"Mycoderil": effectiveness against fungus of the skin and nails

Fungus is a problem that not only causes uncomfortable sensations, but also aesthetically does not bring pleasure. The skin, nail plates of the lower and upper extremities are affected. Instructions for the use of "Mycoderil" indicates that the drug effectively acts on the cause of the problem and returns the affected areas of the body to health and well-groomed appearance.
Mycoderil Packaging

Everyone can face a fungus of nails and skin. Timely and effective treatment will help get rid of the problem forever. But it is equally important to observe hygiene, to carry out prophylaxis when visiting "dangerous places".

Release Forms

"Mikoderil" - a new drug, which is the domestic analogue of the famous foreign antifungal agent "Exoderil". It is not inferior in effectiveness to a foreign medicine, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

The drug is presented by the Tomsk pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard - Tomskkhimfarm. "Mikoderil" fully complies with European quality parameters, is made from Italian raw materials. The tool is available in two forms, presented in the table.

Table - Characterization of the forms of the drug "Mycoderil"

ViewCharacteristicRelease form
Cream- White homogeneous substance;
- unsharp specific smell
15, 30 and 50 g aluminum tubes
Solution- Transparent liquid without color;
- mild ethanol odor
10 ml and 20 ml dropper bottle

Instructions for use "Mycoderil": indications

The drug belongs to the class of antifungal allylamines. It is active against pathogenic microorganisms such as yeast, yeast-like, mold-type fungi, as well as dermatophytes. Their representatives include microorganisms of the species:

  • Candida albican and tropicalis;
  • Penicillium notatum;
  • Alternaria, Aspergillus;
  • Malassezia furfur.

Indications for use of Mycoderil include the following external diseases:

  • onychomycosis - nail fungus, the most common indication for the use of this product with effective penetration;
  • hyperkeratosis - pathological compaction of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, often observed in parallel with onychomycosis and is manifested by coarse skin and calluses on the arms and legs;
  • dermatomycoses- applies regardless of whether itching is present, as well as with localization in the interdigital zone;
  • pityriasis versicolor - characterized by the appearance of peeling spots;
  • skin candidiasis - occurs in immunodeficient individuals.
Similar fungal diseases can affect the skin, folds, mucous membranes, hair growth areas. Depending on the zone that has been affected, and its availability, one or another form of drug release is used with its own application.

Composition and mechanism of action

The effectiveness and wide orientation of the action of "Mycoderil" is due to its main active ingredient - naphthyne hydrochloride in a concentration of 1% (in both forms of release of the medication). The component belongs to the class of allylamines and is active against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms.
Auxiliary components of the drug include ethyl alcohol 95%, water, propylene glycol.

The action of naftifin is to suppress the synthesis of ergosterol - the basis of the cell membranes of fungi. Due to ergosterol deficiency, the fungal cell is destroyed and dies.Depending on the culture of pathogenic microorganisms, naftifin has the following effect:

  • fungistatic - blocks reproduction;
  • fungicidal- destroys the negative microflora.

In addition to the antimycotic effect, the active substance has an antibacterial effect, suppressing almost all types of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that contribute to the development of secondary infections of bacterial origin. Due to its anti-inflammatory focus, naphthyphine eliminates uncomfortable sensations in the form of burning, itching, irritation.

All these properties are achieved due to the penetration of the drug into the affected external integument or nail plate. The active substance accumulates in high concentrations and has a complex effect during the day on the problem, even in the most inaccessible places. Basically, the effect is felt after the second application. The reviews of Mycoderil confirm this.

Contraindications and side effects

"Mikoderil" has a local effect, therefore it is not able to cause significant harm to the body. But there are certain contraindications to the use of the medicine:

  • intolerance to components - in particular, naphthyne;
  • skin deformities - in the form of open wounds, ulcers, scratches;
  • pregnancy - and breastfeeding;
  • age - up to 18 years.
The use of "Mycoderil" for the treatment of children should take place only with the permission of the doctor and under his supervision. The experience of using the drug in this group is not confirmed by clinical trials.

Pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that the use of Mikoderil is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in some cases it is possible, but only after a informed decision by a specialist. At the time of use of the drug, the child should be temporarily transferred to the mixture until the end of therapy.

Side effects

Rarely, as a result of the use of "Mycoderil", skin hyperemia (overflow of subcutaneous vessels with blood), a feeling of dryness and burning can occur. Such side effects are observed as a result of prolonged use of the drug and disappear after its cancellation.

Reception Schemes

With onychomycosis, Mikoderil is predominantly used in the form of a solution, since it is equipped with a special dropper serving as a dispenser. It allows you to apply the product directly on the nail plate. The medicine quickly penetrates into the tissue, follows and is distributed along the “route” of the fungus, and also accumulates in a higher concentration, which is stored for a maximum of 24 hours.

Therapy of onychomycosis with the help of a solution in the form of a solution takes place according to four rules.

  1. Preparation for applying the medicine. Before using Mycoderil, you should first cut off the affected areas as short as possible from the nail fungus and treat the surface with a nail file, like grinding.
  2. Full coverage. Drops of "Mycoderil" are applied twice a day so as to cover the entire area of ​​the nail and capture the centimeter area around it.
  3. Use until complete recovery. Therapy continues until a completely healthy nail grows, and there are no seals, brittleness, and delamination on it.
  4. Result fixing. It is recommended to use the solution after eliminating the symptoms for another two weeks.

