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Antiseptic agents do not always help, even if they are of high quality. Most often, they are suitable for the prevention of diseases, as well as for treatment in the early stages of the inflammatory process or in combination with other drugs. This is not a panacea for all infections.
Spray, solution, ointment: action and composition
The active substance in the composition of the drug is benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride. The medicine is produced in the following forms:
- spray- colorless liquid, odorless;
- solution - for local use, 0.01%, characteristics similar to spray, when shaking, a thick foam forms;
- ointment- white in aluminum tubes of 30 and 15 g.
The therapeutic effect of Miramistin is based on the interaction of the benzyl dimethyl molecule with the lipids of the pathogenic microflora membranes, as a result of which they are destroyed. The drug’s molecule is immersed in the hydrophobic part of the shell, which helps to increase its permeability. The enzyme activity of the microbe changes, its vital activity is inhibited and eventually dies.
Activity spectrum
Miramistin acts on aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms:
- pathogens of genital infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmas, etc.);
- dermatophytes;
- yeast fungi;
- herpes and coxsackie viruses;
- microbial associations.
When used
Due to its wide spectrum of activity, antiseptic is used in many fields of medicine for both prevention and treatment of diseases. The main indications for use are presented in the table.
Table - Why is Miramistin prescribed for women, men and children
Area of use | List of indications |
Injuries and surgical pathology | - Purulent wounds of different localization; - prevention of suppuration |
obstetrics and gynecology | - Vulvitis, colpitis, cervicitis; - postpartum infections; - treatment after surgery; - processing before diagnostic procedures (for example, before metrosalpingography); - thrush (in the treatment complex) |
Urology | Nonspecific and specific urethroprostatitis and urethritis |
Venereology | Prevention of genital infections (including immediately after unprotected sex) |
Dermatology | - Candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin; - fungus on the limbs; - ulcers on the skin and dermatitis |
Combustiology | - Burns of varying severity; - treatment before skin plastic surgery |
Otorhinolaryngology | Inflammatory processes of ENT organs (in the complex of therapy) |
Dentistry | - Periodontitis; - gingivitis; - stomatitis; - periodontal disease; - disinfection of prostheses |
Pregnancy and lactation
"Miramistin" in the form of a solution and spray with local use is almost not able to be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, so it is widely used during pregnancy and lactation.
There is no data on the safety of the use of ointment by expectant mothers and during breastfeeding. (Especially with open wound surfaces). If such a need arose, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Instructions for use "Miramistin"
Features of the drug depend on its form of release and area of application.
- Surgical diseases. For treatment and prophylaxis, Miramistin irrigates a burn or wound surface, gauze napkins moistened with medicine are used, and tamponade of fistulous passages and wounds is performed. For therapeutic purposes, the procedure is necessary two to three times a day. The duration of therapy is about three to five days. Active drainage of cavities and wounds with the drug is also carried out, while in this case it is needed about 1 liter per day. You can use the option in the form of ointment. In this case, the product is applied to the damaged surface and closed with a bandage. In case of deep wounds, it is necessary to use an antibiotic together with Miramistin.
- Gynecology and obstetrics. With candidiasis, inflammatory processes in the cervix (cervicitis, cervical erosion) and in the vagina (vaginitis), tampons processed in the medicine for vaginal administration are used. Electrophoresis with the drug is also performed. The course of treatment is at least two weeks. On the eve of cesarean section, the vagina is treated, during it - the uterine cavity and sometimes the incision area. To prevent infections in the postpartum period, in the case of natural delivery, prenatal vaginal irrigation is carried out with a spray (about one week) using a special gynecological nozzle. Reviews about "Miramistin" in gynecology prove its effectiveness and safety.
- Urology. It is used as part of the complex therapy of prostatitis and urethritis. In this case, the medicine is injected into the urethra for ten days: in two or three doses of 2-3 ml.
- Venereology. Miramistin is useful for women and men as a prevention of genital infections. However, the effect can be expected if the drug was used within two hours after unprotected sexual contact. To do this, the genitals, skin of the pubis and hips should be treated. Using the nozzle, intraurethral injection of the spray is carried out for men in a dose of 2-3 ml, and for women - 1-2 ml. In the latter case, 5-10 ml of the drug is also used for douching. After this procedure, you can not empty the bladder for two hours.
- Skin diseases. Both solution and ointment can be used. A sterile dressing is impregnated with a liquid and is applied for a day to the site of damage. If an ointment is selected, it is applied to the place on a tampon twice a day. In the treatment of onychomycosis, Miramistin is combined with antifungal drugs. The course of therapy in this case is five to seven days. Ointment is mainly used for the treatment of onychomycosis.
- ENT diseases. With purulent otitis media, 2 ml of Miramistin is introduced into the ear canal. With sinusitis, the sinuses are washed out during puncture until the purulent contents are extracted. With sinusitis, the use of the drug allows to achieve a quick recovery and prevent possible relapses of the disease. For the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis (tonsillitis), spray irrigation or rinsing with a solution several times a day is carried out.
