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Despite the high calorie content of the product, doctors recommend not to give up bananas. And in the menu of children and the elderly, this fruit should be unconditionally. It normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, relieves swelling. Useful for hypertensive patients and women during premenstrual syndrome. It is an excellent antidepressant and stimulant of good mood.
Three Benefits of Banana Treatments
But if you lean on the product, indeed, problems with weight are possible. Therefore, fashionistas are better off eating it in reasonable quantities, and get an additional portion of “usefulness” in the form of fruit cosmetics. It can be used to restore, treat and rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck. Such masks have at least three significant advantages.
- Hypoallergenic. Fruit very rarely provokes negative skin and food reactions. Such an effect can occur only in case of individual intolerance to the product. In addition, a banana face mask is good for all skin types: dry, oily, combination, normal.
- Simplicity. A banana face mask at home is done elementarily, does not require special skills, tools and assistants. Peel the fruit and mash the pulp with a spoon. The duration of the procedure is no more than half an hour.
- Self-sufficiency. Even if you do not add other ingredients, the skin will still change. This fruit and without "helpers" is rich in vitamins, macro - and microelements.
Additional ingredients
The banana for your skin contains "everything the doctor prescribed." And banana treatments are a worthy alternative to expensive serums and lotions. And if you supplement the main ingredient with other useful products, such as aloe, you can strengthen the action, adjust the expected result.
To moisturize the skin, it is better to add vegetable oil. Combination with egg yolk will help to remove oily sheen. A face mask with banana and honey is good for age-related problems.
If you read the reviews of supporters of "delicious" cosmetics, you wonder: what only girls do not mix banana with when preparing face masks. Here, milk, and oranges, yolks, and cottage cheese ... Some even advise using grated fruit not only to improve complexion, but also to improve hair. By the way, a banana mask is also useful for the skin around the eyes: bags and dark circles will leave.
Wrinkle Recipes
Wrinkle banana face mask is especially popular among women after 35 years.Ladies claim that if you apply the product every other day, then after a couple of weeks, the depth of the grooves will noticeably decrease. A particularly anti-aging effect is attributed to face masks made from banana and starch. In addition to the anti-aging effect, they act as lifting, heal scratches.
There is a version that regular banana treatments can delay the visual signs of skin aging for ten years. So, a face mask for wrinkles with a banana is in demand.
With apple
What is needed:
- a bowl;
- grater;
- pulp of half a banana;
- half an apple;
- a teaspoon of honey;
- a tablespoon of milk.
How to do
- Grate apple and banana. Transfer to bowl.
- Add honey and milk to the main ingredients, mix.
- After 15-20 minutes after application, rinse with warm milk and water.
- Use cream for daily care.
With chocolate
What is needed:
- pulp of half a banana;
- 50 g of dark chocolate;
- aluminum pan or mug.
How to do
- Melt the chocolate over low heat.
- Add banana to chocolate.
- Cool, the mixture should be slightly warm.
- Wash off with warm water 15-20 minutes after application.
- Use cream for daily care.
With starch
What is needed:
- a bowl;
- pulp of half a banana;
- a tablespoon of starch.
How to do
- Mix banana and starch in a bowl.
- Lubricate the eyelids with baby cream.
- Apply mass.
- "Seal" the mask with a gauze cut - this will slow down the drying of the mixture.
- Half an hour after application, remove the mask with moist cotton pads, wash.
- Use cream for daily care.
For whitening
If you want to cope with age spots, even out the color of the tan, get rid of redness, a face mask made of banana, citrus and sour cream is suitable for you.
With lemon and sour cream
What is needed:
- freezer;
- a bowl;
- pulp of half a banana;
- two tablespoons of sour cream;
- lemon juice.
How to do
- Freeze banana.
- Put the cold fruit in the bowl and knead with a fork.
- Add sour cream and a few drops of lemon juice to the main ingredient, mix.
- After half an hour after application, rinse with a damp terry towel.
- Use cream for daily care.
For problem skin
Some girls use banana massage to combat acne. In this case, not the pulp is used, but the peel. According to reviews, if you rub the affected areas of the skin three times a day with the inside of the fruit peel, then after a week the rash will pass. Banana masks are also advised as a good remedy for acne and blackheads.
With oatmeal
What is needed:
- a bowl;
- blender
- half a glass of oatmeal;
- half a glass of milk;
- pulp of half a banana.
How to do
- Mix oatmeal and milk with a blender, transfer the mixture to the bowl.
- Add crushed banana, move.
- Apply the mask to the skin of the face with massaging movements.
- After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
- Use cream for daily care.
Sometimes it’s hard for us to believe that everything ingenious is simple. So, and a face mask with a banana - it seems that its properties are too good to be true ... The trick is that it is very easy to check the effectiveness of this tool. The fruit is affordable and is available all year round. But what if your kid did not master a piece at dinner? Toss out? In no case is the result - there is!