Treatment of uterine fibroids with folk remedies: recipes, effectiveness and risks

Uterine fibroids are the most common tumor of the reproductive system in women. Modern diagnostic capabilities make it possible to detect formations even of small sizes. There is no effective and reliable way to get rid of the disease. Even after removal, new nodes may appear. In addition to conservative and surgical treatment, folk remedies are used in the fight against the tumor. But this is only an auxiliary element of complex therapy.
Pain in the lower abdomen of a woman

Uterine fibroids - a tumor whose growth depends on the hormonal status of the woman. It is a dense nodes from 1 cm to 20 cm or more in diameter. This is a benign tumor, but brings a lot of problems to a woman. These include persistent bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, impaired bowel movements and urination, infertility and miscarriage.

The role of unconventional methods

Upon learning of their diagnosis, many women panic. And after the doctor’s proposal to use hormonal drugs, part of them try to find more effective, in their opinion, treatment methods. Traditional medicine here can help in the following:

  • stabilize the hormonal background - an imbalance between estrogens and gestagens is a fundamental cause of the development of fibroids;
  • reduce the swelling by 1-2 cm - but basically this is due to the removal of swelling of the nodes;
  • reduce the severity of pain - an enlarged uterus compresses the nerve endings and blood vessels in the pelvis, causing a constant unpleasant sensation of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • reduce blood loss - fibroids are often associated with heavy menstruation and endometrial hyperplasia, which leads to a serious decrease in hemoglobin;
  • slow the growth of fibroids - For this, herbs with an antitumor effect are used.
Alternative methods are effective and will have some effect with myomas no more than 5-6 cm in diameter, without signs of degeneration (destruction), with growth within the muscle layer of the organ. Large tumors are preferably removed surgically. The same applies to nodes with subserous (outward from the uterus) and submucous (inside the cavity) growth.

Operating principle

Traditional medicine offers herbal treatment: medicinal solutions for oral administration or douching are prepared from plants. Also used are bee products (wax, propolis), hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), dietary supplements and homeopathy. The funds listed are as follows:

  • stop the division of tumor cells - celandine, fly agaric, uterus, red brush, burdock, flax seeds, propolis;
  • regulate the production of sex hormones — tansy, chamomile, cloves, dream grass, pine forest, red brush;
  • reduce blood loss - Pine uterus, celandine, nettle, yarrow.
Treatment with alternative methods is not suitable for all patients. Therefore, the possibility of taking alternative drugs must be agreed with the doctor.

A decoction of the uterus


From herbs prepare infusions, tinctures, decoctions. They are used for oral administration in courses, as well as for douching, laying tampons. Before taking herbal remedies, you should conduct a test for the absence of allergic reactions, especially with a predisposition to them.

Pine uterus

Features One of the popular "gynecological" herbs. The solution is used for oral administration and douching. You can combine both treatment options.The action of the plant is due to a variety of chemical: phytoestrogens, flavonoids, organic acids, bitterness, tannins, vitamins, iron, manganese.

Water extract

  1. 10 g of dry grass pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Hold in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. Allow to stand for three to four hours.
  4. Take 5 ml three times a day from the seventh to 28 days of the cycle.
  5. Douching once or twice a day.

Alcohol extractor hood

  1. Grind 100 g of raw materials.
  2. Pour 1000 ml of alcohol.
  3. Place in a dark place with a temperature of no higher than 18 ° C for ten days.
  4. Shake once or twice a day.
  5. The first one and a half weeks take a tablespoon once a day. Then another one and a half weeks - a teaspoon once a day. After taking a break for a week.

Red brush

Features The grass has a hemostatic, analgesic effect. Regulates menstrual function, normalizes the work of all endocrine organs. It has antibacterial, antiviral effects, therefore it is widely used to treat inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. It is combined with a uterus.

