Homemade masks for hair growth: how oils, vitamins and “burning” components can help

Dreaming of long and thick hair? It is not necessary to use overhead strands for this. Masks for hair growth at home and a little patience will help to grow braids.
Funny brunette

How does natural homemade cosmetics work? Natural components penetrate the structure of the hair, awaken and stimulate the bulbs. In less than a month, new small hairs appear on the head, and after six months of regular care, the volume can even double.

To increase the effectiveness of the mask, use a light head massage before use, and then apply the mixture with smooth rubbing movements. This allows you to accelerate the flow of useful components to the roots and, accordingly, the result will appear faster.

Masks for hair growth: 5 rules

Before preparing root masks that stimulate hair growth, read the rules for their use. There are five nuances that are important to consider.

  1. Strictly stick to the recipe. Most growth components dry the skin and hair very much; overdosing can damage the strands and cause severe irritation.
  2. Do an allergy test. Some ingredients (honey, cinnamon, pepper) are strong allergens, so before the first use, apply a small amount of the mixture on the elbow and for 30 minutes monitor the condition of the skin.
  3. Apply correctly. Many growth enhancing compounds are irritating and can damage strands. Therefore, carefully read the recipes - not all masks can be distributed along the length.
  4. Use regularly. If there is no special indication, apply a home mask for hair growth should be twice a week for two months, and then you need a month break.
  5. Change the recipe periodically. This will help to avoid the addictive effect and enhance the result.
The main feature of homemade masks that stimulate growth is a local irritant effect. The body includes a protective reaction and increases blood flow to the irritated area of ​​the skin. The roots receive enhanced nutrition, due to which growth is activated.

Recipes for the night

Night masks for quick hair growth with your own hands have several distinctive features.

  • Gentle composition. For prolonged exposure, do not use mustard powder, cinnamon, pepper and other components that cause burning. Aggressive substances can cause severe irritation or leave a burn.
  • Check for component portability. It is necessary. Any night mask before the first application is tested in the daytime to assess the reaction of the body.
  • Application 30 minutes before bedtime. During this time, the excess liquid will have time to evaporate, and the oils will be absorbed as much as possible.
  • Bed linen protection. Most masks have an oil base that is difficult to remove. Therefore, before applying at night, tightly wrap your hair with a towel, and cover the pillow with oilcloth.

The simplest growth activator during sleep can be a kefir mask. Simply apply the fermented milk product to the strands. Just keep in mind that the product is able to brighten, so brunettes should not use it. But for dark-haired girls there are "fragrant" night recipes with oils.

Oil only

  1. Combine a teaspoon of olive, coconut and castor oil.
  2. Warm the mixture to room temperature.
  3. Half an hour before bed, evenly distribute the mixture from root to tip.
  4. Gather the curls on the back of your head and tie it not very tight.
  5. Wrap your hair in a towel before going to bed.
  6. Wash your hair in the morning as usual.

Oils and tocopherol

  1. Combine two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds and olive oil.
  2. Add a teaspoon of oil rose hips and almonds.
  3. Enter 20 drops of ylang-ylang oil and four vitamin E capsules.
  4. Half an hour before bed, evenly distribute the mixture from root to tip.
  5. Gather the curls on the back of your head and tie it not very tight.
  6. Wrap your hair in a towel before going to bed.
  7. Wash your hair in the morning as usual.
The effectiveness of night masks is comparable to salon care. In addition, this is a real find for women with a lack of free time for procedures.

Nuclear Mixtures

The most common strands to enhance and improve the growth of strands are warming home masks and mixtures with cinnamon, mustard and pepper. But they are better not to abuse and alternate with more sparing recipes. Such mixtures are applied exclusively to the roots.


To prepare a cinnamon mask, spice is used in the form of a powder or essential oil. But more often it is the first option. Fragrant spiciness during application can cause a burning sensation. Do not be afraid, this effect is the norm. If you decide to prepare a mask for hair growth yourself for the first time, add no more than a teaspoon of seasoning. If the burning sensation is tolerable, you can gradually increase the dosage. You can dilute the spice with water, any base oil or kefir (to the state of gruel).


No less popular are mustard masks. When applied, the head begins to bake a little, due to which the flow of blood to the follicles increases. Be careful - the mustard is very dry, so you need to apply the mask only at the roots, and the ends must be lubricated with fatty oil. Do not use mustard for brittle and dry hair, as well as for sensitive skin. The mixture is prepared simply: the powder is diluted with water to the state of sour cream.


Hot pepper is a powerful growth promoter, but not everyone will suffer such an unpleasant sensation during use. Therefore, for the first time, test the product on a small area of ​​the skin. In addition, be sure to apply base oil on the tips before each use of the mask to protect the curls from dryness. There are four use cases.

  • Option 1. Combine three teaspoons of jojoba oil and red pepper extract. Keep on skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • Option 2 In 100 ml of fat yogurt, add a pinch of ground pepper. Soak on the roots for 20 minutes.
  • Option 3 This is a kind of mask with pepper and honey. Mix a tablespoon of tincture or ground pepper, burdock oil, honey, onion juice. Combine the mixture with one egg. Time - 30-60 minutes.
  • Option 4 Mix a tablespoon of castor oil, calendula and pepper. Add a tablespoon of onion juice, pour in the egg. Time is 25 minutes.

Aloe slices

Mild options for the roots ...

But a number of other products have the ability to enhance the growth of strands. Further - simple, gentle and budgetary ways to prepare an effective mask for growth and shine at home.


Features Root juice is a real find for hair, but it smells very specific. Even generously flavored shampoos and balms are not always able to remove the smell the first time. Therefore, on the eve of a working day or an important meeting, it is better not to use an onion mask.

