Watermelon face masks: recipes for all skin types and wrinkles

“Taste the watermelon, and you will understand what the angels eat,” the famous writer Mark Twain spoke of the taste of the “striped” dessert. If you rephrase this quote in the language of modern fashionistas, it will turn out something like this: "Try a watermelon and you will be beautiful like angels." The product is really useful for women. Ladies who take care of themselves use watermelon to combat overweight and hair growth. And what miracles a face mask from a watermelon is capable of! Here and anti-aging effect, and superhumidification, and natural cleaning. This result is possible if you know how to use watermelon cosmetics.
Girl with a half of watermelon

It is difficult to say whether the watermelon is present in the celestial menu, but on our table he is definitely a guest. In season, an adult healthy person is recommended to enjoy a giant berry daily without quantitative restrictions.

Watermelon "Almighty": cleans, youths, moisturizes

Watermelon is an effective diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. In addition, the product normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and relieves swelling. And by eating a few slices of berries, you can cheer up. Although, it will be so high when you look in the mirror and see what a watermelon face mask is capable of. What transformations are worth waiting for?

Watermelon slices

  • Rejuvenation. 100 g of watermelon pulp contains 7 mg of ascorbic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant that blocks the action of free radicals and inhibits the aging process. Therefore, a mask of watermelon from wrinkles is so popular among women after 35 years. At the same time, vitamin C stimulates collagen production, smoothes the skin and tightens pores. Also, this substance removes age spots, evens out complexion and protects the epidermis from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Cleaning. Calcium gives the watermelon a peeling effect. It cleanses pores, relieves inflammation, heals wounds.
  • Update. This is possible due to the magnesium content in the watermelon. This element is necessary for intensive cell renewal and collagen production.
  • Fortification. Watermelon masks help make up for iron deficiency. With a lack of this element, the dermis becomes vulnerable.
  • Treatment. To win acne folic acid, which is part of the product, will help. So, wiping your face with a watermelon tonic, you can painlessly relieve inflammation, get rid of acne and oily sheen.
Watermelon face masks are suitable for all skin types and are considered hypoallergenic. But such procedures are most useful for girls with dry skin, since the product is 90% water and willingly share moisture with cells. In cosmetic recipes, pulp and peel, and fresh watermelon juice, and cubes of watermelon ice, and even bones are used.

Girls with watermelons

To prevent a watermelon from harming: five rules

At home, cooking and making a watermelon mask is not difficult. Perhaps the most difficult thing here is to choose the "right" product. Not every berry offered by markets and shops is useful. You can run into goods with melons generously treated with chemicals. Then there can be no question of any anti-aging or nourishing effect. Moreover, you can earn itching, irritation, allergies.

Of course, not every girl has a field with homemade watermelons or trusted acquaintances engaged in their cultivation.Therefore, it is important to know how to choose and buy a good, safe watermelon. Here are five basic rules.

  1. Seasonal factor. Buy watermelons for masks only in high season. The most suitable period is early autumn.
  2. Place of sale. Do not buy the product in trays by the road, where often the berries are laid directly on the ground. Better to shop at official points of sale. Always wash watermelons before use.
  3. Appearance. A good watermelon is a watermelon of small size and non-ideal shape. Its stripes are bright, and on the peel there is a yellow splash. The berry should be whole: without cracks and cuts.
  4. The sound. If you press on the watermelon, the ripened fruit crackles slightly. And knocking on a ripe berry, you can hear the ringing.
  5. Pulp. Inside the watermelon should be a little loose. Smooth flesh with streaks of yellow is a sign of chemicals.
There is a simple rapid test that will help evaluate the safety of watermelon before preparing the mask. Dip a piece of pulp in a glass of plain water. If the berries are plentifully fertilized with chemistry, the liquid will become cloudy, redden. In the case of a normal product, water will retain its original external characteristics.

Slices of watermelon pulp

Who are recommended and tips for use

According to reviews, watermelon treatments are literally a panacea for dry skin. Girls who struggle with peeling even freeze the striped flesh so that they can take moisturizing procedures all year round. For example, in winter, a face mask made of watermelon and honey is an ideal moisturizing and nutritional option. By interacting, these ingredients more effectively solve the problems of tightened skin. Of course, if you are not allergic to honey.

