Homemade masks for wrinkles: choose by skin type

Using wrinkle masks at home is one of the important areas for skin care after 30 years. But the compositions and their ingredients should be chosen correctly, focusing not only on personal preferences, but also the type of skin, the presence of allergic reactions. What other nuances should be taken into account, how to make and apply formulations, and how to avoid mistakes in the care of mature skin - in the recommendations of cosmetologists.
Beautiful girl

“The way you look at twenty depends on nature. But the way you look after 50 years is up to you. ” This famous phrase by Coco Chanel perfectly describes the requirements for a woman to take care of herself. The desire to maintain youthful skin, to remain attractive and fresh for a long time requires a clear position in this direction. However, taking care of yourself and spending fabulous sums on it is not the same thing. It is important to understand the causes that cause the development of wrinkles, and the basic principles of skin care that will allow them to be avoided.

Common Mistakes in Daily Care

It is believed that it is impossible to avoid wrinkles on the face that indicate age. This is true, but the age when they appear may be different. In some women, wrinkles appear as early as 20 years old, in the vast majority they become clearly visible after 40 years. And for someone, the “first hint” of withering of the skin appears after 60 years. Why is this happening?

It is not only a matter of genetics, although many cosmetologists advise it not to be discounted. There is a list of common mistakes that lead to premature skin aging. Wrinkles at the age of 40 are a sign that a woman does not know how to care for herself.

Consider the main mistakes made in everyday care.

  • Partial procedures. According to cosmetologists, the main principle of controlling the age of the skin is compliance with the three main stages of daily care. It consists in cleansing, toning and moisturizing the skin. To skip at least one of them means to bring the period of withering of your beauty closer. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing should be the norm and habit for every girl, starting at the age of twenty.
  • Micellar solution for all skin typesWash only with water. The skin should be cleaned correctly, and water in this process is only of indirect importance. It is not able to remove surface contaminants, since it does not dissolve the fat holding them. For this procedure, special formulations should be used: mousses, foams, micellar solutions. Do not wash with soap, it drains and ages the skin.
  • Humidify only selected areas. Many of us have the habit of lubricating our face with cream, disregarding the area around the eyes and neck. “This is the most common mistake,” warns TV presenter Elena Malysheva. - The skin around the eyes is much thinner than on the face, and wrinkles here develop faster. And in the skin of the neck, the amount of sebaceous glands is ten times less than on the cheeks, so often it’s the neck that gives the woman’s real age. ” Using creams and homemade mask for wrinkles, do not forget to look after these delicate areas. A composition prepared for the face can be applied to the neck. Masks for wrinkles under the eyes have a more delicate composition, so usually you have to prepare your own remedy for this zone.
  • Wait for a miracle. Often on the forums you can see the angry comments of women: made a mask, but did not see the result. But not a single composition, even a professional one, can provide instant results. Getting rid of wrinkles, reducing their severity or preventing the appearance is the result of daily work on yourself. To assess the effect of masks from wrinkles on the face, it is not enough to apply the composition once. It should be used regularly: at least twice a week for a month. And only after that you can evaluate the result.
It is never too late to start making wrinkle masks. But it is much more effective to carry out work on their prevention, maintaining the necessary level of skin hydration, nourishing it, protecting it from external factors.

Beautiful woman in the prime of life

Wrinkle Types

It is also important to understand that wrinkles are of a different nature. And to deal with them effectively is possible only if you correctly determine the cause of their occurrence.

The following types of folds on the skin are distinguished.

  • Static. At a young age up to forty years, they arise in the absence of proper skin care and the aggressive effects of external factors. The latter include low humidity in the premises, drafts, active ultraviolet. The epidermis also suffers from stress, bad habits. As a result, it is depleted, loses firmness and elasticity, and on the surface of the face a network of small wrinkles develops. In the future, these small folds progress, become deeper, pass into the layer under the epidermis - the dermis. In this case, it is impossible to solve the problem by surface means. In the meantime, static wrinkles are small, and the skin shows signs of dryness, exhaustion, active hydration and nutrition can help it. They provide, including homemade facial masks for wrinkles.
  • Dynamic. Their second name is mimic. They arise as a result of constant exposure of subcutaneous muscles to certain areas of the skin during the demonstration of emotions on the face. The habit of frowning the forehead leads to the gradual formation of longitudinal folds on it. A good sense of humor entails the early development of crow's feet under the eyes. The less you follow the skin, the more intensive the process, as the moistened epidermis is many times less elastic and is not able to return to shape. Dynamic wrinkles tend to sharpen over the years, become deep. But to control this process is possible. If it is difficult for you to limit the external manifestations of emotions, pay attention to your face. Nourishing masks help well against facial wrinkles, including on the forehead, around the eyes, as they restore skin tone. To make them less deep will allow gymnastics, which will strengthen the muscles of the face and visually tighten the epidermis.

