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To lose weight quickly and without complications in the form of stretch marks on the skin, you can use many means. Along with physical activity and normalization of the diet, include mustard and honey wrap in the program for the fight against fat “reserve” - this is a kind of mask for the abdomen, which will help change the body proportions for the better. If you believe the reviews, this tool has helped a lot - its effectiveness has been confirmed in practice, and it is based on the healing effects of the main components.
How honey and mustard act on the body
Your skin is not static. Metabolic processes take place in it, the intensity of which largely determines your appearance. Decreased metabolic activity in the upper layer of the dermis, fluid retention in it leads to the formation of cellulite - the very hated “orange peel”, which is not easy to deal with in the future.
Volumes of your hips and waist also depend on the speed of metabolic processes in the skin: if fluid is retained in them, you become “wider”. Moreover, to cope with the additional volume is impossible neither diet nor exercise. Only massages and body wraps help get rid of them.
Mustard-honey slimming wrap works in two directions.
- Honey acts as a catalyst for blood circulation in the tissues, tones the skin. It penetrates the pores and saturates the dermis with active substances, charges it from the inside. The property of honey is known to remove toxins and toxins from the upper layer of the skin, so that it acquires freshness and a beautiful, even color.
- Mustard increases the intensity of honey exposure. It warms up tissues, enhances lymph flow. When mustard powder is added to the mass, it acts as a peeling granulate - exfoliates dead skin cells, gives the skin smoothness and tenderness.
After the procedure, the volume of the hips and waist decreases by 3-5 centimeters. The speed of their decline is different. Someone will notice the effect after the second wrap, and someone will need 5-6 sessions. But we are patient, aren't we? Moreover, if we understand that the result will certainly appear!
Features of the procedure at home
Reviews of honey mustard wrap confirm that the better you prepare for it, the more pleasure you will get in the future. Here are some suggestions.
- Use the method if you have normal skin. With a dermis sensitive and prone to irritation, it is better to pay attention to honey wrapping.
- Before the procedure, an allergy test should be performed. Honey is an allergenic product, and it is not known whether you have a tendency to develop Quincke's edema or a rash from its effects. Therefore, apply a little of the finished mixture to the skin of the wrist and observe. If there is a slight redness and a slight burning sensation, everything is in order. You can start wrapping.
- Perform a mustard honey wrap at home before bedtime. Over night, the skin will calm down, redness will come off. Yes, and you will sleep like a baby!
- Before applying the mixture, take a hot shower, steam out the body for better penetration into the pores. Apply a thin layer of the composition, distribute it over the problem areas and wrap the top with cling film.Top should wear warm clothing or thermal underwear. It is advisable to actively move, although if you feel profuse heat, you can lie down on the couch.
- The exposure time of the composition should be 30-40 minutes. There should be no acute discomfort at this time: pleasant warmth, slight burning. If you feel that the burning sensation intensifies and hurts, remove the mixture, as skin burns are possible. Next time, change the composition: add less mustard to it.
- The frequency of the wrapping with honey and mustard is individual. In the salons, it is recommended to do it 2 times a week. Deviations are possible depending on the availability of free time: for example, in a day or in 2 days. After obtaining the desired result, the intensity can be reduced. The number of procedures is from 5 to 15.
- Contraindications to the sessions are varicose veins, diseases of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland. Do not deal with this procedure for future and nursing mothers.
Wrap Blend Recipes
How to choose the most effective honey mustard wrap? Reviews indicate that you need to determine the problem, and then find your own way.
- The problem is cellulite. Dilute the mustard powder with a small amount of warm water, mix with honey in equal parts. Add a few drops of orange oil. Apply to dry skin, gently rubbing the mixture. Particles of mustard powder will have a peeling effect.
- The problem is large volumes and stretch marks on the skin. Prepare the mustard mixture: 2 tablespoons of mustard powder mix with 2 teaspoons of sugar, the juice of half a lemon and half a teaspoon of salt. Add hot water, knead until sour cream. Close the jar and put in a dark place for a day. The next day, add a tablespoon of cream and 2 tablespoons of thick honey to the mixture. Stir and apply on skin.
- The problem is volume and dry skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of the finished mustard and honey, add a tablespoon olive oil. With increased skin sensitivity, the amount of mustard can be reduced.
Try real salon wraps at home. And you will be surprised how fast their result will be!