Beloved diet: options, weight loss technique, result

A beautiful name draws attention to the diet more than ordinary. The Beloved Diet is just that option. It is not known by whom and why she is loved, as the name of the author is not mentioned in her description. But this method of losing weight has gained popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Reviews and results of the “Favorite” diet for 7 days, menu options and likely consequences for the body.
Vegetables on a plate

“Is it possible to lose weight in a month?”, This question is often asked by the search engine owners who have extra pounds before the beach season, realizing that I want to put some beautiful photos in a swimsuit from vacation and put them on VK, but I also want to eat cookies. My favorite seven-day diet will help not to keep a very strict post, but to say goodbye to a few extra pounds helps quite confidently. So, I will tell you about it in detail. And after reading the sample menu, easily compose yourself.

A weekly diet is an attractive weight loss plan, especially if it is made up of the simplest, most common foods. But you can’t enter it sharply. The essence of the diet is that every day it requires the use of a single product, that is, it is a kind of mono-diet with the technique of alternating them.

Features of the "Favorite" diet

The concept of a weight loss plan is the daily adherence to the diet of “fasting” days. The technique is not new, it is used in weight loss systems by well-known nutritionists, for example, Margarita Koroleva, Dr. Kovalkov. But there is a difference between the recommendations of nutritionists and this diet. It consists in the duration of compliance with the unloading ration, exceeding the maximum allowable "bar" in three days.


The diet seems varied. It includes protein and dairy products, fruits and vegetables. But they must be consumed separately from each other, not only at different meals, but also on different days.

This approach to "separate nutrition" is designed to enhance metabolism. It is based on the opinion that when using a single product, the body spends more energy on its digestion. Saturated, for example, with protein, the body does not absorb it more than the required "norm", that is, the amount of food eaten does not affect the total calorie intake. In addition, it is believed that the use of protein separately from carbohydrates reduces the risk of accumulation of energy received in the form of fat.

These statements formed the basis of the principles of diet.

  • One day - one kind of food. Unlike the “6 petal” diet, which requires a specific product for each day, this nutrition plan does not limit you in choosing a diet. Every day you will eat one group of similar products, including drinking dishes - from plain water to herbal tea and meat broths. Or vegetables, fruits, among which you can choose any, to your liking.
  • Control the amount of eaten. From fasting days, this nutrition plan is distinguished by the need to monitor the volume of the diet. But compliance with fairly stringent standards is justified by the high effectiveness of the diet. After a week, you can mark on the scales minus 5 kg. And someone manages to achieve incredible success - minus 10 kg per week at home.
  • Experience in observing fasting days. The diet is scarce and quite tough, so for a "beginner" it may seem an overwhelming test by the third day. To evaluate your strength, it is recommended to try to "sit" on the fasting days of this diet in advance. For example, within one day there are only vegetables in the recommended amount, and after a week try to eat only liquid dishes.If such a diet does not cause protest from your body, you can switch to a complete diet.
  • Only 7 days. There is a menu option for a “Favorite” diet for 14 days, but it is dangerous to be guided by it. Her diet is too meager to stick to for so long. With prolonged compliance, disorders of the nervous system and digestion, loss of strength, decreased immune defense, hormonal failure are likely.
The human body daily needs a whole complex of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Long-term exclusion from the diet of even one component leads to disruptions in its work. Do not try to spend on this diet for more than seven days, as its diet is unbalanced and too limited.


Hard option

It is considered a "classic" version of this diet and stimulates greater weight loss than "light". It is advisable to plan it for a period free from work, for example, on vacation or a long weekend. Most of the products create a burden on the kidneys and make the intestines work hard, so being in the office will not be comfortable for you.

