Acne levomekol reviews application in cosmetology, instructions

“Levomekol” is a strong drug, which is prescribed for serious skin lesions. Contrary to popular belief, you can not use a remedy for acne. The area of ​​its activity is infectious and inflammatory lesions.
Packing Levomekol

Is Levomekol used in cosmetology? Does skin scratch after applying Levomekol? Since this ointment contains methyluracil, which stimulates skin regeneration, will Levomekol help with red marks and scars after acne on the face, back and pope? Which is better - Levomekol or zinc ointment?

Levomekol is most effective in purulent-necrotic processes, however, ointment is also used in cases of severe inflammation of the epithelium. It is recommended in the treatment of purulent wounds, as well as for the prevention of such complications after surgery. There is a practice of application after operations to remove hemorrhoids, with balanoposthitis in men, for the healing of exudative burns and frostbite.

Drug activity

Very often, the drug is prescribed by dermatologists for the treatment of boils. The ointment is even laid inside the purulent cavity that occurs with this ailment. According to the pharmacodynamics of the drug described, its active components act in the superficial and deep foci of inflammation, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms even through intact skin cells.

According to a similar principle, the ointment also works against acne. As a result, the infection is eliminated, and the inflammatory process comes to naught. But it should be understood that Levomekol is ineffective against black dots. They can only be treated with rashes of the following nature:

  • painful red;
  • purulent with a white top;
  • sore closed comedones;
  • small pustular rash.

The ointment either “draws out” acne, removing the purulent contents. Or it normalizes trophic tissue and ensures the resorption of dead cells and pus, activating the body's immune cells. In this case, the tubercle disappears without the appearance of a white head.

The advantage of the drug is its anti-inflammatory activity. Pain and swelling disappear after the first application. Repeated treatments contribute to the complete elimination of the inflammatory process. Therefore, the ointment is also effective against spots that traditionally remain from acne.


The composition of the drug is two active compounds.

  1. Methyluracil. A substance of protein nature, a stimulator of the regeneration of the epithelium. It has the ability to enhance local skin immunity. Normalizes the trophism of the epidermis, has absorbable properties. Eliminates puffiness, due to which it quickly neutralizes pain.
  2. Chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol). Broad-spectrum antibiotic with antiprotozoal activity. Provides the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms - the main provocateurs of suppuration and the inflammatory process. Eliminating the infectious factor, accelerates wound healing. When applied to large areas, it is absorbed into the systemic circulation.

The drug helps against acne thanks to the following actions of the active ingredients:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-edema;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerative;
  • drying.

As auxiliary ingredients, the composition of the ointment includes polyethylene glycols (1500, 400). They provide the penetration of methyluracil and chloramphenicol
into the skin. A greasy base can spread at body temperature, so the product is often applied under a bandage.

Despite the ability of methyluracil to stimulate the regeneration and renewal of the epidermis, it is impossible to use Levomekol from wrinkles.

Treatment features

Long-term use of drugs based on chloramphenicol may result in the addiction of pathogenic microflora to the action of the substance. For this reason, Levomekol is used only until the purulent necrotic process is eliminated. In the case of acne, occasional use or course treatment is possible for no longer than two consecutive weeks.

Due to the dense structure, the ointment contributes to the contamination of pores. In addition, a greasy film on the surface of the epidermis disrupts the process of cellular respiration. The result is the appearance of black dots, closed comedones, and a deterioration in complexion. Therefore, for the treatment of skin rashes, the targeted use of the drug is preferable.

Use of funds

For acne, the drug is used as an emergency. The tool helps well from inflamed tubercles, as well as already whitened. The ointment should be used at home after study and work, since applying it on makeup will not work.

  • Cleansing. First you need to wash with the usual cleanser. The presence of cosmetics on the skin will slow the penetration of active ingredients, reduce the effectiveness of the drug. After it is better to treat the skin with a tonic. This will prevent dryness. Moisturizing gels should not be used.
  • Treatment. The ointment is applied exactly to the site of inflammation, squeezing a small amount from the tube onto a cotton swab. If the product spreads, you can cover the place of application with a small piece of gauze sterile cloth. Fromsubcutaneous tubercles it is better to apply the product at night. It is applied to a napkin and glued to the tubercle with a band-aid. In the morning, remove the bandage.
  • The final stage. If the product is used in the daytime, repeat the treatment two to three times. After an evening wash, take care of the skin in the usual way. After a night compress, wash off or wipe off the remnants of the ointment from the treated surface.

As a rule, after the first application of the ointment, redness leaves the skin, the tubercles decrease in size, and the process of suppuration stops. If the pus is pulled out, there is no need to open the pimple - the tip will be eliminated in the process of cleansing the face. Treatment should be continued until all signs of the pathological process disappear - two to three days. Such local therapy can be performed as needed.

