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Makeup Smoky eyes was born among Hollywood stars and professional fashion models. Its deep and saturated colors make it possible to display the depth of view even at the most distant contact with the viewer - from a photograph or from a TV screen. Gradually, he took root in a philistine environment. Today, the affordable technique for the execution of this makeup allows each of us to acquire the same mysterious “smoky” look that stars conquer.
Make the Smokey Ice makeup right is impossible if you pay attention only to the eyes. That's why he is a favorite Hollywood make-up in order to competently hide all defects, and put on display only virtues. In the classical sense, Smoky eyes are the perfect complexion, clear and neat eyebrows, and, of course, the eyes are defiantly smoky and spectacular.
Smokey Ice Makeup Technique
The great advantage of Smokey Ice makeup is that it, likechicago style makeup 30s, applied quickly enough. To create it you need:
- foundation and clear powder,
- eyeliner pencil (we'll talk about its color a little later),
- shades of three tones: dark, medium and light,
- eye shadow brush
- eyebrow pencil or correction gel,
- sponge or cotton buds.
Start your makeup with skin preparation.
- Apply a light texture foundation on your skin if there are no significant defects on your face (acne, pimples, etc.). And a foundation with a dense texture, if some areas of the skin need correction.
- Apply a light texture powder on top. Ideally, you get an even tone on your face without flaws.
- Apply foundation to the skin of the lips, evenly distribute.
- Prepare the skin around the eyes: apply a light foundation or powder. If there are bags under the eyes, use a tonal foundation of a light shade. So you will not let the shadows cling to the folds of the skin.
- Adjust the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil. Or fix their bend with a clear eyebrow gel.
When the preparatory work is done, proceed to eye makeup.
Smokey Ice makeup step by step - attention to the eyes!
- Apply a light shade with a light shine to the upper eyelids. The ideal tone would be cream with a touch of champagne.
- With a pencil, draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes along the upper eyelid. Its thickness should increase from the inner corner to the outer.
- Draw a thin line on the lower eyelid.
- Blend the eyeliner with a brush or cotton swab so that its contour is not clear.
- Apply shadows: the darkest shade on the moving eyelid, a lighter tone - a little higher, and the lightest tone - under the eyebrows. Shade all layers carefully so that their borders are not sharp. Pull the line of shadows to the temples. The inner corner of the eyes can be distinguished by shades of pearl color.
- Ink the eyelashes with the effect of lengthening the eyelashes.
When the eye makeup is finished, apply a neutral lipstick on your lips. Do not use scarlet and red tones, as in this makeup the main emphasis should be on the eyes.The presence on the face of another bright spot will make your appearance vulgar.
Smokey Ice makeup step by step for different eye colors
An important advantage of Smokey Ice makeup is that you can use shades and a pencil of various colors to apply it. It is not necessary to apply dark tones. Choose the color of makeup products depending on your natural eye color.
Smokey Ice Makeup for Gray and Blue Eyes
It is important for light-eyed ladies not to overload their faces with dark tones. To do this, use shades of light shades: gold, silver, lilac. Apply a minimum of shadows and blend them carefully. For eyeliner, do not use a black pencil, dark gray will be more appropriate.
Smoky Ice Makeup for Brown Eyes
Brown eyes and fair skin require the use of purple, blue, and lilac shades in makeup. Dark skin allows you to use brown-olive colors.
Smokey Ice Makeup for Green Eyes
With this eye color you can experiment with various shades: gold, violet, copper, brown, chocolate. Or use the original combination of dark green, brown and golden tones.
Use the Smoky Ice universal makeup technique for both daytime and evening make-up. And fascinate men with the depth and mystery of your “smoky” eyes!
Smokey Ice makeup step by step: video