Homemade facial mask recipes with anti-wrinkle glycerin

Despite the fact that the shelves of modern stores are filled with various cosmetics, many girls and women prefer to use home masks - natural, effective and inexpensive. A great way to refresh skin color, get rid of peeling and smooth wrinkles is a face mask with glycerin, which is easy to prepare at home.
Soft towel, daisy flowers and a bottle of glycerin

Glycerin is the simplest trihydric alcohol, which is a clear, thick, odorless liquid, but with a noticeable sweetish aftertaste. Its main properties are hygroscopicity, good solubility, non-toxicity and resistance to spoilage. The substance is obtained either by splitting vegetable or animal oils and fats, or by chemical synthesis. Regardless of the method of production, glycerin is widely used in various industries: medicine, cooking, agriculture, military and tobacco industries, and is also included in many professional cosmetic products.

Beauticians appreciate the antiseptic and wound healing abilities of glycerin, but moisturizing is considered its main advantage. Absorbing moisture from the air, it nourishes the skin and fills small wrinkles, as a result, the face is smoothed and noticeably younger. To prepare homemade glycerin face cream, you should purchase liquid glycerin (solution for external use), which is available in bottles of 25 or 40 grams, in a pharmacy. Other components will help to strengthen the effect: yolk, fruits, vitamin E, honey or infusions of medicinal herbs.

Rules for the use of glycerin masks

In order for a facial mask made of glycerin at home to help achieve the desired effect, it must be properly prepared and properly used. If you decide to try a self-made tool with this component, be sure to observe the following rules.

  • Do not use glycerin in too hot or cold season.. In conditions of dry air, it will begin to take moisture from the deep layers of your skin, and the result of applying the product will be directly opposite to what was expected.
  • Do not perform procedures in a room where the air conditioner or heater is turned on.. These devices reduce air humidity, and a glycerin mask will not give the desired effect.
  • Add a few drops of glycerin to a white bowl.

    Glycerin must be diluted with water or oil.

    Never apply undiluted glycerin to your face.. Being in its pure form, this substance begins to take moisture from the skin, so its maximum concentration in the composition of the cream or mask should not exceed 10%.

  • Using facial glycerin for wrinkles, choose additional components based on your skin type. Women with normal skin can be diluted with water and yolk, dry skin “delight” mask with olive oil and honey, and for the fatty type, cosmetic clay or calendula broth will be optimal.
  • It is advisable to do glycerine facial masks for wrinkles in the morning. Since the product is sufficiently oily, it is better not to use glycerin to avoid the appearance of edema at night.
When planning to make a glycerin mask, thoroughly wash your face with foam, and then only slightly pat it with a towel. In order for glycerin to work for you, it should always be applied only to wet skin. To enhance the effect, you can slightly steam the face before the procedure or spend it in the bathroom immediately after taking a shower.

Follow the precautions described above, and a homemade facial mask with wrinkle glycerin will delight you with a fresh, younger-looking appearance of your skin in literally 3-4 applications.

A glycerin mask is applied to a girl's face

Anti-aging mask with glycerin

One of the most popular products for aging skin is an effective mask with glycerin and vitamin E for wrinkles, which is easy to do on your own. It fights age-related changes, slows down the oxidation processes in the cells, nourishes the skin and protects it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Strengthen the action can be added to the composition of liquid vitamin A (retinol), which, like vitamin E (tocopherol), can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • Vitamin E oil solution in red capsulesVitamin E. Available in the form of an oil solution called "Alpha-Tocopherol Acetate" and has two forms: 100, 200 or 400 mg capsules or 20 and 50 ml vials. It is advisable for you to purchase capsules, since the concentration of tocopherol in oil is 50%. Bottles contain only 5%, 10% or 30% vitamin E - this concentration will be weak for the preparation of the mask.
  • Vitamin A. Known as Retinol or Retinol Acetate, they are made as a concentrate in 10, 30 or 50 ml bottles, as well as capsules and dragees. For cosmetic purposes, it will be most convenient to use a solution with a concentration of 8.6%. Instead of the two drugs described, you can also buy Aevit capsules, which already contain tocopherol and retinol.

You will need:

  • 10 ml of glycerin;
  • 10 ml of liquid vitamin E;
  • 10 ml of liquid vitamin A;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 40 ml of fresh infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile.


