Mask recipes for oily skin, application technique

What facial masks for oily skin do cosmetologists recommend? How to approach the choice of pharmacy products, what should be in their composition? What recipes can I use at home? The technique is the right choice, applying a mask to combat greasy shine, acne, enlarged pores.
Girl with a white mask on her face

Oily skin gives a lot of trouble to its owner. She often shines, becomes covered with a greasy film, which looks ugly. In the area of ​​increased sebum, rashes often occur. Blackheads clog pores, creating a lasting picture of black spots on the face.

To reduce the severity of the problem allows proper care for oily skin. It should include masks offered by cosmetologists as an addition to the main daily program.

Extra care

Why are facial masks from oily sheen considered an additional care? The fact is that any formulations applied to solve a skin problem are not effective until basic care is normalized. It doesn’t matter whether you buy expensive medical cosmetics or regularly start homemade formulations, you will not see the effect of them if the main stages of skin care are not performed.

White face mask

  • Cleansing. Daily, with the help of light drying, self-regulating agents. It is carried out in the morning after waking up and in the evening to remove makeup, remove contaminants accumulated by the epidermis per day. Soap is categorically not suitable for cleansing even oily skin. It contains alkalis that literally dry the face, violate the lipid barrier, lead to depletion and early aging of the skin.
  • Tonification. The final stage of cleansing is performed with lotion or tonic. “Alcohol solutions are not suitable for oily skin care,” says cosmetologist Svetlana Poluektova. “They have a drying effect and can be applied locally and from time to time.” If you do not plan to purchase a tonic for oily skin, which usually includes sebum-regulating additives, tea tree or eucalyptus essential oil, probiotics, use healing mineral water as a tonic. This recommendation is given by beautician Olga Fem. “Wipe oily and problematic skin with weakly mineralized or healing mineral water, which has a high salt content. These are the brands Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan. Mineral is an excellent alternative to any tonics that are 95% water. ”
  • Moisturizing. In normal care is performed after applying the tonic. If you plan to use a mask, a moisturizer is applied after removing the composition.

Masks for oily and problem skin do not do every day, as if you did not want to quickly get rid of greasy shine and enlarged pores. Additional care is carried out 2-3 times a week, using up to three compounds.

face cleansing

Features of use

It is important to follow the technique of using the products to ensure their high efficiency.

  1. Apply after cleansing and toning. So you prepare the skin for receiving the components of the mask.
  2. Do not steam your face. A few years ago, steaming was the main deep cleaning procedure, allowing you to open the pores and get to their contents. Today, cosmetologists recommend not to steam the skin, especially in the presence of acne and rashes on it. Steaming provokes the spread of infection, and the problem may worsen.
  3. Spend a deep cleansing. For this, exfoliant products with fruit acids are recommended. “Use a mask with ANA acids to soften sebaceous plugs and cleanse pores well,” advises beautician Svetlana Poluektova. “Such products remove dead cells of the stratum corneum without affecting healthy ones.” The masks with ANA acids contain from four to seven percent of fruit acids: glycolic, lactic, and almond. A similar, but less pronounced effect is possessed by hommages. They have lower fruit acid content, so they can even be used for sensitive epidermis.
  4. Leave the product for 15 minutes. This is enough for the active ingredients to penetrate the skin. Never leave the composition on your face at night.
  5. Have a rest. Face masks for oily skin often contain heavy components, such as clay or honey. The substance makes the facial tissues heavier and pulls them down, provoking their premature omission - ptosis. “I recommend that my clients lie down with a mask on their faces,” said cosmetologist Julia Korshunova. - And the older the woman, the more horizontal her position should be. It is not allowed to walk with such a tool on the face, to do household chores. Especially in adulthood, after 45 years, when you can get the opposite effect from the mask. ”
For deep cleansing of the skin, scrubs are traditionally used. Compounds with hard polishing particles are dangerous in the presence of acne and blackheads, cosmetologist Olga Fem warns. They injure the epidermis and transfer bacteria from inflamed pores to clean ones, stimulating the spread of anke.

When choosing a scrub, pay attention to the quality of its polishing particles. It is safe to use the product with soft rounded granules. Or replace the composition with a more modern exfoliant - gommage, a mask with ANA acids that do not damage the tissue.

Tube Masks

Ready Means

For home use with oily type of skin, masks of several types are offered.


As a rule, a cleansing mask is made on the basis of clay. As part of the product, it is designated Caolin. Additionally, components are used that reduce the severity of inflammation, regulate sebum secretion, and increase local tissue immunity. Among the valuable elements of a cleansing composition - salicylic acid, zinc, immunomodulators beta-glucans, extracts of medicinal plants (nettle, calendulaSt. John's wort).

Such products provide a deep cleansing effect, absorb sebum, draw out impurities and improve microcirculation in tissues. They solve several problems at once - reducing fat content, combating acne and cleansing. Use them 1-2 times a week.

Exfoliating, lifting effect

After 40 years, it is recommended to use mask films that have a dual effect. They exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, reducing the severity of wrinkles, making the skin surface smoother. Also, due to regular exfoliation, the active ingredients of the care cream can penetrate deeper into the skin.

Masks-films effectively modulate the face, tighten the tissue, so they are used in age care as a lifting.

