Mask from a bow for hair: how to get a spectacular head of hair and not “scare” those around with a specific amber

Onions are the most popular vegetable in the world. Libya, Senegal, the UK and France are the undisputed leaders in the consumption of this product. In the culinary traditions of other countries, the bitter vegetable also holds a place of honor. This is not surprising, because in addition to taste, he is credited with the properties of an antibiotic, aphrodisiac, antioxidant, analgesic and fat burner. And onions from ancient times used in cosmetology. Rough corns, problem skin, weak ringlets - all problems are subject to him. And today the onion hair mask against loss does not lose its relevance.
Beautiful brunette with curly hair

Garlic-onion aroma, especially in the winter, when we struggle with colds and infections is especially popular ... involuntarily, due to the fact that large quantities of these vegetables are consumed.

The bow is a universal fighter. And on the internal organs, and on the curls, he has a complex effect, solving several pressing problems at once. You just need a bow hair mask if:

  • hair grows slowly;
  • healthy gloss and volume disappeared;
  • strong cross-section and fragility are observed;
  • curls fall out strongly;
  • dandruff haunts.

The benefits of a bitter vegetable: chemical composition

For more than one generation of hair, an onion mask for hair growth has saved. By accelerating blood circulation, vital processes in the hair follicles are activated. The hair becomes longer, bulkier and healthier. And this happens due to the rich chemical composition of the product.

  • Niacin. Strengthens the roots and makes your own hair color more intense. Prevents the early appearance of gray hair.
  • Volatile They have a disinfecting effect. This is important when dealing with seborrhea. And they help get rid of lice.
  • Organic acids. Prevent fragility and cross section of the hair shaft.
  • Vitamin C. Helps saturate hair follicles with oxygen. Vitamin C inhibits the aging process and the death of roots.
  • Potassium. Normalizes the production of sebum, due to which the curls stay fresh longer.
  • Sulfur. It is an activator of recovery processes. Improves skin condition and awakens “sleeping” follicles, promotes treatment alopecia.
  • Essential oils. The epidermis is irritated, stimulating the active flow of blood. Thus, the roots get more vitamins and minerals.
Onions include a lacrimator. It is he who makes a person "cry" when working with a vegetable. To neutralize the effect of the lacrimator and make the treatment more comfortable, soak the vegetable in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Onion hair mask against loss: choose the type of strands

The classic recipe for an onion hair mask includes bitter vegetable juice and the same amount of warm water. It was by such means that people escaped from baldness from time immemorial. Later, new components began to be introduced into the composition of the masks. This allowed to reduce discomfort during the procedure and expand the spectrum of action of funds.

For normal

Frequent stress, poor nutrition, improper care - all this and much more harm hair. A common cause of hair loss is pregnancy and breastfeeding. Onion hair masks at home will help to solve problems.Effective formulations for the normal type of curls are summarized in the table.

Table - Recipes for onion masks for normal hair

AppointmentThe foundationAdditionTime minutes
Restorative2 tablespoons of onion juice- 2 tablespoons of carrot juice;
- the same amount of lemon juice;
- a teaspoon of burdock oil
Anti-dandruff- Juice from a large clove of garlic;
- 2 tablespoons of kefir;
- egg yolk
Firming- A tablespoon of honey;
- the same amount of burdock oil;
- the same amount of lemon juice;
- 2 tablespoons of brandy;
- egg yolk
For fast growth- A third cup of olive oil;
- 5 drops of cinnamon ether
For density- 2 eggs;
- a tablespoon of wheat germ oil;
- 2 drops of tangerine ester
For volume- A tablespoon of lemon juice;
- 2 capsules "Aevita";
- 2 drops of cedar ether
For home remedies, you can use juice and mashed onions. But most women prefer the first option. A juice mask is easier to rinse, and it also has a less pungent odor.

For fat

Oily hair, lacking volume and quickly lose freshness after washing. And sebaceous plugs clog pores and prevent the penetration of oxygen and nutrients into the skin, which inevitably leads to loss. To cope with the problem, you need to regularly make an onion mask to strengthen the hair. Variants of compositions that solve this and other problems can be taken from the table.

