Efficacy and application of almond oil for eyelashes

In cosmetology, almond oil for eyelash growth is often used. But is there any objective justification for this? What is hidden behind the “almond miracle”? And how to make it with your eyelashes?
Almond oil

Many centuries ago, almond oil began to be used in medicine. He was credited with anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, which is why it was recommended to be used to treat wounds, burns, and eliminate scars.

In modern medicine, the tool is almost forgotten, but the achievements of medieval doctors have been adopted ... by cosmetologists. Unlike other types of oils, for example, wheat germ, almond does not have a wide range of indications. It is recommended solely to stimulate hair growth, which means that it can also be used to improve the cilia.


Get almond oil for eyelashes from almond seeds by pressing and squeezing. Depending on the technology, the final product has different properties. So the most useful is cold-pressed oil, but a hot-pressed product is considered safer.

The consistency of the product is liquid, it does not thicken in air. When applied, it spreads well, so it is recommended to take it in a minimal amount. The healing properties are based on the composition of almond oil for eyelashes. Reviews of cosmetologists recommending it to be used to improve cilia after growing or having become depleted as a result of vitamin deficiency indicate the presence of polyunsaturated acids, trace elements in the structure of hairs, and vitamins. Nourishing the hair follicles, the product not only activates their work, which is why cilia grow more actively. But it also awakens the “sleeping” bulbs, which is why there are more hairs on the eyelids.

Flowers, nuts and golden butter in a wooden spoon


  • Unlike a number of other means, the effectiveness of the effects of almond oil on eyelashes is proven in practice. It is often used for the manufacture of finished formulations by reputable cosmetic brands. For example, you can find almond oil based remedies in the Givenchy, Helena Rubinstein and Chanel ranges. Synthetic components that enhance the effect of the main are included in such preparations. But, in fact, their advantage is the convenience and the possibility of a shorter course of use for a pronounced result.
  • Minimal risk of an allergic reaction on almond oil for eyelash growth. Reviews about the tool show that allergies are extremely rare, even in women with sensitive skin. But it’s still worth checking the probability of its occurrence. To do this, before the procedure, apply a little tool on the skin of the wrist. If after 15 minutes redness or itching does not appear, everything is in order.
  • Pleasant consistency - liquid product, due to which it is applied very conveniently and with a thin layer. It does not have an unpleasant odor, does not cause uncomfortable sensations in the form of pinching and itching.

How to use

Like other therapeutic agents, it should be applied only on clean cilia. Other requirements also - without features.

  • Perform the procedure in the eveningafter removing makeup.
  • Warm Almond Eyelash Oil. Its application will be more effective in the form of heat.
  • Spread over the cilia with a cotton sponge, a wand or a well-washed brasmatik brush. By the way, if you still have packaging from the old carcass, wash it and pour the product there. Thanks to the dark bottle, it will retain its healing properties longer if it is at room temperature.
  • Start applying the composition from the middle of the cilia, moving towards the tips. Do not grab the roots, as liquid oil itself will spread by centuries.There is nothing wrong with getting it on the skin, but the probability of penetration into the eyes should be prevented due to the risk of irritation of the membranes.
  • Keep the composition up to half an hour. The need to wear oil on the eyelashes is no longer.
  • Remove it with a cotton padthen do not wash your face.

Almond Oil Combinations

It is recommended to use the product in its pure form. It provides high-quality prevention of eyelash loss and promotes their growth. Additionally, you can prepare medicinal formulations of several components. Their advantage is in the complex effect, but it is important to consider the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Therefore, be sure to check each component by applying it to the skin before the procedure.

Care for cilia - a serious matter

Of the combined products with almond oil, the following can be recommended.

  • Complex with Vitamin E. It should be added to a teaspoon of the product in the amount of 3 drops. The composition provides effective nutrition, gives the cilia shine.
  • Complex with castor, burdock and olive oil. This combination is recommended for active loss of eyelashes after their extension or as a result of vitamin deficiency. The tool has an intense effect, restores the structure of hairs, stimulates their active growth. Mix the ingredients in the proportion: for 2 tablespoons of almond oil, 1 spoonful of other components.

Use almond oil should be 30 days, with a poor condition of the cilia, extend the course to 2 months. You can repeat it after a month break.

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