- Dentistry. Miramistin is used to rinse with gingivitis, stomatitis: 10-15 ml three to four times a day. With periodontitis, applications are made with the solution, and in case of exacerbation, periodontal pockets are washed. Removable prostheses are placed at Miramistin at night, and are washed well under running water before use.
Side effects and complications
When using the drug, side effects such as minor burning sensation and itching may occur. After a few seconds, they disappear on their own and do not require cancellation of treatment. In the presence of individual intolerance, redness appears on the skin, dryness and other unpleasant symptoms occur.
Analogs: table
Sometimes it becomes necessary to use a drug - an analogue of Miramistin. The most common are presented in the table.
Table - Antiseptics that can replace Miramistin
A drug | Features |
Chlorhexidine | - Affects fungi and bacteria; - the active substance is chlorhexidine bigluconate; - Do not bury in the eyes and ears; - able to change the color of tooth enamel and tongue; - has a bitter aftertaste; - more toxic; - often causes allergic reactions |
Oktenisept | - Used for skin lesions, in the complex treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and oral cavity; - leaves a bitter aftertaste; - not applicable for douching of the genitals and their washing during operations |
"Furacilin" | - The active substance is nitrofural; - used for tonsillitis and tonsillitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, burns, purulent wounds, bedsores, bacterial conjunctivitis |
Dekasan | - It is used for dental and gynecological diseases, inflammation of the ENT organs, damage to the epidermis; - used for intestinal enemas and lavage of the bladder with cystitis; - it is used in the form of inhalation in the pathology of the respiratory system; - not suitable for instillation into the ear canal and from burns |
Hydrogen peroxide | - Prevents infection of the area of damage and the ingress of pathogenic microflora into the bloodstream; - It is used for the treatment of wounds, abscesses, gargling; - does not damage the skin |
Protargol | - The active substance is silver proteinate; - active against fungi; - used for inflammation of the throat and nasopharynx, otitis media |
Malavit | - It is of plant origin; - has an analgesic effect; - used for wounds, hematomas, thermal damage to the skin, insect bites, ENT pathologies |
special instructions
When using Miramistin, the following points should be considered:
- complex therapy - the drug enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs;
- nervous system - does not affect attentiveness and ability to concentrate;
- temperature condition - the drug can not be frozen;
- storage - in a place inaccessible to children, at a temperature of up to 300 C for three years from the date of production;
- shelf life - after its expiration, the drug loses its properties and is unacceptable to use.
"Miramistin" is an effective antiseptic that does not affect the body systemically. Testimonials from practitioners confirm this. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of many pathological processes on the skin, mucous membranes. Miramistin treatment does not require complex regimens, the medicine is well tolerated, and additionally has a regenerative and immunostimulating effect. "Miramistin" - this is exactly the tool that can help in unforeseen situations.
Reviews: "And from cold sores, and instead of brilliant green, and even from irritation after shaving"
Do not count for advertising I would like to know a common opinion. The fact is that we have been using miramistin for everything in a row, replacing it with alcohol, iodine, green stuff for adults and children. We treat wounds, lubricate herpes, the husband uses “after irritation” after shaving, etc. On the Internet there are only confirmations of such a "miracle remedy." And then I thought, maybe I don’t know what and it is harmful in some way?
Good antimicrobial activity. 2) Acts on the herpes virus, so this remedy is the best option for rinsing with herpetic stomatitis. 3) It has a spray nozzle, which facilitates the treatment of foci of stomatitis and other foci of inflammation in the oral mucosa in young children who themselves cannot rinse their mouths. 4) It has a neutral taste, which is important for children and its use does not lead to plaque formation on the teeth. 5) It is possible to carry out antiseptic dental treatment when it is not possible to conduct high-quality hygiene for a child by simply moistening the Miramistin gauze swab.
Yakovleva D.V., dentist,
"Miramistin" from the sore throat just will not save, how many do not spray. To taste, in general, like ordinary water. With colds, it does not really help. Another thing is with stomatitis. My one-year-old daughter's teeth were cut, and stomatitis also appeared. I did not go to the doctor, since there were only two sores in the sores. I decided to spray Miramistin, as it turned out that he cures many diseases. After a few days, the sores disappeared, and the child’s appetite was restored. It’s good that the drug was useful, but I already wanted to throw it away. So some diseases still heals.
Oksana F.,
I always keep a bottle of Miramistin at home, because he saved more than once. The first time this drug was prescribed to me by a gynecologist for irrigation against infection. Then my eyes turned red and inflamed, most likely it was conjunctivitis. She began to bury Miramistin in her eyes. Within two days, the eyes turned white, and the inflammation subsided. Also used Miramistin for the treatment of wounds and abrasions, it disinfects and heals very well. I read on the medical site that you can also use it to gargle with laryngitis and tonsillitis - they write that it helps a lot. In general, I have not heard anything bad about him, but from my own experience I can say that the drug is really good.