Honey anti-cellulite massage: how to do it right, when and what the result will be

At all times and in any society, there were unwritten canons of beauty. Cellulite was declared an enemy of women back in the 20th century. Do not believe it, but in the Renaissance, he was simply praised by artists as an indispensable attribute of an ideal body. Current opinions about the "orange peel" vary: some consider the mass hysteria about cellulite justified, others - far-fetched. There is an aesthetic problem, but it can be minimized with the help of a correct lifestyle and simple procedures. One of them is a honey massage from cellulite at home.
Honey massage kit

The factors causing the appearance of an “orange peel” on the buttocks, hips, arms and stomach, doctors consider adverse ecology, acute and chronic stresses, hormonal imbalance, physical inactivity, alcohol abuse and smoking, poor nutrition and even high heels. Due to the fact that people do not drink enough water, the body quickly slags, additional motives for the appearance of cellulite appear: problems with the work of the kidneys and liver, constipation, lymph congestion. To the characteristic tubercles on the skin leads everything that disrupts blood circulation in the adipose tissue.

The truth about ugly "tubercles": 5 views on the problem ...

A selection of interesting opinions of doctors and psychologists who can expand the view of a problem that does not hurt, but worries the female soul, will help to understand the nature and characteristics of cellulite. The five most useful judgments look like this.

  1. Cellulite is an “imbalance” of the body. In other words, a lifestyle disease. If you do not try to get rid of the causes of cellulite in its initial stages, then very soon everyone will know about the wrong lifestyle.
  2. Cellulitis is a defeat of the hypodermis.. That is, subcutaneous fat. It is caused by hereditary constitutional and physiological factors. In case of metabolic disorders and malfunctions in the blood and lymph flow, micronodules appear under the skin, and later tissue swelling. A woman may begin to experience real rather than far-fetched discomfort.
  3. Cellulite is not a weight problem. It is not caused by obesity and is not associated with it. With a decrease in skin tone, the formation of edema, squeezing of veins and arteries, stagnation of lymph and blood in problem areas, not only ladies with magnificent roundness are familiar, but also thin women.
  4. Cellulite is not a cosmetic, but a physical problem. Although it looks like an unpleasant cosmetic defect. You can not get rid of it only with the help of ordinary exercises or diet. The anti-cellulite approach should be comprehensive.
  5. Cellulite is a natural state.. But only in a situation where it is not enough. Even the most stellar legs and priests cannot insure themselves against the appearance of an annoying “crust”. At least 90% of the luxurious and firm buttocks in magazines is the success of Photoshop, not the gym.

... and is it really possible to get rid of it

All that is needed for a long and healthy life is also necessary for the “battle” with cellulite. This is a sports load, proper nutrition, a categorical rejection of bad habits. Useful nutritional supplements, cosmetics, body wraps and massages with anti-cellulite effects are also welcome.Surgical adjustment of cellulite zones is already from the category of radical measures and serious interventions in the body.

Do not flatter yourself: there are no miracle cures against cellulite. He cannot be completely destroyed, but it is quite possible to defeat him if he influences the problem comprehensively. Sad but true: at least half of the women are not ready to go this way, because few people want / can work hard on themselves.

The Enemy of the Orange Peel No. 1

Anti-cellulite honey massage is not the most pleasant procedure, but the feeling of discomfort is compensated by its high performance. According to reviews, according to the positive dynamics, no anti-cellulite product can withstand rivalry with honey. Its benefits are enormous: it cleanses and strengthens the skin, evens out body reliefs, removes the sides, minimizes the likelihood of cellulite reappearing.

Honey composition

By chemical and mineral compositions, honey is close to blood plasma. This explains its universal therapeutic and cosmetic properties and excellent (100%) absorption by the human body. Honey contains natural antibiotics, as well as:

  • vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9, A, C, E;
  • trace elements - iron, iodine, potassium, silicon, zinc, copper, sulfur;
  • organic acids - the main of which is gluconic;
  • natural enzymes - invertase, diastase, catalase;
  • antioxidants - pinobaxin, krizin, halonin, pinocebrin (the latter contains only honey);
  • simple sugars - glucose, fructose, sucrose.
Only a natural bee product is useful. To understand if honey is diluted with water, sugar syrup, treacle or starch, add a few drops of iodine to 1/3 of a teaspoon of honey. Even slight changes in color (violet-blue) indicate that honey contains additives that mask its poor quality or increase the weight of the product. Try to buy honey from friends or trusted manufacturers.

Body effects

During a massage, a natural source of valuable biological substances penetrates deeply into tissues, interacts with skin cells, replenishes them with useful substances and improves metabolism. Honey acts as an active peeling. Performing a massage at home, you can count on:

  • improvement of blood and lymph circulation in tissues;
  • enrichment of the skin with the substances it needs;
  • the removal of toxins from the epidermis, toxins, excess fluid;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • cleansing the skin of dead cells;
  • smoothing the texture of the skin, smoothing annoying tubercles;
  • getting rid of chronic fatigue;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system.
The effectiveness of honey massage is argued not only against cellulite, but also for weight loss. But this is only an adjuvant, forcing to keep the body in good shape. Without a focused anti-obesity program, you should not expect super results: applying honey on your skin does not burn fat. Yes, and lose weight by 5-10 kg with the help of honey massage is unlikely to work. But visually reduce the volume of the hips and thighs, the abdomen is quite real.

