A detailed description of the metabolic diet for those who are already desperate to get back in shape

There are times when regular exercise and a string of tried diets do not bring any results. Having lost hope of getting rid of extra kilos, people simply give up and launch themselves even more. And in my head it rings like this: "She could, but you are not." Self-doubt generates multiple complexes, and after them - a lot of other health problems. A metabolic diet is an effective way to lose weight for the desperate. After all, the problem may not be in you, but in your metabolism.
Sliced ​​vegetables and notebook for scoring

Despite its comparative youth, this food system is very popular all over the world. Its main goal is the normalization of metabolic processes in the body losing weight and the stabilization of the hormonal background. The daily metabolic diet menu is designed in such a way as to inhibit some hormones, and stimulate the second ones, on the contrary. A special diet helps reduce the production of estrogen and insulin - substances that, like Plyushkin, accumulate adipose tissue in the body. But the level of adrenaline and testosterone hormones that burn fat increases significantly. As a result, the hormonal metabolic diet consumes fat accumulation and prevents the formation of new reserves.

Reviews of the metabolic diet confirm: in just a month, this nutrition system allows you to lose 8-10 kg. The principle of its action is simple: eat what the body will process as quickly as possible, without putting off fat for a "rainy day".

The balance of metabolism. Taboo-Free Products

During the metabolic diet, only certain foods are allowed to be eaten. Allowed food is grouped into five sections, each of which has a certain number of points. Points are calculated from the ratio to weight, which means that the easier you become, the more valuable, from a caloric point of view, you will consume foods.

For convenience, it is better to print the table below to visualize this essential knowledge for a metabolic diet. At some point, you will catch yourself thinking that you automatically determine the scores of a product - from memory.

Table - Metabolic Diet Products

0- White poultry meat;
- rabbit meat;
- sea and river fish without fat;
- eggs of chicken or quail;
- mushrooms;
- vegetables (only fresh);
- greenery;
- milk and sour milk with a maximum fat content of 2%;
- green pea;
- natural spices;
- lemon;
- sour apples;
- garlic;
- bow
1- White beans;
- fresh berries;
- fresh vegetables freshes
2- Bakery products based on bran;
- boiled carrot;
- boiled beets;
- chicken;
- ram meat;
- veal;
- rice;
- buckwheat;
- oatmeal;
- olives;
- avocado;
- Chees Feta";
- any nuts without seasoning;
- “milk” and “sour milk” with a maximum fat content of 4%
3- Natural dark chocolate;
- hard cheese;
- cheese "Friendship";
- Wheat groats;
- Freshes from fresh fruits;
- yogurt without preservatives
4- lean pork;
- goose meat;
- duck;
- game;
- "milk" and "sour milk" with fat content above 4%;
- semolina;
- shop mayonnaise;
- beer;
- canned juices;
- sweets;
- pastries and fresh bread;
- alcoholic drinks;
- soda
Products that are not included in the table should not be eaten under any circumstances. This is one of the most important diet rules.

Slimming in 3 stages

To achieve enviable results, you will have to strictly observe the rules of the diet. At the first stage, it will not be so simple, but you will certainly succeed. The main thing, as the hero of the Soviet film comedy “Wizards” said, is to see the target and not see obstacles. The diet consists of three stages. None of them can be skipped. Move to a healthy body and a beautiful figure should be gradually and slowly, without neglecting the laws of the metabolic diet.

According to the rules, half of the diet should consist of “zero” food, and four-point foods should occupy only 1/5 of the total combination. The maximum serving volume at any stage should not exceed 250-300 g.

The first

Stage 1 is considered the most difficult. Imagine: your body has been eating unlimited fats and carbohydrates for a long time. And then suddenly bam! - and he was sharply, without warning, deprived of his favorite treats. In this phase, you will have to eat only those foods that have zero points. There are not many permissible bonuses: a tablespoon olive oil per day and multivitamin complexes. Otherwise, there are no exceptions and deviations from the rules. The duration of the first phase of active fat burning from ten days to two weeks.

The table below offers variations of dishes that at first will facilitate your task. Entering the diet, you can create a menu yourself.

Table - First Phase Menu

EatingMenu AMenu B
Breakfast- Baked chicken breast;
- green peas as a side dish;
- unsweetened tea
- Omelet on milk from two eggs;
- salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with a spoon of oil
Lunch- Bread from bran;
- a cup of low fat milk
- Skim cheese;
- unsweetened tea with a slice of lemon
Dinner- Soup type "Minestrone";
- baked or stewed rabbit;
- salad of cucumbers and tomatoes without oil
- Yushka based on lean fish;
- braised champignons;
- small fresh cucumber
High tea- Steam cod;
- green pea garnish
- Sea kale;
- carrot salad with garlic and lemon juice dressing
Dinner- White meat of turkey;
- steam broccoli garnished
- White meat of chicken;
- vegetable salad of bell pepper and tomatoes


The longest is the 2nd stage. Its task is to slowly but steadily reduce weight. As much as you want it. Entering this phase, one indispensable rule must be observed: each meal should be clearly planned. Breakfast from lunch, as well as afternoon tea from dinner, should be separated three hours - no more and no less. This stage will end when you decide to stop losing weight, realizing that the result of the metabolic diet completely satisfies you.

