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Black dots, called comedones in dermatology, are densely clogged pores. A similar problem often appears in people with oily integuments. Excessive skin secretions clog pores.
And the black shade of the corks gives dust and dirt, sticking to the greasy product from the environment, in combination with oxidized melanin.
High-quality clean pores and “stretch” comedones allow home masks. But in pursuit of clean skin, it is important to remember the rules for cleansing measures, because such masks have a fairly aggressive effect.
How to make a face mask from black dots: 8 tips
Various reasons can provoke the appearance of ugly black dots on the face. Among them: poor ecology, the wrong choice of cosmetics, inadequate skin care. Comedones are able to form during hormonal disruptions or the development of endocrine disorders. Errors in nutrition or the observance of strict diets can lead to their appearance.
Starting the struggle with black dots, which most often appear on the nose, forehead or chin, the reasons for the appearance of this problem should be eliminated if possible. Otherwise, even the most effective mask will not be able to help. Comedones will appear again and again.
In order for masks to clean black spots qualitatively and not to harm, you must adhere to eight tips.
- Contraindications The use of cleaning agents with aggressive strength is not recommended on very dry covers, flaky areas. It is contraindicated to apply masks to the skin with inflammation, irritation.
- Allergy. All masks must be tested for allergies. For this, the product is applied to the wrist. If irritation (redness, rash, or itching) appears on the skin, it is necessary to abandon the session.
- Steaming. Black plugs have the ability to tightly clog pores. To help the mask “stretch” them, it is recommended to steam the face before the event. Herbal baths provide pore expansion. In this case, the mask will clean them more efficiently.
- Scrubbing. This procedure is recommended to be carried out the day before. The person needs high-quality cleansing of the dead epithelium. It is extremely undesirable to scrub directly in front of the mask from comedones. This will cause injury to the dermis.
- Application Black dot cosmetics are for contaminated areas only. Such masks should not be applied to the entire surface of the face. They are quite aggressive and can cause irritation and peeling on the skin.
- Duration Usually used to eliminate comedones mask-films. They are recommended to be kept until dry - approximately 15-20 minutes.
- Withdrawal. Mask films should be carefully removed from the face.Start from the chin area and gently pull up. But if the product is strongly adhered to the skin, then it should not be forcibly stripped off. It is recommended to moisturize the dermis and allow the mask to soak. Suddenly tearing a cosmetic product off your face, you injure the skin, opening the path for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.
- Regularity. The fight against comedones should be carried out once a week. With a large accumulation of black dots, cosmetologists are allowed to use masks every three to four days.
4 gelatin recipes
Cosmetics created on the basis of gelatin can eliminate black spots qualitatively. The positive effect is dictated by the ability of the product to form a film on the skin. During removal of such a film, comedones are removed from the pores. A gelatinous face mask from black dots allows you to solve not only the main problem. It gives the skin a natural softness, helps to narrow the pores and tightens the dermis.
With milk
- Gelatin - three teaspoons.
- Milk - three tablespoons.
How to cook
- Milk is added to gelatin.
- The mass is heated over a small fire to completely dissolve. But the remedy should not boil.
- Apply the mask in a warm form.
With sour cream
- Gelatin - three teaspoons.
- Boiled water - four tablespoons.
- Sour cream - three teaspoons.
- Oatmeal (can be replaced with wheat) - three tablespoons.
How to cook
- Gelatin must be soaked in boiled water. This mixture is left to infuse for 40 minutes.
- A container with swollen gelatin is placed in a water bath and heated until dissolved.
- Sour cream and flour are added to melted gelatin. With excessive sebum of the dermis, it is better to use not oatmeal, but wheat flour.
- The mask is kneaded.
Plus activated carbon
- Gelatin - one teaspoon.
- Milk - two tablespoons.
- Activated carbon - one tablet.
How to cook
- Gelatin is introduced into milk. The product should swell for about half an hour.
- Then the tank warms up to the full dissolution of all grains.
- The tablet is crushed in a mortar. The resulting powder is poured into a milk-gelatin mixture.
