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In order for the hair to become long, thick and shiny, it is not at all necessary to use expensive care products or undergo fashionable salon procedures. It is enough to regularly massage the scalp for hair growth. You just need this procedure if:
- hair falls out very much;
- the growth of curls slowed down;
- the hair has lost its luster and volume;
- the scalp became dry and dandruff appeared;
- the strands became brittle, and the tips began to split.
Head massage for hair growth: 7 rules
Massage is a science. In order to get the maximum benefit from the procedure and not harm the hair, you need to observe a lot of subtleties. There are seven main recommendations on how to do a head massage for hair growth.
- One and a half to two hours before washing. Accelerating blood during massage, you, among other things, provoke the activity of the sebaceous glands. If you carry out the procedure on clean hair, they will quickly lose freshness.
- The movements are energetic, but not sharp. You need to massage the skin actively enough so that the blood rushes to the surface. Do not forget about accuracy, because there is always a risk of damaging the hair shaft and injuring the bulbs.
- Warm your hands. Touching cold fingers on the skin provokes narrowing of blood vessels. Therefore, before the procedure, you need to hold your palms in warm water or intensively rub them together.
- Keep warm inside. A cup of hot tea before massage accelerates blood circulation. It’s good if you add a little grated ginger or a pinch of cinnamon to the drink, which also have a warming effect.
- Accustom your skin to massage gradually. The first couple of sessions should consist only of light strokes. With each subsequent procedure, increase the intensity and duration of exposure.
- Do the procedure regularly. Head massage should be a good habit for you. You need to do it three times a week.
- Get a capillary massager. A device called "Goosebump" is popular among the people. This is a metal massager, consisting of several flexible “legs”. It is worth noting that, in addition to a beneficial effect on the hair, the device calms the nervous system and activates the energy channels.
- Rest after a massage. After completing the procedure, take a horizontal position and lie down for 30-40 minutes. Let the blood circulation normalize, otherwise there is a risk of feeling dizzy.
Manual technique
It is possible to extract the maximum benefit from head massage for hair growth precisely thanks to the manual technique. Direct contact of the fingers with the scalp allows you to determine the optimal force of pressure and friction, as well as evaluate the response of the epidermis to such an effect. Massage is also very good.
Basic tricks
In case of hair loss, it is important to take measures in time to prevent a catastrophe. The table contains basic techniques, thanks to which you can stop thinning and stimulate the growth of hair.
Table - Basic head massage techniques
Reception | How to do | Time minutes | Result |
Stroking | - Hands with a little pressure; - from the forehead to the back of the head; - from the crown of the head to the ears | 10 | - Warming up the skin at the beginning; - tissue soothing at the end |
Rubbing | - fingertips with tangible pressure; - in circular motions or back and forth; - from the neck to the temples; - from the temples to the crown; - from crown to forehead | 10 | - Acceleration of blood circulation; - activation of sebaceous glands |
Vibration | - fingertips pressed to the skin; - oscillatory movements from the hairline to the back of the head | 5 | - Acceleration of blood circulation; - calming the nervous system |
Pat | - The tips of 4 fingers (except for the big one); - over the entire area in a chaotic manner | 3 | Blood circulation acceleration |
Stretching | - Immerse palms in the hair; - stretch the curls between the fingers, lifting up; - over the entire area in a chaotic manner | 3 | Bulb activation |
For a complete recovery
Feature. If you notice that over a long period of time, the hair does not add in length and loses its density, you need to undergo a special course of procedures. The scalp massage scheme for hair growth includes ten points, each of which will take you two to three minutes.
Order of conduct
- Use your fingers to knead the eyebrows. Be careful not to stretch the fabric.
- From the eyebrows towards the hairline, gently stroke the skin with your fingertips.
- Starting from the temples, rub the hair line extending over the ears in circular movements.
- Perform circular rubbing along the hairline running along the forehead.