The menu proposed in the table will guide you about the allowed food products and their successful - delicious layout.

Table - Second Phase Menu

EatingPointsOption 1Option 2
Breakfast4- Steam chicken breast;
- buckwheat porridge without oil;
- a glass of skim milk;
- a sandwich of bran bread and a piece of butter;
- a piece of hard cheese
- Young boiled potatoes;
- a side dish of green peas;
- tea without sugar, but with honey if desired
Lunch2- 250 g of bran;
- a cup of low fat yogurt
- Walnuts
- a cup of fat-free kefir
Dinner2- Broccoli and celery soup;
- turkey fillet;
- vegetable salad
- Potato and mushroom soup;
- steam chicken fillet;
- a few slices of feta cheese with tomatoes
High tea1- A pair of boiled chicken eggs;
- a cup of low fat kefir
- A piece of rabbit meat with carrots, baked in the oven;
- a cup of skim milk
Dinner0- Steam low-fat fish;
- vegetable salad with lots of greens
- Shrimp or squid, sprinkled with lemon juice;
- unsweetened tea
It’s easy to figure out how to combine products for the right amount of points. If you need to make breakfast for four points, then you can eat either two products for two points each plus any products from the “zero” category, or two one-point products, one two-point and one “zero” product, or combine one in one meal four-point and one "zero" product. Important: if you have not got enough points in one of the meals, you are not allowed to transfer them to the next meal.


The third stage is the period of exit from the diet. This phase is necessary in order to consolidate the result obtained in several weeks (or even months). Continue to eat permitted foods, adding one point to each meal. Try to keep a close eye on your weight. If weight loss and weight loss continue, take the following action: add not one, but two points to each meal. After that, weight loss should stop for sure.

In the table of products by points, the categories of food allowed at this stage are displayed. If, leaving the diet, you want to play it safe from a possible mass gain, continue to eat as you did in the third phase. Let it be your good habit for life.

Table - Categories of products by points for the third phase

EatingProduct Category, Points
High tea2
Products that were previously under strict taboos should be introduced gradually into the diet. First one, two or three days later the second - and so on.

Recipes for 0 points for metabolism. Sample menu

At the initial stage, many who undertake to live by the principles of a metabolic diet experience extreme stress. But you should not be afraid of this. In fact, even from those few products that are on the “zero” list, you can cook delicious and satisfying dishes. Below are the recipes for the metabolic diet for 0 points, which will surely please not only you, but also your loved ones.

Tender chicken in yogurt

Description. Tender chicken breast is a favorite treat of children. Having prepared dietary meat in the oven, you can turn the part with a blender into mashed potatoes to feed your baby. Older children are sure to share a portion with you without additional processing. In general, beware: chicken in yogurt turns out so tasty and fragrant that you may not get it.

What is needed:

  • chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
  • fat-free yogurt without fillers - half a glass;
  • oregano;
  • black pepper - a little;
  • salt - to a minimum.

Step-by-step algorithm

  1. We wash the fillet under running water and pat it with paper towels to eliminate excess moisture from the surface of the meat.
  2. Salt, pepper the fillet and lightly sprinkle it with fragrant Mexican-Italian seasoning - oregano.
  3. Lubricate the chicken with yogurt and spread on a foil slightly oiled with olive oil.
  4. We put the fillet wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and send it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40-45 minutes.

Cutting greens into salad

Vitamin salad "Zelenka"

Description. Greens at any stage of the diet can be eaten in unlimited quantities - at least basins. This is worth using when you are hungry. In addition, a vitamin salad with a prosaic name, but with a poetic taste, will be an excellent addition to oven-baked chicken meat.

What is needed:

  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • dill - half a bunch;
  • cilantro - a quarter of a bunch;
  • celery - a quarter of the bunch;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • lemon - half;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • cucumber - two.

Step-by-step algorithm

  1. Finely chop all the greens we have and put them in a common salad bowl.
  2. There, crumbling a cucumber with a quarter of rings.
  3. Grind the garlic with a knife or pass it through a manual press. Sent to a common vessel.
  4. Add olive oil and the juice of half a lemon.
  5. Mix thoroughly and do not salt - the acid in the dish is enough to refuse this seasoning.

Metabolic diet in pros and cons

Most of all, this type of food is suitable for people who are able to freely manage their own time. The fact is that an independent correlation of the level of hormones in the body involves the implementation of clearly thought out actions. For example, eating strictly by the hour. When working in the office or sitting at home on maternity leave with young children, it is extremely difficult to have lunch or have an afternoon snack. Evaluate this argument to see if your metabolic diet is right for you.