- As soon as such a cleansing face mask from blackheads, prepared at home, reaches a comfortable temperature, it is immediately applied to problematic integuments.
With apple
- Gelatin - two teaspoons.
- Apple juice (freshly squeezed) - two tablespoons.
How to cook
- Gelatin is poured with fresh apple juice. The mixture swells for half an hour.
- Then the tank is heated using a water bath. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, the mask is slightly cooled to a comfortable temperature and applied to contaminated areas.
4 protein recipes
In the fight against comedones, egg white is often used. It has not only a cleansing effect. The product tightens the skin, models the oval, eliminates small wrinkles. Protein has a pronounced drying effect, therefore it is recommended for combined and sebaceous dermis. And for women with dehydrated and dry integuments, it is undesirable to get involved in protein masks.
In a duet with sugar
- There is one protein.
- Sugar - one tablespoon.
How to cook
- Sugar is added to the protein.
- Beat the mixture with a fork or whisk. The mixer is undesirable because it will provide a large amount of foam.
- A mask of protein from black dots is applied in two steps.When it is distributed on the skin, light patting movements are used, thereby “driving” the mask into the dermis.
With lemon and aloe
- There is one protein.
- Aloe juice - two teaspoons.
- Lemon juice - two teaspoons.
How to cook
- Aloe juice is added to the protein. If desired, you can use a pharmacy or squeeze a drink with your own hands.
- Lemon juice is added to the mixture. The mask is thoroughly kneaded.
With honey
- There is one protein.
- Honey - one and a half teaspoons.
How to cook
- Liquid honey is carefully injected into the protein.
- The mass must be whipped. In this case, you can use a mixer.
With strawberry
- There is one protein.
- Strawberries - four berries.
- Oatmeal - two teaspoons.
How to cook
- Grind the strawberries until mashed.
- Beat the protein a little.
- Aromatic mass is introduced into the mixture.
- In order for the strawberry-protein mask for the face from black dots to acquire the necessary consistency, flour is introduced into it.
3 coal recipes
This medication has the ability to adsorb pollution. That is why the drug is so in demand in cosmetology. Coal-containing products absorb dirt, toxins, and slag. They pull plugs out of pores.
With clay
- Clay (recommended black) - one teaspoon.
- Activated carbon medicine - two tablets.
- Milk - one and a half tablespoons.
How to cook
- The tablets are ground to a powder.
- The drug is mixed with clay.
- A mixture of powders is poured with milk and mixed.
- The resulting face mask with activated carbon from black dots does not form a film on the face. It provides impact through abrasive components. Therefore, after application, it is necessary to massage the problem area a little.
With salt and aloe
- Coal - four tablets.
- Aloe juice - four teaspoons.
- Sea salt - one teaspoon.
- Tea tree oil - five drops.
How to cook
The tablets are crushed.
- Aloe juice is added to the medicinal powder.
- Then add sea salt to the mixture.
- To make the mask the necessary consistency, you can add a little more juice or pour another pinch of crushed coal.
- Before use, oil is added to the mixture.
With lemon and sour cream
- The drug is two tablets.
- Sour cream (you can take natural yogurt) - one tablespoon.
- Lemon juice - one teaspoon.
How to cook
- The tablet preparation is ground.
- Sour cream is added to the powder.
- Then pour lemon juice and mix the mask.
3 honey recipes
Honey is recognized by cosmetologists as one of the healthy skin health products. It provides antiseptics, rejuvenates and tightens the dermis. A beekeeping product eliminates inflammation and cleanses the pores. He, as the reviews show, effectively absorbs harmful components and qualitatively cleans the dead epithelium. Therefore, before honey masks, you can not carry out the scrubbing procedure.
Plus apple and oatmeal
- A fresh apple is half the fruit.
- Oatmeal - one tablespoon.
- Honey - one tablespoon.
- Fresh mint - two leaves.
How to cook
- Mint and apple are crushed in a blender.
- Then grind the oatmeal into flour.