- With your fingertips, lightly rub the scalp, moving from the forehead to the crown and back.
- Perform the same trick, but with greater intensity.
- In a chaotic manner, gently knead the occipital region with your fingers.
- In a circular motion, clockwise, rub the back of the head.
- With light vibrating movements of the fingertips, treat the entire surface of the head. Move from the forehead to the back of the head.
- Finish the massage by gently stroking the head with your palms. Movement should begin from the hairline and end on the shoulders.
How else to please the hair: procedures with photos
To save hair, it is not necessary to contact a beauty salon. It is quite possible to do it yourself. It is enough to master unpretentious, but effective methods of massage with improvised means.
A towel
Feature. Towel massage combines two benefits. Firstly, direct contact of the fingers with the scalp is excluded, which makes the procedure safer for the hair. Secondly, a towel warms the head, which additionally stimulates blood flow. The procedure is carried out in four stages.
Order of conduct
- Heat a towel. Boil water in a large saucepan, cover the container with a lid, and lay a towel on top. In the heating season, it is enough to hold it on the battery for about ten minutes.
- Lean over the bathtub and comb your hair down. Throw a warm towel over your head and rub your skin through the fabric for five minutes. You need to act vigorously, but carefully.
- Wrap your head in the same towel and leave for half an hour.
- Wash your hair with shampoo. It is better to use sulfate-free products.
Feature. One of the common causes of hair loss and growth retardation is blockage in the pores of the scalp. Oxygen ceases to flow to the hair follicles, which is why they weaken. A whole complex of reasons leads to this. These are keratinized particles of the skin, and fat, and dust, and the remnants of cosmetics. Given that the shampoo is not able to cope with such pollution, you need to massage the scalp with salt for hair growth once or twice a month. The procedure is performed in four stages.
Order of conduct
- Pour two or three tablespoons of salt into a small dish. You can use ordinary table, sea or iodized salt.
- Lean over the bath and wet the hair well.
- Wet your hands and dip your fingers in a container of salt. Rub with gentle massaging movements. So you need to process the entire surface of the head.
- Massage your skin for about five minutes and rinse off the salt with clean water.
Feature. Massage the scalp with a comb for hair growth is the best option for those who always do not have enough time for themselves. You just have to devote a little more time to the daily procedure. Ten minutes is enough. Also purchase a comb made of natural wood (it is better if it is juniper). This material does not injure hair and prevents electrification. Massage is carried out in four stages.
Order of conduct
- First, untangle and comb your hair well in length.
- Starting from the back of the head, gradually move to the top of the head, gently but surely pressing the comb on the skin. Do not push too hard so as not to injure the epidermis and hair follicles.
- Continue combing towards the forehead. When you get to the hairline, go to the temporal region.
- The signal that you are doing everything right will be a feeling of warmth under the skin. When the sensation of “goosebumps” appears, slowly reduce the intensity of movements to gradually complete the procedure.
Both women and men are preoccupied with hair loss, which forces them to experiment. If the massage does not seem effective enough to you, use some auxiliaries in the procedure that will additionally stimulate hair growth.
Growth activators
Folk cosmetology knows many recipes for drugs, which include warming components that stimulate blood circulation. They can also be used during massage. We are talking about these products:
- Mustard. Dilute a spoonful of powder with water to the state of sour cream. Add the egg yolk and spoon olive oil. Apply to hot skin after massage, warm your head and soak for 15-30 minutes.
- Onion. Squeeze juice out of the vegetable and dilute it with two norms of water. Distribute throughout the scalp or only in those areas where the greatest hair loss is observed. To get rid of a specific smell, rinse the curls twice with shampoo and rinse with water, acidified with vinegar.
- "Dimexide." Dilute one rate of the drug with five norms of water. Dip your fingers in the liquid before starting the massage.
- A nicotinic acid. Distribute the contents of one or two nicotine vials into partings. Gently rub the product into the skin in circular motions.