Table - Recipes for onion masks for oily hair

AppointmentThe foundationAdditionTime minutes
Firming2 tablespoons of onion juice- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
- the same amount of aloe juice;
- as much cognac
For lasting freshness- 3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn juice;
- a tablespoon of black clay
For fast growth- A tablespoon of natural yeast;
- as much honey;
- 2 tablespoons of warm water
For density- A slice of stale rye bread;
- a third cup of warm whey
For dandruff- A tablespoon of shallow sea salt;
- 2 drops of pink ether;
- the same amount of orange ether;
- the same amount of ginger ether
Cleansing- A teaspoon of soda;
- 3 tablets of activated carbon

For dry

Owners of dry hair are not recommended to use onion masks. Juice, falling on the skin and strands, leads to an even more intense loss of moisture. But how then to deal with prolapse and brittleness? It is enough to introduce some components into the mask that neutralize the aggressive action of the onion and moisturize the hair. Effective recipes are compiled in a table.

Table - Recipes of onion masks for dry hair

AppointmentThe foundationAdditionTime minutes
Moisturizing2 tablespoons of onion juice- A teaspoon of olive oil;
- the same amount of linseed oil;
- the same amount of sea buckthorn oil;
- 2 drops of lavender ether
For dandruff- A tablespoon of aloe juice;
- as much honey
Against loss- A teaspoon of honey;
- the same amount of mayonnaise;
- the same amount of olive oil
Nutritious- 2 tablespoons of sour cream20
Restorative- A tablespoon of coconut oil;
- egg yolk
Onions often cause allergies, and can also cause irritation to sensitive skin. To make sure that the product is suitable for you, apply a little juice on the wrist or temporal region. If severe redness or itching occurs, then onions are not your remedy.

Three onions

How to achieve the effect and not harm: 6 tips

Warming and, as a result, increased blood circulation is the main principle of the onion. It is this effect that provokes active root nutrition and the rapid growth of hair. But with careless use of home cosmetics, you can cause irreparable harm to the skin and curls. After examining the reviews about the onion mask, you can identify six recommendations, observing which you will achieve the maximum effect without harm to the hair.

  1. Apply only to skin. Avoid getting the compounds on the curls and, especially, the ends. Onion juice overdries the hair shaft.To minimize the effect of the product on the strands, apply the mask to the partings with a cotton pad.
  2. Use before washing your hair. Fat is a protective barrier that will protect the skin from burns and irritations. It is good enough to comb out the hair before the procedure to remove excess fat.
  3. Do not wet curls. Water is a catalyst for chemical processes. If you moisturize your hair before the procedure, the onion will burn many times more.
  4. Insulate your head. For the beneficial components of the mask to penetrate the cells as deep as possible, you need a “greenhouse effect”. Use cling film and a warm towel.
  5. Do not overdo it. You can keep the onion mask on your hair for no longer than half an hour, depending on the presence of emollient components. Moreover, you can not leave the product overnight. Otherwise, you can earn a burn.
  6. Listen to the sensations. If you feel that the burning sensation becomes unbearable, you need to urgently wash the composition off your head, without waiting for the expiration of the set time.
  7. Rinse with warm water. High temperature will increase burning sensation, and also contribute to fixing a specific smell on the hair.
To obtain a sustainable effect, you need to complete a full course of ten procedures. The optimal interval between applying masks is five days. Often you can’t do the procedure. It is necessary to give the skin time to recover.

Henna in bowls

Odor control

There is no doubt about the use of onions for the beauty and health of hair. But a specific unpleasant odor that is absorbed into the skin and curls causes discomfort and makes you feel awkward. Fortunately, there are several effective remedies to combat this phenomenon.

Herbal decoction

Features To rid the hair of an unpleasant onion smell and additionally strengthen the roots, use decoctions of medicinal plants. Chamomile, nettle, hops, calendulaas well as other herbs or their combinations. For every tablespoon of dried raw materials, there should be a glass of water. The volume is determined individually based on the length and density of the hair. Heat the broth for ten minutes after boiling. When the product has cooled, it must be filtered.

How to use

  1. At the end of the procedure, rinse the onion mask with warm water and shampoo.
  2. Blot the curls with a towel and rinse them with a herbal decoction.
  3. Leave the composition on your hair for five to ten minutes. The broth should dry.
  4. Rinse your hair with water.
When you filter the broth, squeeze out the grass sediment well. This is necessary so that as many useful essential oils as possible get into the finished product.