By the way, girls with dry skin can use a natural watermelon “tonic” at least every day. But owners of other skin types are recommended to take breaks, applying watermelon mixtures no more than two to three times a week.

Preparing for a watermelon mask, rinse off the cosmetics, cleanse the skin with a special product and to enhance the effect, steam the face a little. Be sure to prepare a basin with warm water: the main ingredient of the future mixture is sticky, which means that your hands will be sticky.

Watermelon Pulp

Popular and easy recipes

According to lovers of natural cosmetics, the result will be even if you just moisten the gauze cut in fresh watermelon juice and cover this face with your tissue for about 20 minutes. This is the simplest recipe for an anti-aging watermelon mask. But if you correctly connect the main component with other useful products, you can improve and speed up the result. Consider the most popular recipes.

Intensive hydration with oil and plum

  1. Using a fork, knead 100 g of watermelon pulp.
  2. Using a fork, knead 100 g of plum pulp.
  3. Mix watermelon and plum, add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  4. Mask time - 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse with cold purified water.
  6. Apply a traditional cream for everyday care.

Watermelon Smoothie

Egg-watermelon smoothie against peeling

  1. Using a blender, mix 200 g of watermelon pulp, one egg yolk and a tablespoon of fat sour cream.
  2. In the resulting “smoothie” add a teaspoon of flour, mix.
  3. Mask time - 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm, purified water.
  5. Apply a traditional cream for everyday care.

With protein for oily skin

  1. Using a blender, mix 200 g of watermelon pulp and one egg white.
  2. Apply to face skin with a special cosmetology brush.
  3. During the procedure, it is better to be in a horizontal position and to avoid sudden movements.
  4. Mask time - 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse with cold running water.
  6. Apply a traditional cream for everyday care.

Watermelon tonic

Tonic mask with semolina

  1. Cook 150-200 g of liquid semolina porridge in milk. Cool.
  2. Add two tablespoons of watermelon juice, one egg yolk, and a teaspoon of vegetable oil and honey to the semolina. Watermelon juice is easy to squeeze with gauze.
  3. Use a blender to mix the ingredients.
  4. Mask time - 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse with warm and then cold purified water.
  6. Apply a traditional cream for everyday care.

Watermelon Scrub

Watermelon seed scrub for problem skin

  1. Wash and dry the seeds of the watermelon.
  2. Grind 100 g of seeds in a coffee grinder.
  3. Mix the resulting powder and low-fat kefir. The amount of the fermented milk component is determined “by eye”: the finished mixture should be as thick as sour cream.
  4. Gently rub the mask into the skin.
  5. Mask time - 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse with warm and then cold purified water.
  7. Apply a traditional cream for everyday care.

Cosmetic Watermelon Ice

  1. Using gauze, squeeze watermelon juice.
  2. Mix juice with extract ginseng.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into ice molds and freeze.
  4. Wipe your face with an ice cube.
  5. Mask time - 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse with cold purified water.
  7. Apply a traditional cream for everyday care.

Watermelon ice

Acne Cucumber Juice Lotion

  1. Using gauze, squeeze watermelon juice.
  2. Grate a fresh cucumber and squeeze the cucumber juice with gauze.
  3. Mix the juices of watermelon and cucumber in equal quantities.
  4. In a ratio of 1: 3 add alcohol or vodka to the main components. Such a lotion is subject to long-term storage in the refrigerator.
  5. Mask time - 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse with cold purified water.
  7. Apply a traditional cream for everyday care.
Watermelon juice can be combined with juices, pulp of various fruits and vegetables. For example, in a company with a peach, “striped” will make the skin velvety. Carrots enhance the moisturizing effect, and an apple and a banana help watermelon solve age-related skin problems.

It is interesting that a mask with a watermelon for the face from the berry peels received a lot of praise at the thematic forums. It takes a little longer to prepare than a mixture of pulp or juice, but the result is worth it. Antioxidants are concentrated in the peel, so when masking against wrinkles it is recommended to use this particular part of the fruit, crushed on a grater. You can add a teaspoon of honey or warm vegetable oil and apply the mixture for 20 minutes.

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