The easiest way to deal with the appearance of static wrinkles, but facial expressions are subject to correction. Use home remedies for this, not forgetting about quality cleansing and moisturizing. In summer, protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation, avoid alcohol and smoking.

Schematic representation of four skin types

Effective masks by skin type

Among home recipes, you can choose from many options for folk masks for wrinkles. But their effectiveness depends not only on the composition. It is important to consider the type of skin for which you plan to use the product. Wrong choice can exacerbate existing problems.

For example, with a dry type of skin, it is dangerous to use fruit acids or lemon juice. These components have a drying effect and exfoliate the cells, which leads to even more dry face. It is dangerous for oily skin to experiment with oils, since they create a film on the surface. The result of active nutrition can be the development of inflammation on the epidermis, the sebaceous glands of which will be clogged.

Dermatologists distinguish four types of epidermis. You can determine your own by characteristic signs.

  • Normal. The most “problem-free” skin with small pores, lack of a tendency to oily sheen. It is moderately matte, with daily simple care, it retains tone and elasticity for a long time. For her, rashes and acne are not characteristic, minor defects rarely occur.
  • Dry. It looks thin, light or yellowish pink. It has small pores, which is attractive in adolescence. During this period, acne and other problems of adolescence are not characteristic of it. However, over time, the low intensity of the sebaceous glands begins to cause discomfort. Dry epidermis often flakes, there is a feeling of tightness during the day. He reacts to external factors sharply and acutely - redness, dryness, irritation. It is on such skin that static small wrinkles associated with dryness are the first to appear, so it requires utmost attention to itself.
  • Greasy. With this type, large pores are noticeable, a greasy shine is observed on the surface during the day, even if drying agents are used. Blockage of the sebaceous glands causes the development of comedones and acne. Women with such skin often do not want to use a moisturizer, since, in their opinion, the face is already oily. However, fat and moisture are not identical concepts. And proper hydration of such an epidermis is required no less than dry.
  • Combined. Combines areas of oily epidermis, usually located on the forehead, chin and nose, with normal skin on the cheeks. The problems are identical to oily skin, therefore, requires similar care.
An effective super facial wrinkle mask that matches your skin type. According to cosmetologists, taking this factor into account provides optimal hydration, nutrition without the risk of developing problems and defects of the epidermis.

DIY cosmetic wrinkle masks for normal skin

What mask to make at home so that it is strong and powerful? The choice of masks for the epidermis of this type is wide. In home care, it is recommended to use an egg, honey, cottage cheese, well-nourishing skin integuments. The only risk is the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the active ingredients. But the allergy is individual, it can only be predicted by a breakdown on a small area of ​​the skin. Therefore, if allergic reactions are characteristic of you, first try the tool on the wrist. In the absence of redness and peeling, you can apply it on the face.

Protein with lemon

Light and nutritious composition that corrects complexion and reduces the severity of fine wrinkles. Gives tone and tightens the epidermis.


  1. Beat the protein.
  2. Add lemon juice - five drops are enough.
  3. Stir without breaking the airy texture.
  4. Apply on face.

The duration of the composition is twenty minutes. After application, it will dry out, so it will need to be updated. During the action of the mask, a new layer should be applied to the face two, three times.

Curd with parsley

The composition combines nutritious and tonic components. Thanks to parsley, saturated with essential oils, antioxidants, the composition effectively rejuvenates. You can apply it under the eyes.

Flaxseed oil in a tall bottleCooking

  1. Mash low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of two teaspoons.
  2. Finely chop a bunch of parsley, squeeze the juice.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with the resulting juice.
  4. Add flaxseed oil per teaspoon.

Composition - an ideal mask for fine wrinkles. It tones the skin well, nourishes and does not impart oilyness.