Cellulite Honey Massage: Technique

To achieve the correction of specific changes in the figure and increase blood flow in problem areas, you will need knowledge on how to do honey massage for cellulite. To master his technique will help ten rules.

  1. Training. The preparatory procedure involves taking a bath, visiting a bath or sauna. These are optimal options, but they can be replaced with a hot, warming shower. It is required to warm and cleanse the skin, open the pores.
  2. Consistency. For honey anti-cellulite massage, a rare or viscous, viscous bee product is used. But even if you have only candied honey - not a tragedy. Heating it in a water bath, after 5-10 minutes you can get melted honey, ready to use.
  3. Dosage. To massage one area, two teaspoons or one tablespoon of honey is enough.
  4. Application. By patting, honey is transferred from the palms to the massed areas. The remains of honey on the hands will provide tight contact between the palms of the hands and skin of the problem area. To avoid discomfort, do not smear honey on the skin.
  5. Movement. When honey is applied to the skin, palms are pressed tightly, as if glued to the body, then removed with a jerk. Hands are relaxed, hands are working from the elbow. During massage, the cotton movements of the palms should be accompanied by increased pressure, suddenness and intensity of separation of the hands from the body. Problem areas are worked out in turn.
  6. Soreness. The procedure will be very painful, especially in the first sessions. Microhematomas and bruises (small, loose or larger) are not excluded. To minimize skin injury, you can prepare for a honey massage at home. In advance (during the week) while showering, start rubbing the problem areas with a hard washcloth, then rub the nourishing cream and aromatic oils. Also, it will not be amiss to take a vitamin complex to strengthen the skin.
  7. Duration. The duration of the massage is a quarter of an hour. But if the discomfort is strong, it is better to reduce the session. With weak, fragile vessels, rosacea, spider veins a heavy load on the skin is prohibited, so honey massage should not last longer than five minutes.
  8. Cleansing. At the end of the procedure, instead of honey, an off-white mass of sticky consistency with epithelial particles remains on the hands. After the massage, the skin is washed with warm water, and the sticky residue is removed with a washcloth or waffle towel.
  9. Moisturizing. Treated areas must be lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream, almond oil or wheat germ oil.
  10. Course. To achieve the effect, it is customary to do anti-cellulite massage with honey no more than every other day, while the duration of the course should not be less than 12-20 sessions.

Another technique of anti-cellulite massage on the abdomen, which is a sensitive area. Before applying honey, the skin must be prepared. To do this, it is lubricated with a small amount of massage, olive or baby cosmetic oil. Next, the stomach is massaged for about five minutes in a circular motion. Then you can proceed directly to the massage. Pay attention to the intensity of the “tearing off” of the palms from the body: they should be more tolerant and sparing than in other parts of the body. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be kept in tension.


With honey massage, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of chronic diseases. Therefore, in some cases, such a procedure can do more harm than good. Contraindications of honey anti-cellulite massage include:

  • tendency to varicose veins, thrombosis;
  • injuries and damage to the skin;
  • neoplasms of various etiologies;
  • thyroid disease;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • fever;
  • menstruation period (especially with heavy periods).
The pollen of plants contained in honey can cause an allergic reaction of the body. If you are prone to it, test the product by applying it to your wrist. If allergy symptoms (redness, swelling, itching) do not appear, you can safely proceed to the cosmetic procedure. Acacia honey is considered the most hypoallergenic.

Pregnancy procedures

Often, cellulite “blooms” during the period of bearing a child, even for those women who have never encountered this problem before. Cellulite during pregnancy is considered the norm, appearing as a response to a hormonal "revolution" in the body. Subcutaneous fat provides a reserve of nutrients for mother and baby.

Is anti-cellulite honey massage possible at this time? In the professional environment, there is no consensus on this.If cosmetologists and a certain percentage of massage therapists are not so categorical, then doctors consider pregnancy a very significant contraindication to such a procedure, which can have extremely negative consequences: from an increase in blood pressure and inappropriate activation of blood flow in the vessels to an increase in uterine tone.

If there are contraindications, honey wrapping can be an analogue to massage. This method is absolutely painless, but it also gives a very tangible result and is easily performed independently at home.

Massage mix options: homemade recipes

If you want to enhance the effect of power massage, enrich the honey effect with mixtures of essential oils. Spices and spices also work on the result, providing an additional warming or soft peeling effect. For massage in honey you need to add only a pinch cinnamon, dry mustard or red pepper.

With sea salt

Feature. In this recipe, the honey base, thanks to the use of sea salt, will not only eliminate the “orange peel”, but also even out the skin texture.

How to cook

  1. Take liquid honey or melt the sugar candied in a water bath.
  2. Combine honey with sea salt in a ratio of 1: 1.
  3. Apply a scrubbing agent to problem areas of the body.
  4. After the massage, rinse the mixture well and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

With coffee

Description. Honey and coffee massage will help to solve several problems at the same time: the skin will become smooth and velvety, cellulite bulges will decrease in volume, and the body will get rid of toxins. Preparation of the mixture will require patience and time, and it will be enough for 10-12 sessions.

