Homemade face lifting with masks: skillfully mask age after 30 using ginger, eggs and gelatin

Obvious signs of skin aging women notice after 30 years. And if the body is hidden under clothes, then the face, like a business card, signals age, sometimes even adding a few extra years. Wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet, nasolabial folds, a second chin, a blurry oval - these “decorations” give rise to many complexes. Masking flaws are capable of lifting face masks at home.
Girl make a mask in a beauty salon

Beauticians under the word "lifting" mean a facelift. Such rejuvenation can be performed by various methods: surgical interventions, special cosmetics, salon procedures. At home, the lifting of the dermis is allowed by lifting masks, of course, provided that all components are correctly selected, and the procedure itself is carried out correctly and regularly. This procedure has an instant effect.

Lifting masks at home: the main accents

The composition of lifting masks includes products that provide a smoothing and at the same time tightening effect. It is thanks to them that wrinkles are eliminated, and the blurry contours are significantly tightened. Another important feature of lifting products is their ability to activate the production of collagen and elastin. Is it possible to make and achieve a positive effect with express lifting at home?

If you regularly carry out home face lifting with masks, you can achieve the following visible results.

  • Wrinkle smoothing. The severity of even deep and problem folds is significantly reduced. New wrinkles are not formed.
  • Skin tightening. Gradually, all the "bags" lose their expression. The bruises are tightened, the second chin is reduced, the droop under the eyes are absorbed.
  • Relief alignment. The skin structure becomes smooth. Masks eliminate all tubercles, unaesthetic eruptions, strengthen tissues and make pores invisible.
  • Tone improvement. The skin loses the coating of gray and yellowness, characteristic of old age. With the help of the whitening components included in the mask, it is possible to get rid of even age spots.
Home lifting in its effectiveness can compete with salon procedures. But you should not expect a magical transformation after the first session. It will take a long and regular course of tightening masks.

Cosmetic procedures

When lifting is contraindicated

It is for sluggish, aging skin that face lifting masks are recommended at home. However, not all women can resort to such rejuvenation procedures.

Beauticians recommend refraining from masks with the effect of lifting in the presence of such factors:

  • age less than 30 years;
  • various skin lesions: abrasions, scratches, wounds, ulcers;
  • vascular or skin diseases;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • plastic surgery, the statute of limitations of which has not reached six months.

Getting started with the procedure: 5 recommendations

Cosmetics with a lifting effect always have a powerful effect. A mature dermis is extremely sensitive to any external aggression. Therefore, using lifting masks, it is important to strictly follow the five rules.

  1. Mask selection. Many recipes for lifting tools have been developed. In order to correctly choose an effective version of the mask, it is necessary to take into account the type of epidermis, age, stage of aging of the dermis. So, for dry coverings recommend fatty dairy products, oils. For the sebaceous dermis, drying ingredients such as clay, protein are more suitable.
  2. Manufacturing tools. For active facelift it is recommended to use masks in a warm form. Therefore, the finished mixture is often heated in a water bath. But, bringing the mixture to a comfortable temperature, it is necessary to take into account its composition. Cosmetic oils and honey are allowed to warm up to 40 ° C. But if the product contains eggs, then it is recommended to limit the temperature to 35 ° C so that the product does not curl.
  3. Face cleansing. Like any other mask, a lifting agent is applied only to cleansed integuments. Initially, the dermis can be steamed using herbal baths. It is recommended to add infusions or decoctions of known anti-aging plants to water: aloe, yarrow, ginseng root, sea buckthorn, rose hip. It is advisable to clean the pores with a scrub before a facelift.
  4. Application of funds. Lifting masks are usually applied to the skin in two stages. Initially, the face is smeared with a thin layer of the product, moving along the massage lines. Mixes give the chance to dry. Then a second layer is applied. Once again waiting for it to dry. The duration of one session is 20-25 minutes.
  5. Flushing off the mask. Normal running water is used to remove the product. If the mask is firmly dry in some areas of the skin, it is recommended to apply for a couple of minutes a warm compress moistened with water or milk. Do not tear such crusts off your face. This will result in microtrauma. After the session, a moisturizing or emollient cream is necessarily applied to the epidermis.
Wanting to rejuvenate the face, one should not forget about the sense of proportion. Beauticians advise holding tightening masks no more than twice a week. And after a month of regular procedures, the composition of the lifting means needs to be changed.

The girl is applied a white mask to her face

Advice on how to choose a recipe by age. The most effective mask for your age

In order to choose the right product and not harm your dermis, it is important to consider its condition. If signs of aging have just begun to appear on the face, then you need to use tools with a slight tightening effect.