Fruit with yolk

Fruit acids have a light peeling effect. They exfoliate dead cells, stimulating the regeneration of new ones. The addition of yolk serves as a nutritional factor of the composition. You can use any sour berries - strawberries, blueberries, black currants, strawberries.


  1. Mash a handful of berries with a fork.
  2. Mix with egg yolk.
  3. After removing the composition, make a contrast shower for the face.

In the summer, any berries are available, but you can make such compositions in the winter from frozen ingredients.

For dry skin

As part of the care products, it is necessary to provide nutritional components that will not dry the epidermis. All types of natural oils are recommended, especially preferred among which. olive, almond and wheat germ. You can use dairy components and vegetables without acids, for example, cucumber.

Yolk with oil

The nutritional composition has a stimulating effect on dry skin, smoothes wrinkles. In the winter, it will take care of eliminating peeling.


  1. Heat natural oil to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Separate the yolk, whisk lightly.
  3. Apply warm oil to the skin, then protein, cover with a towel.
  4. Repeat after ten minutes.

A warm compress will provide deeper nutrition of the epidermis. A plastic film can be applied under the towel to help maintain the temperature.

Potato with milk

Potatoes contain starch, to which traditional medicine attributes the ability to repeat the Botox effect. Of course, the tool will not be as effective, but it is much more accessible and safe.


  1. Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater.
  2. Add the yolk.
  3. Pour in a spoonful of fat milk.

After use, you will notice a special velvety skin. Apply the composition on the face and neck.

Cucumber with sour cream

There is no safer skin tonic than cucumber. Available in the summer, the vegetable actively moisturizes and enriches the epidermis with mineral salts. Sour cream has a nourishing effect.


  1. Finely grate the cucumber.
  2. Use 4 tablespoons of the mass.
  3. Mix two tablespoons with sour cream.

The higher the fat content of sour cream, the more nutritious the composition will be. For proper nutrition of dry epidermis, use homemade sour cream.

For oily skin

Anti-wrinkle masks for oily and combination skin contain nourishing and drying ingredients. They not only regulate tone, but also reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, which provoke excessive production of sebum. Use fruit ingredients and berries that are rich in natural acids. They effectively clean the surface of the epidermis from toxins. Natural mud and tea tree oil are dried, protect against inflammation. At your disposal honey is an effective anti-aging component that can heal the most problematic skin.

Apple with milk

Use green sour apples to enhance the fruit peeling effect.


  1. Peel the fruit, grate.
  2. Add milk.
  3. Add chopped oatmeal to increase the density of the composition.

The mixture cleanses the skin, nourishes it and eliminates excess sebum. It is suitable for young skin as a prevention of wrinkles, reduces the severity of existing fine wrinkles.

Tea Tree Oil Kaolin

This composition combines the active components. Blue clay is a popular anti-aging ingredient. It saturates the epidermis with minerals, while drying it and eliminating toxins. If you have problems in the form of acne, comedones are essential tea tree essential oil. An effective antiseptic prevents and localizes inflammation.

Box of blue clay with a blissful girl painted on a boxCooking

  1. Mix kaolin with water in equal proportions until a clay of medium consistency is obtained.
  2. Add sour cream in the volume of a teaspoon.
  3. Add tea tree oil - up to five drops.

For your skin type, you can use store sour cream. It has a low fat content - at the level of fifteen to twenty percent, which is enough for an anti-aging composition.

Banana with honey

You can use banana as a component of rejuvenation masks for different skin types. It contains a complex of antioxidants, vitamins, and valuable oils. With oily and combined epidermis, it is recommended to combine it with honey.


  1. Peel and mash the banana.
  2. Add honey in a teaspoon.
  3. Add the yolk.
  4. Mix, apply on steamed skin.

This recipe can include sour cream or milk, and to reduce the fat content of the epidermis and eliminate dead cells - lemon juice.

A smoothing facial mask at home should be applied to cleansed skin. Its duration is twenty minutes. To remove, use warm water, with dry skin - warmed milk. Do not leave the composition “for later”: the components lose their effectiveness during storage.

Choosing skin care products by skin type, you can remove fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. The advantage of this approach also lies in controlling the development of problems in the form of irritations and rashes. The natural components of the masks will become the basis for quality home care at no significant cost.

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