How to apply wheat germ oil for the face from wrinkles, acne and peeling

In Slavic culture, wheat is considered a symbol of abundance, longevity, fertility and vitality. There is a sign that the girl who found the seeds of the plant on New Year's Day will become unusually attractive and will marry soon. Modern beauties of the case do not wait: they purposefully buy spikelet extract in a pharmacy to improve skin, nails, hair and body. According to reviews, if you use wheat germ oil for the face, you can get rid of wrinkles, peeling and acne.
Girl with spikelets of wheat

If you do not follow a diet, then eat wheat almost daily. This can be cereal, which is obtained from a plant, or bread, pasta, sweets made from wheat flour, etc.

Cereal is extremely healthy and has healing properties. It is considered a natural antibiotic and antioxidant, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. Recommended for diabetes. Increases the protective functions of the body and is useful for the proper formation of the fetus during pregnancy.

Suitable for men with problems with erection and other sexual disorders, increases libido. Prevents early aging of the body, protects against smoking problems, alleviates the condition with an overdose of alcohol, helps to cope with overwork.

Wheat has a unique set of substances that improve the condition of the skin and hair. The product is considered literally a concentrate of the natural “vitamin of youth and beauty” E. Tocopherol is able to reverse the aging process, tones, nourishes, moisturizes. The substance pushes the female body to produce enough hormone estrogen, which is considered an "internal cosmetologist." Estrogen makes the skin supple and velvety, nails strong, and hair shiny.

Spikelets of wheat and oil

Product Value and Price

But now you should not rush to the kitchen for a sandwich with wheat bread. Unfortunately, when you eat bread, you won’t achieve the lifting effect, but the wheat therapy on the sides will definitely be reflected. The fact is that in the process of processing grains into flour, more than 40% of the beneficial properties of the plant are lost. In particular, its cosmetic capabilities disappear.

All the most valuable for the female body that wheat can give is contained in the sprouts. Oil is made from such embryos. The technology is not easy. Just imagine: to make 250 ml of oil from wheat germ you need to process more than a ton of grain! But the product is in demand, it is considered a unique healing agent and therefore stream production is established.

The most useful cereal components in oil are from its germ, which is produced by cold pressing without heat treatment. On pharmacy shelves, the product is presented in two versions. Firstly, it is a liquid for external use. A bottle of 100 ml will cost 150-200 rubles. Secondly, wheat germ oil is packaged in capsules for oral administration. Such a product is considered a biologically active food supplement. A package of 60 capsules will cost about 100 rubles.

Sprouted wheat and oil from it

Cosmetic properties of wheat germ oil

Basically, bottled, liquid wheat germ oil is used for the face. With external use, the probability of causing skin harm is minimal. Allergies are possible only in case of individual intolerance to the product.But "spikelets in tablets" is better to take only after consulting with your doctor.

The cosmetic benefits of wheat germ oil are due not only to a high content of vitamin E. The effect is also achieved due to the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements, and other important substances. The following are the main components that can make our skin more beautiful in wheat germ oil.

  • Linoleic acid. Wheat germ oil actually consists of 70% of this substance. This acid affects the water balance at a deep cellular level, due to which the skin receives and retains a sufficient amount of moisture. That is why, according to cosmetologists, wheat germ oil quickly solves the problem of flakes and peeling, evens out the texture and complexion. Linoleic acid also protects the epidermis from negative sunlight.
  • Oleic acid. It has a positive effect on metabolism and collagen production by the body. As a result, it provides smoothing of wrinkles, removes redness and irritation. It also gives smoothness and a matte effect, “paves the way” to other beneficial substances in cells.
  • Palmitic acid. A necessary link in the synthesis of elastin and collagen provides a rejuvenating effect in contact with skin.
  • Stearic acid. Heals wounds and cracks, gives the skin immunity from diseases and aggressive environmental factors.
  • Beta carotene. In the human body, it turns into vitamin A. Retinol in turn activates the processes of birth and healthy development of new cells. Vitamin A Heals acne, tightens pores, has disinfecting properties, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, smoothes grooves.
  • Vitamins of group B. Normalize the circulation of moisture, prevent the appearance of acne, promote cell renewal, strengthen the protective functions of the epidermis.
  • Squalene. This is a natural carbohydrate that is able to heal affected areas of the skin, to disinfect.
  • Phytosterols. These are the so-called "plant hormones." They prevent premature skin aging, normalize hormones and protect against ultraviolet radiation.
The following fact speaks well about how effective is the use of wheat germ oil for the face. The product is prescribed to patients after plastic surgery. In addition, it is recommended for tightening the skin after a sharp weight loss. And with the help of wheat germ oil, you can even take care of baby skin.