How to cook

  1. Prepare a mixture of eight tablespoons of honey and four tablespoons of ground coffee.
  2. Put the resulting mixture in a warm, dark place for a week.
  3. Then, in a coffee-honey product, drop a drop of lemon or juniper oil, five drops are enough.
  4. We use an anti-cellulite product according to the traditional scheme.

With citrus oils

Feature. The following essential oils have anti-cellulite properties: orange, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, geraniums, nutmeg, rosemary, cypress, juniper, lavender. Especially popular in the fight against “orange peel” is orange oil, including as part of mixtures.

How to cook

  1. Mix five drops of orange and grapefruit oils.
  2. Combine with two to three teaspoons of liquid honey.
  3. After self-massage, rinse the rest of the product with warm water and wipe the body with a soft towel.

Jar of honey and a sprig of fragrant lavender

With lavender oil

Description. Let's try to vary the honey mixture for the massage according to the mood. Lavender oil, widely used in aromatherapy, rarely causes allergic reactions. Lavender has a unique property: when mixed with other essential oils, its effect and the effect of the oil with which it is mixed are enhanced. One of the properties of lavender is to prevent the appearance of scars and scars, to dissolve skin seals.

How to cook

  1. Combine three drops of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus oils.
  2. Mix the aromatic mixture with a tablespoon of liquid honey.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply to problem areas for anti-cellulite massage.

With juniper oil

Feature. The aroma and properties of juniper oil are most clearly revealed in the composition with citrus oils. It is known for its ability to accelerate the blood circulation process, restore skin firmness and elasticity.

How to cook

  1. Take in equal amounts of two or three drops of juniper, orange, lemon, lavender oil.
  2. In a tablespoon of honey, add the resulting oil mixture.
  3. Stir thoroughly.
  4. Apply to problem skin, as recommended.
It is important to observe the indicated proportions of essential oils, as they are so concentrated that they can cause redness and even burns. Massage compositions should be done immediately before the procedure. First, the oils are mixed, and then the mixture is combined with honey.

Effective Toolkit

The technique of performing honey massage against cellulite is not limited only to hands. There are options for a “sweet” procedure: honey or honey mixtures applied to cellulite places are “rolled”:

  • ordinary wooden rolling pin;
  • glass bottle;
  • banks.
A popular massage technique is the can. Most often, at home, special plastic or silicone cans are used for anti-cellulite honey therapy at home. The bee product is heated in a water bath or in the microwave. Then warm honey is applied to the skin with a thin layer. For good glide cans honey in equal proportions is bred with linseed or olive oil.

A whole army of women fights cellulite as hard as possible, using the whole range of available means: this is nutrition, masks, wraps, honey anti-cellulite massage, exercises. But many media people who are familiar with this problem firsthand advise alternating massage with a homemade anti-cellulite mask. Her recipe is simple: you need to combine a pack of low-fat cottage cheese with three whipped proteins and two glasses of olive oil. And the main advice from the stars is: to react to the problem actively, but without unnecessary emotional stress.

Reviews: “15 sessions and you can flaunt on the beach in a bikini”

I started having an allergy from honey unfortunately, but I found for myself another way to combat cellulite, I began to do body wraps using baby cream andcapsicum ointment, though it burns a little, but if you do such wraps every day, the result will be visible in a week)))))

Dasha, http://goodbye-cellulit.ru/med-kak-sredstvo-borby-s-cellyulitom/

I modified the recipe for honey massage, adding lemon oil to honey. A whole month in a day I did this procedure, I also necessarily followed a diet - without coffee, sugar, sweet, flour, but only fruits and vegetables. I couldn’t do sports, so the hope was only for honey massage. And the result was not long in coming, after three months the 4th stage of cellulite passed into the second. The main effort and patience!

Julianna, https://www.hudeem-bez-problem.ru/medovyj-massazh-ot-cellyulita-otzyvy.htm

My husband makes me a honey massage, in a day, already the 9th went. The result is- not only the legs have lost weight, but also the smooth ones have become like that. Super. I advise everyone. The only problem is that bruises appear in some places. But, now it’s winter, so it’s not scary, especially since they pass quickly. Ask someone to do it for you, because the places where it’s not convenient and difficult to get are also massaged.

Cherrry, http://club.passion.ru/krasivoe-telo/antitsellyulitnyy-medovyy-massazh-t62732.html

I did a massage with honey ... very cool .... You have to go through at least 15 sessions, in a day ... .. a small amount of honey is spread on the palms of your hands - then you put your palms on the problem areas .... and tear them off .... each time they stick more and more ... it’s sick of course ... but I went through all 15 sessions and flaunted on the beach in a bikini swimsuit and received a lot of compliments ... ..after the massage you need to thoroughly rinse and lubricate with a moisturizer ... ..and even better with the words “for skin elasticity and preventing cellulite manifestations” ... You should never massage on inside her thighs ... there is a very delicate skin

Slonya, http://www.krasotulya.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=552

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