Levsee safflower (maral root): aphrodisiac, tonic and immunostimulant

The healing properties of this plant were discovered by chance. The indigenous inhabitants of Siberia noticed the interest of deer-deer in its underground part. In autumn, during the rut, artiodactyls eagerly ate dug rhizomes. And they retained strength and endurance throughout the long winter, when nutritious food was unavailable. Therefore, the safflower-like lefthander was called the maral root, the culture received the glory of a powerful biostimulator.
Maral root flower close-up

Belongs to the Astrov family. This is an endemic species for Siberia, most often found in the meadows of the Altai mountains and Sayan mountains. It can grow on the outskirts of cedar forests - there is enough light for the normal development of the plant and even the formation of thickets. Maral root is actively cultivated in some regions of Russia for use in medicine. Its healing properties have an evidence base. Residents of Siberia are still harvesting wild-growing Leuzea, despite the fact that the plant is listed in the Red Book.

Harvesting plants under natural conditions is prohibited due to the long-term restoration of thickets. Even if you leave a few plants for every 10 m2, the reserves will revive within 15-20 years.

Botanical characteristic

Maral root is a herbaceous perennial. The stems reach a height of 1.5 m. Other morphological characteristics - further.

  • Underground part. Well developed. It is represented by a shortened many-headed rhizome, woody on the outside. Small roots that penetrate deep into the soil by 15 cm or more depart from it many times. They are covered with a crust of dark brown (almost black) color, and at the break have a light beige color.
  • The stalks. Several erect, tall, unbranched stems depart from each rhizome. Inside they are hollow, on the outside they have a cobwebly pubescence and a bluish-green color.
  • Leaves. Large leaf plates (up to 40 cm long) ovoid. Below - cirrus, petiolate, above - whole, coarse, sessile. They have a dark green color. They are arranged alternately.
  • Flowers. Leuzea blooms in large spherical baskets. Their diameter reaches 8 cm. Tubular flowers are painted in pink and purple. The wrapper is represented by lanceolate membranous leaves folded in a tiled order.
  • Fruit. They are represented by tetrahedral achenes with hairy tufts at the top.
It is interesting that wild-growing maral root blooms from July to August, and cultivated - blooms in June.

Harvesting raw materials

The root of the leuzea is harvested in early autumn - during the ripening period of the fruit. The plant is dug up, and then removed from the soil. Shake off the remnants of the earth and sand, chop off the aboveground part.

  • Training. The dug roots are washed quickly with running cold water, and then hanged out in the open for several days. This allows you to get rid of excess moisture.
  • Drying. Drying in the open sun is allowed. Ultraviolet does not significantly affect the chemical composition of raw materials. For unfolding the mass, special racks are used - they are well ventilated from all sides.
  • Storage. Rhizomes retain useful properties for three years, if you keep them in dense linen or paper bags, in a dark and dry place.
After drying, the phyto-raw material becomes almost black. Thickness - about 2 cm, length - about 15 cm. The fracture of the roots is light, the smell is characteristic of tar, the taste is sweetish (due to the polysaccharides in the composition).


In the underground part, unique substances accumulate - existerones.They have a beneficial effect on metabolism and activate the process of consumption of reserve reserves by the body’s cells.

Anthocyanin glycosides have a vasoprotective effect, prevent vascular spasms, and have antitumor activity. Resins, tannins and alkaloids affect the functioning of the nervous system - increase its excitability, normalize the transmission of nerve impulses.

In addition to these substances, maral root is rich in:

  • inulin;
  • gums;
  • polysaccharides;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oil;
  • salts of phosphorus, aluminum, copper, iron.
The rich chemical composition allows the plant to influence metabolic processes, cleanse the body of toxins, saturate it with nutrients and main energy sources. Phyto-raw materials accelerates regenerative and reparative processes, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood formation.

Healing properties

The plant has a versatile effect on the human body. The main indications for use are as follows.

  • Nervous Disorders. Recommended for neurosis, depression, psychoemotional exhaustion, migraine headaches, dizziness against the background of the IRR, loss of strength, anxiety and irritability. It regulates the functioning of the nervous system, increases stress resistance, strengthens memory, improves concentration, and also improves mood and increases endurance with strong mental stress.
  • Metabolic disorders. It can be used for weight loss - it cleanses the body, suppresses appetite, helps to eliminate fluid and toxins, restores the intestinal microflora. In some cases, diabetics are prescribed to control insulin-glucose surges in the blood.
  • Vascular Disorders Extracts from the root contribute to the normalization of vascular tone, improve peripheral and coronary blood circulation, and also optimize myocardial function - increase contractility without affecting the heart rhythm. Similar effects are appropriate for hypotonic conditions, as well as VSD hypotonic type.
  • Andrological disorders. This is a natural aphrodisiac. Eliminates vascular and psychological causes of impotence at the same time. Improving blood circulation, reduces the manifestations of inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs. For example, prostatitis.
  • Gynecological problems. It has long been used for the treatment of infertility, hormonal disorders, menstrual irregularities.
  • Pernicious addictions. Herbal medicine helps with alcoholism. The plant removes toxic substances from the blood and the body, helps to cleanse and improve liver function, helps to more easily tolerate the rejection of alcohol and the manifestation of withdrawal symptoms. Prevents a breakdown, improves mood, normalizes the physical condition of the patient, and prevents insomnia.
  • Cosmetological problems. Extracts from the plant are useful for hair and face. In the first case, they strengthen, stimulate growth, normalize oily skin and prevent dandruff. In the second, they help smooth out small wrinkles and delay the appearance of new ones.

