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This problem affects 85% of newborns. Miliums are densely arranged on their faces. All neonatologists warn mothers that you should not touch the rash with your fingers (and even more so with your nails). Already in the first months of life, acne disappears on its own, leaving no traces. In adults, the problem is more complicated. Often miliums crumble on the thin skin of the face for a long time, significantly complicating the procedures for self-care and spoiling the mood.
What is millet
Popularly, white dense dots on the face are rarely called miliums. The more common names are "millet", "whiteheads", "wen". Although for cosmetologists, the difference between the indicated types of rash is obvious.
Mills are mentioned in the International Classification of Diseases in an article on acne (ICD-10 code - L70.0). But the millet with eels has nothing to do. The causes of the formation are not associated with the accumulation of pus, sebum in the sebaceous duct or duct of the sweat gland. Moreover, the whitish contents of the capsule almost never leads to an inflammatory process. Unless, the patient intentionally tears the pimple with his nails.
If you do not touch the milium, it will exist peacefully on the face until the layer of skin covering it is destroyed. This can last a couple of weeks or a couple of years, depending on the location of the formation and the depth of its occurrence.
Whiteheads on the face are keratin cysts in the upper layers of the epidermis. Their contents are dead skin cells with a small admixture of sebum. If someone managed to open the milium on their own, then their dense structure, not similar to the contents of eels, was probably noticed. This is because sebum gets inside milium along with skin keratin, that is, in scanty amounts. Everything else is a mixture of keratin, collagen and other pure skin proteins. Milium fat on the face can be called very relative. Characteristics of white formations:
- diameter - up to 2 mm;
- localization - on the eyelid, cheekbones, temples, around the lips, on the forehead (on thin skin);
- capsule - located separately from the fat and sweat ducts.
Far less often miliums form on the chin. As a rule, they are preceded by rashes in other areas of the face.
Reasons and classification
A patch on the face of newborns, which occupies a vast area, can be placed on the scalp, nose, forehead, and chin, called primary. This type of milium is formed due to the natural imperfection of the mechanism for separating keratinized skin particles. As soon as this process normalizes, the millet disappears on its own.
It is sometimes noticeable how the acne contents are exposed. In this case, it is easily pulled by a fingernail and extended, leaving a recess after itself.In the case of newborns, it is better not to interfere with the natural cleansing process, since the risk of infection of a poorly protected baby's body increases.
The causes of sunburn on the face in adults are associated with impaired body functions or skin damage. Primary miliums can form against the background of:
- hyperkeratosis;
- hormonal disorders;
- improper skin care;
- neglect of nursing procedures;
- abuse of cosmetics;
- too intense ultraviolet radiation;
- frequent exposure to damaging factors;
- excessively intense skin cleansing;
- the use of abrasive scrubs.
In fact, milia on the face are formed due to intensive renewal of the skin, which does not correspond to the rate of separation of dead cells. They simply remain "sealed" in the upper layers of the epidermis.
Secondary milia in adults can form at the sites of skin damage (inside the scar tissue). People with epidermal infections who have received wounds or burns on their faces are prone to this.
How to get rid of milia on your face: a professional approach
Beauticians categorically do not advise crushing milia on the face. Independent damage to the epidermal cyst is fraught with trauma to the skin with the subsequent formation of scars. In addition, at home it is difficult to comply with all the rules of antibacterial skin treatment. The result - you can introduce an infection and provoke subsequent inflammation of the tissues with the formation of pus. This is a direct path to the appearance of infectious rashes, the fight against which will require taking antibiotics and prolonged use of external antiseptics. You can see how the miles look in the photo on the Internet in order to remove them in a timely manner.
Damage to specific skin structures can provoke increased keratinization of epidermal cells. As a result, a small white dot will turn into a large plaque milium, the elimination of which is difficult for modern cosmetology and medicine.
In the fight against millet, it is important:
- minimize injuries;
- ensure timely removal of dead cells;
- normalize the fat content of the epidermis;
- provide proper skin care.
You need to treat whiteheads on your face in several stages. At the first, peeling is performed, which allows to make the milium coating thinner and facilitate manual or hardware access to it. Next, select the method of removal of education. After its implementation, some time may be required for the complete healing of traces of "whiteheads". Then all measures are aimed at preventing the reappearance of the rash - non-traumatic but effective methods of cleaning are selected, products for daily and intensive skin care.
Radio wave exposure
Grinding the skin with a radio wave technique allows you to remove milia under the eyes and eyelids in just a couple of sessions. There is no quantitative limitation for the procedure, unlike manual methods. The method is suitable for cysts with a fairly deep bed. Radio wave removal eliminates the upper layer of the skin, after which the accumulation of keratin is easily eliminated. After the procedure, anti-inflammatory drugs will be required, as well as careful protection of the treated areas of the face from ultraviolet radiation.
Diamond cleaning
Diamond polishing of the skin is softer compared to other types of procedures. Removing the millet requires three to ten cleaning sessions.Their number depends on the depth of miliums and the vastness of the rashes. The result is not only the removal of white dots, but also the normalization of keratin production by epidermal cells. The skin is being healed and its protective functions strengthened.
