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To begin with, it is important to note that one cannot underestimate the bleeding of gums. This condition is a symptom of an inflammatory process that occurs in the oral cavity. And if folk remedies for bleeding gums do not help for two weeks, it is extremely important to seek the help of a dentist. It is also forbidden to experiment with the health of pregnant women suffering from bleeding in the oral cavity. Gums are bleeding for a reason.
Traditional medicine to eliminate this problem is often prescribed by dentists, supplementing them with the general tactics of treatment. Many of them are very effective and just as affordable. Therefore, do not be too lazy to use the ones that are in your home medicine cabinet. So the treatment of bleeding gums at home can be carried out using the following plants.
- Oak bark - a decoction of oak bark has a pronounced astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. The result of rinsing is immediately noticeable, but in order to cure inflammation completely, you will need to rinse your mouth daily with infusion for 2 weeks.
- Chamomile is an excellent antimicrobial and wound healing agent. Prepare a decoction of 2 tablespoons of flowers in a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse your mouth twice a day.
- Sage is another highly effective anti-inflammatory drug. Sage eliminates puffiness and painful sensations of the gums, it must be used until recovery. For rinsing, it is enough to steam 2 tablespoons of herbs daily with a glass of boiling water.
- Nettle - this plant perfectly stops the blood, therefore it is recommended for severe bleeding. It is necessary to brew the same way: 2 tablespoons per glass of water, then strain and apply twice a day.
- Water pepper - extracts and infusions of this plant can be purchased at the pharmacy. Water pepper improves blood coagulation, stops bleeding and eliminates inflammation.
Also, the treatment of bleeding gums with folk remedies includes:
- salt rinses are a great way to stop the bleeding. Dissolve a spoonful of sea salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth twice a day;
- rinse with apple cider vinegar - dissolve bacterial plaque, stop bleeding and reduce inflammation. Vinegar must be added to water in the proportion: a spoon per 100 grams of liquid.
Modern means
Gum bleeding treatment at home! To cure bleeding gums at home, you can not neglect the recommendations of modern medicine. Moreover, the integrated use of medicines with alternative drugs will give the most pronounced effect. So treatment for inflammation and bleeding gums should include special toothpastes and gels.
They include anti-inflammatory components that reduce tissue swelling, their soreness, and stimulate healing. These include pastes Lacalut Asset (containing chlorhexidine, fluorides, allantoin and other valuable substances), Lacalut Fitoformula (containing plant components and sodium fluoride). You can’t use the first paste for a long time, it is suitable as an ambulance for regular bleeding, and the second can be used to prevent the disease. Toothpastes are also effective. Periodontax with zinc, mineral salts, fluorine (Parodontax F) and extracts of medicinal herbs.
These drugs are applied directly to the focus of inflammation and penetrate well into the gums. Thanks to this effect, a long-lasting gel effect is ensured with minimal discomfort for the patient, which is not limited in food intake. The most common remedy used even in pregnant women is Holisal. It anesthetizes, stops blood and relieves swelling, and the result is achieved very quickly.
Another treatment is gel Metrogil Denta based on the antibiotic metronidazole and the antiseptic component of chlorhexidine. Using the product without a doctor’s recommendation is undesirable, but with the right treatment, it relieves itching, eliminates swelling and bleeding. Instant hemostatic effect is achieved using gel Kamistad based on lidocaine. But you can not use it regularly. In addition, he does not have the ability to eliminate inflammation.
Diet and proper nutrition
How to get rid of bleeding gums? No less important in the matter of how to treat bleeding gums at home, eat the right foods. Vegetables and fruits should be present in your diet, it is also recommended to take vitamin C in the form of dragees in addition. Useful complexes containing vitamins B and K. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude sweet and carbohydrate foods. And if during the day you snack on cookies, cake or candy, be sure to brush your teeth after eating.
Thanks to an integrated approach, a combination of folk and medical products, you can forget about the problem of bleeding gums for a long time.