Acidified water

Features To give the hair volume and lightness, it is customary to rinse the hair with water, acidified with vinegar or lemon juice. In addition to the conditioning effect, these products have a unique ability to neutralize unpleasant odors. Enough tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice per liter of water.

How to use

  1. Prepare the required amount of rinse aid based on the length and density of the hair.
  2. After removing the mask, rinse the hair with acidified water.
  3. Leave the composition on curls for ten minutes.
  4. Rinse the curls again with running water.

Colorless henna and coffee

Features A pair of teaspoons of colorless henna, diluted with half a glass of freshly brewed coffee, works wonders. The grass will strengthen the curls and give them volume, and coffee will give the hair an unforgettable aroma.

How to use

  1. Rinse the curls twice with shampoo.
  2. On a wet hair, apply a coffee-herbal mask while massaging the skin.
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can additionally rinse with herbal decoction.
If you are not sure that the coffee will kill a strong onion smell, you can strengthen the composition with a couple drops of essential oils. Rosemary or lavender ether works best.

Cosmetic clay

Features Clay has the unique ability to absorb odors. In addition, the tool further cleanses the scalp. Suitable white, and green, and blue.

How to use

  1. Dilute the powder in water. The density of the mass should be similar to sour cream.
  2. Distribute the product along the basal zone.
  3. When you feel that the clay has begun to dry out and tighten your skin, wash your hair with a little shampoo.

Cosmetic clay

Do not throw away the husk

Excellent masks are obtained from onion puree or juice, and effective decoctions for thick and healthy hair are prepared from onion husks. The husk is rich in quercetin, which, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, is actively used in pharmacology. The best recipes are compiled in a table. At the heart of each recipe is onion husk in the amount of three large spoons. The broth is filtered before use.

Table - Recipes of onion peel decoctions

FirmingGlass of boiling water- Rinse hair after washing;
- insulate the head
- Boil for 5-7 minutes;
- apply unlimited
From baldness- 3 large spoons
oak bark;
- 1.5 l of water
- warm up;
- rub into the scalp after washing
- Boil for an hour;
- apply for at least 2 weeks
For fast growth- A large spoon of birch leaves;
- 1.5 cups of water
Rub into the roots after washing- Boil for 10 minutes;
- apply every 3 days until the desired result
For density- 3 large spoons of nettle;
- 1.5 cups of water
Rub into the roots 1-2 hours before shampooing- Boil for 20 minutes;
- apply unlimited
Keep in mind that onion peel can give strands a red head. If you do not want the curls to change color, rinse them well with water half an hour after applying the decoction.

High humidity enhances the onion smell, which is fixed on the hair during the procedure. If the dry hair does not smell anything, it’s worth getting your head wet in the rain or sweating in a hat, as you and others will smell a specific smell. Therefore, if you are interested in a mask from a bow for hair, plan a course of procedures for the spring-summer period when warm, dry weather sets in.

Feedback and Results

In order to neutralize the unpleasant smell of onions after such a mask, I rinse my hair with a decoction of mint or a decoction of parsley, depending on which of these herbs is at hand. I just don’t know if blondes can do this, yet the herbs give a greenish tint.

Katya Green

There was a problem with hair loss. I remembered the onion, I also once heard about it. In general, she began to make masks, also once or twice a week. But the mask interfered with everything that was at hand. Or rather: onion juice, pepper tincture, burdock oil, castor oil, olive oil and others which were available. Sometimes not all oils, but onion juice and pepper tincture are required ingredients. Then a bag of hair and a warm hat, and so an hour or two. Then it was washed off simply with shampoo with the addition of a couple of drops of ylang ylang, there was no smell. After a month of use due to departure, I stopped making masks. But when I returned home after three weeks and accidentally looked more closely at my hair roots, I found with insane joy that many of my “antennas” of new centimeter hair grew three or more across my head (well, at least that part of it that was visible to my eyes) . So I attribute all the merit to onion juice and tincture of red pepper.

Vika Lyubetskaya (Savenko),

Only the onion helped me, the hair fell out in bunches, from rubbing onion juice + egg + oil, burdock loss stopped after a week, and then new hair climbed, and the och quickly began to grow. Although the smell is terrible, especially if you sweat


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