Is almond peeling so easy: reviews on the most “gentle” method of facial rejuvenation

In modern cosmetology, almond peeling is often called the most skin-friendly and lightweight version of the rejuvenation procedure. It is recommended as the first step towards improving skin condition and combating youth problems: acne, blackheads, and oily skin. But is almond peeling so simple: feedback on the procedure will help to figure it out!
White mask on the girl's face

Almond peeling refers to a cohort of chemical peels based on fruit acids. Its active ingredient is mandelic (phenoxyglycolic) acid, obtained from the fruits of bitter almonds. A feature of the substance is the increased size of the molecules, which cannot intensively penetrate the skin structure and act on it too aggressively. Therefore, the area of ​​“work” of almond peeling is the upper stratum corneum of the skin and everything that is contained in it: blackheads, fine wrinkles, enlarged pores, post-acne.

The effects of mandelic acid

The limited ability of the active substance provides the benefits of almond peeling, reviews about it indicate the possibility of carrying out the procedure on thin and sensitive skin.

Other advantages of the method include:

  • lack of pronounced and prolonged irritation after the procedure;
  • the absence of a ban on the performance in the sunny period and the risks associated with the appearance of age spots;
  • effectiveness in the treatment of acne - this almond face peeling ahead of other well-known methods of cosmetology medicine;
  • anti-aging effect and solving skin problems - improving complexion, smoothing wrinkles, narrowing pores;
  • short course - on average, the duration of treatment is 6-10 sessions every 10 days. However, often 2-3 procedures are enough to eliminate an exciting problem. This almond peeling is favorably cast on face mesotherapy, which requires numerous visits to the cosmetologist, as well as other expensive procedures.

Based on the characteristics of the substance, for almond peeling, indications include:

  • excessive oily skin (seborrhea), acne, black spots;
  • hyperpigmentation, complexion, photoaging;
  • hyperkeratosis, the presence of shallow facial wrinkles.

Contraindications include pregnancy, skin irritation and its diseases in the acute period, the presence of viral diseases, several weeks after tanning.

Beautiful woman (face close-up)

Almond Peeling Technique

Since the procedure is performed using acid, almond peeling at home is not recommended. During the application of the active substance, the doctor must monitor the skin condition and determine the exposure time individually. As reviews on almond peeling show, on average, the procedure takes about 1 hour.

  1. Skin cleansing. It is performed with milk and tonic with mandelic acid content of at least 10%.
  2. Pre-peeling. Smoothes the epidermis to evenly spread the active peeling substance in it and allows you to assess the risk of an allergic reaction. It contains 5% mandelic, glycolic and lactic acids. It is applied for several minutes to the skin of the face.
  3. Peeling. Includes 30% mandelic acid, is applied to the pre-peeling agent and rubbed lightly with your fingertips. Peeling time is 10-25 minutes. After that, the composition is washed off with chilled water.
  4. Soothing mask. A mask with calendula extract is applied to the face, followed by an intensely moisturizing cream.

The first week after the procedure, the skin will appear dry and tight, it will require intensive hydration.It can peel off, and these "pieces" cannot be torn off. It is recommended to use soothing creams with algae extract and collagen, 2 times a week to make masks with the same components. Before walking under the sun, you need to apply sunscreen.

Almond Peeling Reviews

Reviews of those who have experienced it on themselves will best tell about almond peeling.

  • Pelagia: I am a person with combination skin: a fat forehead, normal cheeks and chin, dry cheekbones and very sensitive areas around the eyes and nose. She expected from acne elimination of acne and correction of wrinkles, and in general I wanted to put my face in order before the new year. The sensations during the procedure are very painful: the face glowed! I could not wait until they were washed off. After her face ached, was covered with red spots, not very intense. But the next day the redness almost completely disappeared. Instead, a greasy shine formed, which was replaced by SUCH peeling on the 4th day! It is not possible to do anything with him, his face peeling for a week. When everything was over, about 2 weeks I felt like a queen: the wrinkles were smoothed out, the color improved, and then it was almost invisible. Of the minuses: it hurts; the effect is short-lived, if not done in a course; the skin becomes very sensitive, you have to pour tons of moisturizing creams.
  • Ulyana: I was terrified of the pain, which is simply impossible to endure. When I left the office, I put on a medical mask so as not to frighten people with unhealthy fiery red spots. The skin was burning, I even regretted more than once that I decided on this. But 2 days passed, and everything calmed down: the redness disappeared, the acne disappeared completely, the complexion evened out. I am satisfied with the result.
  • Victoria: It really hurts to like the effect when the inflammation comes off (and it, unfortunately, is incredible, all cheeks are in purple spots). But then the skin is clean and smooth, tightens, becomes soft and supple.
  • Asya: after the procedure, the face really looks scary. On day 4, the skin slides just flakes. But when this passes, the result is very good: a smooth, bright face without black dots.

Video: Almond Facial Peeling

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