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Even if you dye your hair with the most expensive professional tool, the damage will be colossal. Fragility, cross-section, dryness, loss of volume - this is an incomplete list of problems that beauties may encounter due to a change in the color of hair. To avoid a catastrophe, it is important to regularly apply a homemade moisturizing mask for colored hair. Restorative remedies for damaged hair is the only way to preserve beautiful hair.
Care rules for light and dark hair
When deciding to dye, you must understand that the hair will need more intensive and gentle care than before the procedure. The new color will look spectacular only on live, healthy hair. You will have to adhere to four rules for the care of curls.
- Pause. Before you decide to refresh the color of curls or completely change it, at least two months must pass from the moment of staining. But root treatment can be carried out after three weeks.
- Give the pigment a foothold. To do this, do not wash your hair for two to three days after staining. Immediately after the procedure, apply a special balm for colored hair, which will help glue the flakes and create a protective film on the curls.
- Refuse thermal devices. High temperature leads to the drying out of hair that is already damaged by dyeing. In addition, strong heating can lead to distortion of the pigment.
- Provide intensive care. A professional or homemade mask for colored hair should be regularly applied to the hair.
Mask for colored hair: 13 recipes
What is the best and most effective mask? Given the abundance of hair cosmetics in stores, most girls find it inappropriate to cook them yourself. But, once having tried on yourself some recipe for a mask for colored hair, you can no longer refuse natural home remedies. Given the absence of chemical components, they act on the curls gently and carefully, preserving the color brightness for a long time.
From bread
Features Dyed hair needs enhanced nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to saturating the roots with useful substances. You can make a mask for the healthy growth of colored hair based on brown bread. This affordable product revitalizes hair follicles, forcing them to work faster.
You will need:
- a quarter of a loaf of brown bread;
- 10 g of dry nettle;
- 10 g dry sage;
- 10 g of dry plantain;
- a glass of boiling water.
How to do
- Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour. Strain the finished infusion.
- Break the bread into small pieces and fill with liquid. Wait for the product to soak and turn into slurry.
- After washing your hair first, rub the bread mass into the roots, and then distribute it over the entire mass of hair.
- Warm your head and stand the mask for two to three hours.
- Wash your hair without shampoo.
From radish
Features During staining, not only the hair shaft, but also the root suffers. Under the influence of aggressive substances, it weakens, because of which the curls begin to fall out and grow an order of magnitude slower. A pronounced stimulating effect has a radish. BUTolive oil and sour cream provide gentle care and hydration.
You will need:
- one radish;
- a tablespoon of sour cream;
- the same amount of olive oil.
How to do
- Grind the root vegetable in mashed potatoes and squeeze the juice out of it.
- Mix the liquid with butter and sour cream.
- Before applying a homemade mask for colored hair, wash your hair.
- Rub the mixture into the skin and warm your head.
- After half an hour, rinse the curls with warm water and a sulfate-free shampoo.
From olive oil
Features After staining, the hair structure becomes loose, which leads to cross-section and fragility. For the same reason, hair can become naughty and take the form of a “dandelion”. An olive mask with vitamins will help saturate the curls with vital moisture, and restore the former elasticity to them.
You will need:
- a third of a glass of olive oil;
- two capsules "AEvita";
- Vitamin F capsule
How to do
- Lightly heat the oil in a water bath.
- Squeeze the contents of the vitamin capsules into the oil.
- Massage the mixture into the skin.
- Spread the remaining oil along the length, paying attention to the tips.
- Put on a shower cap and build a turban from a towel.
- After half an hour, wash your hair.
From chamomile
Features Chamomile has a brightening effect. Thus, this medicinal plant is ideal for maintaining a beautiful blonde. In addition, the grass has a firming effect, makes the strands soft and obedient.
You will need:
- a tablespoon of dry pharmaceutical chamomile;
- half a glass of boiling water;
- egg white.
How to do
- Pour boiling water over the chamomile and steam for three hours.
- Whisk the protein in foam and mix with strained herbal infusion.
- Massaging the skin, apply the mixture to it. Distribute the remainder throughout the hair.
- When the composition on the hair dries, rinse your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo two to three times.
From brandy
Features So that the pigment does not wash out as long as possible, it is necessary to apply a mask once a week to preserve the color of dyed hair. Strong cognac in combination with aromatic coffee will help maintain a rich chocolate or chestnut hue.
You will need:
- 50 ml of brandy;
- 10 g of coffee;
- the same amount of castor oil;
- two yolks.
How to do
- Mix all components until smooth.
- If the mass turns out to be excessively thick, add a little water or cognac.
- Apply to wet hair.
- After ten minutes, wash your hair.