  • Day one - only liquid dishes. In the hard version, drinking day involves the use of a limited list of liquid foods. Non-carbonated water should be drunk, herbal teas (with chamomile, thyme, mint), kefir with a minimum fat content, pure meat or fish broth without additives, carrot or pumpkin vegetable juice. The presence of sugar and salt in the liquid is not allowed, you can add a little aromatic spices to the broth. Alcohol is prohibited, without wine, beer, low-alcohol cocktails and drinks. The diet should not include drinking purchased yogurts containing sweet additives and fruit juices rich in natural sugars.
  • Day two - only vegetables. After the first drinking day, the vegetable will seem incredibly satisfying. You can eat any vegetables except potatoes and beets in the form that you like. Products can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed, baked, but not fried. The daily volume of ready meals is one and a half kilograms, it is advisable to divide the total diet into five receptions and eat three hundred grams at a time. You can’t salt food, but you need to add fragrant spices, which also stimulate digestion. Use a mixture to fill salads olive oil with lemon juice. Drinking regimen includes one and a half liters of pure water during the day.
  • Third day - again liquid dishes. The list of allowed products on the third day is no different from the first. Again, your main menu of your favorite diet for 7 days should be water. Keep discovering the tastes of herbal teas and broths. Drinks without sugar and salt are no less tasty than with the usual additives.
  • Day Four - Only Fruit. It is impossible to call this day satisfying. Fruits contain glucose, so they quickly create a feeling of fullness, but hunger just as quickly comes, which only plain water helps fight. On this day you will drink at least two - two and a half liters of drinking water. And the main diet will be fresh apples, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears, peaches and other delicious fruits. Under the ban only grapes and bananas are also not allowed candied fruits - raisins, dried apricots and others, the amount of sugar in which is higher than in fresh fruits.
  • Day five - only protein. During the first four days, the body received a limited amount of protein from kefir and broths, so the fifth day diet is especially important. You should choose products, the protein of which is easily absorbed by the body, so the detailed menu includes lean skinless chicken breast, cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent, chicken and quail eggs, seafood and seafood. The recipes are simple: boiling, baking, steaming without salt. Actively use spices: paprika, ginger, dried garlic, basil, and other aromatic herbs.The dish will acquire a piquant taste if you pre-marinate the meat or fish in lemon juice. The total volume of each meal is no more than three hundred grams; in between, drink as much water as possible.
  • Day six - liquid dishes again. The menu of the sixth day is similar to the first and third. Actively drink liquid, you can add rosehip infusion to the diet, which will enrich the body with vitamin C.
  • Seventh day - a way out of a diet. Combine foods you have consumed in the previous six days. The seventh day is not a diet, as such, it is a transition to a normal diet, which should be as smooth as possible. Include boiled eggs and vegetable salad, soup on meat broth without potatoes, baked chicken breast with tomatoes, kefir and cottage cheese, fresh fruits. Eat fractionally and in small, familiar portions of up to three hundred grams. Be sure to eat at least five times a day with the sixth last “snack” before bedtime in the form of low-fat warm milk or kefir.
Use the seventh day diet for the next few days. A light, balanced menu will help the body enter the correct mode of operation and move on to your normal diet.

There is an even tougher version of the “Favorite” diet for 5 days. It includes two drinking days, a third fruit, a fourth protein and a fifth drinking again. The results of those who lost weight on both options are minus from four to seven kilograms.

Girl in a pink T-shirt

If you follow the strict version of the "Favorite" diet, follow these recommendations.

  • Do not plan physical activity. You will probably feel weak, so only moderate walking is available to you from physical activity classes. The lack of glucose in the diet reduces brain activity, so try to postpone the mental work.
  • Drink water 30 minutes before meals. So you prepare the digestive tract for digestion and help the body absorb all the nutrients. After eating, you should drink water after an hour, between meals, water consumption is not limited.
  • Eat a diet without simple sugars. Choosing the right carbohydrates is the foundation of a healthy diet. To maintain weight after a diet, do not allow yourself sweet pastries, muffins, pastries, sugary drinks.

Develop the right eating habits. This is a more effective way to maintain normal weight than diets and fasting days.

Fruit and juice

Easy option

Losing weight on your “Favorite” diet can be more comfortable if you stick to its “light” option. It reduced the number of "drinking" days and changed their diet.

  • The first day - only soups. Drinking day will not be hungry if you use soups instead of kefir and broths. Nutritionist Irina Belskaya notes that more nutritious liquid dishes will help to enter the diet easier and maintain motivation to stay in it until the end. Soups have a fat burning effect, as they contain few calories, but provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. As part of the soup, you can use a large number of different vegetables, and as a basis, low-fat broth from chicken breast. Classic slimming - soups based on tomato juice with the addition of celery, onions, bell pepper, parsley and garlic.
  • The second day - only fruits. According to Irina Belskaya, it’s nice to enter the diet on fruits, because they are sweet and well saturate. The nutritionist recommends eating grapefruits in the amount of three to four fruits, up to six green apples and three to four kiwi per day. These fruits differ in taste, so you will be pleased with their variety, and hearty enough, which is important to maintain motivation.
  • The third day - only kefir. The most difficult day of the “Favorite” diet, the diet of which includes only kefir. On this day, a fermented milk drink works to cleanse the intestines from toxins and allows the stomach to rest. The total volume of kefir with a fat content of one and a half percent should be one and a half liters.Divide it into several servings and drink during the day. Drinking mode is standard, do not forget to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water. If you feel acute attacks of hunger, eat a couple of apples an hour and a half after breakfast and the same amount for lunch.
  • The fourth day is protein foods. According to nutritionist Irina Belskaya, it’s not worth it to diversify and saturate the diet of the fourth day with protein products. Ultimately, every diet has the goal of reducing calorie intake, and eating eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese and other enough high-calorie foods can negate your efforts. So make this day's menu of skinless chicken breast boiled. Divide it into three equal parts and eat in the main meals. Between them you can drink a glass of kefir, and, of course, you should drink water. “If I were developing a menu for myself, I would drink green tea for breakfast, cook steamed fish fillets for dinner, and replace dinner with a glass of kefir,” says Irina Belskaya. “And instead of regular tea, you can drink milk, combining drinks in equal proportions.”
  • The fifth day is only liquid nutrition. Usually, by the fifth day, an organism working under conditions of force majeure, which any diet creates, loses its supply of strength. You may feel weak, apathy. The digestive system is in the same state, which is important to offer simple and easily digestible foods. Optimally, on this day there are soups similar to what you ate on the first day. Use them warm, cook on meat or fish broth, always with a lot of vegetables. You can add pomegranate and grapefruit juices to the diet. They have natural sugars, but additional glucose to the body now will be just the way. The volume of juice is small, no more than three glasses during the day.
  • The sixth day - only vegetables. The diet is nearing completion, because tomorrow you can no longer observe a rigid, limited diet. Make the menu for this day a vegetable by including any number of seasonal fruits. At your disposal are cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, all kinds of greens. Eat them in boiled, stewed form. Fresh vegetables preserve the most useful elements, so at each meal eat some raw vegetable or combine them in salads. Instead of vegetable oil, use soy sauce, lemon juice with garlic and herbs for dressing. Drink as much water as possible, because fiber of vegetables actively cleanses the intestines, and you will help it to work with plenty of fluids.
  • Seventh day - a varied diet. The preparatory day for a normal diet is not as scarce as the previous ones. Its task is to increase the number of products, but also to keep the menu right. Optimally, if you stick with it the whole next week to consolidate the result. Choose fruits and vegetables from the menu, eat them in the form of salads, snacks, desserts. Cook fish or lean meat, eat a protein dish for lunch. Make dinner light - from fresh vegetables and kefir.
The “favorite” diet for 7 days in its “light” version is easier to tolerate due to the presence of soups in the diet. Be sure to use them in your daily menu and in the future, as nutritious and hearty dishes with a low calorie content.