Water extract

  1. Grind 50 g of peeled and washed grass root.
  2. Pour 500 ml of hot water and stand in a water bath for one to two hours.
  3. Take the prepared solution in 100-200 ml two to three times a day. (To improve the taste, you can add honey).
  4. For douching, dilute the solution with warm water. Perform the procedure twice a day.

Alcohol extractor hood

  1. 100 g of pureed root mixed with 1000 ml of vodka.
  2. Place in a dark place with a temperature of no higher than 18 ° C for ten days.
  3. Shake occasionally.
  4. Strain the finished tincture and take 40 drops two to three times a day for 14-21 days.


Features The composition of the plant includes natural antibiotics (phytoncides), resins, bitterness, vitamins. It has pronounced analgesic and antispasmodic effects, therefore it is especially useful for pain associated with myoma.

Water extract

  1. 3-5 g of crushed raw materials pour 200 ml of water at 90 ° C.
  2. Stand the mixture for 30 minutes on low heat, not boiling.
  3. Pass the resulting solution through cheesecloth and divide into three parts.
  4. Take one part three times a day.

Alcohol extractor hood

  1. Take one part of crushed celandine and ten times more alcohol.
  2. To mix.
  3. Insist ten days in a dark cool place.
  4. Take the system "hill", starting with one drop and increasing the dose daily by one more. At 15 drops, go in the reverse order. (Before use, dissolve the product in 200 ml of warm water).

The drug with honey

  1. Cut fresh grass.
  2. Squeeze juice from it in a volume of 100 ml.
  3. Add 100 ml of 70% alcohol and a few tablespoons of honey.
  4. Place in a dark place with a temperature of no higher than 18 ° C for 10-15 it.
  5. Take two teaspoons twice a day.


Features It is useful to collect burdock by the end of the first year of growth - by this time it is large, fleshy, accumulates useful substances. The plant improves metabolism, regulates blood sugar, has antitumor and immunostimulating effects.


  1. 10 g chopped burdock root and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 12 hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. Consume 100 ml four times a day. The course is 20 days.

Flax seeds

Features Flax seeds contain antiestrogens - substances that mimic the effects of female sex hormones, but do not lead to any effects. Since fibromatous nodes contain many estrogen receptors, such “traps” can stop the growth of uterine fibroids.

Water extract

  1. Three teaspoons of flax seeds pour 500 ml of water.
  2. Boil and simmer for about another 30 minutes.
  3. Consume 100 ml orally three to four times a day. The course is at least two weeks.

Nettle in a plate


Features Motherwort normalizes the nervous system, improves blood circulation in the pelvis. It helps with pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Alcohol extractor hood

  1. Take one part of the dried flowers of motherwort and five parts of 70% alcohol.
  2. Mix the components, put in a glass container in a dark, cool place.
  3. Insist a month, then strain the finished solution.
  4. Take 30-40 drops twice a day for at least a month.


Features Due to the high content of vitamin C, it has a good hemostatic effect. This is true for heavy periods, often accompanying uterine fibroids. To enhance the effect, you can combine nettle with water pepper, highlander pepper, horsetail field.

The juice

  1. Pass fresh nettle leaves through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  2. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  3. Take orally during menstruation 5 ml several times a day.


  1. Take 10 g of dried nettle and shepherd's bag.
  2. Pour 200 ml of hot water.
  3. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  4. Take half a glass twice a day.


Features The tool has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effects. For the preparation of juice, only fresh potatoes are used, which have been stored for no more than three months.

The juice

  1. Peel the root crop and wash it.
  2. Squeeze juice using a juicer, grater or blender.
  3. Take only fresh juice of 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach. The course is not less than a month.
  4. For douching, dilute fresh potato juice in equal parts with boiled water or carrot juice, celery.


  1. Collect flowers without fruits.
  2. Dry in a dark place.
  3. Two teaspoons of raw materials pour boiling water.
  4. Let it brew for two to three hours.
  5. Take a tablespoon three times a day.
In the treatment of uterine fibroids, phytopreparations based on poisonous plants can be used. For example, hemlock, hellebore or aconite. To avoid the negative consequences of such therapy, it is better to purchase ready-made fees or tinctures in a pharmacy.