Vegetable oils
To facilitate the procedure, as well as for additional healing and nutrition, it is recommended to massage with vegetable oils. The table contains the best products for different types of hair.
Table - Vegetable oils for head massage
Hair type | Means | Characteristic |
Greasy | Grape seed oil | - Accelerates growth; - reduces greasiness; - treats inflammation and irritation; - prevents section; - gives shine |
Avocado oil | - Treats dandruff; - normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands; - protects from ultraviolet radiation |
Dry | Macadamia oil | - Prevents fragility; - gives shine; - strengthens the roots; - restores locks; - accelerates growth |
Jojoba oil | - Protects from external negative factors; - nourishes the roots; - gives shine |
Coconut oil | - Gives shine; - creates volume; - protects from external negative factors |
Burr oil | - Eliminates dryness and itching; - restores curls; - strengthens the roots; - stimulates growth |
Normal | Wheat germ oil | - Nourishes the scalp; - treats irritations; - fights against dandruff; - gives shine; - interferes with the cross section; - facilitates combing |
Olive oil | - Moisturizes the skin; - prevents brittleness; - gives elasticity |
Damaged | Almond oil | - Prevents fragility; - nourishes the roots; - prevents the appearance of gray hair |
Cacao butter | - Smoothes the scales; - gives curls elasticity; - prevents the evaporation of moisture from the hair |
Castor oil | - Stimulates the production of keratin; - smoothes strands; - prevents dandruff; - creates volume; - protects from external negative factors |
Before you massage your head for hair growth, make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. There are six main reasons why you have to deny yourself this pleasure.
- Elevated body temperature. Acceleration of blood circulation leads to increased heat.
- VSD and migraine. Massage can cause dizziness and pain. Do not resort to such procedures without first consulting your doctor.
- The presence of wounds and inflammation on the skin. Friction will only exacerbate the problem. Massage is permissible only after the complete restoration of the integrity of the epidermis.
- Hypertension. Increased blood flow can cause a sharp jump in blood pressure.
- Fungal diseases. Massage will lead to the expansion of the area of skin lesion by the fungus and exacerbation of the problem.
- Increased oily hair. Increased blood flow inevitably leads to activation of the sebaceous glands.
To understand the importance of head massage, imagine that the skin is the soil from which lush hair grows. If you do not water and fertilize the flower, it will dry out and die. When blood flow slows down, hair follicles stop receiving nutrients, and the same thing happens with curls. If you want to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, do not be lazy and spend time on your curls. After studying the reviews about head massage for hair growth, you will realize that people who regularly indulge in such a procedure are much less likely to experience the problem of hair loss.
Reviews: “Slightly“ pulling the pigtails ”is very good”
I am doing a head massage at home. Made the mixture itself; added sage essential oil to coconut oil, it promotes growth, shine, prevents loss and all that + neroli, for mood, but in addition it improves the hair structure. I chose coconut oil, because I really love it, you can choose sesame, for example. I put a little bit on my hair and comb it with a wooden comb with cloves (not a brush). I massage the entire scalp with my fingertips. My hair is long, grows very quickly, practically does not fall out.On my own, or massage acts like that, I can’t say. I do 1-2 times a week. I like this procedure, I would do it just for fun, if there was no effect. Yes, her husband loves her too. But I do it less often: either I'm busy, then he ... The first time is better to do in the cabin, remember and then you can repeat it at home yourself.
I always do a head massage, but without salt and other means. I make a circular motion with my fingers and pull the hair a little, they grow better this way. True, this must be done carefully so as not to injure the bulbs. As evidence of the effect: hair extensions! The procedure is harmful, but the hair grows at an unrealistic rate, as the hair capsules pull the natural hair down, resulting in increased growth. Hair extension is not worth it, of course, but doing a massage and slightly “pulling the pigtails” is not even bad
Lana Simbaeva,