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A clear look and smooth skin under the eyes are signs of youth and health. But age-related changes are inevitable, after 30 years, almost all women notice small wrinkles in the area around the eyes. An excellent tool in the fight against skin aging are homemade masks. But before using anti-aging composition, you need to understand the causes of wrinkles. Each mask has its own unique effect, so when choosing a tool you need to pinpoint the problem you want to fix.
The main causes of wrinkles around the eyes
Tiny muscles located near the eyes, very accurately convey any human emotion, so even at a young age there are numerous facial wrinkles. There are no sebaceous glands in the area around the eyes, as a result, the skin quickly loses elasticity and undergoes stretching. It is genetically laid that over time there is a significant loss of collagen, and it is necessary for the elasticity and beauty of the skin. How to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes? What remedies are effective against wrinkles?
- Biological aging. Age-related changes are an inevitable phenomenon in life. Over time, the level of collagen and elastin decreases, the skin becomes thin and ceases to retain the necessary moisture. Therefore, cosmetologists advise starting comprehensive care for the area around the eyes after about 25 years.
- Disturbed daily routine and improper diet. Eating junk food, fasting, chronic fatigue, inactive way of life. Even an uncomfortable pillow can cause the formation of small wrinkles.
- Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking negatively affect the condition of the skin. When smoking in the body, the amount of dangerous free radicals increases, and they significantly damage the skin. Tobacco smoke irritates the eyes, forcing a person to squint, and smokers often suffer from dry skin.
- UV exposure. The sun does not just dry the skin, it increases the production of free radicals in the body, they contribute to the formation of wrinkles. Tender skin must be carefully protected from all adverse weather events.
- Active facial expressions. For those who often laugh heartily, facial wrinkles appear on their faces very early. Although such manifestations of a cheerful nature are not very aesthetic, this is not a reason to abandon joy, laughter and good mood. Tears and constant rubbing of the eyes also lead to the formation of early wrinkles.
- Genetic predisposition. If wrinkles on the eyelids began to appear at a very young age - this may indicate genetic heredity. Unfortunately, cosmetics are not able to suspend the rapid aging process. But careful care using suitable products helps to refresh the face and make your look more expressive.
There are a lot of factors provoking skin aging.We must not forget about prevention and use cosmetic and folk remedies.
Correct Application Technique
A systematic mask for wrinkles around the eyes at home helps to slow down aging and preserve the beauty of our skin. The effectiveness of folk recipes is confirmed by time, but they must be used correctly. The special structure of the skin around the eyes requires gentle care. Observing the rules for the preparation and application of anti-aging masks, you can quickly achieve the desired result.
To make the mask for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles more effective, you should follow simple rules.
- Be sure to wash off your makeup before the procedure. Apply moisturizers and anti-aging products only on clean skin. Before applying the mask, always clean your eyelids and eyelashes from cosmetics. It is advisable to drive the prepared composition into the skin with light tapping finger movements.
- Follow the recipe. Any mask for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles is made strictly according to the recipe. Do not experiment and introduce unknown products into an existing composition. The result can be very sad.
- Use only fresh food. The area around the eyes needs deep hydration, so take dairy and sour milk products of the highest fat content and freshness. The higher the quality of the starting ingredients, the more noticeable the result.
- Be sure to carry out an allergy test. So that after applying the mask there are no unpleasant consequences, apply the prepared composition to the wrist and follow the skin reaction. Many women neglect this advice, however, allergic reactions to some ingredients occur quite often.
- Limit the time of applying the mask. Any composition should be kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes. Carry out procedures only in a calm, relaxed state. After applying the mask, you should not do any household chores and show strong emotions.
- Change the composition of the masks. So that the skin does not get used to the same ingredient, use each recipe for no more than a month, then use a different composition. This approach allows you to constantly keep the skin in good shape.
Homemade Mask Recipes
To maintain a charming look, you need to regularly moisturize, tone and nourish delicate skin. Homemade mask for wrinkles around the eyes, consisting of natural ingredients, perfectly smooth out any wrinkles and give freshness to the face.
Anti-aging with starch
A mask of starch from wrinkles around the eyes reduces sagging skin, eliminates irritation and swelling.
- Stir a spoonful of starch into 100 ml of cold water.
- Boil 50 ml of water separately.
- Pour the prepared starch into boiling water and mix.
- Cook the mixture until it thickens, but do not boil.
- In a completely cooled starch, add a spoonful of fat sour cream.
- Make fresh carrot juice.
- Pour 5 tablespoons of juice into the previously prepared mixture.
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
Once the starch has dried, a second coat can be applied. Keep the composition for at least 25 minutes, at the end of the procedure, lubricate the face with a moisturizer. A wrinkle mask around the eyes with the Botox effect is applied continuously for 14 days. After this, the skin should rest for a week. Then you can resume anti-aging procedures, after which the skin becomes toned and supple.
Nutritious with Banana
This mask is recommended for women over 40 years old. With regular use of this composition, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a beautiful color and freshness.
- Mash the flesh of a banana.
- Melt a spoonful of butter.
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
- Leave on for about 25 minutes and rinse with running warm water.
Vitamin with apricot
This effective mask not only vitamins and nourishes the epidermis, but also visibly smoothes shallow wrinkles. The skin acquires a natural radiance and elasticity.
- Mash one ripe apricot.
- Add a spoonful of fat sour cream.
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
Keep the composition for at least 20 minutes, always rinse the mask with running water.
Tonic with parsley
The greens that make up this mask are rich in natural antioxidants and trace elements that stimulate cell renewal. Parsley essential oils have a tonic and anti-aging effect.
- Wash and chop the parsley and dill to make a spoonful of each type of greens.
- Add sour cream and 5 drops peeled olive oil.
- Stir, apply under eye.
- After 20-25 minutes, rinse with running warm water.
Positive results will appear in about a week. So do not interrupt the procedure, do them daily for two weeks.
Moisturizing with aloe
This mask perfectly moisturizes aging skin and smoothes out any wrinkles. For cooking, it is recommended to cut the leaves of a three-year aloe.
- Squeeze a tablespoon of aloe juice.
- Add a teaspoon of fresh honey.
- Pour a spoonful of fat cream into the mixture.
- Stir, apply under eye.
- Keep at least 20-40 minutes.
After the procedure, it is recommended to apply any moisturizer. If there is no time to prepare a mask, you can simply wipe the delicate skin of the eyelids with a freshly cut aloe leaf.
Expression and age wrinkles in the eye area are quickly smoothed out and become invisible with regular use of home masks. All anti-aging compounds are completely safe for health, they are quickly prepared from available natural ingredients. The aging process can be easily stopped if you constantly pay attention to the area around the eyes. Love yourself, and your skin will reciprocate.