Mesotherapy for weight loss - how good is the practice of subcutaneous injection, reviews

On the way to a slim body, all ways are good. And even the most ... scary. If you are of this opinion, body mesotherapy is designed specifically for you. Although not everyone is afraid of injections: for such lucky people, the procedure will not cause discomfort. But how effective is mesotherapy for weight loss: reviews of cosmetologists will help to understand this issue.
Thin waist

The method of injecting drugs into the skin in cosmetology is called "mesotherapy." It is used to solve many problems: rejuvenation of the skin of the face, the fight against excess weight, the return of the beauty of hair. Mesotherapy of hair, skin and problem areas have much in common. But in the latter case, the procedure has a number of features that are important to know about before contacting a specialist.

Features of body mesotherapy

Most often, the cause of female dissatisfaction with the appearance of fat folds in the abdomen and hips. In an attempt to say goodbye to them, the ladies are taking desperate steps, including turning to mesotherapists. Why desperate? - you ask. After all, this procedure has repeatedly proved its usefulness. And in France, for example, it is on the top list of the most popular cosmetic methods.

Everything is simple: Mesotherapy for weight loss - as the main way to combat excess weight does not work. Of course, it will help reduce the amount of adipose tissue in problem areas, but in a month all that is lost will return. Therefore, mesotherapy should be used only in combination with other methods: moderate food consumption, sports, walking. Then her result, indeed, will be amazing.

The second important point is the right choice of a specialist, which is fully confirmed by reviews of mesotherapy for weight loss. Turning to a random doctor, you run the risk of not saying goodbye to hated fat, but getting a lot of health problems. Indeed, unlike conventional cosmetic procedures, mesotherapeutic procedures imply the introduction of drugs (rather than “simple cocktails of beauty”) into the body, therefore they are more related to medicine, not cosmetology.

Types of Mesotherapy for Weight Loss

Classic procedure

The classical procedure consists of multiple injections, during which the drug is injected into the skin to a depth of 1.5-6 mm. The introduction is performed manually or by hardware. The latter is often practiced with mesotherapy of the body in the form of heavy injections, as it allows you to quickly process large surfaces.

The composition of mesotherapy cocktails for weight loss necessarily includes lipolytics - enzymes that activate the breakdown of adipose tissue. In combination with them, the preparations are saturated with minerals, vitamins, collagen, substances to activate blood flow in the skin and subcutaneous layers. With optimal selection, the procedure allows to achieve:

  • reducing the volume of problem areas, that is, the desired weight loss;
  • skin condition improvement;
  • getting rid of the risk of stretch marks, which always appear after quick weight loss.

It relieves mesotherapy from cellulite, reviews of the procedure characterize it as not the most pleasant, but effective. Medicinal complexes not only activate the breakdown of fat cells, but also stimulate tissue drainage, as a result of which excess fluid is removed from them and is involved in the formation of the “orange peel”.

Before and after mesotherapy for weight loss

Latest procedure

The latest procedure is non-injection mesotherapy, reviews allow it to be considered quite effective, but only if the laser method is used.Laser rays heat the skin, open the pores and tissue channels through which the substance penetrates inside. Sessions are painless, only a slight pinching is felt. However, not all cosmetologists agree that in this case it is possible to control the volume of penetration of the cocktail and the depth of its effect. In addition, such sessions are much more expensive.

Contraindications to the procedure

To recommend body mesotherapy for weight loss, reviews allow people suffering from:

  • overweight and obese
  • local fat deposits
  • sagging skin, the presence of stretch marks,
  • cellulite.

It is important to remember that this is a medical procedure, so it has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • blood diseases, including clotting disorder;
  • kidney and biliary tract diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious diseases under development and exacerbation.

The number of procedures and the name of the drug are selected individually. The doctor does not prepare a special “cocktail” for each patient. Finished medicines are offered by European pharmaceutical factories. Their number is so large that it is not difficult for an experienced specialist to choose the optimal composition for solving specific problems, for example, eliminating fat deposits and rejuvenating the skin in this area.

Treatment is carried out by a course: from 6 to 10 procedures. Their frequency is 7-10 days. Only the doctor can stop the course after assessing the state of the tissues and the intensity of the effects of the procedures. As a rule, the entire course takes 2 months, after which monthly one-time maintenance sessions are required. When undergoing treatment once a year and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and physical activity, the problem of fat folds no longer returns.

Video: mesotherapy for weight loss

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