Effective masks for the skin around the eyes at home

Do I need to use homemade masks for the skin around the eyes? Is it possible to do without them with appropriate care? What are the rules for the use of masks, the choice of ingredients by age, the state of the epidermis? Recommendations for the preparation of effective masks to care for the most delicate skin and prevent the development of wrinkles.
Flower and eyes

The skin around the eyes is not accidentally called the most delicate and sensitive. If we compare its thickness with the epidermis, for example, of the shoulder region, it turns out that it is ten times thinner.

In its structure there is practically no connective tissue, which is why only dark circles and so-called “bags” appear in this area simply because you drank too much fluid the day before. Another risk factor is the connection with the facial muscles. Even superficial, high-quality skin care around the eyes is not able to cope with the appearance of wrinkles if the facial muscles holding it are in a state of fatigue. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend an integrated approach to the issue of caring for this area.

Rules for skin care around the eyes

Of course, you can not do without cosmetics. But before using them, make sure that your lifestyle is correct. It is no less important than external care.

  • Girl with a smile performs a simple massage for the eyesDo gymnastics. Deep facial wrinkles are formed from the depletion of muscles lying under a thin layer of skin. In other words, they lose their elasticity and tone, turn into “jelly”, which distorts the appearance of the skin associated with them. The simplest “gymnastic complex” is pressing on the cheekbones with your palms for ten seconds. Press with your fingertips first weakly, then harder, then reduce the intensity again. The second option - push the tips of your fingers on the outside of the eyebrows and close your eyes tightly. Feel the tension in the facial muscles, relax.
  • Flax seeds in a blue boxEat right. In your diet should be products of beauty and youth: oily fish, nuts, flaxseed. All of them are rich in fatty acids needed by the skin.
  • Have a rest. This applies to both full sleep and rest when working at the computer. Regularly take five minutes without a monitor if you spend a whole day working with it.
  • Watch the microclimate. In winter, you should moisten the room, in the fall - avoid drafts. Temperature and humidity control is especially important for delicate skin.
Use cosmetics and home remedies. Moisturizing and nourishing creams for daily care, as well as masks for the skin around the eyes at home will help you. The right choice of recipes depends on your age and the problem that should be solved.

Brown-eyed girl puts moisturizer on her finger

Follow these tactics for using cosmetics and home remedies.

  • Combine. The purpose of the masks is to provide good nutrition to the skin, but they can not always cope with age-related problems. The combination of professional cosmetics with homemade ones will allow you to achieve the best result.
  • Keep track of time. Most women prefer to apply caring formulations before bedtime. This is one of the most common mistakes. The remains of the product at night will provoke swelling, and in the morning you wake up with swollen eyelids. At least an hour should pass before bedtime before you apply the mask, remove it and use a moisturizer.
  • Do not apply much. The eyelid area is so delicate that an overabundance of caring composition can provide a completely unexpected effect. Apply the product in a thin layer, avoiding its overabundance and contact with eyes.
  • Use fabric compresses, cotton pads. The main problem of all formulations prepared at home is their resistance to removal after use. It is not allowed to rub the skin during the removal of the mask, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of its delicate removal. To do this, the product can be applied to a cloth or cotton pad, and then applied to the required areas.

The composition of the care mask should be based on your age. Also consider that there are components that are especially effective in moisturizing the skin, but unproductive, for example, in the fight against “bags” under the eyes.

The blonde carefully examines the skin in the corners of the eyes in a mirror

Possible problems

Turning to care products, women seek to solve several common problems. The approach to different tasks should be appropriate.

  • Wheat germ oil in yellow wheatMicro wrinkles. Their common cause is a lack of moisture in the skin, so in winter with high air dryness they can occur even after 25 years. Masks for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles in this case should contain moisturizing ingredients. Compounds with mineral salt, aloe juice, triglycerides will help you cope with dehydration of the skin, its excessive dryness and the resulting fine and frequent wrinkles. The latter are contained in ingredients such as wheat germ oil, avocado pulp.
  • Red-haired woman with tea bags in front of her eyesBags under the eyes. Frequently occurring, intensely expressed swelling under the eyelids is an indicator of disorders in the urinary system. The kidneys can not cope with the load, as a result of which excess water in the body is distributed throughout the tissues. There are no elastic fibers under the eyes that hold the epidermis from stretching, so “bags” appear under them - areas of swollen skin. It is impossible to get rid of them only with cosmetic compounds; a deeper analysis of the problem with the involvement of a specialist is required. But if the problem does not occur often, and the bags need to be disposed of urgently, use tools that improve blood microcirculation, facilitate fluid outflow from the problem area. These include black and green tea. Effective lotions for ever from cotton pads dipped in a strong brewed drink. You can also use tea bags that were in use but fresh.
  • Needleberry Red Berry ExtractDark circles. Often occur as traces of fatigue on the face. Usually accompanied by women after 40 years with thin skin in the eye area. Small vessels are clearly visible under it, and with the development of stagnant processes, distinctive yellow or bluish semicircles form in the skin. A plum mask for the skin around the eyes, which has a tonic, refreshing, whitening effect, will help to cope with the problem. Also add needle, ivy, cuff, and horsetail extracts to home cosmetics. You can buy them in the pharmacy network.
  • A slice of fresh cucumber will restore skin elasticityInelastic, depleted skin. The main problem that occurs in women after 50 years. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity base, this process is irreversible. But it can be significantly slowed down, preventing the depletion of the thin epidermis of this zone. For its high-quality nutrition, add vitamins A and E to the care mask, effective in combating the loss of elasticity and vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant. Strengthens blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation in the tissues of tea, which is used as lotions. One of the most effective masks that restore skin elasticity is from cucumber. You can attach slices to the eyelids and lie with them for 15-20 minutes, or you can make gruel from cucumber and put it on fabric cuts, and then apply on the eyelids.
  • Bee milk powder in bubblesFacial wrinkles. It is impossible to get rid of them only with cosmetics.The cause of expression wrinkles are changes in the muscular skeleton that holds the epidermis. However, increasing the elasticity of the skin, fully moisturizing and nourishing them, you can make facial deep wrinkles less pronounced or prolong the period of their development for a long time. We recommend nourishing masks based on natural moisturizers (natural oils), royal jelly, juice ginseng, oatmeal.
Reviews of cosmetologists testify that regularly using masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 years, you can strengthen the structure of the thin epidermis, saturate it with nutrients, and reduce the severity of visual changes. Prevention of wrinkles at this age is the main principle of combating them today and after ten, twenty years.

