea.

Following a diet, you must not forget about a sufficient amount of fluid. Two liters of still water is the norm that must be observed. It is better to drink warm water: this will speed up the metabolic processes.

How slim French fashion models

French models also have their own secret to losing weight. A week before entering the podium, they exclude fast carbohydrates and fats from the diet, focus on proteins and drink a lot of green tea. Repeating the diet of sophisticated French women is easy. The sample menu looks like in the table. Do not forget about the ban on spices and sugar.

Table - Menu of French models

Breakfast2 breakfastDinnerHigh teaDinner
- A teaspoon of honey;
- a cup of green tea
- A cup of black coffee without additives;
- whole grain toast
- 200 g of vegetable salad (without dressing);
- 50 g feta / glass of low-fat yogurt;
- green tea
- A cup of unsweetened green tea- 250 g of a product with a high protein content (chicken breast, low-fat beef, eggs or fish);
- 100 g of fresh vegetables;
- green tea
A diet of weight loss models before the show allows you to lose at least 2 kg per week. The maximum figure is 6 kg. Extending the diet is not recommended. It’s better to repeat it next month.

13-day marathon from Korean beauties

If you have time, you should test the diet of Korean models. It is effective, but is designed for 13 days. Using the Korean mannequin’s nutrition system, you can lose four to eight kilograms. Diet involves the rejection of alcohol, sweets, spices, dairy products. An approximate ration for the day looks like in the table. No need to repeat the same menu daily. Change meat, fish, vegetables. The main thing is the portion size and the amount of protein. At one time, you need to eat no more than 350 g of food, we focus on protein, exclude fats and fast carbohydrates.

Table - Korean Model Diet Menu

Breakfast2 breakfastDinnerDinner
- A glass of water with lemon and ginger juice- 2 boiled eggs;
- inflorescence of broccoli (pickled, boiled);
- greenery;
- a slice of brown bread
- 150 g of root vegetable salad;
- 50 g of bulgur or brown rice;
- 150 g of "steam" white fish
- 200 g of shrimp;
- 150 g lean meat (chicken, beef or turkey);
- smoothie of celery, cucumber, tomato, herbs

Between meals you can have a snack. Fresh fruits, fruit and vegetable smoothies are suitable for this. Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of water: this will set up your stomach for work. Do not forget about the liquid throughout the day: drinking regimen helps to eliminate toxins.

Korean models compensate for the freshness of dishes during the diet of a traditional snack - kimchi. If you want to follow their example, then remember that spicy pickled vegetables should be consumed in small quantities. During the diet, this is a seasoning, not another dish.

Secrets of Angels: Victoria’s Secret Girls' Way

Victoria’s Secret models are the ideal of female beauty. "Angels" are not just slim, they have seductive shapes and embossed muscles. The secret of the ideal body of the "angels" is simple - proper nutrition plus sports. A week or two before the show, the beauties go on a diet, which allows them to demonstrate the beauty of their body on the catwalk.

The diet of Victoria Secret models is designed for 13 days. During this time, you can lose up to 8 kg. "Angels" it is important to lose weight, but not lose muscle mass. Skin firmness should also be maintained. Therefore, in the diet of Victoria’s Secret models, protein predominates before the show. Girls drink a lot of liquids, exclude sweets, alcohol, spices, sugar. Meat, fish - boiled, steamed, grilled. The ration of "angels" is made up of affordable products, it is easy to repeat. A sample menu will tell the table.

Table - Menu "Diets of Angels"

Breakfast2 breakfastDinnerDinner
- Black unsweetened coffee;
- 1 toast of whole grain bread;
- 100 g of grated carrots (season with lemon juice)
- 100 g of yogurt (classic, without additives);
- green apple
- 200 g of dietary meat / white fish;
- 100 g of vegetable salad
- 150 g of salad of green vegetables;
- hard cheese / 2 boiled eggs

"Angel diet" allows you to eat varied. Meat can be taken every day different. Sounds like turkey, lean beef, chicken. Meat products alternate with fish, and fish, in turn, can be replaced with seafood. For weight loss, the first week is important. The second - consolidates the result.

