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What is mesotherapy
Mesotherapy can only conditionally be called the modern method of cosmetology. In fact, her “age” is at least 150 years, when for the first time in medicine, injections under the skin were tested. And in the middle of the twentieth century, the French physician Michel Pistor became especially interested in the direction, who turned “median treatment” (the terms “meso” and “therapy” are translated from Greek) into real science.
The method is based on the judgment that, when exposed to the skin, substances end up in the so-called “dermis reservoir” - the subcutaneous space, where metabolic processes are especially active. Their intensity is so high that the entire volume of the substance reaches the "desired point" much faster than when administered intravenously or intramuscularly. And in the course of "transportation" not a single percent of the drug composition is lost. These judgments of the French doctor have been proven in practice by modern medicine, which today actively uses mesotherapy to treat many diseases. But now we are only interested in her aesthetic direction.
Features of face mesotherapy
Mesotherapy for the face is a reusable procedure for subcutaneous injection of “healing cocktails” in certain areas. Distinguish fractional mesotherapy when the area of exposure to the skin of the face does not exceed 25% of its surface. And classical, when the treatment of larger areas is carried out.
In cosmetology of mesotherapy, a median role is played between plastic surgery and cosmetics. Its effectiveness in rejuvenation is significantly higher than the latter, but, of course, is not as high as that of "plastic". Although the possibilities of the procedure are impressive. These include:
- getting rid of scars and stretch marks, scars;
- inhibition of skin aging;
- skin rejuvenation;
- acne treatment;
- elimination of wrinkles and pigmentation;
- restoration of skin tone and its relief;
- face contour correction, elimination of the second chin.
Reviews of fractional face and classic mesotherapy demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in each direction, but only if the “cocktail” is correctly selected. It may include hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, trace elements that not only stimulate tissue regeneration, but also solve specific skin problems. Naturally, the doctor must choose the right cocktail and ensure its correct administration, so mesotherapy at home is impossible.
Face Mesotherapy Techniques
Injection mesotherapy is almost always carried out: the right amount of substance is injected under the skin with a syringe. For this, 3 techniques are used:
- mesopuncture - the introduction of the composition into the epidermis;
- mesoinjection - the depth of administration is determined by the doctor;
- mesoperfusion - barrage injections with a frequency of up to 350 injections per minute (often performed by the hardware method).
Sensations during the procedure are unpleasant, painful. To increase the comfort of patients, local anesthesia is used, which allows you to almost completely forget about the pain. After the procedure, intense redness of the skin is not observed, as after laser peeling of the face. On the contrary, it looks fresh, as if saturated with moisture.
In recent years, the so-calledneedleless mesotherapy. When it is performed, the composition is introduced under the skin not with a needle, but under a stream of high pressure oxygen. The effectiveness of the procedure is lower than the injection, as the substance penetrates into the desired "site" is not completely. In addition, it is impossible to calculate the penetration depth and put it into practice. But this method has the right to life, as an opportunity for people with an extremely low pain threshold to experience almost all the delights of mesotherapy.
An important feature of the mesotherapy method is contraindications, or rather their complete absence. The only "taboo" for him is pregnancy, and then because of discomfort. Another controversial point is an individual allergy, but before performing the procedure, each self-respecting doctor will conduct an allergy test and find out whether a particular “cocktail” is suitable for you.
Mesotherapy and biorevitalization
Popular face mesotherapy, reviews of which confirm its viability, is often called biorevitalization. However, this “unity” is erroneous. The latter method is just one of the varieties of “beauty injections”. Therefore, in the question “mesotherapy or biorevitalization - which is better?” It is important to find an individual answer: what problem do you want to solve?
Both procedures are carried out using a cocktail of hyaluronic acid. It is proved that it is it, which stands out by skin cells when they are damaged, stimulates tissue regeneration. Additional introduction of acid under the skin provides its visible rejuvenation.
At the same time, mesotherapy implies an "intensive course": the first week - daily injections, then - an individual program. The doctor can recommend several therapeutic days during the second week, weekly visits for 3-4 weeks and monthly visits over the next six months. In this case, a lasting result is provided, which is the basis of almost 100% positive feedback on facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid.
Biorevitalization involves a lower intensity of therapy and the effect of it does not last so long. But as a sparing and more affordable option, as well as a way to try the anti-aging effect of hyaluronic acid, it has the right to life.
Mesotherapy of the face: video