Girl looks at her reflection

Who is suitable and what skin problems does it eliminate

The product is well suited for dry, rough skin. Wrinkled wheat germ oil for the face is recommended. And both from the early and mimic, and from deep age. According to reviews, after a few weeks of use, you can notice a significant decrease in the depth of the grooves.

It also relieves inflammation and heals, so the indication for use is psoriasis, burns, eczema, diathesis, neurodermatitis, various types of skin pigmentation.

Also used is wheat germ oil for face acne. The product helps problem skin by containing lecithin and zinc. They prevent moisture loss, remove dead skin particles and promote regeneration, close enlarged pores and normalize the production of sebum.

This oil is also recommended for eyelids and delicate areas under the eyes. Well suited for sensitive skin. The drug is prescribed for prevention rosacea - diseases of dilated vessels on the face. As for contraindications, you should not abuse the oil of wheat germ with oily skin type.

Wheat germ

How to use

Unlike many other herbal remedies, wheat germ oil is rarely used in pure form for face care. It is too thick and absorbed for a long time. Therefore, it is combined with other components and applied as a cream, masks or gauze applications.

For example, for aging and flaky skin, symbiosis with almond or olive oil. Here you need to maintain the correct proportion and combine a teaspoon of “spikelet” oil with three teaspoons of another selected ingredient.

If you need to improve problem skin, then it is better to take grape seed oil in the company. The proportions are the same as described above. This mixture can be applied overnight without rinsing.

Although, if radical measures of hydration or healing are needed, sometimes it is possible to apply undiluted wheat “elixir” to the affected areas. For example, when the lips are covered with cracks, weathered, or an urgent need to remove the inflamed red tubercle on the forehead before an important event.

The tool is used for anti-cellulite massage, to soften the skin on the heels and elbows, and also as a nutritional option for the growth of nails and hair.

Beautiful girl

Five popular recipes

Below are the five best recipes for face masks made from wheat germ oil to help you look great without makeup.

Eye gel with rose hips

  1. Combine a teaspoon of wheat germ oil with three teaspoons of cosmetic rosehip oils.
  2. Add sandalwood essential oil. Quantity - one drop.
  3. With patting movements, cover the mixture with eyelids and surrounding areas.
  4. Do not rinse, you can remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.
  5. This is a daily routine.

From pigmentation to even color

  1. Combine a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with essential oils of juniper, lemon, bergamot and grapefruit. The amount of each ether is one drop.
  2. Prepare a two-layer gauze cut with eye slots.
  3. Moisten the cut in the resulting cosmetic mixture.
  4. Stand for 20 minutes.
  5. Do not rinse, you can remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.
  6. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day until the problem is fixed.

Anti-aging mixture with mint, rose and sandalwood

  1. Combine a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with essential oils of mint, rose and sandalwood. The amount of each ether is one drop.
  2. Apply with a cosmetic brush or cotton pad.
  3. Do not rinse, you can remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.

Against inflammation and acne

  1. Enrich a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with clove essential oils andlavender. The amount of each ether is two drops.
  2. Apply with a cosmetic brush or cotton pad.
  3. Do not rinse, you can remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.


  1. Enrich a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with rose essential oils andlemon balm. The amount of each ether is two drops.
  2. Apply with a cosmetic brush or cotton pad.
  3. Do not rinse, you can remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.
  4. It is recommended to carry out the procedure two to three times a day until the problem is fixed.
Please note that wheat germ oil must not be heat treated. The maximum allowable temperature is 60 ° C, otherwise the product will lose its useful properties. Store the liquid in a well-closed container, protecting from sunlight. It is best to keep the bottle in the refrigerator.

If suddenly you do not have enriching components on hand, then how to use wheat germ oil for the face in this case? Very simple. You can add it to factory-made cosmetic products. Including shampoo, cream, cream. In this case, about 100 drops of wheat germ oil should fall per 100 ml of the mixture from the tube.

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