Anti-aging masks. Recipes

Using simple ingredients, you can provide complete skin care around the eyes. If there are problems (emaciated skin, facial wrinkles), apply the care composition regularly, at least three times a week.

Moisturizing with Cucumber

Cucumber is effective in its pure form. It tones the skin and saturates it with moisture, mineral salts. Milk can enhance the hydration effect for emaciated, tired skin.


  1. Peel one vegetable, mash it with a fork into the pulp or chop it in a blender.
  2. Add two tablespoons of fat milk, mix.
  3. Apply to cotton pads or fabric strips.
  4. Put the mask on your eyes, hold for 15 minutes.

You can remove the composition with warm water or milk, gently patting it with cotton pads. To prepare the product, use a ripe cucumber. It is distinguished by a yellowed peel.

Tonic with dill (parsley)

The composition of greens used for food (dill, parsley) contains a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts. Dill is rich in a natural antioxidant - ascorbic acid, its shoots include a small amount of organic acids that stimulate skin renewal, betacarotene and tocopherol - the main components of youthful skin.

Parsley is an equally valuable product in cosmetology. It contains four times more ascorbic acid than lemon, and a unique set of essential oils has a tonic and anti-aging effect.


  1. Grind a bunch of greens.
  2. Pour boiling water with a volume of 100 ml.
  3. Rinse in a water bath for twenty minutes, cool.
  4. Dampen cotton swabs with plenty of infusion; Dampen the discs again, apply for another 10 minutes.
  5. Wash yourself after the procedure.

Tired, exhausted skin looks rested. Lotions with dill and parsley help in the fight against small wrinkles caused by insufficient hydration of the epidermis.

Nutritious with oatmeal

This mask contains several moisturizing and nourishing components. They increase vascular tone, saturate the epidermis with valuable substances, moisture. The mask is suitable to combat existing wrinkles, helps to prolong the youth of mature skin.


  1. Pour a spoonful of oatmeal into the bowl.
  2. Pour 50 ml of well-warmed milk.
  3. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, vitamins A and E (the contents of two gelatin capsules) to the swollen mass.
  5. Put the composition on a cloth, place on eyes.
  6. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After removing the product, apply a daily moisturizer on your eyelids. Use the product effectively in a two-week course.

From bags under the eyes with potatoes

The complex of ingredients improves trophic tissue in the edematous zone, so that the "bags" go faster. Potato has a whitening effect, brightens the skin. Parsley saturates with essential oils, vitamins, which improves the condition of the epidermis, gives it a tone.

Yellow flaxseed oilCooking

  1. Grind a bunch of parsley, pour it with boiling water with a volume of 100 ml.
  2. Mash in a water bath.
  3. Grate finely raw potatoes.
  4. Mix two tablespoons of chilled infusion and a tablespoon of potato gruel.
  5. Add a spoonful of flax seed oil or wheat germ.
  6. Apply the mixture on cotton pads or gauze cuts, place on the eyelids and under the eyes.
  7. Leave the product for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

The active components of the product can serve as a qualitative prevention of the early appearance of wrinkles, and also saturate tired skin with valuable elements.

From dark circles with plums

To reduce the severity of dark circles, a mask of plum will help. The complex of fruit acids in its composition demonstrates a whitening effect, stimulates blood circulation in the vessels, which improves tissue nutrition.

  1. Use two large sweet and sour plums. Separate the bones, grind the pulp.
  2. Add a tablespoon of sour milk.
  3. Mix, apply to fabric trimmings.
  4. Put the mask on your eyelids and under your eyes, hold for 20 minutes.

Rinse off gently, avoiding contact with eyes. Use a contrast “shower”: first wash your eyelids with hot water, then cold. Repeat several times. After such a mask, dark circles will significantly decrease, and the skin will freshen, it will tone.

The delicate area around the eyes requires delicate care. She is the first to suffer from negative external factors and “fills” with wrinkles. Her condition should be monitored after 25 years, since on a depleted epidermis, a fine network of wrinkles can occur sharply, suddenly. Masks for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles allow this to be avoided. Also with home remedies you can effectively deal with edema of the eyelids, dark circles, the effects of dry skin and facial wrinkles.

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