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Homemade cosmetics based on cognac or whiskey surprise with their action. According to reviews, the hair looks like after a salon procedure, and even grows many times faster. Such masks are prepared as simply as possible: the components are mixed, the composition is applied to the hair.
In addition to the alcoholic drink, there are ingredients that are always in the kitchen: coffee beans, eggs, vegetable oils. The main rule is to choose a cognac mask with an eye on the features of your curls. But in matters of beauty, everything is individual, therefore, using folk methods, you need to monitor the "reaction" of your own hair.
The use of "degrees" for hair
The composition of brandy includes tannins, alcohol and various elements. All this greatly increases the positive effect on the hair of other components that make up the main care product. But the alcoholic drink itself is useful for hair: masked cognac is used for hair growth. What causes growth stimulation? The launch of this process is facilitated by alcohol. It enhances blood circulation, heats the hair follicles, so with regular use of the mask, the braid begins to noticeably lengthen.
What result can be achieved using homemade cognac masks? Such means:
- provide hair strengthening;
- stimulate growth;
- “Smoothed” the ends;
- give a healthy shine;
- guarantee extra volume.
An alcohol-containing drink degreases the hair and dries the scalp. Masks based on it are ideal for owners of oily hair: they help hair stay clean longer. But even with dry mocks, you can turn to such a tool: you just need to take a weak "ladies'" cognac, use a small amount of drink, add vegetable oil to the mixture.
To whom brandy mixes are not suitable
Any homemade cosmetics should be treated with caution. Cognac mixes are no exception. It’s best to first try adding a couple drops of brandy to your regular care product. An ingredient in such an amount will not do much harm, but it will help determine how the skin and hair react to an alcohol-containing drink.
To whom homemade recipes with alcohol may not work? It is better to abandon cognac masks when:
- the presence of microdamage on the scalp;
- hypersensitivity of the dermis;
- individual intolerance to the drink, allergic reactions to it.
Hair mask with cognac: 6 options
Cognac cosmetic mixtures will be of great benefit if the recipe is selected correctly. It is important to focus on the state of your hair, to decide what problem you would like to solve using the tool. A prerequisite is the choice of a proven recipe. When it comes to home cosmetology, experimenting is strictly prohibited. Learn from the mistakes of others and choose masks that have already been tried before you. Below are the popular recipes for cognac masks, it remains only to choose the ideal one for yourself.
Universal with an egg
Act. Easy-to-prepare egg-brandy agent accelerates hair growth, gives them strength and shine.
How to do
- Beat the egg.
- Add brandy - just two tablespoons of the drink.
With honey for loose strands
Act. Mask for hair growth with cognac and honey additionally nourishes, actively moisturizes. The tool gives the hair a healthy look: the curls become shiny, gain strength, cease to be brittle.
How to do
- Mix two tablespoons of brandy with the same amount of honey.
- Apply composition.
Vitamin with Yolk
Act. Stimulates growth. Gives a shock effect. The product nourishes the dermis of the head, “vitamins” the hair, so that they acquire a healthy shine, stop fluffing.
How to do
- Mix the yolk with two tablespoons of the alcohol-containing drink.
- Add a vial of vitamins A, E.
Cognac and coffee for splendor
Act. Raises hair at the roots, providing maximum volume. Makes the hair shine. The tool helps to gain curls strength, stimulates growth.
How to do
- Dissolve two tablespoons of ground coffee in boiling water (take half as much water).
- Add a full tablespoon of alcoholic beverage.
- Insist 15 minutes.
With castor oil against loss
Act. Prevents / stops hair loss. Strengthens the hair. Gives splendor, promotes growth.
How to do
- Strong drink plus castor oil (1: 2 ratio, measured unit - a tablespoon).
- Add lemon juice (three measured units).
With mustard "Intensive growth"
Act. Provides intensive hair growth. The tool works for deep cleansing. Makes hair strong.
How to do
- Dilute two tablespoons of mustard powder with filtered warm water (take the liquid by eye, in the end you should get a thick slurry).
- Stir in a mustard mass a teaspoon of sugar.
- Pour in cognac (two tablespoons).
5 rules to increase session efficiency
Homemade cosmetics are prepared exclusively from fresh ingredients, especially eggs, dairy products. Cognac for hair needs to be taken in high quality, because cheap drinks contain a lot of alcohol, there are dyes and additives. They certainly will not be useful to curls.
So that the effect of applying the cognac mask does not disappoint, you need to cook and apply it according to the rules. Here are six key things to remember.
- Preheat the components. Regardless of the recipe, brandy masks are applied warm. It’s easy to warm up the cosmetic mass - a water bath helps.
- Apply the composition correctly. The brandy mixture is first rubbed into the roots / skin, and the rest is distributed over the hair. If the tips are dry, then do not apply the composition to them. It is recommended to lubricate them with vegetable oil during the procedure.
- Keep warm. It is important that the mask remains warm for as long as possible, then it is better absorbed and the effect will be more noticeable. After application, you need to put on a shower cap, hiding the hair under it. A towel or scarf is wound on top.
- Wash off properly. Auxiliary products based on an alcohol-containing drink are recommended to be washed off with warm water. If the composition contains oil or honey, after washing the strands with water, you need to use shampoo. It is better to choose a mild product, baby shampoos are ideal. The final stage is rinsing with a decoction of herbs or water with the addition of lemon juice.
- Stick to the course. Cognac masks will accelerate hair growth and make them well-groomed only if applied in a course. A single application does not live up to expectations. The course consists of eight procedures. In a week you need to do two. At the end of the course, you should give your hair a rest from cognac mixtures: it is recommended to take a monthly break.
The mask for hair growth with cognac is striking in its effectiveness, but many beauties are frightened by the fact that after it the hair smells of alcohol. The smell quickly disappears, however, if desired, this process can be further accelerated. Cognac smell will disappear immediately if, after the session, rinse the hair with warm water with a few drops of essential oil. Choose any to your taste. Thanks to such a simple secret, the curls will smell pleasant, and there will be no trace of cognac aroma.
Reviews: “The product has a cumulative effect”
Masks with brandy really stimulate hair growth and give shine. But you can’t keep such masks for a long time, because brandy dries, and even more so at night. And then you risk getting a tow instead of hair.
I like this mask: mix cognac, castor oil and aloe juice in equal proportions. Next - as in all other recipes - apply, warm, hold.
I think the best replacement for expensive store masks. I did it for 3 months, every 2 weeks. Hair just does not recognize. Has a cumulative effect.
I tried a mask with cognac and an egg on myself - after it, my hair became shiny (as after dyeing) and silky.