Vegetables and calculator

Nutritionist Recommendations

A detailed description of the diet is a list of mono-diets or fasting days that you must go through for weight loss. This method really works, in a week you will find a plumb line of four, seven, or maybe ten kilograms. However, such weight loss techniques do not produce lasting results and can be harmful to health.

“Any mono-diet is based on the opinion that foods of different nature, for example, proteins and carbohydrates, interfere with each other's normal absorption, which contribute to the formation of fat,” commented nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko. - The principles of the so-called separate nutrition are based on this theory. But so far this theory has not been confirmed. "

There is no evidence of how proteins interfere with carbohydrate absorption and vice versa. Moreover, among the products it is impossible to find those that contain only one pure component. Protein alone is the white part of the egg, while the yolk contains up to sixty percent fat. Fish, meat, cottage cheese - all these are combined products with a protein-fat structure. And to separate their compositions is wrong.

“I am not an opponent of fasting days,” says Lyudmila Denisenko, “moreover, I recommend resorting to them periodically. But the fasting day should be one, and not more than once a week, and preferably two. If fasting days are extended for a week, it is dangerous for the body. ”

What are the disadvantages of such nutrition? There are several of them.

  • Nutrient deficiency. Any mono-diet, consisting of one product, critically limits the intake of substances necessary for the body. Every day, our body needs protein, and carbohydrates, and fats, as well as a huge variety of vitamins and minerals. Excluding certain components from the diet, we artificially provoke their deficiency. It, in turn, causes disturbances in the functioning of individual organs or systems of the body as a whole. “To become slim and sick is a dubious prospect,” says nutritionist Yevgeny Chernykh. “Do not become a fanatic, provide the body with proper nutrition.”
  • Digestive upset. The alternation of fruit, kefir, protein and vegetable days cannot pass without a trace for the digestive system. Fruits containing fiber provoke intestinal function, kefir causes fermentation processes. A protein that cannot be digested without fiber is partially retained in the body, and it is “entrusted” to vegetables to remove it the next day. Throughout the diet, the manifestations of an upset gastrointestinal tract in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, rumbling, flatulence, and stool disorders are unchanged.
  • Plumb not only fat. Any fast diet that allows you to lose up to ten kilograms in just a week is not based on the rapid destruction of adipose tissue. So fast, fat cannot leave our body. The body sees it as a reserve for a "rainy day", and when this day comes, it carefully and gradually sends fat masses to the "furnace". Every day, our body can process no more than one hundred and fifty grams of fat, that is, a little less than a kilogram per week. Well, not five, let alone ten. But the numbers on the scales are not a hoax, you say, and the volumes have really decreased. The plumb line is achieved by cleansing the intestines, which is aimed at any fasting day. The mass of its contents usually reaches two kilograms. Water also leaves the tissues, which is manifested by a decrease in volumes at the waist and hips. Water withdrawal is explained by the critically low calorie intake and the consumption of glycogen, which is present in the muscles. He leaves about a day after the food becomes excessively “light”. The volume of fluid can be two to three kilograms.

“Any diet should learn to eat properly,” continues dietitian Lyudmila Denisenko. - The one that does not form the right eating habits does not make sense. Weight will return, and most likely more than. Moreover, the return of weight during the transition to normal nutrition will be rapid. "

Reviews of your favorite diet indicate its advantages: rapid weight loss, enough food in the diet, lack of hunger. But to perceive it as a guide to action is wrong. A prolonged restriction of the diet in the form of alternating mono-diets is dangerous for the body, which needs different nutrients daily. And mass loss due to colon cleansing and fluid withdrawal from tissues quickly returns, which negates the effect of any fast diet.

Other diets

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