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Of course, squeezing the mask out of the tube is always easier, but it is not always possible to trust a cosmetic product that lasts one or three years. Therefore, you always have time to spend the money, and now let's try to prepare the mask at home. Believe me, this will not take you much time.
Please note that the components that make up your recipe can sometimes cause allergic reactions. Therefore, pre-test the application of a small portion of the prepared product on the elbow or wrist and wait 30 minutes. You can use this mask if there are no rashes on the skin and you do not feel itching or burning. Ideally, such a test should be carried out using any new cosmetic product.
Facial mask for acne with honey and aloe
To prepare the mask, you will need five leaves of aloe (the plant must be at least three years old) and five tablespoons of natural honey, preferably liquid.
Cooking method
- Pre-place freshly picked aloe leaves in the freezer for 12 hours. Then grind them in a blender until smooth gruel.
- If honey is candied, melt it in a water bath. We do not allow the melting temperature to be more than 50 degrees.
- We mix the two components to a homogeneous consistency, put the finished mask in a container convenient for you, tightly closing the lid.
You can store such a mask in the refrigerator for no more than seven days. It is very easy to increase the shelf life to a month - you need to boil the finished mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes. But note that with boiling, the beneficial properties of the mask are reduced.
Mode of application
Apply the mask on clean skin twice a day, morning and evening, mainly on problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water. After seven days, you will get a visible result.
Acne mask with honey with chamomile
For acne or acne prone to inflammation, try a mask of honey and chamomile. Both chamomile and honey perfectly cleanse the skin of the face and prevent inflammation. This mask can also be used to prevent skin problems.
To prepare such a face mask for acne at home, you will need chamomile inflorescences (dry or fresh) and honey.
Cooking method
- We take five tablespoons of natural honey and melt in a water bath.
- Add two teaspoons of chamomile inflorescences, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.
- While the mixture has not cooled, filter it through cheesecloth. Be careful and careful not to burn yourself.
Store the resulting mask in a closed container in the refrigerator (on the bottom shelf) for no more than a month.
Mode of application
Apply the mask to pre-cleansed skin every night before bedtime. Distribute evenly with a thick layer over the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wash off after 30 minutes with cool water.
Buckwheat Acne Mask
The simplest face mask for acne at home is a mask made of buckwheat flour, it is one-component, so the mask can be prepared without any problems before each use.
Cooking method
- To begin, we will carry out the preparatory phase. Let’s bake in a dry pan half a glass of buckwheat and cool it. Grind the grits to a powder using a coffee grinder.You can use a blender, but due to insufficient power it is not always possible to grind the grits into powder. In addition, you can blunt the knives. Ready buckwheat flour is stored in a closed container in a dry place until six months.
- The mask itself needs to be prepared every time immediately before use. To do this, mix a small amount of flour with boiled water, bringing to the consistency of sour cream.
Mode of application
Every night, apply a mask to problem areas of the skin after washing. And when it dries, rinse with a small amount of first warm and then cold water.
These were the most effective face masks for acne at home, but the result will be achieved only with regular use. During cosmetic procedures, we recommend that you include pleasant music, lie comfortably on the couch and relax. Then not only a good result is guaranteed, but also a great mood!
We also recommend reading our article, how to get rid of acne on the face.