Victoria’s Secret show star Adriana Lima admitted that she “sits down” for protein shakes a week before the show. So everything superfluous leaves, but beautiful forms remain. When 12 hours are left before entering the podium, Lima refuses any food and stops drinking water: this trick helps to quickly “dry” the body.

Girl cuts fruits

“Exit” correctly: 4 axioms

The express weight loss methods used by the models are quite tough. This is a test for the body. In order not to harm yourself, you need to get out of the model diet correctly. There are four axioms that girls who want to use the experience of models need to know.

  1. Protein is “diluted” with carbohydrates. Model diets focus on protein. When leaving the diet, one cannot immediately attack carbohydrates, forgetting about protein: “dilute” them. Start adding cereals to the meat, and berries to the curd mass.
  2. Plus 200 kcal per day. Increase your daily calorie intake. Norm - plus 200 kcal per day. Continue to increase until you reach the desired indicators.
  3. We replace products gradually. If the diet lasted a week or two, then surely many foods are tired, and in my dreams, more likely to update the menu. Do not rush to do it. Replace one product per day.
  4. Seasonings and sugar to a minimum. Ideally, sugar and salt are not used for another two weeks after the diet. This is necessary to consolidate the result. But without seasonings, the dishes do not seem so tasty. Use a minimum of salt, instead of sugar, add a small amount of honey to tea.
A gradual exit from the diet is the guarantee that lost kilos will not return. If after “starvation” you immediately turn to your usual diet, then the body will react with the accumulation of fat reserves: lost kilograms and a couple more from above will return.

Should I go in a “model” way: pros and cons

Reviews about the model diet are contradictory. It’s hard for many to withstand severe restrictions, it’s difficult to go through the “protein marathon”. To understand whether the express weight loss methods that are popular among fashion models are right for you, weigh the pros and cons. The table below will help.

Table - Pros and Cons of Model Diets

- Lightning fast results (minus 4 kg in just 3 days);
- high efficiency (all lose weight on the model diet);
- preservation of muscles, body relief;
- product availability
- An unbalanced diet;
- a constant feeling of hunger;
- high probability of side effects: fatigue, dizziness, decreased mental activity;
- mandatory smooth exit;
- can not be repeated often;
- you need to have good health and willpower.
In order not to cause harm to health, during the period of compliance with any model diet, you need to abandon increased activity. While the body does not receive calories, it is better to postpone active sports and physical activity. Otherwise, fainting may occur.

Slimming Smoothie

Who does not suit the experience of podium divas

Turning to strict diets to look beautiful in the photo is possible only for those who are able to boast of good health. Model weight loss methods have contraindications. The idea to repeat the experience of catwalk beauties should be abandoned with:

  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • weakened immunity.

Model diets involve the use of fish, cape, dairy products, so they are not suitable for vegetarians. The curd version cannot be repeated by people with lactose intolerance.Express-weight loss can not be addressed to nursing mothers: the baby will receive less important substances. Keeping to strict diets is not recommended for the elderly and adolescents.

Having decided on a rigid blitz diet, first make sure that health allows you to experiment. Some diseases are hidden, and you can not even guess about them. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor about taking multivitamins: they will help fill up the deficiency of nutrients during severe food restrictions.

The diet of models is not a panacea for being overweight when it has become a real problem. But it will help to quickly get back in shape and fit into your favorite dress. In order not to have to push yourself into a tight framework after the holidays or holidays, always monitor how much you eat food. Take on a life hack from supermodel Candice Swanepoel (the first South African “angel” Victoria’s Secret): the girl allows herself to eat whatever she pleases, but does not forget to control the portion size. The beauty eats at a time the amount of food that fits in the palm of her hand, and her figure is always perfect.