In case of extensive inflamed rashes, the ointment is applied in a thin layer on the entire affected surface. Wash off after three hours. Repeat treatment twice a day. In the absence of the possibility of daytime treatment, you can apply the drug at night.

Apply the ointment in large areas for no more than two weeks. After this, you need a break for a month or more, so as not to provoke the pathogen resistance to the antibiotic.

Acne on the girl's face

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine is dispensed without a prescription. However, this does not mean that it can be used with or without. It is effective only with purulent lesions. Application for the purpose of skin rejuvenation, for the treatment of herpes or the elimination of age spots - will not produce results.

Contraindications are:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation.

However, in gynecology, the drug is recommended for the healing of sutures after an episiotomy in the postpartum period. At the same time, doctors do not insist on weaning the baby from the chest. This is due to the small surface area and the presence of direct indications for the use of the product.

Levomekol may provoke side effects:

  • itching and redness at the site of application;
  • urticaria around the place of application;
  • swelling of the treated tissues.

Before using the drug, it is better to conduct a sensitivity test - cover a portion of the skin on the wrist with a small amount of ointment. However, it should be remembered that sensitivity to the drug may develop over time. The longer the ointment is used, the higher the likelihood of an allergy.

The risk of overdose is minimal, since the tool is used on small areas of the skin.

The antibiotic in the composition of the product may lose activity over time.In order for the drug to work, one should take into account expiration dates and comply with the recommended storage conditions. The ointment should be in the refrigerator.

Alternative medicine

The use of antibiotic formulations for acne therapy requires the preliminary identification of the pathogen and appropriate medical prescription. In fact, not all people with problem skin turn to a dermatologist for help. In such a situation, a safer drug may be an alternative to Levomekol.

  • "Ilon." Natural ointment containing turpentine oil and plant extract. Provides anti-inflammatory, absorbable, decongestant action. Accelerates the maturation of acne, ensures their disappearance. Inflammation of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands are among the indications for the use of the drug.
  • Baziron. Means with benzoyl peroxide in the composition. It treats acne, purulent inflammation, and promotes the opening of comedones. It has the ability to regulate the sebaceous glands. It neutralizes the main pathogens of acne - staphylococcus and propionic bacteria. It is used for a long time, but it can be applied to large areas and rarely provokes allergies.
  • "Skinoren." Contains azelaic acid. Indications for use - papular-pustular lesions on the skin. It has a cleansing, antimicrobial effect. It can be used to treat inflamed tubercles pointwise. With prolonged use of acne, blackheads, comedones gives a lasting effect.
If the medicine cabinet already has Levomekol, you can use the product not only for purulent wounds or for acne. They are lubricated with abrasions, scratches, boils, burns to prevent infection of damaged tissues. Continue treatment should be no more than four to five days.

Practice shows that ointment is effective in episodic spot application. But those patients who decided to use the drug for the treatment of extensive acne, are unhappy. Problems are created by the emerging antibiotic resistance. Formed resistance to chloramphenicol often leads to inefficiency and other substances. For example, clindamycin, erythromycin. Therefore, the feasibility of using the ointment in each case is better agreed with the doctor.

White cream


So, the ointment is healing and if your pimple is not yet ripe, then the ointment will remove redness, dry the pimple, and the terrible white head of the pimple will not pop out on your skin (this happens to me). If it is ripe, then the acne levomekol will dry and disinfect. It consists of antibiotics, and acne is a consequence of bacteria, which levomekol actually kills, that is, it fights the cause!

I apply the ointment at night, I just smear it, because it helps. If you want, you can spread on gauze (as written in the instructions) and glue with a band-aid.
I don’t have my whole face acne, and pointwise ointment does wonderfully. In the morning they just disappear! Highly recommend.


Well, personally, Levomekol helped me better than any other means, the improvements began a week later, now I advise everyone to use it, and there of course it all depends on the skin of a person, because everything is individual, it may or may not.


I bought ointments and skinoren and baziron, they didn’t help (((I’m allergic to baziron ((((I went to the beautician, I’ve tried some cleanings ... Nothing helps (((I bought expensive lotions and different creams ... In general, nothing ( (A relative advised to wipe the face with silicic acid, and then smear with levomekol)))) and lo and behold, the face from the first use was noticeably cleaner))))


Every morning I got up with the same thought that there were less acne on my face. If this did not happen, my mood would fall. She began to be treated with Levomekol. I have been using this medicine for 2 weeks now, there are almost no acne left, only the most persistent and thick ones still remind of myself.


For the second year now I have a skin problem. Acne is not much, but they arise in the most prominent place, often fester. The doctor advised Levomekol. After a day, the formations noticeably brightened, and the pus began to come out of them itself, which eliminated the need to squeeze acne itself.


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