From fruit
Features A fruit mask will saturate strands with vitamins and restore vitality to them. It is important that fruit acids prevent pigment leaching, which will allow over a long period to avoid repeated full staining.
You will need:
- banana;
- half an avocado;
- 15 g of honey;
- 10 ml of olive oil.
How to do
- Make mashed potatoes from fruits.
- Add the remaining components.
- Spread the mask over wet hair.
- After a quarter of an hour, wash your hair with a small amount of sulfate-free shampoo, previously diluted in water.
From eggs
Features If you have thin hair, dyeing should be approached with extreme caution. When deciding to change the image, take care of proper nutrition for curls.For this purpose, it is recommended to use an egg mask. The yolk contains all the necessary substances to repair a damaged hair shaft.
You will need:
- two yolks;
- 15 ml of olive oil;
- 5 ml grape seed oil.
How to do
- Beat the yolk with the oils and warm slightly.
- Wet hair with a composition. It is convenient to do this with a stain brush.
- Warm your head with cellophane and a towel.
- Wash your hair after 40 minutes.
From kefir
Features If the hair becomes dry after changing the shade, be sure to try a kefir mask. It will revive the tips, give the strands volume at the roots and regulate the sebaceous glands.
You will need:
- half a glass of kefir;
- a tablespoon of castor oil;
- a bunch of parsley.
How to do
- Scroll greens through a meat grinder or kill with a blender. Squeeze the juice from the resulting puree.
- Combine with kefir and castor oil.
- If the mass is too watery, thicken it with starch.
- Spread over your hair and wrap your head.
- After one and a half to two hours, wash your hair.
From honey
Features After a color change, brittle hair becomes even more fragile and begins to split strongly. Honey has a moisturizing, firming and regenerating effect. With regular use, it tightens the hair and prevents cross-section.
You will need:
- 30 g of honey;
- as much burdock oil.
How to do
- Combine the components and steam.
- Spread the honey mask evenly over the entire head of hair.
- After 40 minutes, wash your hair.
From onion
Features After staining, the strands, as a rule, begin to grow more slowly and lose volume. Intensive vitamins and stimulate blood circulation will help to solve the problem. Folk masks, which include onions, do an excellent job of this.
You will need:
- medium onion;
- egg yolk;
- 10 ml of burdock oil.
How to do
- Grate the onion and squeeze the juice from the puree.
- Add the remaining ingredients and mix.
- Rub the mixture into the roots, warm your head with a bag and towel.
- After half an hour, wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.
From medicinal herbs
Features Medicinal herbs can be safely called the very first care cosmetics. Since time immemorial, beauties have strengthened their ringlets with healing infusions and decoctions. But after staining, simple rinsing will not be enough. Herbal mask - this is what you need for enhanced nutrition and restoration of strands.
You will need:
- a large spoon of dry nettle;
- as much peppermint;
- as much wormwood;
- a glass of boiling water.
How to do
- Brew a dry mixture of herbs with boiling water and leave for a couple of hours.
- Strain and squeeze the grass well.
- Preheat the liquid.
- Rinse washed hair.
- Insulate your head and wait about an hour or leave the mask overnight.
From gelatin
Features Judging by the reviews, the lamination procedure can instantly bring back to life the hair that is burned with paint. But this pleasure is quite expensive. A similar effect is exerted by a homemade gelatin mask.
You will need:
- 15 g of instant gelatin;
- 50 ml of slightly heated water;
- 5 g of honey.
How to do
- Dissolve gelatin in a liquid.
- Mix with the rest of the ingredients.
- Spread the mixture over clean, damp hair 3-4 cm from the roots.
- Wrap your head in cellophane and a towel.
- Rinse after 30 minutes.
- Lubricate the ends with air conditioning.
From mustard
Features If you did not like the result of staining, and the strands are hopelessly burned with chemical components, you want to grow curls as soon as possible. Mustard mask, warming the scalp, contributes to the rapid restoration of natural hair.
You will need:
- 15 g mustard powder;
- 5 g of sugar;
- egg yolk;
- strong black tea (enough to bring the mixture to the consistency of sour cream).
How to do
- Mix all ingredients until smooth.
- Massage the mixture over the roots.
- Depending on the degree of skin sensitivity, the procedure can last from 15 to 60 minutes.
- If the burning sensation is unbearable, keep the procedure to a minimum.
- Wash your hair with natural shampoo.
Knowing how to make a mask for colored hair with your own hands, you will save a lot of money on expensive professional cosmetics and salon procedures. But remember that even natural nutrients are not a panacea for damage. Before deciding to stain, objectively assess the condition of your strands. If they are dry and weak, give up on this venture, or use natural dyes such as henna andbasma.