Reviews: “I came to the conclusion that I am not an angel”

Recently I first learned about such a miracle as the Angel Diet. The name caught my attention and decided to study this issue a little deeper. The diet is named after Victoria's Secret show models. When they need to quickly bring their figure to perfect condition, they are on this diet. Although much more ideal))) Yes, a strict diet and sweet tooth will have a hard time. For me, the main difficulty was the “breakfast”. I wake up hungry and got used to eat a good oatmeal porridge or oatmeal pancake in the mornings, and before lunch I do not feel hunger at all. Here in the morning you can only coffee with crackers. For me it's just a disaster. It’s easier for me to refuse dinner than breakfast.

I came to the conclusion that I am not an angel. My endurance was only enough for a week, and this week seemed to me hellish. Some write that it’s hard for the first 3 days, then you get used to it. Figures! The fourth day is as hard as the first! I take off my hat to those who endured to the end, all this damn dozen. Real angels. Well, I modestly join the other camp)))

Oh yes, the result ... -3kg ... It seems to be nice, but the second time I will not repeat this feat. I had the same results on fractional nutrition. Therefore, I return to him with a clear conscience.


The essence of the diet is as follows: Menu: in the morning - soft-boiled egg. after 2.5-3 hours - tea without sugar and 125-150 g fat-free cottage cheese. after another 2.5 -3 hours - the same amount of tea and cottage cheese. Duration 3-4 days. I "sat" a little differently. I only ate a hard-boiled egg (I can only eat eggs like that, otherwise I get very sick), did not follow the suggested time interval (I ate when I wanted to, but before 6:00 p.m.).

The first day is the most difficult: it is very difficult to overcome a feeling of hunger. On the second - the feeling of hunger does not torment so much, but the cottage cheese causes severe nausea and slight weakness ... I read many forums where other girls write about the same problem. Therefore, if it seemed to you that 125 grams of cottage cheese is too small, do not worry - on the second day you can barely master half of this norm. By the way, despite the nausea, the norm must be eaten necessarily!
In three days I lost 2.5 kg! For me, this is a good result, given that I do not have excess weight. Most of all, after this diet, the waistline is impressive: the belly is very drawn in and the waist seems so thin! Of course, this constant feeling of nausea is uncomfortable, but as soon as you "get off" the diet, then everything returns to normal.


Once I talked with a woman working in a modeling agency and she told me a story about one interesting way to throw a couple of kilos in 1 day. This method is exactly used by models, before the show, or rather not even so, they have to ... And the method is very simple - this "diet" consists in the fact that you need to eat nothing all in one single day, that is, ABSOLUTELY nothing.No tea, no coffee, no compote, no other sweet liquid and no food. But, it’s necessary (just the same) for this day to drink 3 liters of water, after squeezing the juice from two lemons there. In the morning, make yourself such a drink and drink a little all day. For those who want to lose weight in the long run and one such day is not enough - they need to be carried out prophylactically once a week on the same day. For example, on Mondays you will have a lemon day.


The essence of the model diet is as follows: three days, the same way, eat one egg for breakfast, preferably soft-boiled. I ate "in a pouch" - well, simply because I always didn’t have time to remove the saucepan from the fire to get a soft-boiled egg))) - I think it doesn’t matter ... Then, at intervals of at least 2.5 hours, two meals, consisting of cottage cheese (approximately gram 130-150) and not sweet tea. There is no dinner, here it is necessary to gather all the willpower into a fist and tolerate it.
For two or three times during these two years I withstood all three days, and would say that I lost weight pretty well (3-4 kg easily), after which he stayed for a long time and in general, for a long time the stomach was content with much less food than was before that ...

So I could advise a model diet, especially to those who love cottage cheese. In principle, some write and say that the cottage cheese is not fat ... I do not agree ... What have I heard on television more than once ... Fat-free (0%) cottage cheese is absolutely useless, besides, I doubt that it can be natural ... without any chemistry (((You can just take homemade cottage cheese, not fat ... (not from whole milk). There is no particular difference in caloric value, but usefulness is obvious))) And the result does not depend on the fat content of cottage cheese, by my example convinced of this!


Other diets

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