Mask tubes


Do I need to use a moisturizing mask for oily skin? Not just necessary, but necessary! Traditionally, they completely forget about the full hydration of women with increased sebum secretion in the T-zone, believing that their skin is able to moisturize itself. And their task is to degrease it as much as possible.

Unfortunately, such a position only worsens the situation. With regular removal of sebum and without subsequent hydration, the epidermis tries to protect the dermis from the active evaporation of water. The sebaceous glands begin to work even more actively, the secret becomes more, the face looks like anointed with oil. But at the same time there are small wrinkles, gray and dull complexion.

This situation indicates dehydration, depletion of the epidermis and the dermis lying under it, which is eighty percent water. Immediate care with active hydration is required.

Instead of foam or washing gel, a cleansing milk is recommended, after which the skin should be treated with mineral water or tonic. A moisturizing mask must be applied twice a week.

Ready-made moisturizing cosmetics contain hyaluronic acid. It saturates the skin with moisture instantly, healing it. Such a mask works against oily skin of the face: a moisture-saturated epidermis reduces the production of skin secretion, because additional protection of the dermis is no longer needed. As a result, the composition also works against acne and serves to prevent the formation of wrinkles. According to cosmetologists, for oily skin types, moisturizing masks with hyaluronic acid, algae extracts, squalene should be chosen.

Alginate Masks


Algae-based formulations that are recommended to be included in the care of mature problem skin. Alginates are ideal for her, as they have a powerful moisturizing, cleansing, drainage and modeling effect, smooth wrinkles.

Periodically, it makes sense to conduct a course of ten alginate masks, including them in additional care once a week. The product is prepared immediately before use from a powder, which is diluted with water to the state of sour cream, quickly mixed and applied to the skin, covering the lips and eyes.

Alginate - the only masks that are applied even to thin and sensitive skin under the eyes and lips, as they are safe, well moisturize and tone. Also, with continuous application, the most productive drainage is achieved: outflow of lymph and blood.

The effect of reverse osmosis is created, as a result of which cells push unnecessary moisture into the lymphatic flow, which stimulates the elimination of edema and reduces the severity of ptosis.

The composition is applied in a thick layer of approximately 5 mm. It is plasticized, so you need to work with it quickly. On the face, it turns into a dense film with a lifting effect. Thirty minutes later, it is removed in one motion, starting with the chin, like a stocking.

Girl touches face

Alginates act like hyaluric acid, but are more adapted to the needs of oily skin than just moisturizers. They contain important components for the epidermis of your type: tea tree oil, anti-inflammatory and tonic plant extracts, vitamins.

Home Remedies for Oily Facial Skin

Home remedies, as a rule, are not as effective as complex cosmetic formulations. The latter have a multifaceted effect, while recipes for masks for oily facial skin, prepared with their own hands, work in the direction of one problem.

But there are compounds that can be really useful in home care. They use active ingredients against increased oily epidermis and inflammation.

Clay for mask

With clay

Cosmetic clay or kaolin is invariably used in oily skin care at home. You can buy it at a pharmacy or supermarket. Choose sea clay - blue, green or white. The most common black clay has high cleansing properties.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of clay into the container.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of water.
  3. Stir until a mass of medium consistency, without lumps. If it is too thick, add some more water.

Apply to cleansed skin for fifteen minutes. If the mask has dried, soak it with a napkin, then rinse with warm water.

You can add a couple of tiles of tea tree essential oil to the composition. In this case, it will gain anti-inflammatory properties.

Mask with oatmeal

With oatmeal

Oatmeal has a good absorbent effect, therefore it can be used in oily skin care. It absorbs excess sebum, gives the skin a fresh and well-groomed appearance.We recommend combining oatmeal with lemon juice. Citric acid has a light effect of fruit peeling, softens the stratum corneum of the epidermis and promotes deep cleansing, it is very effective.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of cereal into a bowl.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of boiling water.
  3. Stir, let the mass cool and thicken.
  4. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Apply to the prepared face with a thick layer. To add a lifting effect to the composition, enrich it with the protein of one raw egg.


With flour

Another natural sorbent that allows you to add density to any natural skin care composition. We recommend combining flour with kefir. In the latter, lactic acid is present, which softens the surface layer of keratolites, whitens the face. Flour absorbs excess skin secretion.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of flour into a bowl.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of yogurt.
  3. Stir, add more kefir or flour to get a moderately thick mass.

Apply the composition on the face, leave for fifteen minutes. Do not let it dry, for this you can periodically lubricate the surface of the mask with kefir.

Herbal masks

With herbs

Herbal compresses reduce inflammation and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Moreover, they have a cleansing and tonic effect. In skin care of your face type, use chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, and yarrow. These herbs are known for their anti-inflammatory effects.


  1. Grind dry herbs into flour. It is convenient to use a coffee grinder for this.
  2. Stir the mass, take two tablespoons.
  3. Pour boiling water with a volume of one hundred milliliters.
  4. Leave to brew for fifteen minutes.
  5. Strain the water.
  6. Transfer the grass pulp to the cheesecloth, evenly distribute.

Apply the received compress warm to the skin of the face with exacerbations acnemultiple inflammations. Leave it on your face for thirty minutes.

At home, face masks for oily skin should be used as a means of additional care. Use ready-made cosmetics cleansing, exfoliating types. Be sure to moisturize the epidermis to reduce the production of skin secretion. Natural skin products will also help in skin care: clay, kefir, oatmeal and flour, from which you can prepare cleansing compounds.

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