Beauticians advise when choosing a mask to take into account the age-related features of the epidermis.

  • After 30 years. The withering process has just begun. Therefore, the main task of masks is to stop the aging process. Cosmetics should ensure the preservation of the elasticity of the dermis and its tone. Preference is given to masks containing decoctions of medicinal herbs, gelatin, dairy products, natural oils, beekeeping products.
  • After 40 years. Skin aging is quite pronounced. The dermis becomes dry, becomes dull. A second chin is formed. To increase muscle tone and strengthen skin tissues, lifting masks based on glycerin, gelatin, protein, starch, clay, honey are recommended.
  • After 50 years. Withering of the skin is pronounced. Derma really needs lifting. But along with a tightening, the epidermis needs nutrition, hydration. Mature skin becomes extremely sensitive, so aggressive tightening agents are no longer relevant. At this age, benefit will be provided by lifting masks containing oatmeal, yolk, gelatin, vegetables, fruits, honey, vitamins, yeast, dairy products.

9 options for hand-up enhancers

The main condition of the mask is a pull-up effect. And additional components should solve side problems: deeply moisturize, bleach the skin or provide high-quality nutrition. Therefore, choosing a tool, do not forget to consider its additional features.

Ginger lifting

Features This tool can be safely attributed to methods of instant tightening. A pronounced result is observed even after the first procedure. Ginger nourishes the skin with useful minerals, tones it.A unique plant is able to combat the flabbiness of the epidermis and gives the skin a persistent tightening effect. Ginger lifting mask provides a number of beneficial face properties. It whitens the dermis, restores its elasticity, and maintains an optimal hydro-balance in the tissues.


  • Ginger juice - one teaspoon.
  • A green apple is half the fruit.
  • Olive oil - one teaspoon.
  • Banana is half the fruit.
  • Lemon juice - half a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. The apple is ground on a grater.
  2. Ginger juice is poured into applesauce.
  3. Knead the banana with a fork. The resulting puree is added to the apple-ginger mixture.
  4. Olive oil is introduced into the mask and lemon juice is then poured. The mixture is stirred.

Gelatin lift

Features There is a statement that gelatin is the same collagen. It gives the skin softness and velvety, whitens blemishes and fights wrinkles. And essential oil from wheat germ is a rich source of vitamin E, which has strong anti-aging properties. Cosmetologists consider a mask with gelatin a valuable tool in the fight against skin aging.


  • Wheat germ oil - ten drops.
  • Gelatin - one tablespoon.
  • Grapes (preferably seedless) - ten berries.
  • Water - six tablespoons.

How to cook

  1. Gelatin is diluted in water and left to swell for about half an hour.
  2. The grape berries are mashed. Pay attention to the bones. They are recommended to be removed so as not to injure the skin.
  3. The grape mixture is mixed with oil.
  4. Grape-butter puree is introduced into the swollen gelatin and mixed well.

Creamy egg mixture

Features This mask is recommended for dry skin. Thanks to the combination of cream and yolk, it nourishes the tissues well, provides the necessary hydration and softens the dermis. This lifting saturates the epidermis with proteins, vitamins E, A, B.


  • Cream (30%) - one tablespoon.
  • Egg yolk - one.

How to cook

  1. Homemade cream warms up a bit.
  2. An egg is added to the warm dairy product and knead well.

Egg-honey mask with lemon

Features Egg white provides an effective skin tightening. It will bring a pronounced smoothing effect, dry the dermis. Lemon allows you to nourish the tissues with the necessary vitamins and effectively brightens the skin, eliminating senile spots, freckles. And honey is a recognized rejuvenation product.


  • There is one protein.
  • Honey - one teaspoon.
  • Lemon juice - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. The protein is whipped with a mixer.
  2. Lemon juice and honey are added to the resulting foam.
  3. The mask is mixed.

This mask is suitable for oily, oily or combination integuments. If the dermis is characterized by excessive dryness, then instead of protein, you need to take a yolk.

Starchy care

Features Mask with starch provides complex skin care. It smoothes wrinkles, removes tightness, and brings dermis nutrition and hydration. Starch relieves inflammation, clears the rash and has a light clarifying effect.


  • An egg (you can take either protein or yolk) - one.
  • Starch - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Using a mixer, beat the egg.
  2. During whipping, starch is added carefully.

Honey-Glycerin Strength

Features Glycerin masks, according to reviews, have the ability to tighten and deeply moisturize the skin. They bleach unaesthetic spots, soften the integument. Glycerin, due to its ability to regulate water balance, smoothes wrinkles well. Its beneficial properties increase several times when the product is combined with honey.


  • Honey - one tablespoon.
  • Glycerin - two teaspoons.
  • Milk - five tablespoons.
  • Gelatin - one and a half teaspoons.