A metabolic diet that divides foods by points is, anyway, certain limitations for our body. Any limitation is stress. And stress is harm and possible side effects. Therefore, before you go on a diet, you should familiarize yourself with information about the risks and contraindications. What if you find in this list that directly concerns you?

  • Pregnancy and lactation. For nine months of bearing a child and during lactation, the female body is prohibited from any shaking. And if you are unhappy with your figure after childbirth, complete a lactation mission - and only after that take on the correction of your own forms in the framework of diets and with the help of active physical activity.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. People suffering from problems with the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract, this food system is not suitable. The reason lies in the complexity of the first stage.
  • Children and older people. The metabolic diet is suitable for women and for men from 21 years to 50 years. Children under 18 years old are contraindicated in any restrictive food system. As well as the elderly and the elderly.
  • Endocrine system diseases. If a person suffers from diabetes mellitus, renal failure, or other problems that entail disruption of the endocrine system, resorting to diets is prohibited. Especially to those under the gun who have a hormonal system.
  • Oncological diseases. Malignant tumors are also a serious contraindication. In the period of such diseases, a person should fight for life, and not for a beautiful figure.
If in the first phase of the diet you feel unwell, if you have frequent headaches, and the state of total weakness does not leave even for a second, take decisive action. Develop your own diet menus based on foods that have a value above one point.


The first and most important advantage, for the sake of which those who are losing weight are ready to endure all kinds of deprivations, is the effectiveness of the diet. It is much easier to restrain oneself in food and stimulate compliance with strict rules when the target is at arm's length and the result is almost guaranteed. It is equally important that the guardians of the figure who have chosen this diet for themselves do not suffer from hunger. The most significant prohibitions await them only at the first - the shortest of the three stages. In the future, the diet menu will be quite satisfying and varied.

By the way, a metabolic diet is often prescribed in the complex treatment of acidosis - a pathological condition associated with an increase in the release of acids in the body and a decrease in the pH level. Doctors often use the principle underlying this nutrition system as an adjunctive treatment of certain gastrointestinal diseases. This diet is also relevant for metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by high blood pressure, the presence of fatty deposits on the stomach and an increase in sugar levels. But this does not mean that knowledge of the basics of the metabolic diet allows you to self-medicate. The nutrition system for any disease should be prescribed by the doctor, and not by the patient himself.

As for the guardians of the figure, then you should not wait for the results on the first day. As a rule, they appear seven days after a person enters the first dietary phase and begins to eat foods that have zero value. The main weight goes during the second and third dietary weeks, that is, during the second phase.Those to whom the food system succumbed without problems, at the output note not only a significant decrease in body weight, but also a benefit of a different nature. For example, improving the quality of hair, strengthening the nail plate and normalizing well-being.

A detailed description of the metabolic diet will help you do everything right and achieve, finally, the desired result. And finally, another useful tip. At the first stage, flatulence can torment you. This is due to the features of the products that you will consume during this period. To prevent bloating too often, consult your doctor about taking enzyme preparations. They will relieve you of discomfort and smooth out the unevenness of the process of losing weight.

Feedback and Results

I am 51 years old. On this diet since January 15, 2014, the weight was 89 kg. I started from phase 1 and then repeated it again. There were truth and minor violations (well, there during the Shrovetide, DR, etc. Today, the weight was 78.9 kg in the morning. Moreover, 78 scales showed the first time since the diet started. I think the diet is not complicated, not hungry. Even with mine It’s not difficult to observe traveling work. I drink about 2.5 liters of water a day. But now I feel very good, my joints are aching (because of this, on the advice of a doctor, I decided to lose weight) The truth is that I have limited meat consumption, because apparently moved it, especially chicken breast and a blood test showed minor problems kidneys) eat mostly fish and cheese, ovoschi- fruits, nuts. My advice, before going on this diet, is to take a general blood test and biochemistry, and in the process also monitor the indicators.

Marina, http://novyediety.ru/diety-modnye/metabolicheskaya-dieta/

After giving birth, I recovered by 26 kilograms and my weight was 78 kilograms, while my height was 165 centimeters. I thought that over time, everything itself would return to normal, but it wasn’t here. I decided to try a metabolic diet. Frankly, at first it was very difficult to deny myself sweets and fried potatoes, but they saved the seafood, which I simply adore. In the first month I lost 7 kilograms. Today (I have been following this diet for five months now) I weigh 63 kilograms. This diet really works. Recomend for everybody.

Elena Naboka, http://evehealth.ru/metabolicheskaya-dieta-polnocennaya-systema-pitaniya-dlya-stroynoy-figuri/

The logic of this diet is understandable, plus average portions and fractional nutrition, it will not harm health, I think. I'll try it, probably, from tomorrow)). The volume of 1 meal should be equal to 250-300 ml (1 cup). Last meal - at least 3 hours before bedtime. Points are not added! If you skipped breakfast, you cannot add its balls to the next snack and eat it at 11.00 (4 + 2 = 6 points). You have only snack points left.

Yanny, https://www.diets.ru/dieta/comments/6313/

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