  1. Brew 1 teabag of dry pharmacy chamomile in half a glass of boiling water and let it stand for about 30 minutes.
  2. Take a glass or ceramic bowl, pour 40 ml of chamomile infusion into it.
  3. Add liquid glycerin, vitamins A and E, taken in the same proportion.
  4. Put the chicken yolk in a bowl. It should be at room temperature, so it is advisable to get the egg out of the refrigerator in advance.
  5. Stir the products thoroughly and apply on the face, leave for 15-20 minutes for exposure.

You need to remove such a mask with warm water, and the procedure is best done daily for 10 days.

Set for glycerin mask in elegant bubbles

Oily Skin Remedy

Many owners of oily skin mistakenly believe that cosmetics with glycerin are not suitable for them. Meanwhile, this tool in combination with gelatin can literally work wonders, while cleansing the skin, removing black spots, whitening and smoothing the face.

You will need:

  • 15 ml of glycerin;
  • 15 ml of honey;
  • 5 grams of gelatin;
  • 1 tablet of aspirin;
  • 100 ml of water.


  1. Powder aspirin.
  2. Pour gelatin with water and leave for 20 minutes to swell.
  3. In a glass jar, mix aspirin, swollen gelatin, honey and glycerin.
  4. Put the mixture in a water bath and wait until all components are completely dissolved, constantly stirring them.
  5. Cool the finished mask. In the cooled form, apply it on your face for 20 minutes, and then wash with warm water.

This product can be stored in the refrigerator for a month, slightly warming the right amount before application. Provided that it is used weekly, it will relieve acne and comedones, and it will also have a noticeable lifting effect, comparable to the results of the procedures in the beauty salon.

Essential ingredients - oatmeal, cream and honey

Dry and Peeling Recipes

For overdried and prone to irritation skin, glycerin masks with the addition of various oils, honey or cream will be a real salvation. Typically, such funds are applied in a course of 8-10 procedures, observing a gap of 3 days between them.

Soothing mask

This effective face mask with honey and glycerin will help quickly remove redness and irritation on the skin, giving it the necessary moisture and nutrition.

You will need:

  • 5 ml of glycerin;
  • 10 ml cream with a fat content of 10%;
  • 5 ml of honey;
  • 20 grams of oatmeal.


  1. Put all the components of the mask in a glass deep plate.
  2. Stir the food until smooth and allow the mask to stand for 5 minutes.
  3. Apply the mixture on clean skin and leave it on for 20 minutes, and then rinse with water at room temperature.

After the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the face with a moisturizer.

Nourishing mask

Another effective mask, ideal for dry-prone skin, is based on glycerin, olive oil and potatoes. How to mix?

You will need:

  • 5 ml of glycerin;
  • 5 ml of honey;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 1 medium sized potato;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • 20 ml of water.


  1. Boil the peeled potatoes and allow to cool to a warm state.
  2. Heat the milk slightly, put the potatoes in it and crush the vegetable to a puree state.
  3. Take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and add the yolk, honey and olive oil to it, carefully stirring the products.
  4. Dilute glycerin with warm water.
  5. Mix the glycerin solution with mashed potatoes and apply a mask.

The product should be washed off the face with warm water after a quarter of an hour. To achieve the optimal effect, it is enough to carry out such a procedure weekly for a month or two.

White flowers, a soft towel and a bottle of glycerin

Opinions of women

Before trying any tool, many prefer to study the reviews of those who have already used similar recipes. Here's what women write about face masks with glycerin.

  • Lyudmila (27 years old, Moscow): “For a long time I tried to choose a cream for my dry, flaky skin. I tried both expensive and budget cosmetics, but came across a mask recipe with glycerin and vitamin E, I tried and realized - that’s it, my remedy. After 4 sessions, the feeling of tightness disappeared, peeling was gone and even small wrinkles were smoothed out. ”
  • Tatyana (39 years old, Kazan): “For a long time I’ve been adding glycerin to different face masks. I have oily skin, so I usually mix it with white clay or make it with cold water and honey. After such a mask, the skin becomes smooth and soft. "
  • Olga (41 years old, Krasnodar): “I thought that after 40 years Botox and mesotherapy could not be avoided, but there was no money for such procedures. I decided to try a mask with glycerin, applied three times a week to the forehead and under the eyelids, not really hoping for anything. About a month later, she suddenly noticed that small wrinkles disappeared, and deep ones were not so noticeable. An excellent tool, although the result is far from immediate. ”

As you can see, a glycerin facial mask is popular among women, regardless of their age and skin type. Very often, women are interested in the question - how to make acne from starch and an egg shell. There is a lot of information on the Internet. The main thing is to observe precautions and choose the right ingredients for this homemade cosmetic product.

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