Its action has been little studied. However, there is evidence that propolis helps in the treatment of even large nodes. It can be taken orally or put on tampons. The drug has an analgesic effect, improves blood circulation in the pelvis with local use, has antibacterial and immunostimulating effects.

Alcohol extractor hood

  1. 10 g of propolis pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  2. Hold in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Take 20 drops before meals. The course is 10-14 days. Repeat - after a five-day break.


  1. 10 g of propolis are thoroughly mixed with 40 g of butter and 60 g of sunflower oil.
  2. Place part of the composition in gauze.
  3. Form a swab.
  4. Introduce the drug overnight into the vagina.

Hirudotherapy on the lower back

Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches)

Hirudotherapy is considered a safe treatment due to the following features:

  • medical leeches are used - they are used only once, after which they are disposed of, thereby eliminating the likelihood of contracting infections transmitted through the blood;
  • examination on the eve of procedures - it is necessary to undergo examination by a general practitioner, as some diseases are a contraindication to such treatment.

Effect on the body

The effectiveness of hirudotherapy is due to the following effects.

  • Regeneration is activated. During the session, each leech sucks about 5-10 ml of blood. This starts the processes of hematopoiesis, the production of active substances, and the strengthening of protective forces in the body.
  • Healing secret stands out. After the leech is attached to the skin area, it begins to actively release biological active substances into the human blood. The most famous is hirudin. The secret also includes hyaluronidase, histamine-like substances, bdellins, egnins. Together, they improve blood circulation at the site of application of leeches, reduce the severity of inflammation, enhance immune responses, and improve the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Acupuncture used. Leeches are installed only in certain places - on reflex points. Therefore, in addition to the main effect, something like acupuncture is added.

Description of procedure

For one session, about ten individuals are required. Each is fixed to certain points and left for 20-40 minutes. The leech pierces the tissue to a depth of 1-2 mm and takes about 10-15 ml of blood. After the individual is saturated, it falls off on its own. If necessary, this can be done by a specialist, attaching a solution of alcohol or iodine to the site. After the session, a small wound remains at the site of the bite, blood can ooze a little from it for a while. It's okay, everything will go on its own.

For the treatment of fibroids, leeches are applied to reflexogenic points in the lower abdomen, in the groin, and also placed on the cervix, vaults of the vagina.

Supplements and Homeopathy

The action of dietary supplements and homeopathic preparations is due to plant extracts and dietary supplements included in their composition.

Of the most popular dietary supplements, the following can be distinguished.

  • Estrovel. The product includes soybean extract, indole-3-carbinol, boron, vitamins E, B6, folic acid, tryptophan-based amino acids. It is suitable for women of perimenopausal age to stabilize the hormonal background, reduce the reactivity of the nervous system. It was at this time that often against the background of rearrangements of the body, uterine fibroids were found. The drug is intended to prevent the appearance of nodes and reduce the growth rate of existing ones.
  • Indole Forte. It consists of an extract of broccoli and indole-3-carbinol. The drug stabilizes the hormonal background of a woman. Indole blocks the enzymes involved in the formation of estrogen - they are considered the main "culprits" of the growth of uterine fibroids.

Of homeopathic remedies for myoma and endometriosis, it is often recommended:

  • "Mammosan";
  • "Epigallate";
  • Milife
  • Tukofit.
The effectiveness of dietary supplements and homeopathy is being questioned by the scientific community. The positive results of such therapy are believed to be the placebo effect. Therefore, one cannot blindly trust advertising and use such products as the only treatment option.

It is unlikely to cure a tumor of significant size with folk remedies. However, it is quite possible to slow down the growth of nodes, reduce the manifestations of the disease and even avoid surgery.

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