How to cook

  1. Initially, gelatin is bred in milk. The mixture should swell within 12 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to fill in the morning.
  2. In the evening, the gelatin mixture is warmed up a bit.
  3. Glycerin and honey are added to the melted product.
  4. The mask is carefully stirred.

Effective face and neck lift

Features Not only the face needs anti-aging and tightening agents. Collagen deficiency adversely affects the neck. The skin sags, loses its color and elasticity. Beauticians warn that the neck often gives out the true age of its mistress. The following masks will allow you to take care of the covers.


  • The egg is one.
  • Lemon juice - one teaspoon.
  • Frankincense or patchouli oil - three drops.
  • Castor oil - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. The protein is separated from the yolk.
  2. Egg white is whipped into a foam. Lemon juice and frankincense oil (patchouli) are added to it. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. Such a mask is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with water.
  3. The yolk is combined in a separate container with castor oil. The resulting mask is applied to the neck, well working out the area of ​​the second chin and the neckline.
  4. Wash off the mixture after 15 minutes.

Sucks clay oil on face

Seaweed action

Features Powerful lymphatic drainage, decongestion and anti-aging properties are possessed by kelp - seaweed. They provide quality lifting. Beauticians recommend using such a mask when a quick tightening effect is required. The results will be noticeable after the first procedure.


  • Laminaria (powder) - two tablespoons.
  • Water - three tablespoons.
  • Milk (optional cream) - one tablespoon.
  • Olive oil - one tablespoon.
  • Ginger (ground) - one tablespoon.

How to cook

  1. Seaweed is poured with water and infused for about half an hour.
  2. Ginger is ground. The resulting slurry is combined with soaked kelp.
  3. Milk and olive oil are added to the mixture.

Clay cocktail

Features The mask has a pronounced lifting effect. It nourishes the dermis, gives it useful vitamins, minerals. A cocktail mask will return freshness, fit, elasticity to the face. Beauticians recommend applying this mask to women whose age is slightly older than 40 years.


  • Cabbage leaf (fresh) - one.
  • Egg white - one.
  • Cream (25-30%) - five tablespoons.
  • Red clay - one tablespoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to cook

  1. Cabbage leaf is poured with hot cream and left for five to seven minutes. He softens during this time.
  2. Soft cabbage leaf is crushed in a blender.
  3. Honey is added to the creamy cabbage mixture.
  4. The clay is introduced into the mask last. The mixture is stirred.
To enhance the anti-aging effect, it is recommended to wipe the dermis after removing the mask with a decoction of chamomile or green tea.

Beauticians advise to approach the process of rejuvenating and tightening the dermis in a comprehensive manner. Facial lifting masks are recommended to be combined with massage. Strengthen the effectiveness of home procedures will allow a complete diet, enriched with vitamins. A good mood and even complexion will give walks in the fresh air.

Reviews: “If done regularly, the face will be five years younger”

And I would recommend paying attention to gelatin masks, they also have a very good lifting effect. They are prepared simply: soak a tablespoon of gelatin for 40 minutes, then warm up in a water bath. Water needs so much that it covers gelatin. You can add to the mask infusions of herbs, yeast, egg yolk with honey, sea mud, fruit and vegetable juices. Gelatin itself is good for the skin, because it is pure collagen, and as a part of the mask, the benefits for the skin are double. The lifting effect is noticeable after the first mask, and if you do it regularly - 2-3 times a week, the skin condition will improve significantly. Also try masks from kelp - dry sheets or powder. For the mask from the sheet, you need to soak the sheet in hot water for 20 minutes, cut into tapes and simply apply to the face after washing for half an hour. From the powder, you can make or diluting it in water 1 tbsp. powder for 2 tbsp water or add to a gelatin mask.


I make a protein mask with honey. I mix one protein with a teaspoon of honey. Impose for 20 minutes. After such a mask, the skin becomes elastic.Still there is a recipe with white clay. Mix the juice of one lemon with one teaspoon of honey and add one tablespoon of white clay.


I like the mask of protein ... only I apply it in three steps: applied, dried, applied again ... etc. Only the protein needs to be beaten well, otherwise it will leak and you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it.

Tala Natalya,http://www.stranamam.ru/post/9190541/

I will add my method of tightening. This is for quick resuscitation. We do the procedure while lying down. We take yeast dough (you can buy it), coat the face with a not very thick layer, leaving holes for the mouth, nose and eyes, stretching the dough to the collar zone. We lie for 20-30 minutes. wash off, apply your favorite cream. Everything. If such procedures are done once a week, then the face becomes 5 years younger.


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