"Mikoderil" in the form of a cream (incorrectly called ointment) is used as an additional auxiliary agent for the prevention of skin lesions surrounding the nail and the nail roller. The cream is applied once a day to the previously cleaned and dried area around the problem nail. Mikoderil cream helps to eliminate such uncomfortable sensations as burning, itching, redness, and also relieves the inflammatory process.

The course of treatment for onychomycosis, which affects the fingernails, is approximately four to six months; treatment of a large toenail may drag on for 12 months.

With cutaneous mycoses, treatment occurs within four to eight weeks. Basically, such lesions are eliminated with a cream that is applied once a day to clean and dry skin on the damaged area, as well as a radius of a centimeter around it. In these cases, in order to avoid relapse, it is worth using the drug for another two weeks after the disappearance of the problem.

special instructions

"Mikoderil" requires careful handling and accurate application to problem areas. When using, avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply the drug where there are open wounds. This leads to the rapid absorption of the drug into the blood, which is fraught with negative health consequences. It is not recommended to cover the body area treated with "Mikoderil" bandages, bandages, plaster. After applying the drug, the surface of the skin and nail should remain open.

The expected effect and the absence of relapse can be achieved only when the remedy is used regularly, and after recovery it is used for a certain time to consolidate the effect.

The drug does not change the rate of psychomotor reactions of a person, therefore, it can be safely used when controlling mechanisms and vehicles.

The interaction of the drug with other medicines was not detected. Do not use for internal use. It should be stored no more than two years, away from children at a temperature of no more than 25 °WITH.

Woman smears a foot cream


In the pharmaceutical world, there are analogues of Mycoderil.

  • Exoderil. The main structural analogue of "Mycoderil" for the main active component. These medicines are completely interchangeable, but differ significantly in price. The cost of "Mikoderil" is about 350 rubles, and foreign funds - about 520 rubles (data for March 2018). The main component of Exoderil is also naphthine hydrochloride at a concentration of 1%, the form of release is also represented by a cream and solution for external use, and the scheme of use is identical to the Russian remedy.
  • Exo-Derm. Antimycotics of Ukrainian production. It contains the same active substance at a concentration of 10 mg per 1 g of the drug (1%). The line of products is represented by cream, solution and spray. It has identical indications, mechanism of action, pattern of use and contraindications.
  • "Naphthyne." The active substance coincides with the name of the drug. Method of release: cream, spray, solution for external use.
  • "Estesifin." Structural analogue of Ukrainian production, similar in method of use, spectrum of action and contraindications. Presented as a skin spray, cream, as well as a solution.
  • "Naphthyryl." Another representative of antimycotics with an identical active substance, a drug of Russian origin. The application pattern is similar to Mycoderil.

There are also many other antifungal drugs, but with other active substances. You can find medicines in tablets, in the form of nail polish. The most effective treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist. The list of drugs similar in action is presented in the table.

Table - Analogues of "Mycoderil" by action

Active substanceA drug
Ketoconazole- "Dermazole";
- "Nizoral"
Terbinafine- "Lamisil";
- Lamicon
Lotrimazole- "Canesten";
- “Candide”
Bifonazole- “Kanespor”;
- "Bifonaz Health"
However, Mikoderil and its main active ingredient, naphthyne, are active against a much larger number of pathogenic microflora than its analogues with other major components.

"Mikoderil" is an effective antimycotic that not only fights against fungi, but also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It destroys almost all types of such pathogenic microflora. Easy to use and has a relatively low price compared to foreign counterparts.


My daughter’s yeast mushrooms .... I dribbled mycoderyl on my nails ... it helped, now the fungus has appeared again ... can someone tell me a stronger remedy ... I live in Kuznetsk, you will not find any good specialists in the afternoon with fire.

Elina, http://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/thread/3892985/8/

Just ordered MIKODERIL. This is the Russian analogue of Exoderil (a substance for production from Italy) :)). The cost of 618 rubles for 20 ml. minus 5%. In pharmacies, Exoderil per 20 ml. worth more than a thousand. Nevertheless, ours is cheaper, maybe the quality will not let you down ... This is all in addition to the upcoming baths. On my hands for some time the picture was better, but for 2 weeks I’ve been sick, I haven’t “fizzled out” at all, so the immunity is almost at zero, the fungus has crawled again. No mood, hands drop and I want to cry ... I’m being treated, treated, I have drunk pills, drops, ointments, money spent, and an unlikely result ... After I read the forum, I understand that I need to fight. With such support. Thanks everyone!

Larisa https://www.2mm.ru/mama/krasota-i-zdorove/439/gribok-nogtey-na-nogah-lechenie/otzyvy/352

I have been using mycoderil for several months now. I bought a stock when it first appeared on sale, pharmacy staff convinced that it was a complete analogue of the drug for which I came. It helps well. The toenail was affected and the edge of the adjacent toe was brittle. Now the little finger has passed, the infection is also gradually getting larger, a new nail is growing.

Irina, http: //lechim- fungus.rf/mikoderil/

Just the other day I turned to the pharmacy for Exoderil. I was pleasantly surprised by the offer of our more affordable Russian counterpart. The pharmacy had two dosages of the MIKODERIL solution - 10 and 20 ml. The difference in price with Exoderil is almost 30%. I immediately took a large bottle and saved almost 350 rubles.

Sergei, http: //lechim- fungus.rf/mikoderil/

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