- Fresh apple-mint puree is mixed with oatmeal and honey is added.
- Cinnamon - two teaspoons.
- Honey - three tablespoons.
How to cook
- Honey is a little warmed up.
- Pour cinnamon powder into a warm product and mix the mixture.
With almonds
- Almonds - six grains.
- Honey - two teaspoons.
How to cook
- Almonds must be chopped.
- The resulting flour is mixed with honey.
And 2 more options from salt, soda and eggs
A variety of recipes have been developed to eliminate comedones. High cleaning ability has baking soda. But given its aggressive effect, it is recommended to use the product once a week. A fairly popular mask film from an egg. However, this procedure should not be used for sensitive skin and is completely unsuitable for people with a low pain threshold.
Wipes mask
- Chicken egg - one.
- Napkins (dense) - two or three pieces.
How to cook
- The egg must be divided.
- Initially work with protein. The product is whipped into a foam. Using a brush, carefully apply the mixture to problem areas. Place napkins on top. They apply another layer of protein foam.
- Waiting for drying means. Just do not allow complete solidification. The drier the film becomes, the harder it is to remove it from the face. After about five minutes, gently pull the mask from the bottom up. If it adheres to the skin too much, then some areas can be moisturized.
- After removing the protein mixture, beat the yolk. Apply a clean yolk mask to the cleaned areas. Such an egg facial mask qualitatively eliminates black spots and provides, thanks to the yolk, the necessary hydration of the dermis.
White Spice Peeling
- Baking soda - one teaspoon.
- Kitchen salt - one teaspoon.
- Sour cream - about one and a half tablespoons.
How to cook
- The salt is mixed with soda.
- Sour cream is added to the mixture and a mask of the required density is kneaded.
Finally, a few more tips given to women by Ilmira Petrova, a cosmetologist. In order for the mask from black dots on the face at home to bring the long-awaited result, do not use alcohol-based products. They only dry the dermis. Avoid cosmetics that contain comedogenic ingredients such as UV filters, lanolin. And after the procedure, be sure to moisten the skin with a light cream.
"Do not believe it - it helped!": Reviews
I also make a gelatin mask. I use only milk and gelatin - I really like the effect. Well draws black dots. I try to disrupt the movement from the bottom up and quite sharply.
I use the black clay of the Dead Sea from black dots. I breed according to the instructions, but usually in the proportions 1: 1, according to tsp. water and clay, add tea tree oil. And on the face, preferably on problem areas, and as it dries, I spray it with water so that the skin does not dry out. Everything is simple.
Do not believe it helped !!! I steamed my face over the pot with chamomile, walked with a cotton swab with soap and edible salt. Then she made a mask of hercules (a handful of hercules + teaspoon of baking soda) warmed up and applied to her face for about 10 minutes. Most of the black dots have disappeared!
I saw information about the egg mask film. I decided to try it. Everything turned out to be simple! The effect is simply amazing !! Black dots seem to dissolve and remain on a napkin, and the skin becomes cleaner. If you make such a mask once a week, then you can get rid of the black dots at all. The only negative is that the mask dries the skin and removes the stratum corneum. Therefore, after all, after I wash off the yolk, I apply a baby cream on my face.
vika ezhevika,
After the great popularity of the black mask, the prices for it began to bite, and not everyone could afford to buy it. And then one day I read a recipe for beauty. I immediately wanted to try it out for myself. The recipe is very simple, we need to take gelatin (1 tablespoon) and 1-2 tablets of activated charcoal.Crush the tablets into powder, add gelatin and pour everything with a small amount of water, literally 5-7 tablespoons of boiling water. After obtaining a homogeneous consistency, apply to problem areas and wait. I held the mask for about 10-15 minutes. The main thing is to observe everything strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the mask will simply roll off the face. The result pleasantly surprised me, the black dots really remained on the film. The skin was not irritated, it became smoother.
Although I already have purchased products, I still see more advantages in a home mask. It is natural, does not cause allergies and budget.(Anasteisha) Anna (Moderator),