Burning out
This method is considered quite aggressive in the fight against millet. As with electrocoagulation, a point effect on the epidermal cyst occurs. In simple words - its burning by a laser or a current of various frequencies. The formation is destroyed, covered with a crust that exfoliates along with the contents of the destroyed capsule.
After laser or electrocoagulation exposure, regular care of the treated areas is required. Use local antiseptics, as well as point - healing ointment. The technique does not leave scars, since skin damage is considered minimal. However, during the procedure, the patient may experience discomfort.
"Manual" methods
Mechanical removal of millet can only be carried out by a specialist. As a rule, up to eight points are extracted in one procedure. Quantitative limitation is necessary for the full restoration of the skin. Before and after the procedure, the entire surface of the skin of the face is treated with antiseptics. The main rule of manual cleaning is compliance with sterility. For this reason, such techniques are not recommended for use on their own.
Usually after treatment with an antiseptic, the skin is steamed. This softens the epidermis and simplifies manipulations on its surface. Using a sterile needle, the specialist must perpendicularly pierce the formation exactly in the center. Next, the accumulation of keratin is removed by pressing on the area surrounding the cyst. Doctor's fingers should be covered with sterile bandages. After complete extraction of the contents of the cyst, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic. After a few days, the damage heals.
Folk methods
According to reviews, the elimination of millet by folk methods is painless, but very long. Until you completely get rid of the rash, be patient and regularly carry out the recommended procedures. However, there are also advantages to folk remedies for miliums:
- lack of injuries and scars;
- lack of hardware exposure;
- availability;
- possibility of use at home;
As a rule, all popular recipes are based on mechanical cleansing of the skin of dead cells. The use of natural abrasives ensures the softness of the procedure and their positive effect on the condition of the skin as a whole. Using peels, do not rub the skin excessively. All movements should be light and gentle. Otherwise, the number of miliums will not decrease, but increase. Recommended procedures are described below.
- On the palms foaming baby soap.
- Pour a tablespoon of soda onto the surface of the foam.
- Soft movements treat the skin of the face.
- The composition is washed off immediately and apply the usual care.
- Paraffin (70 g) is melted in a water bath.
- Wipe the skin with an alcohol.
- Paraffin is applied to the entire face in several layers. A new layer is applied only after solidification of the previous one.
- The mask is removed from the face after the paraffin has completely cooled.
- Sensitive and dry owners mix fine-grained sea salt witholive oil. Those with oily skin, salt is combined with sour cream.
- A thick mass is gained with a cotton pad.
- They neatly massage the places of accumulation of white dots.
- After the procedure, the composition is washed off, and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.
- Raw pumpkin tinder on a fine grater.
- Sour cream puree is bred to a homogeneous, but thick consistency.
- The tool is applied to the entire face for a quarter of an hour.
- Frozen viburnum berries are ground through a sieve or in a blender.
- Excess juice is squeezed out of the puree.
- To form a viscous mass, a little rice or oat flour is added to viburnum. Apply a thick mixture to the rash for a third of an hour.
- After the specified time, rinse with warm water.
- A dessert spoon of raw yeast is mixed with peroxide, lemon juice and liquid honey, taken over a tablespoon.
- A thoroughly mixed substance is left warm for ten minutes.
- Apply the product on the skin, leave for 20 minutes.
- After drying, rinse with warm water, without a sponge.
Recipes with fruits and various juices work like acid peels. In this case, it is important to comply with the formulation of the preparation of the cleaning composition and its regular daily use.
Eyebrow is a cosmetic defect in which it is better to seek the help of a specialist. Especially if the formations are multiple or have an impressive depth. For a quick and effective solution to the problem, it is important to determine the exact structure, nature of the rash and make sure that it is exactly miliums.
Last year, a child had several on his face at once, one of a rather large size on his cheek closer to his ear. Somewhere on the Internet I read the advice to use scarlet, decided to try, and it helped.
At night, I glued a piece of scarlet leaf onto the adhesive plaster, with the flesh of this eel. After the third night, the eel pulled out. I did the same with the little ones, and they, too, gradually, as if - they began to dry out, and fell off imperceptibly.
esve net.,
Hello, since childhood, millions began to appear on the face, the popular name is "millet", the main reason for the appearance of metabolic disorders.
Gradually, they became more and more, I suspect the reason (I have problems with the thyroid gland), already there were about 30 of them, especially around the eyes and eyelids. Already the view was badly spoiled, and I decided to finally remove it.
She went to the beautician and me for 1200 rubles, did an ultrasonic cleaning with masks and removed all the miliums in a mesanical way (with a needle). It certainly hurt, but pretty quickly subcutaneous balls jumped out of my face! Vidocq then, of course, was terrible all in bloody spots and with a red face, she ran home hiding in the hood so as not to frighten people the view was like that of a leper)) after two weeks, everything healed and there were no miliums! Only now I don’t know if they will appear again ?! Therefore, anyone who has such a problem, it’s bold to the beautician, there’s nothing wrong with that!