Leuzea has a steroid-like effect, but is not prohibited for athletes. The plant increases endurance, promotes muscle growth and strengthening.

Maral root is considered an effective, but mild tonic. To enhance the effect, the phytomedicine is prescribed together with other plant adaptogens. For example, with hoods fromlemongrass, eleutherococcus, ginseng.

Flower plant maral root

Pharmacy Overview

In addition to dietary supplements, registered drugs based on ecdystene are sold - extracts from the steroid levzea. They are prescribed for:

  • asthenia;
  • in the recovery period after ailments;
  • with depression;
  • with a breakdown;
  • with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Also, these pills are relevant for the prevention of a decrease in activity during periods of increased stress when playing sports. They do not affect the hormonal background, are not addictive, do not provoke a pronounced steroid effect and withdrawal syndrome.

Alcohol extract is also available.It is used for the prevention and treatment of asthenia, problems with potency, hypotension, with loss of strength and overwork. The course is no longer than three weeks.

The possibility of using even natural tonic agents must be agreed with the doctor.


Especially valuable medicinal product is considered to be levze honey. This is one of the most expensive varieties. It differs not only in useful properties, but also in special taste. The unusual yellow-green color is very difficult to recreate artificially, so fake is a rarity.

It is used for impotence, loss of strength, hypochondria, apathy, depressive disorders, hematopoiesis, digestive problems, vascular diseases, myocardial weakness. For a noticeable effect, a minimal dose is enough - literally a spoonful per day with tea.

Prescription Drugs

Dried plant materials are also sold in pharmacies. From it you can prepare medicines at home.


Features Suitable as a natural tonic, adaptogen, stimulant of immunity. It treats anemia, regulates blood biochemical parameters. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of all of the above ailments.

Preparation and use

  1. In a container suitable for a water bath, pour a tablespoon of plant material.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water, mix, put in a boiling bath.
  3. They boil for two minutes, after which they insist for two hours.
  4. Filter, use a tablespoon up to three times a day.


Features It is prepared to stimulate and regulate the nervous system, strengthen immunity, and prevent loss of strength. Among the indications are also vascular disorders, hormonal disruptions, impotence. It can not be used for alcoholism.

Preparation and use

  1. 50 g of plant material is placed in a glass container for infusion.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol (70%).
  3. Cork the vessel tightly, shake it, put it in a dark place for two weeks.
  4. Filter through cheesecloth into a bottle for storage.
  5. Take 30 drops twice a day. Pre-diluted in a small amount of water.


Maral root and extracts from it stimulate the activity of the nervous system, so the phytomedicine should not be taken along with antagonists. The latter include CNS depressant drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • analeptics;
  • anticonvulsant drugs.

Concomitant use with other stimulants can lead to side effects:

  • nervous system - a state of agitation, insomnia, irritability, headache;
  • the cardiovascular system - increased pressure, tachycardia, redness of the skin;
  • digestive tract - disorders of the stool, nausea, abdominal pain.

The same consequences have a deliberate dose increase for an accelerated effect, an excess of the frequency of administration, too long and frequent courses of treatment.

Since the plant is considered one of the most powerful adaptogens, not everyone can use it. Contraindications:

  • childhood;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • epilepsy;
  • tendency to cramps;
  • increased nervous irritability;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

In the presence of chronic ailments, the possibility of taking plant stimulants should be agreed with the doctor.

Maral root on the table


In general, he himself ate these Levzea P tablets. They helped me a lot. After training, I woke up broken, 10 pieces and about 30 minutes put me in order. But adaptogens are such a thing, they help someone, but they don’t. For example, Eleutherococcus did not help me at all, and some write that it seems to invigorate.

ia_zhuk, https://do4a.com/threads/%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B7%D0%B5%D1%8F-%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%81%D0% BA% D0% BE% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% BA% D0% BE-% D0% B4% D0% B5% D0% B9% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B2% D0% B5 % D0% BD% D0% BD% D0% B0.210 / page-2

I drank tincture, gave vigor still what. I drank it at night when I spent too much time studying. When taking a sleep at night, you can forget for a couple of hours :). I think that endurance gives decent. At the expense of taste, of course, you should dilute in water, drink pure tincture for alcohol, those still sensations.

http://rhodiolarosea.org/Web-Rhaponticum.pdf#search=>carthamoides ”This study states that the effect of endurance is comparable to dianobol. Also recommended to combine with rhodiola. I'm going to try everything.

Postlaff https://do4a.com/threads/%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B7%D0%B5%D1%8F-%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%81%D0% BA% D0% BE% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% BA% D0% BE-% D0% B4% D0% B5% D0% B9% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B2% D0% B5 % D0% BD% D0% BD% D0% B0.210 / page-2

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