Getting down

  1. Grate a large onion on a fine grater.
  2. To three parts of the slurry, add one part of liquid honey.
  3. Rub the mixture thoroughly into the skin and let it sit for 40-60 minutes.
To reduce an unpleasant aroma, wash your hair twice in the usual way, and then rinse with water with mustard powder or citrus juice. Such a conditioner, by the way, is suitable as an addition to recipes for masks for density and hair growth with garlic.


Features This recipe is an exception to the rule. The mixture is not applied immediately after mixing the components. The mask with cognac and honey after cooking must be kept under the lid in a dark place for two weeks.

Getting down

  1. In 150 ml of brandy, add 10 g of sea salt and honey.
  2. Shuffle and send to insist.
  3. Apply the finished mixture to the roots with smooth massage movements.
  4. Cover your head with a towel and let stand for 60 minutes.

Garlic honey

Features Garlic mask is applied to wet hair. Do not overexpose the mixture, otherwise a specific smell will be difficult to remove.

Getting down

  1. Mix a teaspoon of the juice of the agave, lemon and honey.
  2. Grate a clove of garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. You can add whipped yolk.
  4. Spread the mixture at the roots and leave for half an hour.


Features For cooking, both fresh grated root and ginger powder are used. In ground form, ginger warms up the skin better and activates blood supply.

Getting down

  1. Add a teaspoon of ground or chopped ginger root to two tablespoons of any fatty oil.
  2. Stir the mixture and apply evenly to the roots.
  3. Wrap your hair in a towel.
  4. Leave on for 15-30 minutes.

Brunette holds hair in her hands

... and full-length blends

One of the popular means that can be distributed along the entire length of the curls is
blue clay. The powder is diluted to a state of sour cream with water or a decoction of herbs. The tool is convenient to apply with a comb, you can not wash off an hour or more. What other growth masks can be used along the entire length?

With aloe

Features Before cooking leaves aloe wrapped in paper and placed in the refrigerator for two to three days.

  1. Pour in a tablespoon of brandy, flower honey and plant juice into a fresh whipped yolk.
  2. Leave on for 25-30 minutes.

With coffee

Features You should not apply a coffee mask to clarified curls, as their shade can darken or even turn green. For cooking, you need to use only natural coffee, preferably ground yourself.

Getting down

  1. Brew coffee in a Turk or coffee maker.
  2. Cool to a comfortable temperature.
  3. Add a little warm milk, a yolk and a tablespoon of honey to the drink.
  4. Soak the mask for 20-30 minutes.

With yeast

Features A growth mask with yeast strengthens the roots and nourishes the tips.

Getting down

  1. Dilute two tablespoons of live yeast in half a glass of milk.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar and leave to ferment in a warm place.
  3. Add the juice of half a lemon.
  4. Soak for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

With vitamins

Features For skin that does not tolerate burning components, you can make a mask for the growth and strengthening of hair with vitamins. It is easy to apply and does not cause discomfort.

Getting down

  1. Combine a tablespoon of flower honey and burdock oil.
  2. Pour in five drops of liquid vitamins A and E.
  3. Add fresh yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  4. Soak the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes.

With ethers

Features Esters eliminate bacteria from the skin, saturate curls with useful substances, and also promote growth. For a mask with essential oils, you can use any composition, but not more than two drops of each type.

Getting down

  1. Combine two tablespoons of any fatty oils (such as burdock and jojoba).
  2. Add two drops of oil. lavender and peppermint.
  3. Warm the mixture to room temperature.
  4. Soak for 60 minutes.

Linseed oil

With linseed oil

Features Masks with linseed oil are not suitable for sensitive skin.

Getting down

  1. Add 35 ml of flaxseed oil and lemon juice to the yolk.
  2. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender to a lush foam.
  3. Soak for up to 30 minutes under a towel.
Often there are tips to use the drug "Dimexidum" for the growth of strands. However, in its pure form, it does not affect the growth process, but only enhances the action of nutrients from other components of the mask. But as a prevention of irritation on the scalp, the tool can be used. It is also advisable to use it if you went too far with burning components and got a burn.

And yet, when will the effect of homemade masks for hair growth be seen? Based on the reviews, in some women, the first changes became noticeable only after three months of enhanced procedures, while in others, hair grew by 4 cm in just one month ... Everything is individual here and also depends on the quality of your nutrition, state of health, lifestyle. It also matters how often you apply hair and styling products to your hair.

Reviews: "The effect is a bomb"

I really liked the cinnamon masks. This is a spice, which in fact may well stimulate hair growth. And making a mask is easy. Of the minuses, I can note a light shade, which is possible with prolonged use of the recipe, so it’s better not to abuse platinum blondes. And so a very good option.

Vlada, http://www.arabio.ru/sovety/maski_dlya_rosta_volos.htm

Castor, burdock oils are just super both individually and together. the effect is just a bomb))) I grow hair only with these means. cheap and cheerful

Anegina, http://volosylike.ru/maski-dlya-volos/maski-dlya-rosta-volos

... oil masks, they are gorgeous, but in order for them to give a really cool effect, you need to heat the oil a little and wrap it in polyethylene. And if you just put it on your head, it will not be so cool. Personally, I have a favorite of oils - this argan, but in general, everyone picks up for themselves. An onion mask is also worth it. Despite the smell. but I don’t think mustard and pepper masks are good, since they irritate and dry the scalp and the hair dry also does not get any better. But bold, maybe not bad. In any case, there are more gentle natural remedies that activate hair growth. hair grows very well from amla and shikakaya, for example. They do not burn the scalp, they are even suitable for sensitive ones, and the effect is good, I checked it on myself. In any case, I believe in homemade masks, many of them can be much more effective than purchased ones, the main thing is to choose your own recipe.

a guest, http://omaskah.ru/story/maski-dlya-bystrogo-rosta-volos

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